Jiang Qiao, as you can see, I have created a field now, and this field is to ensure that no one else interferes except you and me.

Jiang Qiao thought that this kind of scene of isolating others and only letting himself be alone with the yandere heroine was extremely dangerous.

However, if Qiu Baihui allows him to endorse, Jiang Qiao should be able to maintain speed and pass without any injuries.

You should still remember Jiang Qiao. When we were young, we would have a fight every year to determine the difference in our cultivation levels. This time I also want to compete with you. If you lose, you can twist off a piece of your hair as my New trophy, then if you win, I’ll give you my hair.”


? ?

? ? ?

Jiang Qiao really doesn't understand what the meaning of this competition is? Qiu Baihui is obsessed with collecting her hair, and she now knows it.

But I am not interested in Qiu Baihui's hair at all.

What did she give her hair for?

I don’t want it at all.

And, what if Qiu Baihui accidentally beats him to death during the fight with Qiu Baihui.

A competition is a competition, but we must finish it to the end, and no one can be injured.


Jiang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the current situation, Qiu Baihui should be in a normal state, not in a state of being unable to control the situation, and still able to communicate rationally.

If it was just an ordinary sparring session with Qiu Baihui, it would be worthwhile.

Because he will inevitably have a fight with Qiu Baihui in the future. If he can familiarize himself with the opponent's moves and movements in advance, it will naturally be of good help in the subsequent plot.

If I win, can I change my bet? My hair isn't that interesting.

Yes, you said so before, but I still have to give you my hair~

Jiang Qiao then searched the memory of the original owner.

Sure enough, the original owner would fight with Qiu Baihui every year, but he would always refuse the bet of giving hair as a gift.

Sure enough, the original owner was a normal person.

Normal people would refuse to collect other people’s hair every year, right?

Actually, it doesn't matter whether we compete or not. After all, you can now open the field, and I am just a foundation builder. The gap between the two of us is really too big. So, wait a moment, you can give me some control. , don’t be too harsh right from the start.”

Of course, I promise you, don't worry, I will never hurt you. Ever since I was a child, I have never hurt you once.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but curse, yes, at least when he was a child, Qiu Baihui had never hurt anyone.

But today is different from the past. From the experience of the last round, Jiang Qiao understands that this woman's attacks are absolutely indistinguishable. Once she enters a state of madness, she will not be able to control her strength, so she still has to be careful. .

Also, let's go out of the field first, and don't fight inside the field.

Jiang Qiao still remembered that he was stuck in the realm in the last round of reincarnation and could not get out at all.

If Qiu Baihui accidentally beats herself to death after a while, Jiang Qiao will be reincarnated in the field repeatedly.

In his current state, there is absolutely no way to break through in this field. Even if he dies, he cannot return to his previous save state.

He doesn't want to live in the realm at all.

Ah, what, don't you like this quiet space? There are only two of us, so there won't be a third person to disturb us.

Jiang Qiao was actually a little impatient. He didn't want to be trapped in this field forever.

But he kept calm and modified his words slightly: That's right, I think if we fight in the snowy scene outside the realm, the artistic conception may be more beautiful, while walking on the snow Fighting with you. Isn't this more interesting than competing in a boring field? The changing colors of the field are not very comfortable.

Qiu Baihui thought for a while and said, What you said makes some sense.

Then the domain was removed, and everything around him regained its original appearance.

Jiang Qiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them came to the snow outside the lecture hall and started competing.

Jiang Qiao thought that he would definitely not be able to defeat Qiu Baihui, so he needed to rush forward with all his strength.

At least he wanted to see how long it would take him to surpass Qiu Baihui at his best.

At first, he could feel that Qiu Baihui was obviously giving in to him, and he could also decipher some of Qiu Baihui's moves.

At the same time, Jiang Qiao was also trying to memorize Qiu Baihui's moves.

As long as you can remember a little bit, you can figure out whether this is the Demon Sect's move by asking Elder Jinshi later.

