Today I just want to post with the little junior sister who is passing by

Chapter 81 “Want to see me confused?” (4009 words)

Jiang Qiao took a lot of effort to pull out the two Gu insects from his hand and put them back into the box.

It seems that it is better to make as few mistakes as possible in this job.

After feeding the Gu insects, Jiang Qiao returned to the cave.

Lying on the bed, he turned on the system and looked at the possession secret book. Although he had obtained it, it was still locked.

[System prompt: You need the demon sect seal in your body to open this book]

Jiang Qiao buried his eyes with his arms and closed them for a while, maybe taking a nap.

Dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door. Jiang Qiao opened his eyes, got out of bed and put on his shoes randomly to see who was outside.


I, Ouyang Jue, open the door.

Ouyang Jue's arrogant and confident voice sounded.

Why is it him?

Ouyang Jue has no friendship with him, right now?

With some doubts, Jiang Qiao opened the door.

Jiang Qiao, let's have a meal together tonight.


I lost to you in the last phoenix ceremony, so I want to apologize to Mu Chenyuan. I just went to apologize. I wanted to have a dinner together to settle the old grudges. Will you come?

? You have already gone to see Mu Chenyuan. How is she doing now?

Jiang Qiao originally thought of going to see Mu Chenyuan after dinner, and he also wanted to help with the decoction.

Answer me first, are you going or not? I have good wine and meat to serve you. I have a considerable capacity for drinking. Don't drink too much.

Junior Sister Mu, is she sick? No wonder she didn't look well when I went to see her just now. What is wrong with her?

Jiang Qiao coughed a few times: It's not a serious illness. It needs to be taken good care of.

Since Ouyang Jue has already gone to see Mu Chenyuan, and the only adjective used to describe him is that he looks bad, it seems that the previous medicine has some effect and his health has improved.

I see, then it's even more time to prepare a delicious meal for Junior Sister Mu!

Ouyang Jue became more and more excited as he spoke. He made a fist with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand, Xiao Hanhan has already prepared the dishes in Junior Sister Mu's cave.

Xiao Hanhan's craftsmanship is good, and Junior Sister Mu's cave kitchen is complete, so let her show off her skills.

So, are you going or not?

Ouyang Jue firmly believes that a table of food and a few glasses of wine can make a good man.

...Okay, I'll go.

A meal is eaten in the dining hall, and it is eaten together when eating together.

The last time we gathered around the round table for dinner was on the holiday, so Jiang Qiao wanted to experience more of the excitement, no matter how lively it was.

When Ouyang Jue heard Jiang Qiao's promise, his eyes narrowed in happiness, Then you must come, Youshi! We won't go back until we get drunk! In Junior Sister Mu's cave.

Jiang Qiao nodded.

After he closed the door, he applied ointment to the wound that had been bitten by the bug, so that the wound would heal faster.

After that, he gave Mu Chenyuan decoction according to the instructions of Elder Jinshi.


The strong aroma of food overflows from Mu Chenyuan's cave.

Mu Chenyuan also didn't expect that her cave would be so lively today.

Xiao Hanhan's knife skills were good. With the knife in his hand, a jade cabbage was split into two halves.

Shall I make some spicy cabbage? Junior Sister Mu, can you eat spicy food?

Mu Chenyuan nodded, Okay.

Ouyang Jue was flipping through a story book with his head on his hand, and he was reading very well.

Jiang Qiao was the last to arrive.

He asked Xiao Hanhan: Do you need help? Cutting vegetables or something?

Jiang Qiao thought to himself that he was just a freeloader, so he would help if he could.

Xiao Hanhan said lightly: No need, if you say so, I should call another guy.

Ouyang Jue, come back quickly and help cut vegetables.

After Jiang Qiao heard this, he immediately understood and exited.

He took out a bowl of soup from the storage ring and said, Junior Sister Mu, you need to drink your medicine before meals.

Mu Chenyuan's complexion looked much better than before. She looked at the steaming medicinal soup and said, Thank you, senior brother. Did you fry this medicine before?

Yeah, I fried it in advance.

You actually know how to keep warm in the storage ring?

That's not enough. I just gave it a try and learned a little bit.

Jiang Qiao smiled and said, Junior sister, it's time to drink medicine.

Mu Chenyuan picked up the bowl containing the medicinal soup. She sniffed it tentatively, It feels very bitter.

You have to drink it even though it's bitter. Good medicine tastes bitter, so you can recover as soon as possible.

That's right.

Mu Chenyuan sighed and pursed her lips a little, Well, it's so painful.

Such a bitter medicine should be taken in one gulp. The taste should not be savored carefully. Wait until it is all in your throat and then savor it. If you drink a little bit, you will not be able to drink it.

