Jiang Qiao was happily eating noodles, but he was actually a little embarrassed because he had been eating at Mu Chenyuan's place for a long time.

Adhering to the principle of reciprocity, Jiang Qiao wondered if it was time to show Mu Chenyuan his dark cuisine.

After all, he is not a damn free prostitute.

Just when he thought of this, he heard the sound of chopsticks hitting the ground. He looked up and saw Mu Chenyuan's trembling right hand.

Just when Jiang Qiao was about to ask something, Mu Chenyuan gave him a forced smile and said, I won't eat. It seems that my body can no longer support it.


Jiang Qiao helped Mu Chenyuan lie down on the bed again, and then asked with concern: Are you feeling uncomfortable again? When will the elders and the others come to see you?

It will probably arrive in a while. Mu Chenyuan lay peacefully on the bed, Senior Brother Jiang, are you feeling better now?

It seems to be getting better.

Perhaps after eating this bowl of hot noodles, Jiang Qiao felt warm all over, and all his worries were swept away.

But Jiang Qiao saw that Mu Chenyuan was not feeling well. When Jiang Qiao supported her before, she had some restraint.

After lying on the bed, Mu Chenyuan couldn't help trembling.

That's good, cough. Mu Chenyuan tucked in the quilt.

Jiang Qiao went to another wing of the sanatorium to boil water.

This is the simplest thing Jiang Qiao can do now. He sits by the kettle and waits for it to boil while he collects his thoughts.

After eating and feeling energetic, he reconsidered what Qiu Baihui said.

Qiu Baihui said that she tried to poison Mu Chenyuan but failed, and Mu Chenyuan fell ill today.

Just imagine, Qiu Baihui's attitude towards Mu Chenyuan is hatred.

If you hate someone and fail the first time, there will probably be a second or third time.

Could it be that the reason Mu Chenyuan got sick was also because of Gu insects?

If it was a Gu insect, the elders would indeed easily recognize other symptoms.

Jiang Qiao hasn't thought about how to confirm whether it is a Gu insect.

He is not from the Medicine Valley, and he is not able to understand exactly how to prescribe the right medicine.

After the water boiled, he poured it into the cup and handed it to Mu Chenyuan.

At this time, there were finally not only Mu Chenyuan and Jiang Qiao in the sanatorium, but also three elders.

They stood around Mu Chenyuan, each with a puzzled look on their face.

Jiang Qiao recognized that one of the elders was the resident of the sanatorium, Elder Songtao. At the same time, he was also the owner of the Medicine Valley.

And there is another elder whom Jiang Qiao is not too familiar with, Elder Jinshi.

Shen Yuan was still complaining about Mu Chen Yuan during the lecture during the day, but now she has come too.

The remaining elders were a little unfamiliar to Jiang Qiao, which was normal. After all, there were so many elders in a sect, each performing their own duties, and it was impossible for Jiang Qiao to know them all.

Jiang Qiao then turned back and poured each of the elders a cup of tea.

Listen to what they say first before making any judgment.

Jiang Qiao, are you feeling better now? When Qiu Baihui just sent you here, you were still unconscious.

Elder Songtao stroked his gray beard with his hand.

Jiang Qiao's face was filled with smiles, It's better now.

You have nothing to do originally. It's just due to mental and physical exhaustion recently. As a young man, it's normal for you to have fun at night.

After Elder Songtao teased a few words, he turned to look at Mu Chenyuan.

? Jiang Qiao originally wanted to retort a few words, but the elders did have more important things to do now, so he had better put aside the joking matter first.

He also sat by the bed and listened for a while.

At this time, Elder Jinshi was checking Mu Chenyuan's pulse. He frowned and said, Isn't this the syndrome of mist poison?

An elder whom Jiang Qiao didn't know spoke up: The disease caused by the fog poison doesn't look like it. If you are exposed to the fog poison, your pulse will be gentle, while Mu Chenyuan's pulse will be disordered, but there will be no abnormality in the return of spiritual power, and...

This is tricky.

Elder Songtao sighed.

In the plot of Qiu Baihui's field, although Jiang Qiao had read some books on pharmacology, he still only dabbled in it.

Jiang Qiao basically couldn't understand their conversation, like a layman.

He handed the water to Mu Chenyuan, who was still trembling all over. Jiang Qiao walked up to her and touched Mu Chenyuan's cold hand.

[System prompt: Lucky value +2]

If it weren't for the prompt from the system, Jiang Qiao almost forgot about clocking in today. He was extremely tense and devoted himself to endorsing reincarnation.

He didn't know how long he had been inside, and he was so dazed that he only now knew what he should do.

Mu Chenyuan had already vomited all the food he had eaten in the latrine during the time when Jiang Qiao left.

Therefore, Mu Chenyuan didn't dare to eat when he saw water.

I don't dare to drink...

Then it's good to warm your hands first.

Mu Chenyuan took the cup.

Jiang Qiao was narrow-minded at first, but now he remembered something, so he used the fire method to surround Mu Chenyuan's whole body.

