Mu Chenyuan didn't understand why she suddenly raised such a question. Jiang Qiao was very popular with women, and he might already have a dance partner.

But how can you know without asking.

If not, and if I have a chance, I can try to invite Jiang Qiao.

Ever since he asked this question, Mu Chenyuan has been uneasy. Those words are like water thrown out. Once said, he can never take them back.

Jiang Qiao held the Thousand Paper Crane that Wen Yu gave him in his hand, and ravaged the paper with the original creases of the Thousand Paper Crane.

A series of messy cracks suddenly appeared on the paper. Even if it was a piece of wood, he should have noticed some unusual emotions flowing.

He didn't dare to define this strange emotion, or in other words, he didn't dare to define it. Once he came to a conclusion, he would become like that again.

Not long after, Mu Chenyuan eagerly broke the silence. She was afraid that this question would take a long time without getting a response, so she had to preemptively ask:

Hey, I'm just asking you. We are friends, right? Should we be lenient when we confess between friends? Tell me, who is your dance partner?

The smile on Mu Chenyuan's face was warm, as if the sorrow in this world would never have anything to do with her.

Behind that smile was endless bitterness. When she had to use any reason to disguise her bitterness, she could only do this.

Jiang Qiao, you don't think I want to invite you to be my dance partner, do you?

When Mu Chenyuan said It won't happen, Mu Chenyuan choked up, as if she got stuck on a fishbone while eating fish, and if she told a lie, she would have to cover it up with other lies.

Jiang Qiao stopped and stared at Mu Chenyuan.

The contents on the paper crane were still vivid in his mind, and Jiang Qiao didn't want to see the bloody death in the last round again.

In addition, I really thought too much. How could there be something beyond the plot in this weird game world? I almost got deceived by this damn game plot.

It’s best to block things that make you think too much.

I don't have a dance partner, and I haven't decided yet.

Jiang Qiao vaguely felt that the Phoenix Ceremony three days later was an important plot point and something big might happen, but he was still confused and had no clue.

Mu Chenyuan repeated Jiang Qiao's words: Ah? Didn't you think about it well?

She felt that she understood the hidden meaning of Jiang Qiao's words. From what Jiang Qiao said, it was obvious that Jiang Qiao must have received many invitations to dance as a partner.

Therefore, among the many invitations, Jiang Qiao didn't know which senior sister to choose. Therefore, you shouldn't mess with anything.

I am so ordinary and so unknown, I shouldn't think about these things.


There are very few disciples in the dining hall because it is not lunch time yet. There was none of the usual bustle upon entry.

Jiang Qiao had been in a coma for a long time, and this death consumed a particularly huge amount of energy. Food was still the best way to replenish energy before going without food.

In addition to books on improving his own cultivation, his current cultivation direction also includes books related to drug making.

With the poison control secrets he obtained from Mu Qinggan, he now has a deeper understanding by reading books on the field of poison production.

Mu Qinggan is invulnerable to all poisons, and there is a high probability that Wen Yu and Mu Qinggan will not have the same solution. It may be very simple to find a solution.

He ordered a plate of fried pork with green peppers and mixed it with white rice.

Mu Chenyuan only ate half of a palm-sized roujiamo, and she ate very slowly, as if she had no appetite. Halfway through the meal, she briefly left the table, saying she was going to the latrine.

Jiang Qiao looked around and found that there was no sign of the three members of Mu Qinggan's group. Could it be that they wouldn't have met if they didn't meet at a fixed time.

At this moment, someone came and sat down next to Jiang Qiao and Mu Chenyuan.

Jiang Qiao, right? I have something to ask you.

The man's face was a little thin, but it couldn't hide the piercing look in his eyes. Jiang Qiao searched the memory of the original owner, but this person did not appear in his memory.

I am, what's the matter?

As long as you don't admit your mistake, you kid, have you forgotten? Before you went to the secret realm, you told me that you would tell me what happened after you left the secret realm.

Now that I have passed the application as the head of the Canglan Sect and joined the sect, I come to see you. What kind of onion are you pretending to be?

Huh? Jiang Qiao was confused in his heart. Before he could figure out what was going on, he picked up an extra piece of green pepper to calm down, Sit down and talk slowly.

The last time Jiang Qiao entered the dining hall, he met Mu Qinggan's three groups. He thought that those three people might be the key to breaking the situation, but now a new person appeared.

Still chatting slowly? This matter is extremely urgent! The man sat down, tried to suppress his impulsive emotions, and said softly: Don't you say you know how Li Yuan died? On the day of the funeral, he cried and said he wanted revenge.

Why, you got a bunch of Transformation Pills by chance and pretended to be someone else, and you just forgot about these things? Do you know how long I have been looking for you today?