Jiang Qiao has never drunk that medicine, but he was lucky enough to drink traditional Chinese medicine many times before traveling through time. The magical taste of traditional Chinese medicine is naturally engraved in his DNA.

you're right.

Mu Chenyuan thought about it for a while, and after taking a deep breath in preparation, he made a sound of gurgling, gurgling, gurgling, gurgling, gurgling.

The bowl containing the decoction also tilted as Mu Chenyuan's hand advanced. Finally, the bowl was empty.

Mu Chenyuan immediately put the soup and medicine bowl on the table. The porcelain white glaze of the bowl was clearly visible, and it was so clean that not even the medicine residue was left.

Cough, cough.

The bitter feeling can be ignored for a moment when you take it in, but now after drinking it, the bitterness has taken over again.

After Mu Chenyuan drank the medicine, he refilled himself with two glasses of water.

Just finish it. You will have to drink these medicines in the past few days.

Senior brother, if my medicine is with you, why don't you leave it with me? I'd better not bother you with making the medicine...

After Mu Chenyuan was cured, he realized that the most critical medicine was not with him.

Junior Sister Mu, I can't give you this medicine. Have you forgotten that in addition to drinking medicine every day, you must also practice well?

I've been coming to see you every day lately to supervise your practice and help you boil medicine.

But the medicine must be given to me...

You're weak, I'll just boil some medicine for you, it's okay.

The most important thing, junior sister, you must overcome this disease. Drugs only play a supporting role. Only by becoming stronger can you completely get rid of it.

Mu Chenyuan nodded. Elder Jinshi had already told her the specific situation.

I said last time that I would take you to practice together. Now, the time has come to fulfill my promise.

Take me and practice together...

Mu Chenyuan's hands clenched together uneasily, Hmm, I'm stupid, maybe I don't learn well...

It doesn't matter, let's just take it slow. Jiang Qiao thought for a while and then said, Do you usually get up early?

I got up early.

How about we start practicing together in the early morning before the lecture?

Okay, okay. Mu Chenyuan nodded.

Jiang Qiao didn't know if practicing with Mu Chenyuan in the morning from now on would help her get rid of the poisonous insects, but according to Elder Jinshi's words, practice is the most effective way to get rid of the poisonous insects.

Xiao Hanhan brought a plate of dishes: Help me peel off the shells of this plate of water chestnuts. I'm afraid it's too late.

Okay, I'll peel it off. Jiang Qiao replied.

Mu Chenyuan then said: I'll peel it off too!

Junior sister Mu, you're sick, you'd better just wait and eat. Xiao Hanhan said with a smile.

It's okay to peel off the skin, Senior Sister Xiao. Mu Chenyuan said.

Okay, okay, let's peel it off together. I'll peel it off a little more. If you're tired, stop peeling it off.

Jiang Qiao answered naturally.

What surrounded Mu Chenyuan's mind was the word we.

This word is not exclusive at all, just like Jiang Qiao and he are from the same place and have a very close relationship.

The two of them peeled water chestnuts together.

They pulled out the white meat of the water chestnut bit by bit and put it into the bowl.

Mu Chenyuan suddenly felt that it would be good to peel some water chestnuts with Jiang Qiao like this.

Unconsciously, I yearn for such plainness.

[System prompt: Mu Chenyuan’s new skill improvement: When she is around her, the probability of the yandere heroine appearing will be reduced by 60%]

Jiang Qiao was still peeling water chestnuts without any distractions. This was one of the rare moments where he could calm down and relax.

He had fed the worms in the morning, and now he was peeling water chestnuts, but he felt inexplicably relaxed.

Suddenly, I heard the good news brought by the system. It is impossible to say that you are unhappy, although there is still a 40% chance of meeting you. In short, it is also a good progress now.

Mu Chenyuan proudly showed it to Jiang Qiao: Look, the water chestnut skin I peeled off this time is all connected together.

It doesn't seem difficult to connect them together.

Jiang Qiao had only skinned people at will before, but in his opinion, all he needed to do was complete the skinning task.

However, now he is ready to deal with it seriously: Look, the skin I peeled off is also connected now, isn't it?

The moment Jiang Qiao picked up the skin and showed it, the water chestnut skin suddenly broke into two pieces.

Senior Brother Jiang, isn't your water chestnut skin a bit too fragile?

Just wait, I'll peel off another one.

The atmosphere between the two instantly heated up because of the plate of water chestnuts.

Xiao Hanhan glanced at it from a distance, it was great, it was so harmonious. Junior Brother Jiang and Junior Sister Mu will definitely have some drama in the future.

After she finished sensing, she cut open the belly of the crucian carp and took out the internal organs.

Xiao Hanhan really doesn't understand why! ! !

