In the afternoon, in the sect leader’s backyard.

Jiang Qiao is practicing his moves under the guidance of his sect leader.

He thought he had practiced well, but that was all he thought.

Uncoordinated limbs are Jiang Qiao's biggest problem. When he was doing gymnastics in the modern school, Jiang Qiao was often picked out by the teacher for individual guidance.

As a result, when I arrived in the game world, my problems were not improved at all.

Jiang Qiao, even if your spiritual power is running smoothly, if there are problems with your posture and power point, you still won't be able to use Shuixin Jue to its full potential. Your weakness is obvious. There is no way to overcome it. Practice more. .

Otherwise, after dinner tonight, you can continue practicing in the backyard and practice tomorrow until your posture is correct.

The sect leader originally thought that Jiang Qiao, who practiced so diligently, would agree to it after all the words were said.

It's a pity that Jiang Qiao's answer was: Master, I can't come tonight. I want to go to Huafang to attend the Treasure Fair.

The Treasure Club... it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you go there, at least it's not for fun. The Treasure Club can really broaden your horizons. Your own strength is part of it, and the aid of artifacts is also part of it.

The sect leader nodded in approval as he spoke.

Afterwards, Mu Qinggan also came to the backyard. She respectfully called Master, and after explaining something to Master, she suddenly said:

You are already very tired from instructing junior brother just now. Why don't you go to the back room and take a rest first? I have practiced Shuixin Jue well. I haven't seen junior brother's Shuixin Jue yet. If he makes a mistake, I can point it out. Some mistakes.”

When Jiang Qiao heard this, he immediately went on alert.

The sect master said: That's fine, you can come and guide her, and I'll make a pot of tea.

There are several citrus trees planted in the backyard, exuding a unique fragrance.

Junior brother, don't be nervous, the wooden sword in your hand is shaking.

Mu Qinggan gently raised Jiang Qiao's right hand holding the sword, Just like this, then pick up the sword. You can practice against those citrus trees.

[System prompt: # Junior brother’s hands are shaking, is this considered shy? He must be interested in me # , Mu Qinggan’s favorability +5]

The favorability level has risen to 65.

Jiang Qiao lamented that the self-attack was really caught off guard.

Senior sister, I want to ask a question.

What do you want to ask? Mu Qinggan smiled patiently and answered.

Is your name related to these citrus trees? Master planted these in the backyard. He must be very important to you.

That's right. Mu Qinggan is not my only name. It was given by Master. Master planted the tree to encourage me. Well...but these are long ago.

Humph, I understand. If you don't want to practice the Heart Water Technique now, you don't have to talk about this kind of topic. Master is not looking here at all. You can rest.

Jiang Qiao realized that Mu Qinggan was a little resistant to what he had just asked, but from this, it seemed that the sect leader did have a deep relationship with Mu Qinggan.

Senior sister, I'd better practice more. It's not a good habit to waste time.

Mu Qinggan originally wanted to disturb Jiang Qiao's temperament. The stronger Jiang Qiao became, the more uneasy she felt. Unexpectedly, Jiang Qiao was such a pure nature and would not be affected at all.

I can't let my junior brother continue to get stronger. If he continues to get stronger, will he surpass me soon? This won't work, absolutely not!

Junior brother, junior brother, at what level have you reached the level of Shui Xin Jue now? Mu Qinggan asked nervously.

It's the third floor now.

What, you... you are already at the third level... You have to know that when I first practiced, it would take a month to reach the third level. You have only been here for a few days, how come...

Mu Qinggan took a few steps back in despair, her walking posture becoming weak.

Jiang Qiao doesn't think it's because he is gifted, after all, his body is not very coordinated. Perhaps it was the hope of survival that made his summary and understanding of the exercises reach an all-time high, letting him know that he would either die or learn.

Junior brother, I feel a little unwell, so I will go back first. You can practice first.


Jiang Qiao also didn't want Mu Qinggan to communicate with him for too long, which would probably increase his favorability.

After practicing the sword, he went back to the bedroom, took a shower, and changed into dry clothes. However, just as he was about to leave the room, a bright knife flashed out of the wooden door.

He immediately dodged and quickly took out the Broken Red Sword from the storage ring. Although he did not recognize its owner, the Broken Red Sword was dim in color and not very handy to use, but it was the best weapon he could choose at the moment.

Could it be that, Master...Senior Sister?!

Mu Qinggan originally put on black clothes to cover up a bit, but seeing that Jiang Qiao had recognized him, he didn't say anything more. She released her spiritual power and closed all the entrances and exits of the cave.

Junior brother, don't worry, it won't hurt too much.

Jiang Qiao didn't understand where he made the mistake. Why did he trigger the knife killing plot in advance when his favorability level hadn't risen to 90 yet?

His breathing became faster and faster, and he couldn't figure it out at all.

However, now is not the time to think about this. Jiang Qiao has a very clear understanding of himself. He cannot beat Mu Qinggan at all.

I can't even think of other knife-free methods. In addition to being tough, I might be able to sharpen my words.

Senior sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this suddenly?

Jiang Qiao was talking to Mu Qinggan while dodging Mu Qinggan's attack.

Maybe you're growing too fast, which makes me panic.

What does it mean? Could it be that the stronger he is, the more he will make Mu Qinggan want to be a swordsman, but this cannot be explained at all.

Jiang Qiao was able to avoid one of Mu Qinggan's attacks, but deliberately failed to avoid it. The blade hit his shoulder. In an instant, the blood spread and seeped into his clothes.

Jiang Qiao had to take a gamble, so he lowered his eyes as pitifully as possible and shed a few worthless tears.

Sister, it hurts, it really hurts.

In the previous deaths, Jiang Qiao's attitude was too arrogant and unconvinced. Since Mu Qinggan is a beauty-controller, he should use this characteristic to perform beauty tricks.

He gave up any sense of character, integrity and decency, just to survive.

Teacher...senior sister...

Jiang Qiao's words were crisper and crisper than before, which immediately weakened the sword energy in Mu Qinggan's hand.

Since you call me Senior Sister so nicely, I will definitely not torture you, but let you die happily.

Mu Qinggan couldn't suppress her desire to kill. She wanted to see her junior brother's breathing difficulty, and she wanted to see his junior brother's blood splattered everywhere, leaving a beautiful blood totem on the wall.

They were fighting and talking, and the furnishings in the cave were instantly torn apart, making the scene a mess.

Senior sister. Jiang Qiao evaded while launching a gentle attack on his senior sister. Maybe he died a few times because his posture was too high, but he will always remain proud even in death.

Why did you kill me? Am I annoying you or annoying you? Normally, Jiang Qiao would vomit as soon as he said these tea words.

How can you say such things? Who taught you this? This is not your style at all, but I really like your style.

Mu Qinggan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face.

[System prompt: # Junior Brother is so good, I want him even more # , Mu Qinggan’s favorability +5]

Junior brother, I like you. Please stay with me forever. I can keep your appearance intact.

Jiang Qiao didn't care whether his favorability increased at this moment. He still tried to negotiate with the killer: I don't want to die inexplicably. At least, tell me the reason for death.

Haha, you grow up too fast, and soon I won't be able to compete with you, and that's not okay.

My sweetheart who is stronger than me, this is not okay, this is not okay, this is not okay...

As expected, you are still suitable to stay with me forever as a treasure. I can accept you in any way you accompany me.

I can't accept it! You are the one who should die!!! Go away, Mu Qinggan!

Jiang Qiao planned to use all his spiritual power, even if it was an egg against a stone. Who cares about her, just be reckless!

He activated the Stone Body Spell and activated his last trump card.

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