Jiang Qiao's chopsticks hovered for a moment, and he fell into thinking.

Nephew, Transformation Pill?

My nephew is dead, revenge? Isn't that Li Wentian?

Sooner or later, your transformation pill will be used up. You are living a comfortable life now. Why don't you want to go back to the Li family? I can only stay here for ten days. I told your sect leader that I would investigate privately.

This guy's sect leader only gave me ten days to stay! She has so many cases in her hands, but she only gave me ten days!

The current Canglan Sect has changed a lot over the years.

Jiang Qiao roughly judged from the man's words that he seemed to really think of himself as Li Wentian.

The question is, didn’t Li Wentian (Feng Cheng) research the Transformation Pill himself? The information this person learned seemed to be somewhat different from his own.

Why, what am I saying now? You guys won't reply, right? Let me say it again. Although I am as old as you, I am your grandfather in terms of seniority. I am neither older nor younger. I don't call you by name when we meet. Don't call me by name in the future. Call me by my real name, grandpa.

Jiang Qiao finally got to know a new member of the Li family, I really don't want to shout.

You kid, when will you respect me? It's time for you to tell me about Li Yuan. You got emotional just now. In fact, everyone knows that you have always been soft-hearted.

The man sat down and when he was talking about business, his words were a bit more regretful and solemn.

Jiang Qiao thought for a while and he probably understood. Although Feng Cheng is not Li Wentian himself, he still regrets Li Yuan's death and wants revenge?

When Feng Cheng wanted to kill him in the secret realm and replace him, Feng Cheng had already planned it, and he was sure of victory.

So Feng Cheng transformed into Li Wentian and made an agreement with Li Wentian's grandfather (?) to take revenge after exploring the secret realm.

It turned out that Feng Cheng was really so confident that he could kill him, and he didn't expect to be killed in return.

Sitting opposite Jiang Qiao, the elder who was suspected of being Li Wentian's grandfather sighed and said, Don't I understand you yet? On the day of the burial, you suddenly cried and shouted for revenge. Did you get scared later and didn't dare to come to me? Is Li Yuan really involved in something?

Tell me what happened that day. Those pedantic elders of the Li family were all deceived by the crooked things like lard. They also said they found a way to resurrect Li Yuan with a corpse. Ask again. It’s a joke to know who killed Li Yuan!

I'm not fooled yet, as long as you don't invest a lot of weird money in the future.

The man was sitting opposite Jiang Qiao at first, but later he sat on the edge of Jiang Qiao and patted Jiang Qiao's shoulder with concern.

You must make it clear that even if there are only two of us, this revenge must be avenged.

Jiang Qiao roughly pieced together the whole story, Of course I'm not afraid. You came at the right time.

Since someone in the Li family wants revenge, it is really appropriate to form an alliance.

It's just that Jiang Qiao doesn't think he can maintain Li Wentian's character well.

At the same time, he had to complain, are the Li family pioneers?

So many descendants demonstrate death cases to gamers, and judging from the dialogue of this elder of the Li family, it is obvious that he is the leader of Wenyu's plot line.

What is the tool family in Duoduo game?

As soon as the elder of the Li family finished speaking, a disciple greeted the elder, Hey, Li Pingxian, haven't you already left the sect and become an outstanding disciple? Are you coming to visit your old place again?

Long time no see, Xia Yang, I came to do something. I just came to the canteen to find someone, because some people love to eat too much.

In just two sentences of conversation, Jiang Qiao already knew that the elder's name was Li Pingxian, but he still didn't know what Li Wentian originally called Li Pingxian.

However, what Li Pingxian said was indeed true. Even if Li Wentian was incapacitated, he would still come to the dining hall to eat. Everything happened to be right.

It's just that their realms are not up to par. Jiang Qiao is now a foundation builder, and Li Wentian is a golden elixir. If they really get into a fight, their realms will be exposed easily. It seems that he needs to improve his strength even more.

Tell me, you must know something. Don't be nervous. Grandpa will help you.

Well, this is actually what happened...

Jiang Qiao told Li Pingxian the whole story of his meeting with Wen Yu.

As soon as Mu Chenyuan came back, he found that his original position was occupied by someone.

However, this is fine.

She didn't want to stay here anymore, and she didn't know whether her various speculations about Jiang Qiao were reasonable.

At least I knew that when I thought of the Phoenix Ceremony, Jiang Qiao's voice and smile would pop into my mind.

Maybe he should have asked Jiang Qiao just now if he was willing to be his dance partner.

However, I really don't have the courage to say it. I am so cowardly and afraid of being rejected, so I might as well leave first.

The Treasure Club will have another event tonight, so I should go over and prepare.

She looked at the threshold under her feet, and before she could step over, she noticed a pair of familiar gray cotton shoes lying in front of her.