Mu Chenyuan felt Jiang Qiao's spiritual power, Senior Brother Jiang, it doesn't have to be like this. I'm not so cold. Instead, it's too hot now. It's very warm under the quilt. I'll be fine after just lying in bed for a while.

Okay, tell me when it's cold.

Jiang Qiao once again listened to the elders talking about Mu Chenyuan's illness.

The elders have great imaginations and have listed many diseases. Even the diseases suffered by spiritual beasts are included in their scope.

This may be a rare condition.

“It was really unheard of before.”

Hey, what should we do now?

Jiang Qiao couldn't sit still any longer, so he asked the elders: Disciple, I have a guess. Should I say it or not?

Elder Songtao frowned and asked Jiang Qiao: I remember Jiang Qiao, you are still a disciple of Zhaixingya, right? Do you actually know pharmacology? Tell me?

Is it possible that this symptom is not caused by any disease, but caused by voodoo insects?

Gu worm???

It's not like the three elders haven't thought about it in this direction before, but they didn't dare to think about it.

Elder Jinshi's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking.

But Elder Songtao immediately put an end to Jiang Qiao's groundless speculation: Gu worms, this is impossible? The demon sect's worms have disappeared for thousands of years, how can they come back now?

Jiang Qiao sneered. He had just seen the Gu insect yesterday, in Bai Rulian's fourth-story boat.

It seems that Elder Songtao knows how to whitewash peace. No, rather than whitewashing peace, it wouldn't be surprising if he is from the Demon Sect.

Elder Jin Shi also said: Jiang Qiao, if it is a Gu insect as you said, then it means that the Canglan Sect has mixed into the Mo Sect's party members.

I just said something about Gu worm in vain, do you have any basis for it?

Jiang Qiao really had no basis. He originally wanted to speak out and give the elders a reference direction, but he didn't expect that this idea would be of little use to them.

Elder Song Tao almost laughed angrily, If you are infected by the poison, there will definitely be a purple seal on your wrist. Mu Chenyuan doesn't have one on his hand at all.

Jiang Qiao:?

The problem is that I was also poisoned yesterday, and there is no such thing as the purple seal that Elder Song Tao mentioned.

It can only be said that the times are progressing, and so is the Demon Sect!

Jiang Qiao wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute. He said that he was poisoned yesterday, or he should tell the story about Bai Rulian.

If it was said that the organization contract could make him die instantly, Jiang Qiao didn't want to die so quickly, at least he had to collect enough information first.

Jiang Qiao was still thinking about what to say, but unexpectedly Elder Jinshi winked at him, tugged on his sleeves, and mouthed to Jiang Qiao, I'll talk to you later.

Jiang Qiao:......

If you are like this, how should you treat your disciple's illness?

So Jiang Qiao began to talk to Elder Jin Shi: What about Mu Chenyuan's illness?

I have a solution.

Elder Jinshi vowed and winked at himself.

On this side, Elder Songtao was cursing, You don't understand anything, so you're just talking nonsense here. Don't think that just because you are a top disciple in Zhaixingya, you can dictate my medical skills.

? Jiang Qiao Ren was calm for a moment, and he became angrier as he took a step back.

But Elder Jinshi pulled Jiang Qiao again and gestured: If you keep talking, Mu Chenyuan will be put into a bad situation.

Jiang Qiao was unable to digest what Elder Jinshi said at first, because it was not good for Mu Chenyuan to drag on his illness like this.

Later, he thought carefully about Elder Jinshi's words.

There were many bad rumors about Mu Chenyuan. If she was really bewitched now, it would be even harder to get rid of the suspicion.

Since Elder Jinshi said he had a solution, let's just believe him for once. Jiang Qiao can make plans after he understands the condition.

In the end, Mu Chenyuan was still diagnosed as suffering from fog poisoning.

Elder Songtao glared at Jiang Qiao fiercely, and then walked away. Before leaving, he gave Mu Chenyuan a bunch of pills for the mist poison syndrome.

But Elder Jinshi did not leave, Jiang Qiao, support Mu Chenyuan and go sit in my house.

Elder, do you really have...

Go to the house, let's talk slowly, you can support me, I won't help you, it's okay for you to be alone.

Jiang Qiao said: That's no problem.

He slowly helped Mu Chenyuan up. Mu Chenyuan had to stoop when walking, so the two of them walked out slowly.

Elder Jinshi looked back at Jiang Qiao, who was supporting Mu Chenyuan, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Elder Jinshi led the way and wielded the sword, while Jiang Qiao and Mu Chenyuan wielded the sword behind.

Mu Chenyuan rested her entire face on Jiang Qiao's shoulder, pressed her cold cheek against Jiang Qiao's neck, and breathed on Jiang Qiao's ear.

Jiang Qiao's ears were a little sensitive to blowing air. If Mu Chenyuan wasn't so ill now, he would have subconsciously avoided it.

