Jiang Qiao didn't know much about Li Wentian's past or present.

The premise of being able to empathize is that he has all the memories of the original owner, but whether it is Li Wentian or Feng Cheng who once pretended to be Li Wentian, Jiang Qiao's understanding is not deep enough.

Jiang Qiao tried to empathize and comforted Li Pingxian, but there was one thing that made him angrier the more he thought about it. Feng Cheng actually had the idea of ​​taking away all the Jiang family's money.

Soon there was a knock on the door, probably someone checking the guard was coming.

Jiang Qiao opened the door and chatted casually with Xiao Hanhan, who was checking people outside, and explained the situation of Li Pingxian's stay here.

Xiao Hanhan showed a friendly expression to Jiang Qiao: Jiang Qiao, you are really a good person. You can take in the Li family to investigate Li Yuan's case. It is indeed because you have a good relationship with Li Wentian and have a deep brotherly love.

Jiang Qiao understood that the deep brotherhood was fake and that he was the one who killed Li Wentian with his own hands.

The reason why he let Li Pingxian stay here was because he wanted Li Pingxian to protect him.

The helpers who appear in the game plot can naturally stay as long as they can.

After all, Li Pingxian had obtained the consent of the sect leader to stay in Canglan Sect for a period of time. Jiang Qiao handed Xiao Hanhan the paper letter written by the sect leader. Xiao Hanhan understood it, exchanged a few words, and left.

After returning, Li Pingxian's expression had obviously regained his composure.

Are you feeling better now? Jiang Qiao handed Li Pingxian a handkerchief. Li Pingxian didn't wipe it off, but just rubbed his eyes hard with his sleeve. After that, there was no more sobbing.

Li Pingxian said: Originally, I wanted to beat you up, but then, thinking about it, it was revenge at least. At least it was revenge.

You and I both understand, right? The Li family still seems to have a place among the clans, but it is just a superficial respectability. In fact, under the luxurious life, it is just an empty shell without any connotation. The Li family All the money was taken away by those crooked ways.

I have made money here and there, begged and begged, borrowed money, and gained false glory and respectability. How long can it last?

Jiang Qiao digested the nonsense in Li Pingxian's mouth, and then he realized that the power of the Demon Sect had probably penetrated into all aspects of the Li family. The walls of the Li family's home are riddled with holes and may collapse at any time.

It seems that the situation in this game world is far more complicated than I imagined.

What will it be like on the day when the so-called leader of the Demon Sect comes out of seclusion?

Li Pingxian took another sip of tea, and a line of tears fell into the cup. He drank the sour and salty tears in one gulp, Wentian, it's time for you to wake up, and you should burn the investment notes from the black market bank. , let’s cut off the dirty business of the black market from now on.”

Jiang Qiao remembered that Feng Cheng was still thinking about the money on the black market before his death. It should be the bill that Li Pingxian was talking about.

He thought for a while and replied: Don't worry, I won't be contaminated with that thing from now on. I will change it in the future.

Jiang Qiao's face couldn't help but feel a little more moved. Even an outsider couldn't help but worry about Li Pingxian's situation after hearing these things.

I hope you really put down the money that you won't get back. Just know that it's all a trap. As for pretending to be the Jiang family master, I didn't agree with it at first. If you insist on doing so, just figure it out yourself. It's just right. The Li family also needs to rely on Jiang Qiao's identity to investigate something.

Jiang Qiao thought that although he still couldn't put himself in Li Pingxian's shoes, in his opinion, Li Pingxian's character was probably the most upright person among the Li family members he had been in contact with for so long.

Jiang Qiao patted Li Pingxian on the shoulder. It seemed that Li Pingxian was one of the few clear-minded people in the Li family.

Li Pingxian took out the wine from the storage ring, This is an old wine. I have hidden it for many years. I am reluctant to eat it. This time I have avenged Li Yuan. We must drink it happily.

Okay! Jiang Qiao didn't care whether he drank or not, but he was not sure about Li Wentian's drinking capacity. How much did you drink this time?

