The birds are still burrowing, sticking to the wood and sinking the kite.

But Jiang Qiao understands that time waits for no one.

All energy must be spent on the edge of the knife. Based on this, Jiang Qiao quickly thought of a way to talk and communicated in animal language: We are friends of this girl, and she also needs your help.

Xiyunniao, who was originally chatting with Mu Chenyuan, immediately asked Mu Chenyuan in animal language: Are you really their partner?

Mu Chenyuan was about to respond, but she couldn't show that she could understand animal language, so she had to look at Jiang Qiao eagerly and let Jiang Qiao give the next instructions.

Jiang Qiao said, Just nod.

So Mu Chenyuan nodded obediently.

The head of Xiyunniao then said: Then we will go with you, but after the shielding ability is used, we will return to the Fangyuan Canyon.

This kind of bird and beast is very weak. Over the years, it has only evolved such a shielding ability, and its attack power is also very weak. Therefore, it basically lives in isolation from the world, and is very afraid of being hunted by humans.

It is already very good that one-third of the Xiyun Birds can follow Jiang Qiao. Some small Xiyun Birds who are too weak cannot block Mu Qinggan's spiritual power, and they themselves cannot protect themselves.

On the way to the outside world, the three of them were surprised to learn that Chen Bai was not dead, but just comatose and was teleported back to the first fork in the underground tunnel.

After all the preparations were completed, Jiang Qiao opened his hands to Li Wentian: It's time to give me the Transformation Pill you refined. We must follow the plan.

Okay, I'll give you one. It can last for a quarter of an hour. This pill is also the ability for me to settle down and survive. I can become anyone I want.

Li Wentian took out a pill that was so black that it glowed green from his storage ring, Take it, it will be a little bitter.

Jiang Qiao plans to become his brother Jiang Dong, which will probably attract Mu Qinggan soon.

The key is that he found where Mu Qinggan is. According to Li Wentian, based on previous years' experience, Mu Qinggan will continue to appear in the sect's protected area. After all, her goal is to win the championship.

Go to the protected area to find someone, and then lure her outside the protected area. The plan is half successful.

However, Mu Chenyuan should not be involved. Others came to the secret realm with hatred, and Mu Chenyuan had nothing to do with this matter.

Mu Chenyuan asked: Do you have any new plans in the future? Can I participate? Is it dangerous?

It's very dangerous, and it means killing people. Originally, Jiang Qiao should have kept Mu Chenyuan with him like a talisman at all times, but when it came to killing people, he was a little reluctant, You should just stay in the protected area and wait. .”

Seeing this, Li Wentian seemed to realize something, and said to Mu Chenyuan: It's true, it's not convenient for a girl's family to participate in this kind of thing. In Li Wentian's view, the fewer people there are, the less likely they will be in the future. Good operation.

Soon, the group of people arrived in the protected area, and Jiang Qiao said goodbye to Mu Chenyuan, If you encounter any demons attacking you later, you don't have to hesitate, you can just recite the spell and teleport back to the sect.

Xiyunniao gave Mu Chenyuan a crystal stone and secretly told him: Everything you want to know is stored here. When the time comes, you will naturally understand.

On the other side, Mu Qinggan's team was competing with the Lingxiao Sect's team for the Tail Fairy Grass. Mu Qinggan was indeed very powerful. From the moment he came up, he used an invincible force to force all his opponents to recite a curse and return to the sect.

She couldn't help but sigh, it seemed that the Lingxiao Sect that she had wanted to join before was nothing more than that.

She turned her head and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the shadows of the woods.

Jiang Dong, dressed in a white robe, was leaning under a pine and cypress tree, his eyebrows gentle and stretched.

Mu Qinggan knew that she must have read it correctly. She quickly came to Jiang Dong's side and replied with surprise as if she had discovered a treasure: Mr. Jiang, why are you here?

Jiang Dong smiled softly, Have you forgotten that I am a disciple of Lingxiao Sect? It is normal for me to come to the secret realm.

Jiang Qiao, who was pretending to be Jiang Dong, was glad that Jiang Dong was only obsessed with those spiritual stones, otherwise the problem of two Jiang Dongs would have been huge.

Fortunately, the smile on Mu Qinggan's face remained unchanged: What about your teammates? Are they not with you?

They are somewhere else, but I avoided them and came here specifically to find you.

Ah? Mu Qinggan was a little unbelievable.

[System prompt: Mu Qinggan’s favorability towards Jiang Dong +5]

The system prompts were no longer important at the moment. What was important was to bring Mu Qinggan to a place where he could be killed.

Miss Mu, I have a proposal, would you like to agree?

What proposal? Facing Jiang Dong's face, Mu Qinggan felt that her body and mind were extremely happy, and even her tone of voice became much softer.

I want to go to the Sword Tomb to pick out a sword, but my teammates don't want to go with me. Can I go with Miss Mu temporarily? My research on swords is not very in-depth. Maybe Miss Mu can help with the staff. .”

Ah, go to the Ten Thousand Stone Sword Tomb. There are indeed good swords there, but they are a bit dangerous.

Miss Mu, you win the championship every time you explore the secret realm. Even if you go to the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb, there should be no one who can compete with you. Besides, you only go there for a while.

Jiang Qiao tried his best to persuade Mu Qinggan, and even endured the discomfort to give Mu Qinggan a signature smile.

Mu Qinggan not only compromised for the sake of Jiang Dong in front of her, but more importantly, she could kill people at will outside the protected area, although the image of a warm-hearted senior sister that she usually carefully created would collapse...

But very interesting to look at.

Well, I'll let you go and help you choose a good sword. It's simple.

Mu Qinggan turned around and explained the situation to the other three teammates in the distance.

Jiang Qiao also turned away. He couldn't think of any words to describe his current mood.

The fire in his heart used to burn calmly, but now it can't be suppressed and is swarming on the ground. It seems that it is about to spread to Jiang Qiao's expression.

When Mu Qinggan came over again, Jiang Qiao exerted his ferocious energy on his clenched fists, while still maintaining a calm and self-possessed smile on his facial expression.

Just a little while, it will be over.

On the way to the Sword Tomb, he wanted to draw a knife every moment to end the pain. He had obviously been holding on for a long time.

On the contrary, at the last moment, his mentality fluctuated violently and was difficult to calm down.

There were corpses everywhere in the Wanshi Sword Tomb. Except for Jiang Qiao and Mu Qinggan, there was no one else alive.

Walking to the center of the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb, there was some rust in the air, and the smell of sour blood became stronger, which made Mu Qinggan a little excited and a little regretful.

She couldn't help but sigh: Why is there not a single living person? What a pity.

Jiang Qiao took advantage of Mu Qinggan to observe the surroundings and stabbed Mu Qinggan with his knife. Mu Qinggan was very vigilant and only hurt his hand.

Sister, the person who is about to say it's a pity is you.

The effect of the Transformation Pill disappeared, Jiang Dong's face instantly disintegrated, and Jiang Qiao's face reappeared. In order to perform the play well, he and his brother even asked for a white sect uniform from the Lingxiao Sect.

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