Chapter 68 Pillow, there are pillows... (4255 words)

Jiang Qiao walked towards the child. The child was dressed in red and squatting on the ground.

Jiang Qiao greeted the child, Your name is Mu Chenyuan, right.

Mu Chenyuan's image in the sea of ​​consciousness is that of a child. Does this represent her current character?

Brother, how did you guess my name?

Xiaomu Chenyuan's white teeth were slightly exposed, her face was like a dumpling with small breasts, and her pupils were still so thickly red. Mu Chenyuan's eyebrows and eyes were still very similar to those of Mu Chenyuan when she was a child and when she grew up.

Of course, I can also guess what you will look like in the future.

It seems that Mu Chenyuan in the sea of ​​consciousness has no real memory and is easier to fool.

Then what will I look like in the future?

Very good-looking, with long eyelashes and big eyes.

There are very few modifiers in Jiang Qiao's mouth, and these phrases should be able to explain everything.

Great, then it seems that I won't be disabled in the future. Xiaomu Chenyuan's eyes seemed to be shining with stars, and she quickly turned her attention to the one on the ground that she had been staring at just now. Small hole.

Brother, tell me, when will the flowers inside bloom?

Xiaomu Chenyuan shook the ribbon on her head and turned all her attention to the small hole.

Inside? Flowers?

Jiang Qiao repeated Mu Chenyuan's words with some confusion.

Hmm, I've planted the seeds. When will they bloom? How about watering them more? Why haven't they bloomed yet...

Xiaomu Chenyuan held a kettle in her hand. After speaking, she continued to water the hole where the seeds were buried.

How can the seeds bloom so quickly as soon as they are planted?

But this is my father's favorite flower. He is sick, and I want to plant flowers for him so that he can get better quickly.

Jiang Qiao seemed to have discovered the rules in Mu Chenyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, which was equivalent to showing him a fragment of Mu Chenyuan's past memory.

My father is sick and I can't do anything to help him...

My brother told my father today that he can control the arrow to hit the bull's eye. My father was happy for a long time, but I have nothing to do to make him happy.

Jiang Qiao finally understood what was going on. He said, So, do you want to plant flowers to make your father happy?

Hmm, my father has never been very demanding on me, but he is very strict on my brother. I am also determined to practice as hard as my brother. However, my talent is probably not good, and I am always not as good as my brother.

My father also said that I don't need to practice like this. I can just leave the cultivation to my brother. I just need to be happy.

But I always feel that my father doesn't like me at all and rarely smiles at me.

Jiang Qiao touched Mu Chenyuan's head and said, Maybe your father just wants to relax you and let you spend more time experiencing happiness.


When you go home and tell your father about your failure in planting flowers, he will definitely laugh at you.

If you want to practice, then practice. However, the starting point should not be to make your parents happy, but because one day you will find that you should do it.

Speaking of this, Jiang Qiao remembered the reason why he wanted to become stronger, which was to keep himself alive. The same is true for a family. If it wants to prosper, it must rely on the cultivation of its descendants.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that this topic was too heavy for little Mu Chenyuan, Maybe when you grow up, you will understand, or you will have other choices (such as making snacks). uncertain.

In short, just choose the way that makes you happiest. Your parents just think they have chosen a path that will make you happy. Just do whatever you think.

What do I think...

Xiaomu Chenyuan scratched her head. She seemed to be growing a new head.

Ah, brother, you lied to me, the seeds have bloomed!

Jiang Qiao looked at the ground, and sure enough, a yellow flower appeared out of nowhere.

All I can say is that it is indeed a world of Consciousness Sea. Even the growth rules are so sloppy.

It didn't take long for him to chat with Mu Chenyuan, and it grew out so quickly.

But the yellow flowers continued to spread, and the violent rise instantly filled the entire land.

The flowers float silently in the wind.

Jiang Qiao and Xiaomu Chenyuan were suddenly immersed in the sea of ​​flowers.

Brother, I won't chat with you anymore. I want to send flowers to daddy. Xiaomu Chenyuan smiled stupidly.

Mu Chenyuan's dance became more and more wanton, and she was no longer restrained.

Having just entered the dance world, Mu Chenyuan was still a little nervous when facing the scrutinizing gazes of the elders.

When she really relaxed and devoted herself to the dance, she gradually didn't care about it anymore.

The vortex produced is also more beautiful than before, which shows that their dancing is more improved than before.

This time it should be a good win.

This was also the first time she saw Jiang Qiao's dance clothes. As expected, the fabric used in her dance clothes was similar to that of her own. However, the men's dance clothes were different from the women's softness, and had a bit more harshness.

When she reached the climax, she closed her eyes silently, but when she opened them again, everything in front of her had quietly changed.

There is still a bustling dance scene here.