I can drink better than you. I'll drink two cans later. If you can finish one can without falling asleep, that's good.

Li Pingxian opened the wine can wrapped in red silk and took a big gulp.

Jiang Qiao planned to pretend to be drunk halfway through the wine. While drinking, he listened to Li Pingxian talk about Li Yuan.

Li Yuan, this kid, usually has a very boring temper and doesn't like to talk to others. At that time, I was worried that he wouldn't be able to get along well in the Canglan Sect. Later, his steady personality allowed him to make a few good friends.

At that time, I was really happy for him. I didn't expect that he would find such a Taoist companion. How could this Taoist companion kill him like this...

The original intention of drinking is to celebrate happy things, but it has a bitter meaning.

Jiang Qiao clinked glasses with Li Pingxian again. Tonight was to celebrate revenge, so the topic naturally revolved around Li Yuan, which was normal.

He was afraid that if Li Pingxian asked about the details of his relationship with Li Yuan, he would be embarrassed if he couldn't answer.

Wentian, you don't understand. Li Yuan really likes Wenyu. He really puts a lot of thought into Wenyu...

Jiang Qiao drank a little and already pretended to be drunk and staggering around, but he really couldn't hide his shock, Huh? You put a lot of thought into it?

Li Pingxian's face gradually turned red, but he was still sober when speaking.

Li Yuan has a very boring temperament, but he spends as much energy on relationships as others.

I still remember that every time he came home during the holidays, he would write down his thoughts about Wenyu on a note, and then fold it into a thousand paper cranes. After that, he had a drawer full of paper. He originally wanted to give it as a gift on Wenyu's birthday. For Wenyu...

Originally, today should be a very happy day, but I'm really... ugh...

As soon as Li Pingxian finished speaking, a sad look appeared on his face again.

Jiang Qiao's brain fell into chaos. If, according to Li Pingxian, Li Yuan really liked Wen Yu, then before Wen Yu killed Li Yuan, how could Li Yuan suddenly say such a heartless and unjust thing: We are just different people. Just take what you need.”

Now, just relying on Li Ping's two or three outstanding sentences, I actually discovered that this guy Li Yuan is a bit romantic.

But if Li Yuan really likes Wen Yu, why would he seek death? Could it be said that this is also the key to breaking the situation?

Can you tell me more about Li Yuan?

Li Pingxian drank another glass of wine, and his tone was numbed by the alcohol, and he said in a casual tone:

Don't you usually talk about these romantic things with Li Yuan? That's right. That guy is very boring and doesn't communicate much with you. Then I'll tell you about Li Yuan and Wen Yu's relationship.

Jiang Qiao remembered an important point. Wen Yu wanted to seek true love. If Li Yuan was really as infatuated as Li Pingxian said, then the key to breaking Wen Yu's heart might be...

LG and Mopl, Reader Hey, Loli Zongzi, Mo Xiaohei 1, Book Friends 20200805000610403, Book Friends 20220227211515431, Book Friends 20220605224407798, Book Friends 20230823121913246, Book Friends 20230827152718420, Frogs a, 4 recommendation votes when I was a kid!

Book friend 160723224937499, book friend 20210826192411072, 5 recommendation votes for Xiaoli Dao is like love but not love!

6 recommendation votes from Zeng Gong in the north of the city!

Book friend 20230202989_BD, 7 recommendation votes from book friend 20230910002108362!

Book friend 20221202105009662, book friend 20230414877600, Changjian Yaori’s 9 recommendation votes! Ning Yuchen’s 10 recommendation votes!

A short and feeble dream worth 30,000, and the drizzle is a bit heavy with 12 recommended votes!

C Luochen L’s 28 recommendation votes!

(Recommendation tickets will no longer be issued from now on. The maximum number of posts should be no more than 500 words. The recommendation tickets are all being read. I even checked the pronunciation of some rare words, but I don’t know how to pronounce them.)

(Let me tell you some short stories in the rest of my talk)

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