
Mu Qinggan retched for a while while facing a willow tree.

She would never be so rude when she met anyone, but when she thought about the junior disciple whom she always cared about suddenly having such a face, she always felt that she didn't feel good about eating anymore.

Miss Mu, are you okay? Out of etiquette (for fun), Jiang Qiao still wanted to care about Mu Qinggan's comfort.

I, I'm fine. Mu Qinggan soon turned into a spring-like smile, I just haven't been feeling well lately. Ahem, it was just a cough.

[System prompt: Mu Qinggan’s favorability -2]

Jiang Qiao won't expose Mu Qinggan's lies, cough? It would be better to say that this is morning sickness caused by the third trimester of pregnancy, which is much more believable than coughing.


He suddenly discovered that the Mu Qinggan standing in front of him now was very different from the Mu Qinggan in his memory. It seems to be a little more expanded now.

Jiang Qiao considers himself a gentleman. He took one first look and made a simple judgment and would not take a second look.

The theater was almost full of guests, and before the play started, there was constant noise.

Before coming to the theater, Jiang Qiao had thought of a way to suspend the blind date midway, and had already planned and implemented it. The key to breaking the game was the delicious pastry served halfway through the play.

This is the standard meal for every show in the theater. It’s free anyway, so you can just eat it.

The original body's physical condition has never been very good. In addition to asthma, he is also allergic to mangoes. If the cakes served to guests in the theater had some mango mixed in, it would be difficult to detect.

Although the blind date was all arranged by Jiang Dong, the fruit cakes and other things that were served later were ordered properly and the mangoes were cleverly avoided.

But the knife of the pastry chef in the kitchen will not only cut the pastry, but also the mango. If you are careless on purpose, the mango juice will be brought to the pastry.

If you eat it yourself, it will quickly cause symptoms and interrupt the blind date. For Jiang Qiao, allergies are not a huge sacrifice.

According to Jiang Dong's personality, even if the pastry chef is found to have been negligent in his work, he will not be punished excessively. As for the pastry chef, Jiang Qiao has already taken care of it.

Jiang Qiao didn't dare to think about spending a whole day with the woman who killed him many times. Although he was no longer as helpless as before, he still had an instinctive fear of Mu Qinggan.

That kind of fear was due to the fact that his favorability level hadn't risen to 90 at that time, and he was shocked to be killed by Mu Qinggan. He was afraid that the longer he stayed, the greater the unforeseen changes would be.

One can never truly understand another person, let alone a terrifying being like Mu Qinggan who will attack himself as soon as he sees his face.

Jiang Qiao didn't know whether he had understood all the rules of Mu Qinggan, and the system wouldn't tell him even if it was lying dead.

Perhaps the original intention of the game is to let players die unexpectedly over and over again. Maybe playing on a mobile phone or computer is just a matter of saving and reopening, which is a waste of electricity and time.

But for Jiang Qiao, he ultimately wants to avoid the real experience of his flesh and blood being torn apart again and again.

Therefore, it is best for him to leave calmly and decently.

At this moment, the play on the stage slowly began.

Jiang Qiao probably knew what the play was about. He had read the synopsis, the love story between a young master from a wealthy family and his personal maid, so he didn't have high expectations at first.

But when I actually watched the show, I was still attracted by the relaxed and relaxed expressions of the people on the stage.

But Mu Qinggan didn't notice it at all. She couldn't sit still and clenched her sleeves with her fists to maintain a little sense of security.

Look at the love story between a young master from a wealthy family and a girl in this play.

Oh, wasn't his father also the young master of the Mu family?

He will only give the maid a false and evocative sweet dream, give the maid an illusion of love for each other, and finally let the maid fall, waiting to be closed.

A beautiful and fragile butterfly was held in the palm of the young master's hand. From then on, whenever he was in a bad mood, he could kill the maid at will for fun.

She witnessed her father killing his wife and concubines again and again like a game. Later, one day she couldn't help but kill the first person she loved, and then the second, third, and fourth...

Mu Qinggan gradually understood what it felt like to have one's own life freely controlled, and she finally felt what her father felt.

She also sincerely loved their faces, which were as graceful and graceful as the readers.

She tried to love each other and treat them sincerely, but she still couldn't help but enjoy watching them die with a knife.

And, the moment Mu Qinggan sat down on the chair in the theater, she was always thinking about leaving. She had carefully prepared for this blind date for so long, but what did she get in the end?

No feedback.

