At present, it seems that the method of wooing the president is indeed unworkable.

Jiang Qiao had just learned how to fly with a sword not long ago, and it was not taught by the elders of the sect yet. He had just learned Jiang Dong's heresy.

Although he learns quickly, it still seems to be inferior to the orthodox sword-handling. At least Jiang Qiao has not mastered it yet.

Therefore, after flying for a short time, Wen Yu quickly blocked all paths.

Wen Yu blinked and sighed slightly, I didn't plan to use too powerful moves to deal with you. I'm sorry, but now I have to...

Jiang Qiao felt the sharp blood-colored wind blade slashing towards him. The speed was so fast that Jiang Qiao had no time to block it. The moment he was hit, in addition to the heartbreaking sting, he also felt intense dizziness.

When Jiang Qiao woke up again, he found that he had arrived in a completely unfamiliar room.

Speaking of which, this room still has a bit of a sense of life. The small items in the room are filled to the brim, but there is no sense of clutter at all.

There is a strange fragrance all around, coming and going, and it smells inexplicably good.

That kind of aroma made people calm and reassured. Jiang Qiao was inexplicably infected by this aroma. When he first woke up and saw the chains, he felt panic and instantly ironed his clothes due to this aroma.

Although it is weird, this is also a good thing, it can keep oneself absolutely awake.

The only thing that stood out seemed to be the chains wrapped around his hands and feet.

Could it be that he has been locked up in a place like this since he was injured by Wenyu yesterday?

What Wenyu said, a safe place?

There was no one in the room now. Jiang Qiao was pacing around the room, but the chain restricted his movement to some extent. He could only wander around the bed.

The bed was covered with bright red flowers. Maybe Jiang Qiao had been in a coma for a while.

Now the petals are gradually shrinking, shrinking and fading into yellow. From the shrinkage of the petals, Jiang Qiao roughly judged that he should have been unconscious for less than half a day.

He climbed up from the bed, and with every step he took, he could hear the sound of the chains colliding with the ground, which made him feel uncomfortable and unaccustomed to it.

Although he was injured before, he is recovering well now.

Qi Jiang Qiao discovered that he was now completely unable to exert any spiritual power. Was it because of the effects of these chains?

Let's look for some clues in the room to see if there is anything we can use to escape.

Jiang Qiao had just woken up and within a few steps, the door to the room was opened.

Wen Yu changed into a more plain dress this time.

The whole dress was plain white, with distant mountains embroidered on it, giving it a sense of beauty and orchid. She brought some tea and snacks.

You're awake. It's time to eat something. Are you still hungry?

There was a slightly shy smile on the girl's face. As soon as she put the tea on the table, Jiang Qiao couldn't resist his body's functional needs.

Don't worry, I won't poison you. What are you afraid of?

Seeing that Jiang Qiao didn't move his body at all, Wen Yu had no choice but to sit down on the Eight Immortals table, pour some water, and drink it by himself.

Why...why are you locking me up here? Jiang Qiao really doesn't understand. Wen Yu's favorability level for him is only 40 now. Could it be that 40 is enough to trigger the plot?

Because you are no longer safe in the Canglan Sect. You may not know what others are saying about you. They say you are a murderer and a bloodthirsty person, so they avoid you and even have ill intentions towards you. , they will make trouble for you, it is better to stay here with me.

Jiang Qiao observed Wen Yu's current mood, and there might be room for negotiation.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yu's next words were: I helped you deal with the three people who caused trouble for you in the canteen last time. Don't worry.

After Wen Yu finished speaking, the blush on her face became more obvious. She was still waiting for Jiang Qiao to praise herself, or to say words of encouragement and smooth her hair. are talking about the three disciples who won the first place in exploring the secret realm. You put them...

Jiang Qiao's heartbeat stopped. He could even vaguely recall the conversations in the dining hall, and those faces. Unexpectedly, not long after, they were already lifeless dead people ready to be buried in coffins.

He lowered his head, and the scene of Li Yuan's death flashed through his mind.

Wen Yu held up his chin with his hand and swayed his legs, You just woke up, don't you feel any discomfort? The mental attack I launched yesterday may give you nightmares at night because of my poor operation.

Jiang Qiao knew that he was definitely in a state of panic, but the magical fragrance quickly restored his calmness. There was even some sudden excitement that did not come from his heart. What was going on?