If so, then in the next reincarnation, this competition can be planned in advance, and maybe Qiu Baihui can be sent to the Confinement Pavilion.

Although Qiu Baihui may not be hammered to death, at least he can maintain his own safety for a certain period of time.

Jiang Qiao had also used his imagination before to think about whether he could achieve his goal through some photography technology in this world, but he found that his current ability to cultivate immortals was not up to the technique that could leave an image.

Immortal cultivators are also constantly exploring the diversity of cultivating immortals and joining the world. For the time being, they have not advanced to this level, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Later, Qiu Baihui gradually strengthened her strength, and Jiang Qiao could feel that Qiu Baihui's moves were getting stronger.

Jiang Qiao struggled to receive the attacks, and then gradually became unable to block the attacks.

Jiang Qiao thought that in the last competition between the original owner and Qiu Baihui, the gap between the two was not so big.

It seems that the so-called ability of the Demon Sect to improve cultivation is most likely true.

At the same time, he realized that Qiu Baihui at this time was no longer in the state of being able to communicate and discuss normally as before.

Jiang Qiao studied Qiu Baihui's expression. She looked crazy now, like a hunter who had caught his latest prey and was reluctant to let go.

The arc of her blade in the air was like a trace of bright rose red. Although it was thrillingly beautiful, it was also fatal.

The rose red is mixed with the sandy snow, and danger seems to be coming as promised.

At this critical moment, Jiang Qiao still tried to record all the moves calmly.

Could it be that he is going to die again now?

But he was still trying to negotiate with Qiu Baihui, Isn't it okay to just say goodbye? Bai Hui, what are you doing? It's almost time to say goodbye.

Bai Hui? Bai Hui?

I really can't beat you now, let's stop here.

Qiu Baihui continued to attack Jiang Qiao as if she was deaf and did not hear.

The chill in her eyes did not diminish by half, as if she was a bloodthirsty monster now, determined not to give up until Jiang Qiao was hurt.

Soon, Jiang Qiao's Blood Piano Sword was knocked away by Qiu Baihui, and the sword was stuck upside down on the ground. Jiang Qiao's right hand was also scratched with a bright blood mark.

Jiang Qiao gasped for air, and his breath filled the air with white mist rising up.

Dead, right?

It seems that it is time to activate the Stone Body Curse to survive for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, a slightly abrupt voice broke the current situation.

What are you doing?

Jiang Qiao was naturally familiar with this voice. It seemed that his helper was here.

Jiang Qiao was already unable to withstand the final blow, but just in time, Elder Jinshi appeared to save him.

Elder Jinshi blocked Qiu Baihui's new attack. After Qiu Baihui suffered this blow, she seemed to wake up a lot, and her eyes gradually returned to their usual calmness.

Elder. Jiang Qiao and Qiu Baihui bowed their hands at the same time.

Are you okay? I don't usually see the disciples competing together to discuss their cultivation. I was enjoying myself watching it, but I didn't expect that something was getting worse. If I didn't interrupt it, someone might be killed.

After the elder said that, he immediately healed Jiang Qiao's wound. Soon, the blood marks on the wound gradually healed.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm like this. I don't strike lightly or harshly. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. This time it's my fault.

The elder sighed and said: To be honest, it's your competition, but there are rules in the sect. If you want to compete, go to the competition venue, where there are many people watching.

If the gun accidentally goes off and someone can stop it, you can compete today. It's okay. Fighting is normal, but your nature is gradually getting weird.

Qiu Baihui nodded, looking like he had been taught something.

Jiang Qiao thought, Elder Jinshi had just seen the whole fight between himself and Qiu Baihui, so whether he had discovered anything unusual in Qiu Baihui's moves.

Next time, don't fight like this again. If someone loses his life, who will be responsible? There have been a lot of things happened in the sect recently. If there are more, you are afraid that this one will cause trouble again.

Oh, by the way, Jiang Qiao, come with me. I have something to tell you.

Jiang Qiao was about to say something more, but he was already pulled over by the elder.