Why! On the other hand, things are not going well for me here!

Obviously they were doing something together, but Ouyang Jue would make this small shop a mess, as if it had been run over by a pig.

Shredded vegetable leaves are flying everywhere.

Xiao Hanhan was really speechless.

Hanhan, is this fire the right time? Ouyang Jue was squatting to light the fire. Now he turned around and saw a face full of carbon black.

In Xiao Hanhan's opinion, Ouyang Jue looks like a clumsy and stupid child.

Xiao Hanhan: cute.

Hey, you might as well forgive him.

Hey, Mr. Ouyang, you did a good job of lighting the fire. Now go over there and wait for the meal. Wait for the meal to start.

Okay, okay, I'm too tired. Since you let me rest, don't ask me to serve the food when it's ready. Young Master, I just want to lie down.

After speaking, Ouyang Jue yawned.

No, I will definitely call you later.

Xiao Hanhan hasn't wanted to hit someone so much for a long time.

Eventually all the meals were ready.

Ouyang Jue opened a jar of wine, This is the strongest wine I have ever gotten. Men are not allowed to say no.

He couldn't wait to get Jiang Qiao drunk, and then use the wine to interrogate Jiang Qiao's little secret.

This is the fun of the wine shop.

Yes. Jiang Qiao took the wine lightly, and the four of them clinked the bottles.

Ouyang Jue solemnly said: This wine party is mainly to apologize to Junior Sister Mu. Many things before were indeed my fault.

You shouldn't fabricate some groundless rumors to slander Junior Sister Mu, and I don't expect Junior Sister Mu to forgive me directly after this apology.

This meal is just to show my sincerity. No matter how much I say, there is nothing to say. Let's do it.

The four of them drank it all in one gulp. According to Elder Jinshi's instructions, Mu Chenyuan didn't drink because he was sick, so he just used water instead.

Jiang Qiao first tried a honey sauce hot recipe, which he had never eaten before. After finding it delicious, he immediately ordered the dish with chopsticks and motioned to Mu Chenyuan to eat it.

After receiving Jiang Qiao's signal, Mu Chenyuan immediately tasted one piece, and then tasted the second and third pieces.

If it's delicious, eat more. Xiao Hanhan saw that Mu Chenyuan was eating too much, and he felt tipsy even without drinking much wine.

As for Ouyang Jue, who was cooking in the whirlwind, he had to eat a mouthful of vegetables with each mouthful of rice, and he would eat a bowl of rice quickly.

Xiao Hanhan advised: Ouyang Jue, you should eat less. There will be dumplings later, so don't eat too much.

Hiccup, okay. Ouyang Jue responded after burping.

He filled Jiang Qiao's and his own glasses of wine again. He would accomplish his mission tonight, Come on, let's do it!

The wine bottles collided, and Jiang Qiao drank the wine in one gulp without blinking.

Ouyang Jue asked: Jiang Qiao, do you have a good drinking capacity?

General. Jiang Qiao replied calmly.

Ouyang Jue nodded: Okay, I have to let you go back to the cave today.

Be careful, you won't even be able to walk later, hahahahahahahahaha.

Then I'm looking forward to it. Do you want to see me being confused? A smile flashed across Jiang Qiao's face, and he couldn't help but complain: Little paicai.

Xiao Hanhan patted Mu Chenyuan on the shoulder, Don't worry about them two, we will eat ours. This steamed seabass has no bones. Junior sister Mu, you can eat it and see.

Mu Chenyuan nodded. She took a lot of fish and tasted the deliciousness of the fish.

At the same time, Mu Chenyuan was inexplicably looking forward to Jiang Qiao being drunk.

When a person is drunk, he is often able to let down his guard.

She also wanted to know if Jiang Qiao would go crazy after getting drunk. If so, would the scene be more interesting.

Mu Chenyuan also wanted to see the other side of Jiang Qiao who was paralyzed by wine.

After drinking several times, Ouyang Jue asked: Jiang Qiao, I see your face is a little red...

Jiang Qiao had this on his face when he drank, but he was not drunk. On the contrary, he saw that Ouyang Jue's state seemed to be erratic.

Ouyang Jue's drinking ability is indeed not good.

Jiang Qiao is still at ease now. After clinking glasses, Jiang Qiao shakes a few spoons of clear soup to drink chicken, Oh... I'm a little drunk now. It seems that my drinking capacity is only here.

Ouyang Jue poked Jiang Qiao, Come on, let's continue drinking~


Thank you Hongchensheng for your January vote! ! !

Tomorrow will still be the daily routine, there are still 10,000 words left and now there are 250,000 words.

[Just some water. Today I soaked the Hanamaki in the soup and ate it. It was really good to eat it soaked]

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