He coughed a few times and straightened his throat. Anyway, there was no point in resisting now. They were all in Wenyu's territory. It was better to figure it out slowly first, so he asked: I shouldn't have nightmares. I even think, Somewhat interesting.

When Jiang Qiao said the word interesting, he controlled his inner discomfort. He just escaped from one monster and came under the control of another monster.

Really? I brought you here yesterday, but after a lot of effort, I thought you wouldn't understand me. Since you are also very willing, then you can stay here from now on. I will take care of you. your.

Have you always lived here? Isn’t this just imprisonment without freedom?

Can't you loosen the chains? I'm not used to walking... Jiang Qiao observed Wen Yu's expression as he spoke.

Sure enough, Wen Yu's face changed instantly, and the leisurely and comfortable smile at first disappeared without a trace, Don't even think about leaving here.

Her dark eyes suddenly became as thick as blood, and she looked directly at Jiang Qiao with vigilance and scrutiny, like a wolf staring at a lamb, not wanting the lamb that was about to get out of sight.

I'm kidding, it's not bad to stay here, but this chain really restricts my practice, and I can't use my spiritual power...

You don't need to practice, you just need to stay here forever, feel my love for you, and accept me. Oh, by the way, although you never told me your name, I already know it, Jiang~qiao~

Wen Yu stood up from the stool, supported his hands on the table, and leaned his upper body towards Jiang Qiao.

Wen Yu's face gradually came closer to Jiang Qiao, and a scent of powder came over him.

Jiang Qiao was forced to close the distance between him and Wen Yu, and subconsciously moved a few steps in the opposite direction. He must stay awake. What is in front of him now is the demon sect succubus who will kill him at any time.

And the effect of the aroma seems to be stimulating every nerve and cell in his body, just like the excitement of a jellyfish struggling to move its umbrella cover after encountering the light.

But a little hesitation and hesitation will lead to tragedy. He doesn't believe that the game will give him any benefits.

It's better to take advantage of this opportunity and find a way to ask the enemy for some information you want. This is the most important thing.

Sister Wen, since I'm here, I can't escape. Besides, I really don't know you. Can you tell me more of your story? Otherwise, staying here all day long will be boring. of.

Perhaps motivated by the aroma, Jiang Qiao suppressed his splitting headache, as if he was drunk. If he allowed himself to take a few steps now, he would definitely be upside down.

Can you talk about things about me? Yes, no one has ever asked me this.

Wen Yu sat back on the stool again, with a very pleased look on his face, What do you want to ask? It seemed that no one had tried to talk to him for a long time, even if he just talked casually.

Jiang Qiao originally planned to ask Wenyu directly about the Demon Sect, but after thinking about it, Wenyu was already angered by what he said about untying the chain. Now I must figure it out slowly.

Senior Sister Wen, my sister admires you very much and seems to want to be someone like you.

Jiang Qiao changed into a more relaxed posture, his arms naturally stretched out, and his body language gave people a sense of familiarity as if he was just chatting.

On the last ten-day holiday, my senior sister gave my sister a book to read. My sister liked it very much. I guess she is still reading it now.

What? So that's your sister? When Wen Yu smiled, she showed two cute little tiger teeth. She also touched her face, which was indeed a little hot.

Jiang Qiao naturally also observed the pair of tiger fangs, which must be a weapon to suck people's yang energy at critical moments. Although it is a succubus, its setting is similar to that of a Western vampire.

That girl, she's super cute, and she looks a bit like me when I was little.

Jiang Qiao planned to follow Wen Yu's words and bring the topic to family issues, Well, when I was a child, Senior Sister Wen would also be surrounded by family members. My sister always played coquettishly with her parents for a long time just to eat an extra piece of sugar cake. , like a small rice cake.

At this point, Wen Yu's eyes seemed to be a little evasive. After a while, he seemed to smile with relief, Absolutely, but I have been staying with my sister since I was born.

Oh? Sister?

Jiang Qiao only found records about the customs of succubi in the illustrated book, but he didn't know whether succubi lived in groups.

So, Senior Sister Wen has been with your sister since she was born, right? Judging from your expression, your sister must be very good to you.