Forget it, I won't let Mu Chenyuan move his position.

Perhaps because he was so close to Mu Chenyuan, he could hear Mu Chenyuan humming. He didn't know whether it was because she was too uncomfortable or because she was wielding the sword too fast.

Mu Chenyuan has been resuming the fire spell. With this speed of sword control, Mu Chenyuan should not feel cold anymore.

Jiang Qiao shouted forward again: Elder, can you slow down?

The elder turned his head and glanced at Jiang Qiao. He seemed to snort, and then slowly slowed down the sword.

Elder Jinshi's mansion is very different from the sect master's mansion. The sect master's mansion has a grand feeling.

Elder Jinshi, on the other hand, did not show off his aggression, only the indifference of hiding in the city, planting some spiritual vegetables at will.

But now, these spiritual vegetables are covered by heavy snow.

Seeing Jiang Qiao staring at the spiritual vegetables for a while, Elder Jinshi smiled and said, These spiritual vegetables, after being so frozen by the snow, taste sweet afterward.

Elder, what is the method you just mentioned?

We'll talk about this when we get inside.

Elder Jinshi gave Jiang Qiao a friendly smile.

Wait, this smile is inexplicably familiar to Jiang Qiao. Li Wentian's charm is still there between his brows and eyes, and the shape of his mouth is actually half similar to Li Pingxian.

Elder, what's your last name?

Jiang Qiao suddenly asked, and he suddenly had a strong premonition.

Your father and I have been friends for so many years, and I've been teaching you for so long, but you actually don't know my last name.

Jiang Qiao asked more and more urgently: Is your surname Li?

In the memory of the original owner, Jiang's father did mention Elder Jinshi many times, but he always called him Jinshi and Jinshi, passing by his surname.

Normally in the sect, I never heard anyone talk about this kind of thing.

You kid, don't you have a good memory? It would be too much if you don't remember my name.

So, Li Pingxian is yours?

You actually know him? Hey, according to my seniority, he is my great-grandfather. However, I have been removed from the Li family for a while now, and I have nothing to do with them or contact them now.


You have been expelled from the Li family a long time ago. You are a disgrace to the Li family.

Elder Jinshi is an elder, so he looks like an elder. He should be the same age as Jiang Qiao's father.

Li Pingxian looks about the same age as himself, but it is narrow-minded for immortal cultivators to consider age.

It is not unreasonable that Li Pingxian is about a hundred years old.

However, now is not the time to think about this.

According to the rules of this galgame game, the first person to die was Li Wentian. The one who was killed by Mu Qinggan's knife was regarded as the pioneer of death. Feng Cheng pretended to be Li Wentian and gave himself a hint.

The second person to die was Li Yuan, who was killed by Wenyu's sword. He was also considered a pioneer. Li Pingxian, who was also from the Li family, served as his assistant.

However, Li Pingxian stayed in his cave once before, and was stabbed by Wenyu in a certain reincarnation.

Judging from these rules superficially, Elder Jinshi might be at risk of dying after him.

Jiang Qiao sighed, having already made some mental predictions about Elder Jinshi's subsequent death.

Moreover, in Li Pingxian's mind, he was Li Wentian, so he needed to introduce the fact that he was his uncle to Elder Jinshi.

Elder, then you must know Li Wentian, right?

Maybe he is the junior after the Li family. I can't remember. I was also a disciple of Zhai Xingya before. I don't care much about this child's background. We are all disciples and we should treat them equally.

Jiang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. This way, he wouldn't have to worry about performing a large-scale family recognition scene.

After all, Elder Renjinshi doesn’t know either.

It sounds like Jiang Qiao, don't pay too much attention to Songtao. He actually hates the Demon Sect more than anyone else. His two children died at the hands of the Demon Sect. He has regarded the Canglan Sect as an absolute place of stability. .

If we let him know that there is something really related to the Demon Sect, he will go crazy, but it will be difficult to handle. He would rather blind his eyes.

So, Elder Jinshi has always known that there are disciples of the Demon Sect in the sect?

Jiang Qiao really wanted to understand what kind of chaotic existence the Canglan Sect was. Maybe Elder Jinshi would not answer him directly.

But you have to ask yourself.

Unexpectedly, Elder Jinshi asked himself: What kind of existence do you think the Demon Sect is?

Thanks to Hongchensheng, Li Sigou for his January ticket! ! !

I have been thinking about guest posts recently. There is already a guest post from a book friend, but I have no idea what plot it should be in. I will think about it again.

When I finish my homework, I will edit a guest house in detail. It has a format and I can write the settings related to the faction and sect. If I see something interesting, I will adopt it.

But I’m afraid that no one will be there, just like dubbing. . .

I think this guest post is okay, so I won’t do it if there aren’t many people. If there are many people, I’ll just wait until I format the post and set some principles. I’m afraid I’ll accidentally guest post my book friends.

If not, forget it. If you have any ideas, deduct 1 and take a look.

[Keep talking, there are too many homeworks this week]

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