This price is enough for you to buy a bunch of useful things. I can honestly say that there is nothing wrong with using this money to buy. If you insist on buying it, see if there is anyone else taking pictures besides you and No. 6.

This shows that both of us have equally good taste. Jiang Qiao smiled meaningfully, and then lowered his voice and said, While I'm bidding, it's time for you to tell me the secret I want to know.

Li Wentian also followed Jiang Qiao and controlled his voice to the level of being as thin as a mosquito:

Okay, let me tell you the truth, Mu Qinggan is a devil. All the disciples she liked will eventually disappear because she killed them all, leaving a good-looking face in her so-called collection.

Where is that place?

I don't remember...ah no, I don't know about this.

Jiang Qiao continued to ask: Then how do you know this?

Li Wentian took a breath, My good brother was once her Taoist companion. He discovered it and asked me for help, but I...

I won't tell you the details. If the location of the collection warehouse had been found, she would not have been able to roam freely in the sect without any hindrance.

Excuse me, what's your good brother's name?

Feng Cheng.

The situation with guest No. 6, Mu Chenyuan, is a bit tricky.

Her oval face under the mask was covered with sweat due to nervousness. She thought that the Broken Red Sword would be something she was bound to get, but she didn't expect that someone would still fight for it to this day.

The problem is, she only has 600 spirit stones left. If she keeps shooting like this, she won't be able to pay for the future expenses. However, her opponent No. 32 seems to be able to do it with ease, just like playing, the money is just It was no different from what was blown by a strong wind. The range of bidding prices was so wide all at once, which really put me under pressure.

But Mu Chenyuan swore that she had to take a photo of this sword. She was not sure what kind of high price she would pay for the Broken Red Sword.

If you take the photo but don't pay the money, you will be blacklisted by the auction house directly, and the black market password will not be open to you in the future.

Mu Chenyuan struggled with every bid, saying it was the final word, but when she raised the hammer in her hand to hit it, she was no longer as firm as in the previous rounds. She had begun to waver.

The price has been found at 705 spirit stones, and Mu Chenyuan's heart is still shaking. As the black market will be an important base in the future, she must be able to enter.


1000 spirit stones for the first time, 1000 spirit stones for the second time, 1000 spirit stones for the third time. Let us congratulate Guest No. 32 for finally taking the Broken Red Sword!!!

To be honest, the host was getting impatient. It took such a long time to auction a broken sword, but it was finally sold. It was really a relief.

The price of this kind of sword does not match its physical value. As soon as the auction news comes out, the entire black market will laugh out loud, and it will become a daily topic of discussion in the black market.

Let's go, let's go, we've all been photographed, it's time to go back. At one moment, Li Wentian was thinking about whether to keep a certain distance from Jiang Qiao, so that others would not lump him and Jiang Qiao together. .

As soon as the two of them left the auction house, they were stopped by someone.

Fellow Taoist, would you like to chat for a few words? The gentle and clear female voice was like dew condensed on flowers in the morning, gently falling on the sea of ​​​​heart, making ripples.

What's wrong?

Although Jiang Qiao also thought the voice sounded pleasant, but after having the experience of being chased not long ago, when he saw a stranger approaching him, he immediately pulled Li Wentian back a few steps.

Fellow Taoist, you must be No. 32 who just photographed the Broken Red Sword.

Mu Chenyuan's voice was trembling.

It's me. Jiang Qiao paused and seemed to understand something, Are you the No. 6 who bid with me just now?

It's me on the 6th. I'll waste some of your time. I'm willing to buy this Broken Red Sword from you at twice the price you paid for it. However, I don't have that much money for the time being, so I'll give it to you little by little every time. You, do you think so?

I'm not short of money. For Jiang Qiao, it's enough to get the price he expected. Naturally, he wants to keep such a good thing as his own, and it is impossible to sell it to others.

However, the opponent is probably the world-famous swordsman. He planned to trick this person first. After all, he wasn't sure.

I heard from Li Wentian that most black market auction houses are people who buy treasures at low prices and then sell them at high prices, just to find out.

Then what do you lack?

I'm short of life. Jiang Qiao just wanted to survive until the leader of the Demon Sect came out of seclusion.

In Mu Chenyuan's understanding, the auctioneer No. 32 wants his own life right now. This is a living provocation!

If you want to fight, it's better to go out on the black market. It's better if we make a fight alone. I don't want to make things big on the black market.

Mu Chenyuan thought that if she could beat her and get the Broken Red Sword, it would be a good choice. After all, her conditions were pretty good in other aspects, but she had no money.

You misunderstood, I don't want to fight you. Jiang Qiao stared at the other person's eyes under the mask, feeling a little helpless.

Mu Chenyuan made another brief analysis. She looked at Li Wentian standing next to her. He was the follower of No. 32. She was not qualified to fight with No. 32, so she had to get past the follower first. Is this level...

While Mu Chenyuan was thinking in a daze, Jiang Qiao said: In short, this sword will not be sold for any price.

Wait a minute, can you tell me which sect you are from? If you change your mind later, I can come to you. Mu Chenyuan could tell at a glance that this was a good sword, so naturally he couldn't give up any opportunity.

But in the black market, revealing one's identity is taboo, as you know.

Is the Broken Red Sword you photographed used for training?

Jiang Qiao nodded.

Then you need to know the master recognition mechanism of the Broken Red Sword. The Broken Red Sword will only recognize the destined person as its master. If this sword really cannot recognize you as its master, you might as well consider my proposal carefully. If you don't need this sword anymore , I will buy it from you for 2,000 spirit stones.

Mu Chenyuan was actually a little short of money. Since No. 32 was so obsessed with the Broken Red Sword, it would be better to let him take it back to enjoy it for a few days. Anyway, the Broken Red Sword would not recognize him as its owner.

In the remaining time, I can just quickly piece together the broken red sword and redeem it. The last resort is to grab something.

Jiang Qiao said: Okay, if you can't recognize the master, it would be a waste to keep this sword here with me.

At the same time, the issue of leaving the sect still makes me hesitate. It is taboo to reveal your identity in the black market. The purpose of covering it up so tightly is to hide it and reveal your identity and background to such a complete stranger...

Jiang Qiao was still a little hesitant. I don’t know if the other party is an enemy or a friend.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it on the 32nd. We will meet again at this location at the same time next week. I will still sit in the seat on the 6th, and I will bring 2,000 spiritual stones to wait for you here.

What if I successfully recognize my master?


In that case, if I fail to recognize my master, I will try my best to sit at No. 32 next week. If I arrive, I will wave to you at No. 6.

I've been passing by, can you recommend some good ancient songs?

By the way, I'm nervous about self-hypnosis: I conservatively estimate that I will be overwhelmed. Currently, I estimate that I will supplement the outline once a week. The forward-looking effect of the outline is indeed very strong. I also have a few saved manuscripts, and I will continue to write them even if I get stuck! Not afraid of single player

The tone, occasionally a knife, overall warm and healing, eh.

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