Of course, you are also very good to your sister. After Wen Yu finished speaking, he cast an envious look at Jiang Qiao, Your family must be prosperous, but I just stay with my sister. Dependent on each other, she always leaves the best things to me.”

Jiang Qiao found that the conversation between himself and Wen Yu was now going back and forth. It seemed that the current chat status was very good, and he could easily expand on other topics.

For example, why is the family not prosperous? Or how do you and your sister depend on each other?

In this way, relevant topics are extracted, and slowly, you can gradually dig out the information you want.

Of course, Jiang Qiao should modify his language first and give Wen Yu enough encouragement before continuing to promote the dialogue.

I have never experienced the feeling of having a sister. I am just a brother and a sister. It must be very difficult for Senior Sister Wen to live together.

Those days...ah, by the way, you saw it yesterday, right? Wen Yu gently traced the edge of the tea cup with his finger, speaking in a tone as light as a feather, You are very scared when I transform into other forms. Bar.

Her eyes seemed to be longing for something.

Jiang Qiao shook his head firmly, No, Senior Sister Wen was also very cute in her form yesterday.

Although the words were spoken like this, Jiang Qiao clearly said something against his will.

I don't believe it. The skin I am wearing now is just my disguise. It is used to capture and attract humans. My true appearance is like a reptile in a smelly ditch or a mud cave. No one will like that toad.

oh? Jiang Qiao found that Wenyu had shown her inner weakness, so how should she answer it?

Senior Sister Wen, I seriously think you are pretty good in that form, and you are also very good. There is no one who can surpass you in the field of incense making, so why belittle yourself.

After hearing this, Wen Yu lowered his head. Jiang Qiao couldn't see clearly Wen Yu's expression at that time, That's great. It seems that I did not misjudge you.

Wen Yu's voice was as thin as a mosquito or a fly, with a bit of humility.

Time seemed to have stood still for a long time. Jiang Qiao even doubted whether his words just now were too false and unconvincing, so they had the opposite effect and aroused Wen Yu's resistance. Unfortunately, in a short period of time, he could not think of a better way to say it. .

Jiang Qiao, you know, I originally put a spiritual incense in the room.

Sure enough, you didn't do anything to me. This is indeed the result I want, otherwise...

I even wonder if I was too impulsive in bringing you here.

Under the sunlight, Wen Yu's hair was reflected into a golden color, and a strange and twisted smile suddenly appeared on her face, Yesterday you didn't answer me, so today, I will ask you again, do you have any answer? No Taoist companion?

No. Jiang Qiao told the truth on this point.

That's good, that's good. In that case, I'm going to deal with some things now, and I'm going to give you a little surprise. Hey, hey, wait until I come back!

After hearing what the senior sister said, Jiang Qiao always felt a bad premonition. His sixth sense was not accurate, but he suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his right eyelid twitched wildly.

Is there some disaster about to happen?

Could it be that Wen Yu was going to kill him as soon as he came back?

Jiang Qiao tried to persuade Wen Yu to stay a little longer. He hadn't asked about any key points yet, but Wen Yu was so excited that she jumped out of here regardless of Jiang Qiao's efforts to stay.

During the time when Wenyu left, Jiang Qiao tried various ways to escape, but the restraints of the chain were too strong, and the previous tea sets and snacks were also removed by Wenyu.

I don't have any tools at my disposal to break the situation and leave.

At night, Wen Yu brought delicious food to the room where Jiang Qiao was imprisoned.

It's time to eat. There were a lot of blood stains on Wen Yu's light-colored dress, and the smell of blood hit her face.

When Jiang Qiao saw Wen Yu's appearance, could it be that she went to kill someone? Who did she kill?

Could it be that the so-called surprise in Wen Yu's mouth meant murder?

Who else did she kill?

I still remember what the girl who held an umbrella with you looked like before, so...

Because it’s a single heroine, it’s pure love, and we don’t have a harem, so maybe the welfare plot will have to come later.

Today I corrected a lot of typos in chapters. Chapters were revised again and again, but the plot was not changed.

There are some minor flaws in almost every chapter. Thank you all for reading this. I will strengthen my review of typos. I used to use my mobile phone to code words and my thumb was too thick to read carefully for typos. . .

Typos still indicate that the attitude is not correct enough and the behavior is sloppy. Those typos are really outrageous.

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