Regardless of what Jiang Qiao's face looked like, when the other party saw him, he didn't even have the slightest flutter of his heart. He was as polite as an ice cube that couldn't be melted.

What are you doing here?

Mu Qinggan found it ridiculous. There were thousands of good-looking people in the world, so why should she spend extra time and effort on this unattractive Jiang Qiao.

The makeup on my face has been painted carefully for a long time, and this is the first time that I am so satisfied with it.

But this guy Jiang Qiao ruined everything.

Isn't he satisfied with himself? It should be that he is dissatisfied with him!

He was not even interested in killing Jiang Qiao.

[The system prompts that Mu Qinggan’s favorability is currently at 0, and the host is temporarily out of danger]

Jiang Qiao was stunned when he heard the system prompt,? Suddenly he was confused, he didn't understand what was happening at all.

I just focused on watching the show, and more importantly, I didn't do anything, or even say anything unnecessary. Why did Mu Qinggan's favorability drop to zero?

Thinking about it carefully, I showed Mu Qinggan the fireworks before, and Mu Qinggan's favorability level increased by 10 points beyond my imagination.

Now there is another abnormal state, but it is very beneficial to myself, and the favorability directly returns to zero.

Mr. Jiang, I feel a little unwell, so I have to leave first.

Mu Qinggan looked weak and exhausted. He even pinched his eyebrows and said, I have a little headache.

? Jiang Qiao thought that the pastry allergy plot that he had worked so hard to arrange had not yet appeared, and the protagonist would leave now.

This was exactly what he wanted. It seemed that the spiritual stone from the pastry chef could be recovered in the future, which directly saved a lot of money.

Jiang Qiao was polite, In that case, I'll go out and see you off.

After all, Mu Qinggan came to Sioux City and came all the way, so it was really against the rules not to send him off.

No, no need.

Mu Qinggan really couldn't stay any longer, and she even went a little crazy. But since it was a blind date, her father would definitely ask her about her performance afterwards, so he couldn't go too far.

She suppressed her desire to vomit and walked back, but accidentally stepped on a pastry that a child in the theater had casually thrown on the ground.

The pastry was immediately trampled into a cake shape, and Mu Qinggan lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Sister, are you okay?

Jiang Qiao subconsciously called Mu Qinggan his senior sister.

Mu Qinggan got up quickly. In fact, it was not only herself who suffered, but also the pair of cotton dumplings that were originally shaped to be round, just right and natural.

Not only Jiang Qiao himself, but also the guests in the theater who turned their heads when they heard the wrestling and focused their attention on Mu Qinggan, all felt extremely complicated.

No one has ever experienced this kind of world.

So it turns out that this size can be deflated and deformed? Jiang Qiao said to himself. He didn't know what to do at this moment.

Originally, I wanted to give Mu Qinggan a token gift, but now it still seems awkward to give it away.

Well, senior sister, I won't send you off now.

Even when facing the killer Mu Qinggan who had killed him several times without mercy, Jiang Qiao still retained a few seconds of sympathy for Mu Qinggan.

Mu Qinggan quickly noticed this, and she immediately took out a cloak from her storage ring to cover her body contours.

Then he quickly left the theater in shame and anger.

She had never been in such an embarrassing situation before. She is serious and decent in everything she does.

But today, it was a series of misfortunes.

Mu Qinggan quickly opened the curtain and got into the speeding chariot. She quickly remembered that the idea of ​​stuffing cotton was the idea of ​​her maid. In this case, she had to let the maid taste the pain of her skin.

Since Mu Qinggan left, Jiang Qiao no longer needs to watch in the theater. If he has time, he might as well go home and practice hard.

Not long after Mu Qinggan left, he also left the theater after asking the dim sum chef for his money back.

At the entrance of the theater, just as he was about to get on the chariot, a woman wearing a mask and a bamboo hat to cover her face came forward and asked, Excuse me, sir, do you know what play is being performed in the theater today?

Jiang Qiao had just read a little and then replied: It's The Love of Cuckoo.

Oh, it turns out to be Cuckoo Love. So, sir, is it good to watch?

It's pretty good, I recommend it.

After just two words, Jiang Qiao clearly felt that the woman in the hat was leaning forward and taking several steps in his direction.

To be honest, this is not a normal communication distance.

Jiang Qiao subconsciously took a few steps back and said, Girl, you can go take a look. I have something to do here, so I'll leave first.

Sir, wait a moment, have you always had the habit of smoking incense?

