Chapter 84 “Buzz buzz~” (2041 words)


Senior Brother Jiang, this book of yours is a little hard to get. We went to the library to grab it on holidays before, but couldn't get it. We really want to read it.

Yes, Senior Brother Jiang, Yunliu's books are really hard to get, can you lend them to me?

I haven't finished reading it yet. Jiang Qiao thought. His book was clearly lying flat on the table, and the title of the book was not even revealed. How did you know it was Yunliu's book?

One of the short men said: The paper selection of her story books is very different. There may be only books produced by her with such quality in the world.

Another tall man said: That's right, the paper of her novel feels like silk, smooth and soft.

? ? ? Is it so outrageous? When he heard these comments, Jiang Qiao almost thought that these male disciples had been kidnapped.

He flipped through a few pages. It was obviously just ordinary paper. Where did it slide?

The tall disciple said: After Senior Brother Jiang has finished reading, we will come to you to borrow it. I didn't expect that Senior Brother Jiang also likes Yunliu! On the holiday, we went to the library to buy her book together and we didn't get this one.

After those disciples left, Jiang Qiao continued to focus on the contents of the book.

The plot is basically consistent, and the details of Qiu Baihui's torture and murder are clearly recorded in the novel. It is more of an autobiography than a novel.

After reading the book, Jiang Qiao had mixed feelings for no reason.

Mu Chenyuan was sitting on the chair. The morning practice gave her a little headache. The headache was like splitting her brain into pieces. Her body felt like it was rising on a kite, and then it felt like the kite had fallen. The line plummeted to the bottom.

Emotions also rose and fell. After Mu Chenyuan took out the scroll for lectures, he began to lean on the scroll in a daze.

Jiang Qiao did not sit with Mu Chenyuan this time. Instead, he found himself in the last row. It would be bad to be so blatantly fishing.

Jiang Qiao noticed something was wrong with Mu Chenyuan, so he flew a paper crane and asked: What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell again?

He had given medicine to Mu Chenyuan in the morning. Could it be that this Gu insect could not be suppressed?

Mu Chenyuan also replied: Fortunately, I had a slight headache just now, but it's much better now.

Jiang Qiao added: Elder Jinshi will come over later and ask him!

Mu Chenyuan: Yeah, it's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore. If it hurts again, I'll ask him.

The paper crane flew back again.

Her storage ring suddenly made a noise. She checked it and found that the memory crystal was glowing faintly.

Mu Chenyuan has also learned some knowledge about crystals since he left the secret realm last time.

On the one hand, memory crystals are not easy to obtain these days. The so-called memory crystal is to condense other people's memories into entities for easy storage. People in this world who can extract the talent of memory seem to have perished long ago.

On the other hand, she also wanted to know who the portrait stored in the memory crystal was.

But now, the memory crystal is bright again. Could it be that there is some new picture for me to see?

Mu Chenyuan touched the crystal with her hand, but the crystal burned Mu Chenyuan until she almost lost a layer of skin.

She had planned to do something else, but Elder Jinshi had already come to give a lecture, and she could only raise her doubts about the crystal later.

Elder Jin Shi stood in front. His eyes glanced at Mu Chenyuan and then at Jiang Qiao. It was amazing that they were not sitting together today.

The snow outside the house gradually melts.

Jiang Qiao was sitting by the window. A few drops of melted water fell on the pages of his book. Jiang Qiao wanted to wipe the water with his sleeves, but he didn't expect that the water penetrated directly into the inside of the book. It seemed that it was completely gone. The appearance of being wet.

Could it be that the surface of the paper is more absorbent, so it looks like the paper is not smudged at all?

He immediately poured a large amount of water on the paper with the water method, only to find that there was no trace of water at all on the paper.

Rather than saying that the paper is too absorbent, it is better to say that the book directly sucked all the water inside.

Jiang Qiao subconsciously turned over all the pages of the book again, and at the same time shook the book with his hands, hoping to shake out all the water. In the end, he got nothing.

Oops, it looks like there is something.

While Elder Jin Shi was teaching, he glanced at Jiang Qiao again. Jiang Qiao was busy in the back row. He didn't know what he was doing. Unfortunately, the dark heads in the front row made it difficult for him to see clearly what Jiang Qiao was doing.

Jiang Qiao! Tell me what I was talking about just now?

Jiang Qiao stood up, but he didn't have stage fright. Fortunately, he was just playing with the book, but during that time he still heard roughly what the elder was talking about.

So he stood up and answered fluently.

Qiu Baihui got up a little late, and she planned to enter quietly from the back of the lecture hall. As soon as she entered, she found that Jiang Qiao was answering the elder's question at this time, and the answer was very good, repeating the content of the book almost verbatim.

Jiang Qiao's profile suddenly shone in Qiu Baihui's eyes. It was indeed her training and training. It was indeed perfect.

Soon, Qiu Baihui's eyes caught Mu Chenyuan sitting in the front. At this time, Mu Chenyuan was listening carefully.

Qiu Baihui was dissatisfied. This woman was actually still fine. Could it be that that level of Gu insect was of no use to her at all?

She searched for other Gu bugs in her sleeves and found the Catalog Four Gu bug Blindness. This Gu bug was enough to make Mu Chenyuan uncomfortable for a while.

This Gu worm obviously looks more normal than other Gu worms, and its direction of travel is also smoother.

Buzz buzz~

Jiang Qiao suddenly heard a familiar voice, which was very similar to the sound of Gu insects he heard at Zhenbao Club before.

He looked toward the source of the sound, and a small insect as big as a sesame seed suddenly appeared in the distance.

Naturally, this was not coming towards him, but towards Mu Chenyuan...

Jiang Qiao tried to use spiritual power to hit the Gu insect, but the Gu insect flew too fast and was difficult to catch.

He ignored Elder Jinshi's question and shouted loudly: Junior Sister Mu, be careful!!!

Jiang Qiao subconsciously hit the table with his fist, causing it to break.

He ran in the direction of Mu Chenyuan, and the most important thing was to crush the Gu insect to death quickly.

At that time, the Gu insect was flying so fast that it had already reached Mu Chenyuan, and she had to be reminded.

Only when Jiang Qiao ran halfway, he quickly stopped.

He found that the Gu insect he had just seen suddenly magically changed its direction.

At the same time, a thin and long Gu worm appeared out of thin air, following the flight path of the previous Gu worm, and flew away from Mu Chenyuan.

Mu Chenyuan turned around, waved to Jiang Qiao, gave a kind smile, and said to Jiang Qiao: I'm fine.

Jiang Qiao:?

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