Mu Chenyuan had returned to the sect a long time ago, and the secret teleportation barrier teleported out the disciples who returned in triumph one by one. They gained a lot and were chatting and laughing.

But she was still waiting in the corner.

Waiting for the remaining three in her squad to return.

But she didn't want to stand too close to the teleportation array and be too conspicuous.

Today, she also gained something, not only in terms of medicinal herbs, but also a crystal stone, whose use is unknown at the moment.

But while she was playing with it, she discovered that an extremely beautiful woman appeared on one of the colorful facets of the crystal.

He looks somewhat similar to himself, but his temperament is completely different.

Mu Chenyuan has a relatively clear understanding of herself. She is not the kind of woman who is proud and domineering.

But the woman seen in the crystal stone is different. Just from her eyes, there is a kind of coercion of being alone in the sky, turning her hands into clouds, and turning her hands into rain.

Is this crystal stone used to take photos?

It should be a memory crystal that can preserve the past.

She sat on a stone pier and watched for a while.

It seems to be the story of a woman who looks somewhat similar to herself who grew up in a secret realm, and how the spiritual beasts in those secret realms get along with each other day and night and live together.

Although the woman's temperament reveals a cold and unlovable quality, she is an extremely gentle person in private.

very nice.

The photo on the crystal stone ended, but Mu Chenyuan still acted as if he hadn't finished reading it, thinking that it would be nice if there was a follow-up.

Maybe because that woman looks so much like me, I can naturally be involved in this story, as if I have lived in a secret realm for a while...


Could it be that this woman is him? Xiyunniao's sudden closeness to him and the things he gave him are definitely not abnormal.

However, it looks like myself, but not myself.

Mu Chenyuan took the memory crystal back into the storage ring, thinking about the memories he saw in a daze while waiting for a familiar figure to appear in the teleportation array.

She picked up a piece of sour grass from the garden and chewed it in her mouth, just to pass the time out of boredom.

Jiang Qiao recited a spell and came out of the secret realm, his face covered with blood and embarrassment.

When all the disciples saw Jiang Qiao, they were all shocked.

They secretly discussed: Isn't he running out of the sect's protection range?

It should be, tsk tsk tsk, he's covered in blood, he must have gone out to kill someone.


Unfortunately, he is so scary.

It's Jiang Qiao, our disciple from Zhaixingya. Unexpectedly, his bloodthirsty nature was exposed as soon as he arrived in the secret realm.

Avoid him from now on. Many people died in the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb. Could it be...

Although they would not be held accountable for killing someone in a protected area, the sudden appearance of such a guy around them really frightened them.

Jiang Qiao's condition was not good. This was his first time killing, and he killed two people at once. He did not regret killing them at all, but he felt relaxed and thought that while solving the crisis, he Somewhat inexplicably lonely and lost.

In the future, I will kill more people, right?

The flying flesh and blood were real, the dead bodies were also real, and the organs that were dug out were also real. The intestines, stomach, heart, and limbs all lost their vitality almost at that moment.

Is it true that he will become a monster in the future...

This game will force him to kill more people.

Also, the surrounding sounds are so noisy. Are they afraid of themselves, haha.

Jiang Qiao was too distracted. He didn't care about his image now. He just wanted to go back to the cave and have a good sleep.

I don’t want to communicate with other people, and I can’t get rid of the bloody scenes that flash in my mind.

Jiang Qiao didn't make any eye contact with anyone from beginning to end.

But suddenly, a male disciple appeared from the group of disciples. He suddenly rushed towards Jiang Qiao and drew his sword: You damn, give me back my brother's life.


Jiang Qiao didn't hesitate. He knocked the male disciple down in a few strokes and said coldly: Who are you?

Brother said he went to the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb, but he never came back. Did you kill him!!! The male disciple's spirit collapsed. He suddenly burst into tears, and the momentum he had just lost disappeared without a trace.

What's your brother's name?

Zhang Jiaming.

I don't know, I didn't kill him, I'm sorry.

Jiang Qiao let go of the male disciple with an expressionless face, but the male disciple was still swearing helplessly.

The male disciple didn't care about the truth, he just wanted to find an outlet for his emotions.

Mu Chenyuan watched all this with helpless eyes, watching the other disciples pointing fingers at Jiang Qiao, which was very similar to the blood-red eyes when he was ridiculed when he was a child.

Feeling the same, she felt a sore nose.

Mu Chenyuan walked quickly towards Jiang Qiao. She had a hunch that Jiang Qiao must not have killed so many people as they said.

Jiang Qiao only said that he wanted to kill someone.

How can it be.

Mu Chenyuan quickly caught up with Jiang Qiao, holding Jiang Qiao's wet and blood-stained sleeves with his hands: Jiang...Jiang Qiao, go to the secret realm, how is the battle going? Where are Li Wentian and Chen Bai? them……

She was about to speak, but she didn't know which pot was being opened or lifted.

They are dead. Li Wentian killed Chen Bai. He also wanted to kill me. I killed him. Today, I killed two people at once.

You are in self-defense. I am you, and I will do the same. You are not in a good mood. If you... Mu Chenyuan paused and then said, You may not want to say what happened now, right? If you Whenever you want to say something, you can tell me.

Jiang Qiao's lips twitched, but in the end he said nothing.

Now, he is somewhat unmoved by such care, and he is indeed becoming more and more cold-blooded.

Jiang Qiao intended to turn around and leave.

Wait a moment.

Mu Chenyuan stopped Jiang Qiao a little hastily and said in a low voice: Before you leave, please don't be so embarrassed, okay.

The girl activated the spell, and a mist of water enveloped Jiang Qiao's body. After a moment, the blood stain disappeared, and she used fire spell to dry Jiang Qiao's clothes.

The blood stains on the face, arms, and clothes disappeared instantly, but the burnt edges of the clothes could not be reversed.

Have a good sleep. Although I don't know what happened to you, it must be very difficult, right. Also, you are wearing the wrong clothes. You are wearing Lingxiao Sect clothes now.

Jiang Qiao's pupils suddenly dilated. The gentleness of the mist and the warmth of the fire seemed to make him sense something.

His numb eyes regained some luster, and those inner problems seemed to have been compensated.

Immediately, he turned his head. At this moment, the girl had already turned her back and walked away in the opposite direction to him.

The blue butterfly on Mu Chenyuan's head still fluttered its wings in the wind, becoming a bright color in Jiang Qiao's eyes.

I'm wearing the wrong clothes, have I lost my clothes...

Ah, this is Jiang Dong’s Lingxiao Sect uniform...

Thanks to Mu Qiu Mengyuan and Broken Bar Mirror Flowers and Water Moon for the 500 starting coins. The bosses are so generous! ! !

Thanks to Chengbei Zeng Gong for 4 recommendation votes, C Luochen L for 13 recommendation votes, Second Prince for 5 recommendation votes, Huohuo is a Cat for 1 recommendation vote, Tonight for 2 recommendation votes, and Ke Haoceng for 1 recommendation vote. 6 recommendation votes for Mu Qiu Mengyuan, 2 recommendation votes for As You Wish As I Saw It, 2 recommendation votes for Book Friends 20190203062122807, 3 recommendation votes for Book Friends 20210301106559777646, 4 recommendation votes for Book Friends 20220605224407798, 1 recommendation votes for Book Friends 20230509000605987 votes, 1 recommendation vote from book friend 20230719003142188, 1 recommendation vote from book friend 20230910233127197, 1 recommendation vote from childhood, 11 recommendation votes from A Whale Falls and All Things Live

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