Because the weather was so sunny, Wenyu used a bamboo hat to keep her skin from getting tanned. Her skin was well maintained. On the one hand, it was due to absorbing the man's yang energy for maintenance. On the other hand, she was naturally Just a skin care connoisseur.

No, our family has never had the habit of burning incense.

Oh... Then you can use some other things, such as grease, to apply on your body.

No need. Jiang Qiao had already noticed that the conversation was a bit strange. If the woman came to ask him anything again, he would just get in the car and leave.

Sir, you have a really nice fragrance on your body. It's faint. You may not be able to feel it yourself, but I... Oops, I'm sorry, I told some puzzling truths.

... Jiang Qiao stopped talking and got directly into the carriage to leave. But just as he turned to leave, the system's voice sounded.

[System prompt: Wenyu (Wubieyu) favorability +30]

Damn, what the hell? Was that girl just now Wen Yu?

Jiang Qiao is completely unprepared and a crisis may arise at any time.

But how could it be such a coincidence that I just solved one of them just now, and then I bumped into another one when I went out.

This was Jiang Qiao's first time talking to Wen Yu, and the 30-point increase in favorability already made him feel bad.

Although he didn't know how much favorability Wenyudao needed to reach, Jiang Qiao always felt that his life was in danger after it rose so much at once.

The flying chariot started and slowly rose, Jiang Qiao glanced at Wen Yu from the air as he slowly walked into the theater.

I had a rough judgment in my mind.

Mu Qinggan was not from Sioux City, so it was very inconvenient for him to come and go, but judging from Wen Yu's leisurely demeanor, he should have lived in Sioux City. It seems that I have to go out less recently to avoid risks to a large extent.

Mu Qinggan could only increase the favorability limit by 10 at most, but Wenyu actually wanted to increase it by 30. He just said a few words to her.

Is it possible that she and Mu Qinggan have similar interactive self-strategy rules? This possibility is very low.

After all, it is impossible for the creators of the galgame game to set the settings of the two female characters to be completely different, so that the novelty of the players will also become worse.

Most people who come to play yandere games are looking for excitement. If the characters are repeated, it will not receive rave reviews on a certain platform.

Since the last time Jiang Qiao saw Wen Yu killing Li Yuan, he also tried to ask the Treasure Society for information about Wen Yu, but the investigation was fruitless.

From the details of Li Yuan's death last time, it seems that Wen Yu's real motive for killing Li Yuan was: Li Yuan didn't love him enough.

Therefore, Mu Qinggan pursues good looks, while Wenyu pursues a substantial love relationship.

But if this is the case, the internal logic of the 30 favorability increase is still unclear.

Jiang Qiao's thoughts were very confused, and soon he thought of a detail just now. Wen Yu said that he had a fragrance on his body, Wen Yu was a balm formulator, Li Yuan's Li Yuan's Fragrance...

He tentatively smelled his sleeves, but there was obviously no smell. It seemed that Wenyu was very sensitive to smells.

So, was it also because Li Yuan made Wen Yu feel very fragrant?

Conjectures are just conjectures after all.

Wen Yu is far more powerful and troublesome than Mu Qinggan. It seems that the bottleneck in his foundation building period must be solved as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I will have to die a few more times to find the rules of Wenyu Swordsman...

Back home, Jiang Qiao reported the general situation of the blind date to his elders. The elders were very sorry that Jiang Qiao and Mu Qinggan failed.

After Jiang Qiao finished his report, he felt relaxed and came to Jiang Yulou's room. Since there are many things that I can't figure out right now, why not take a look at my lovely sister to relieve my mood.

Jiang Yulou was not idle either. He was transcribing something seriously and did not notice Jiang Qiao's approach.

Jiang Qiao didn't want to scare his sister, so he just placed a plate of fruit on his sister's desk, Would you like to eat something? Let's take a rest.

He had never felt any family affection in his previous life, and this was also an opportunity for him and his sister to strengthen their relationship. The original owner's love for his sister also continued in him.

She was a younger sister, and she was such a cute sister. Jiang Qiao felt that he was really lucky.

Okay, brother, I just want to eat more apples. Jiang Yulou rubbed his eyes tiredly, put down his pen, and ate the fruit.

Jiang Qiao took a look at what his sister was trying to write down, but when he saw it, he was stunned.

Titian's Smelting Book - written by Wen Yu

Twelve Essays on the Fragrance of Flowers - written by Wen Yu

Nuanxiang Compendium - written by Wen Yu

...The table is full of Wenyu writing books.

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