The heat wave hit, making Mu Chenyuan flinch inexplicably.

Inside is cracked red soil, and the magma not far away is glowing red and bubbling.

She didn't know why she suddenly appeared here. After thinking calmly, she came to the conclusion that this was Jiang Qiao's sea of ​​consciousness.

If the phoenix dance reaches a certain level, it is likely to have this effect, but she really didn't expect that she and Jiang Qiao could dance to this level...

But why is Jiang Qiao's sea of ​​consciousness like this?

The sea of ​​consciousness not only represents the monk’s vast realm, but also reflects the state of mind. The more advanced a monk is, the richer the world of consciousness will be.

Jiang Qiao's world of consciousness did not give people a sense of pleasure, which was completely different from the gentleness he usually showed.

Mu Chenyuan thought of Jiang Qiao's wound that she had seen in the sanatorium before, and it was difficult not to connect the two things together.

So, is he also moving forward with a heavy burden?

Soon, Mu Chenyuan heard several painful moans.

A man was lying on his side on the ground, covering his chest and shaking all over.

Mu Chenyuan immediately ran over. She could recognize that it was Jiang Qiao. In other words, this is Jiang Qiao's image in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiang Qiao!

Jiang Qiao!

It turns out that you are in such pain in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiang Qiao closed his eyes and pinched the wound on his chest. He didn't open his eyes when he heard someone coming.

Want to sleep, want to rest...

It hurts so much, I can't sleep at all...

I just want to sleep...

Jiang Qiao pressed his legs against his lower abdomen and continued to tremble.

Mu Chenyuan didn't know what to do for a moment. If it weren't for Zhihai, Jiang Qiao's wounds would be enough to kill him.

But now, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, all world principles are extended arbitrarily by the owner of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

She tried to use spiritual power to repair Jiang Qiao's wound, but she didn't know whether her healing technique was not effective or it was incapable of healing. The spiritual power applied to Jiang Qiao's wound had no effect at all.

Jiang Qiao moved his sleeping position again, Is it so difficult to sleep...

Mu Chenyuan just called Jiang Qiao and found that Jiang Qiao didn't respond. In this case, don't call him.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the bloody wound on the chest must represent something very difficult in reality.

Mu Chenyuan's hand first lifted up the broken hair in front of Jiang Qiao's forehead and touched Jiang Qiao's forehead. It was not hot, but a little cold.

Then he stroked Jiang Qiao's forehead with his hand and said, It's okay, everything will pass.

Jiang Qiao seemed to feel something. His hands no longer covered his heart and suddenly firmly grasped Mu Chenyuan's sleeves.

Pillow, there is a pillow...

Mu Chenyuan was confused, pillow, what is that?

The next second, Jiang Qiao pressed harder towards Mu Chenyuan, and the blood on his chest spread onto Mu Chenyuan's sleeves.

Mu Chenyuan was confused and froze for a moment, not knowing what to do next.

Jiang Qiao slowly moved his entire head to Mu Chenyuan's knees. After finding a suitable pillow position, he released his hands with satisfaction and continued to cover his chest.

Jiang Qiao murmured: It feels better, it feels better.

Mu Chenyuan felt that her face exploded at that moment, her mind began to lose consciousness, and she could no longer think normally.

Jiang Qiao's condition was much better than the tossing and turning just now, and he was much calmer.

But not long after, Jiang Qiao started talking again: Pillow, my pillow...

His hands began to explore around again, and soon hugged Mu Chenyuan's waist. He was no longer satisfied with the position of his knees, but moved closer.

As soon as he turned his head, his cheek rested easily on Mu Chenyuan's abdomen.

Sleep, I can finally sleep peacefully...

Just as Jiang Qiao stretched out his hand to say goodbye to Xiaomu Chenyuan, his eyes suddenly flickered and returned to the center of the dance arena.

Therefore, just now he was equivalent to his spiritual consciousness entering the sea of ​​consciousness, but what is the flow rate of time?

He watched the changes in the scene around him. Fortunately, before entering the sea of ​​consciousness, he noticed how many crabapple cakes there were in the distance. At that time, there were about ten, but now there is not a single one left.

It seems that entering the sea of ​​consciousness will definitely consume time.

And although his consciousness has entered the sea of ​​consciousness of others, the dancing steps under his feet miraculously still continue.

Just when Jiang Qiao thought of this, the next moment, another strange memory appeared in his mind.

Moreover, that memory is not the light projecting pain and touch into one's own memory in the form of the first person.

There is also a third-person perspective, which clearly shows what Mu Chenyuan did in Jiang Qiao's sea of ​​consciousness, touching his forehead and hair.

And in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he also made particularly amazing moves.

What the hell? ! ! !

The self in the sea of ​​consciousness means that it is the consciousness in one's own heart. Could it be that in the subconscious mind, one is actually oneself?

