Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 71: Strategic retreat (one/three)

"Then you go back to the cave and wait for me, I will come back when I find the source of death."


The little doctor immortal just wanted to stop Kuang San when he found the girl in the black dress jumped, from the back of the blue eagle, jumped directly to the other side of the cliff!

Kuang San stood below and made a gesture to Xiao Yixian, and his body was like an arrow from the string, piercing into the depths of the Warcraft Mountains!

Xiao Yixian was anxious, and could only watch Gu Mo'er leave. The giant tree blocked his vision, even if it was a blue eagle, he didn't dare to hover too much on it.

In desperation, Xiao Yixian could only let Lan Ying carry her back to the cave.

On the other side, Kuang San mobilized his internal fighting energy, and the speed at which he ran in the giant forest was not much slower than Blue Eagle.

The mental power is firmly locked to those death qi in the sky, Kuang San has a foreboding, the source of death qi will never be too far away!

The fast-moving Kuang San suddenly stopped!

A huge transparent spider web happened to be in front of Kuangsan!

Just relax this moment, and there are only two dead breaths that are locked.

Kuang San felt a little anxious, and the fire whip drawn by Emperor Jindi Burning Tianyan was immediately thrown out, and the transparent spider web seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and burned out!

Just when Kuang San wanted to speed up to leave here, a huge black spider hung upside down on both ends of the giant tree, dense compound eyes staring at Kuang San.

Kuang San wasn't in the mood to care about it, he turned the fire whip into a spear, and threw it out! Regardless of the result, the whole person immediately chased in the direction of death.

Behind him came the mournful cries of monsters, and the waning vitality made Kuang San frowned.

Turning around, there are countless small spiders on the back of the huge spider!

The golden spear pierced through the side of the abdomen, but did not cause fatal damage. The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame remaining in the body was the source of its pain.

Kuang San is not going to ask, in the depths of the Demon Mountain Range, high-level demon beasts abound, and the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan driven by a trace of grudge can't burn the opponent to ashes in an instant!

Take out a bottle of Yangqi Pill from Na Jie, pull off the cork and pour it into your mouth.

This time Kuangsan was not to absorb the medicine power, but to replenish the body's fighting energy.

Fighting energy radiated to the veins of the whole body, and every time Kuang San stepped, he could easily sprint more than ten meters away, and the speed was increasing without any reduction!

After more than ten breaths of time, the giant forest disappeared, replaced by a piece of water, and those strangely shaped huge rocky beaches.

Kuang San saw an immature high-level elixir from a distance, and after recording the position in his heart, he continued to rush forward.

In the sky, the speed of the two lifeless spirits that were firmly locked by the mental power was slightly reduced, and Kuang San's heart was shaken, and his speed also slowed down.

After taking a deep breath, Emperor Fen Tianyan was restrained, suppressing his own breath without missing the slightest.

Even the Emperor Dou in the sky almost looked away. If it wasn't for Kuangsan's iconic black dress, he would have thought it was a stone!

"Brother Tie, Miss, she has found the source, should we go down and help?"

The man standing in the sky did not speak, and looked towards a huge cave in the distance.

"Jiuxing Douhuang Pinnacle. Wait a minute to see how Missy chooses."

After slipping through the waters of the strange rocks, Kuang San once again arrived in another giant forest. You could see a small hill from a distance, and there was a cave in the middle of the mountain's belly.

The two black qi locked up by mental power all rushed into the cave. Kuang San quickly released the mental locks of the two death spirits, and swept towards the sky, but a lot of death spirits gathered from all directions, if carefully calculated, it is definitely a terrifying number!

Kuang San didn't dare to explore with mental power, but the cave exuded an extremely powerful aura! Kuang San couldn't estimate the strength of its owner from that aura, but it was definitely not the object she could provoke now.

'How to do? ’

Kuang San had no bottom in his heart, and finally traced such a place, do you want to give up now?

She's not Xiao Yan, that guy has the protagonist's luck, and it's commonplace to turn dangers into vain. What about her?

Kuang San touched the jade pendant on his neck, and he felt relieved immediately.

No matter how strong this lifeless master is, can it be better than her cheap father? It really annoys her, once the jade pendant is activated, the entire Warcraft Mountain Range has to become history!

Kuang San was determined, and after checking her own breath again, she began her journey of death.

As time passed by, Kuangsan was getting closer and closer to the cave. The high concentration of death energy in her made her body feel like she was about to move.

Around this hill, there are dead plants, which have long been infested by death, leaving no breath of life.

Slitting to the belly of the mountain, there was no reaction in the cave.

‘Is it possible that the other party is not at home? ’

Kuang San suppressed the doubts in his heart, was more cautious, and moved towards the entrance of the cave little by little.

When she arrived at her position, she could already feel the fishy wind and the rich lifelessness at the entrance of the cave, and she was vomiting one after another, making Kuangsan's scalp numb.

She regretted coming here.

The Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan in his body quietly formed a flower bud shape. As long as there is movement, the flower buds will turn into scattered flowers. The "Secret Method: Chasing the Wind" is always in a state of waiting to be opened.

Not only Kuangsan, but also the two in the sky, sweating coldly.

"Brother Tie, eldest...Miss, she is so courageous!"

The Dou Zong man named "Brother Iron" had already carried his vindictive spirit in his body. As long as the cave had a slight abnormality, he could shoot in an instant!

"If there is an abnormality in a while, you need to protect the eldest lady for the first time!"

"Don't worry, Brother Iron!"

As soon as the man wanted to nod his head, he found that the black air was surging violently at the entrance of the cave. The girl in the black dress who was still tens of meters away from the entrance of the cave spread out her vindictive wings, and instantly slid to the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains!


Dou Huang on the other side sighed: "Miss, this strategic retreat posture has obviously been rehearsed in her mind thousands of times, otherwise how could she be so proficient..."

"Stop flattering! There are at least two Douhuang peaks in the cave!"

Just as he was about to fly through the giant forest and arrive at the waters of the strange rocks, when the mad three slipped away, suddenly there was an extremely turbulent energy fluctuation behind him!

The explosion sounded Kuang San hurriedly landed in the giant forest, and looked carefully toward the cave.

Two men are working together to bombard the cave. The top of that hill has been cut in half!

The black air was solid in the cave, the roar of the beast appeared, and Kuangsan had to cover his ears.

In an instant, a lion-like behemoth with wings on its back and black air all over its body fluttered out of the rubble.

Kuangsan squinted his eyes and saw a black robe figure standing on the lion-shaped behemoth.

‘This...isn’t it the Amethyst Winged Lion King? ! ’

Crazy winking the corners of her eyes three times, she couldn't see the strength of the black robe man, but the two men on the other side were a Douzong and a Douhuang.

Kuang San faintly felt that the aura of those two people... so familiar!

Immediately afterwards, the two sides didn't even say the opening remarks, just like playing a barrage game, all kinds of gorgeous fighting skills were thrown at each other one after another!

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