The elder quietly whispered at the edge of Jiangqiao: Are you okay just now?

Jiang Qiao understood that the elder had turned on the team voice in advance. He probably understood that the elder must have discovered something and suddenly pulled himself away.

When the two of them were flying side by side with swords, Elder Jinshi asked: If I remember correctly, Qiu Baihui, you have grown up together, right?

Jiang Qiao could only say that the elder was indeed his father's old friend, and he knew this very well.

I actually know Qiu Baihui's father, and we had a relationship with him at that time. But when I saw the competition between you two just now, I thought you had some kind of grudge against her.

Elder, did you see anything wrong with the moves Qiu Baihui used just now?

? Ah, is there something wrong? I feel like this kid is also self-taught. Many of the moves come from the Qiu family, and his practice can be described as very pure.

It's not something we learned from our sect. It's really mysterious. Even I couldn't help but marvel when I saw it, but I think you should avoid competing with Qiu Baihui. This child's fierceness is a bit strange.

Jiang Qiao knew that Elder Jinshi had just seen the entire process of their fight.

Since even Elder Jinshi didn't see any clues, it seems that Qiu Baihui did not use any Demon Sect's techniques. In other words, things were a lot more difficult.

Afterwards, Jiang Qiao followed the elder to Elder Jinshi's mansion, and started a conversation similar to the previous round again.

Apart from the plot, the dialogue between Elder Jinshi and Jiang Qiao is basically not much different, except that this time there is no plot about Mu Chenyuan being poisoned.

The result is: ask the elders to help him pay attention to the information about Qiu Baihui's murder.

Jiang Qiao also gave the novel to Elder Jinshi, asking him to study it himself.

After all, Jiang Qiao found that except for The Devil Don't Do This, none of Qiu Baihui's other novels had strange paper problems.

It shows that there is indeed something unique about Dudu's book.

Jiang Qiao was exhausted after doing all this. He went to the dining hall, ordered a bowl of hot wontons, and warmed himself up as usual.

At the same time, a paper crane flew in front of Jiang Qiao.

Unfold the paper crane, the content on the paper crane is:

[Jiang Qiao, I really didn’t mean it today. I really can’t control myself sometimes. You won’t be angry with me. I will never fight with you in a place like this next time. If If we want to compete again, we must compare with the market.

I can't think about it this time, so I won't collect your hair. If you have a chance tomorrow, how about going to the market and competing? ]

To be honest, Jiang Qiao didn't want to fight Qiu Baihui anymore.

Because today's moves have roughly made her understand, Qiu Baihui will not use the moves of the disciples of the Demon Sect in this situation. If it is in the competition venue, it is even less likely that she will use that move.

Qiu Baihui's moves in recent years are almost the same as those in the original owner's memory.

Now that Qiu Baihui's move ideas have been roughly deconstructed, the problem is that even if he knows this, Jiang Qiao still can't defeat him.

Therefore, competing with Qiu Baihui is no longer the main focus, becoming stronger is the most important.

After Jiang Qiao read the note, he threw it aside. Fortunately, he and Qiu Baihui did not fight in the field, otherwise he might have to live in that field for the rest of his life and it would be difficult to break the tie. That would be really fear.

Jiang Qiao returned to the cave and was really in a hurry during the day. He was basically busy following the plot.

But now he must spend some time and become more diligent in his cultivation path.

Cultivation is not achieved overnight, but is accumulated over time.

He planned to go to Zhenbao Club to find Bai Rulian at night, and also compiled lies in his mind on how to negotiate with Bai Rulian.

Then, get 50-50 Gu worms!

How can lies be brought to life? Jiang Qiao still needs to improve his ability to lie.

Furthermore, you can also meet Mu Chenyuan when you go to the Treasure Club. If you can meet Mu Chenyuan, you can also recover your blood, which will help you to get rid of the fatigue of the day.

Thanks to Mr. Lazy Cat and Habri812189 for 1 monthly ticket!

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