That's from Jiang Qiao.

Why don't you wait for me, huh?

The last sentence huh? was drawn out, and Mu Chenyuan suddenly seemed like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting to be punished.

Jiang Qiao found that she didn't even want to look at him.

The Treasure Club has activities today, and I want to prepare in advance. Mu Chenyuan's nose turned red, but she slowly raised her head and gave Jiang Qiao a hasty smile.

Hmm. Jiang Qiao doesn't plan to go to the Treasure Club to look for the illustration today. He already knows the content for the time being. He might as well find a chance to get the Demon Sect illustration next time. Then go ahead. I'll give it to you today. There are also some other things, let’s go to the library together tomorrow.”

Jiang Qiao now wants to get rid of Wen Yu as soon as possible.

He explained the relevant situation to Li Pingxian. This may be the method the system taught him to break the situation, and Li Pingxian was the helper.

Moreover, Li Pingxian is very strong in the Nascent Soul stage, so this should be the key to passing the Wenyu level.

As for how the Foundation Establishment disguised itself as a golden elixir, Jiang Qiao reluctantly explained to Li Pingxian that he had recently been injured and his strength had been greatly reduced. He would probably only be able to exert the strength of the Foundation Establishment period. Fortunately, Li Pingxian had no doubts.

Jiang Qiao did not plan to kill Wen Yu within the sect. No matter how inefficient the sect was, Jiang Qiao wanted to find a more rigorous place to kill people.

His plan was to trick Wen Yu into the black market and kill people far away from the sect.

He didn't want to bear the slightest possibility of being discovered by the sect. The punishment for murder within the sect was far more serious than he imagined.

However, are things really so smooth? No matter whether they are smooth or not, you still have to try to find out.

He found Wenyu's cave through inquiring and knocked on the door.

Wen Yu was indeed inside, Junior Brother Jiang, what do you want from me?

Senior Sister Wen, didn't you ask me to come to Yao Valley to find you? Jiang Qiao smiled.

You mean, you are willing to be my dance partner, right!?

Wenyu didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Her pupils were dilated and her lips were slightly opened.

Jiang Qiao thought that this might be the correct solution to the game, and he nodded firmly after using the information points of the Phoenix Ceremony.

Then, when will we rehearse the Phoenix Dance?

After Wen Yu finished speaking, she couldn't help but think of the inevitable physical contact with Jiang Qiao during the dance rehearsal, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

Rehearsing the Phoenix Dance will happen later, but the most important thing now is to buy a suitable dance costume.

The dance clothes in the Phoenix Ceremony are completely decided by the disciples themselves, but the main color of the dance clothes is best to be fiery red, which symbolizes the Phoenix Dance's desire for nirvana and rebirth.

For previous Phoenix Dances, the dance costumes were made by the disciples of the sect themselves. The quality varied, and the red colors were also varied.

The sect will also divide the disciples into different awards based on their dancing performance, including the most beautiful dance costume award, the most beautiful dance award, the worst dance costume award, and the worst dance award.

Buy it? But it's not the holiday yet and I can't go out. Where can I buy clothes? Are you good at making clothes? Although I don't know anything about making clothes.

We can go to a place where we can buy it.


black market.

... When Wen Yu heard the word black market, his expression instantly hesitated.

What's wrong, Senior Sister Wen, can't we go there?

Jiang Qiao thought that if Wen Yu was unwilling to go, then his guess about customs clearance would probably be wrong. He could see Wen Yu's concerns in Wen Yu's eyes.

So, he added fuel to the fire: If possible, I would like to win two awards at the Phoenix Ceremony. I hope we can try our best!

Since Junior Brother Jiang has said so, let's go together. When?

If you can, how about going now?

Jiang Qiao didn't want to delay it any longer. He hoped that everything would go smoothly. However, could things really go as smoothly as he imagined?


Thanks to book friend 20210322143837725 for the two monthly tickets. Emperor Weishan is the 100 starting coin rewarded by Zhengyi, and Huohuo is the 1000 starting coin rewarded by the cat! ! !

150,000 words soon! The plot in the next four chapters is going to be crazy. It’s going to be crazy. The second female supporting role will be offline, right?

Then, recommend this friend’s weird light novel and post the following introduction:

[Neon Tokyo, monsters walking at night, this is the intersection of daily life and weirdness.

Traveling through Tokyo, Zong Zhengquan woke up in the body of a high school student of the same name and found that something seemed a little wrong with the world.

The busy apartment, the disasters that are entangled behind the teacher's back, the goblins hiding in the school, and the heinous evil spirits in the basement...

But looking at the weird things around him, Zong Zhengquan scratched his head: It seems something is not right with me?\

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