Is this the scene of social death?

At this moment, Mu Chenyuan also broke away from the sea of ​​consciousness. Mu Chenyuan only felt a deep sense of shame for the extra memory that appeared in his brain out of thin air.

In just a short time of dancing, the two completed a test of each other's hearts.

Jiang Qiao and Mu Chenyuan suddenly tacitly avoided each other's sight, and Jiang Qiao found that his face felt a little hot.

But he secretly glanced at Mu Chenyuan's face, which was also flushed. It seemed that he and Mu Chenyuan had entered each other's sea of ​​consciousness.

But it is obvious that the other party has entered his sea of ​​consciousness, which makes him even more ashamed...

Everyone in the dance world is extremely immersed in dance at this moment.

Except Ouyang Jue biting his collar in pain, It's over, it's over, it's over, I'm going to lose this time.

Xiao Hanhan comforted him calmly: Don't worry so much about winning or losing, there will definitely be a chance next time.

She just wanted to dance with Ouyang Jue at first, and she also tried hard to let Ouyang Jue win the championship. Since she couldn't enjoy the Phoenix Dance, it was great.

Anyway, today is quite enjoyable, isn't it?

Xiao Hanhan smiled sweetly, which made everyone else feel relieved when they saw it.

It's not pleasant at all! But Ouyang Jue bit his collar even harder, However, he is indeed Jiang Qiao, my opponent. I will definitely beat him in the next assessment test!!!

Yeah, okay, but can you stop biting your dance clothes? It's still a daily rental, and you have to pay it back after the ceremony.

Xiao Hanhan just likes Ouyang Jue's character of facing difficulties and never giving up. The more he listens to Ouyang Jue's words, the more he likes him.

In the dance circle, those male disciples without partners also danced in small groups in a circle, developing a strong sense of brotherhood.

Even Bai Rulian and Mu Chenshui fell into harmony unexpectedly.

After Mu Chenshui experienced the phoenix celebration ceremony, he immediately fell to the ground with admiration in his dialogue: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Sister, what you taught me is so understanding.

Can you please stop calling me sister, call me sister!

Sister, next time, let's dance with you!

That's no need. You just need to understand what I'm saying. After all, from the beginning, you know who will be sacrificed in the end. This is all destined. Once you are weak, you will be merciful to the enemy.

Since it's a feeling that shouldn't be given, it means that it was a mistake from the beginning...

Mu Chenshui sighed. In his eyes, the sister he had raised since childhood had long been like his own sister. Now if he asked him to let go, he would let her go.

How could he do it.

The elders in the dance circle also watched all the dances, and handed all the ratings to Elder Jinshi for summary. Elder Jinshi was smiling, and after the summary was completed, he planned to read out the final list of winners.

He saw an extremely familiar name on the list of winners. Hum, this kid finally deserved his title this time.

Now, let me read it...

Elder Jinshi was just about to read out the list when the scene in front of him almost dropped his jaw.

Above the ink-colored sky, a ray of light like fire suddenly appeared.

Look! Look! Ouyang Jue was the first to exclaim, It's a phoenix!!!

Jiang Qiao looked towards the sky. At first, he couldn't see clearly. He only saw a ball of flames flying towards the distance, and he couldn't even see the outline of the bird clearly.

Everyone was silently watching the arrival of the Phoenix.

Finally, the phoenix finally got close. It spread its wings slightly and gently shook down thousands of sparks. The sparks fell slowly and disappeared into nothing.

The solemnity and glory of the phoenix were fully displayed at that moment.

Jiang Qiao remembered that Ouyang Jue said in the last round that he could see the true form of the phoenix first during the dance. He was probably lying, hiss.

Regardless of whether you get first place or not, the beautiful scenery is truly something everyone can enjoy.

The phoenix whirled in the air, seeming to bring auspiciousness to the Canglan Sect.

Jiang Qiao looked at the sky for a while, then turned to Mu Chenyuan.

At that time, Mu Chenyuan's cheeks were illuminated by the light of the phoenix, giving off a slight warm glow.

She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together, as if she was making a wish.

Jiang Qiao also clasped his hands together. Just when he was about to close his eyes, a paper crane flew onto his shoulder. He couldn't ignore it at all.

Opening the paper crane, a strange name was written on it.

Thanks to Yuluo Qingcheng for your January ticket! ! !

Thanks to Hongchensheng, the readers who have been reading the genuine copies for a long time are rewarded with 100 starting coins! ! !

So many recommendation votes! ! ! 19.54w, can I update to 20w tomorrow? Let me first say that I will update. If there is no update tomorrow, then there is no update...

Then, I will block all the ways for you to comment, No, no, no, I am not TR by myself. In fact, the subconscious reveals that the male protagonist wants to care.

I'm a piece of shit.

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