Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 86: Douwang relatives (one/three)

The scorching heat and violent wind made people unable to open their eyes. In the small alley, the three people who were bullying the little girl were almost scared!

They don't believe that King Dou, who is waving huge flame wings in the sky, knows himself.


The leader was the first to be unable to bear the huge pressure, and fell directly to his knees, "Big...sir!"

After Kuang San determined his breath, the flame wings turned into streamers and disappeared, and three tiny sparks floated to the three of them.

There was no scream, after Mars touched the living thing, it instantly burned the living thing into nothingness!

Seeing Kuang Sanchao walking down the alley, many people watching the excitement walked away. Who knows what this Dou Wang is thinking? In case it accidentally spreads to yourself... Then there is no place to cry!

When she came to the little girl who was curled up, she frowned slightly, and a sour smell poured into her nose.

The little girl struggled to stand up, her eyes afraid to meet Kuangsan.

"Big...sir, you...huh!"

Seeing Kuang San stretched out her hand, the little girl subconsciously closed her eyes and shrank her head into the wide old robe.

"Drink it."

A gentle voice came from her ear, the little girl opened her eyes and saw the small jade bottle handed by Kuang San, and she timidly took it.

She is very sensitive to the senses of the people around her. She can feel the eldest sister in front of her, her face is gentle, but her heart is very cold.

After swallowing, she didn't dare to aim at Kuangsan, resisting the pain from the bruise arm, took a lot of effort, and opened the cork.

The green liquid flowing in the jade bottle looked like a living thing, and the fragrance of the medicine made her secrete water.

No matter how much, the little girl gritted her teeth and poured the fluid directly into her body.

Gentle medicine repairs the body. In addition to the long-term malnutrition, the little girl has only skin trauma, which is basically no major problem.

The power of the medicine gradually came into play, making the little girl feel warm inside. Compared with the white flour buns that kind-hearted people gave her a few days ago, it tastes even sweeter.

"feelling better?"

The little girl nodded, unable to guess what the beautiful big sister was thinking.

"Come with me."

Seeing the big sister in black dress walking out of the alley, the little girl hurriedly moved her short legs to follow.

The few onlookers outside the alley immediately dispersed, and even some mercenaries wanted to pull their head of the army away.

What character is inside? Fighting king! Put them in the Gama Empire, they are all proper powerhouses! A small city like Mocheng couldn't bear the anger of such a character at all!

If the other party is upset, they will be wiped out without any reason.

The stronger man was dragged back a few steps by them. He always felt that the girl was a bit familiar...but he still didn't have the courage to get involved with a Dou Wang.

But, just ask hello...It shouldn't matter, right?

The black dress girl walked out of the alley, and the rest of the people finally saw the true face of the Dou Wang.

‘So young! Looks really evil! ’

The cold expression on his face suddenly burst into a smile, which made everyone around him look amazing.

"Cousin Xiao Ding, long time no see."


The man was a little confused, Lord Dou... Was he calling him just now? Call him...cousin? !

Those who hadn't left open their mouths, and even the mercenaries familiar with Xiao Ding showed an expression of disbelief.

A Dou Wang actually called his head...cousin? !

Did we not wake up today? Or was it just stunned by the group of snake people?

"Are you Xiao Mo'er?!"

The black dress girl tilted her head slightly, "Why, didn't you recognize me?"

"This..." Xiao Ding was speechless, stiffened for a long time, and sighed, "I really didn't recognize the eighteenth change."

Kuang San stepped forward again and came to Xiao Ding's side. Seeing the two talking and laughing, everyone else looked like they had seen a ghost.

It turned out that the biggest boss in Mocheng was Xiao Ding, the head of the Motie Mercenary Group!

The ghost knows his origins are so great! There is actually a strong person in the opponent's clan with the strength of Douwang!

Thinking of this, passers-by who knew some insiders couldn't help but shudder.

As one of the two largest mercenary groups in Mocheng, the Motie mercenary group has not been so good lately, and the sand mercenary group has been suppressing the opponent again.

But now the background of the Motie Mercenary Group reveals the tip of the iceberg...The Sand Mercenary Group, which is only seated by the Great Fighter...It seems a bit bad!

Seeing that Lord Dou followed Xiao Ding, some passersby from other forces also dispersed, thinking about what gifts should be given to the Motie Mercenary Group...

As for the Sand Mercenary Group? Let them go to hell!

In less than half a day, a Dou Wang from the family of the head of the Motie Mercenary Group visited and spread throughout the entire Mocheng!

The head of the Sand Mercenary Group had an expression of constipation. He had heard that a Dou Wang came to Mocheng before, as if he was looking for something.

He was still thinking about establishing a good relationship with the other party, but he didn't expect... that Douwang turned out to be the background of the Motie mercenary group he wanted to suppress recently...

It's no wonder that the two boys who manage the Motie Mercenary Group are confident, the original family background is so terrible!

"Oh shit!"

He broke the teacup to the ground in one fell swoop, and the man looked gloomy, not knowing what he was thinking.


Kuangsan and Xiao Ding came to the Motie Mercenary Group, mainly to clean up the little girl Qinglin.

Seeing the little girl coming into the room wearing a fitted shirt, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li stopped talking with fascination.

Although the girl in front of her is from the family and is familiar with their younger brother Xiao Yan, she can't stand the terrifying power of the opponent's Dou Wang level!

Every time they talked, they tried their best not to think about the word "Dou Wang", and brought the topic up to childhood.

However, they had basically never played with people of Xiao Yan's age, so they could only explode the black material of Xiao Yan's childhood to continue the topic.


Seeing the big sister beckoning to her with a smile, the little girl panicked, she didn't know whether to move her left or right foot first.

When she came to Kuangsan, the little girl lowered her head, "Big...sir."

"Do you have a name?"


Kuang San didn't want to bother and rubbed the little girl's head, "Then you will be called Qinglin from now on."

"Yes, Qinglin, thank you for your name!"

With that said, the little girl looked surprised, and she was about to kneel on the ground, thanking the benevolent adult in front of her.

Kuang San released his fighting spirit and easily lifted the green scales.

"From now on, you can stay in the Motie Mercenary Corps and do some cleaning and things like that. It's better than begging outside."

"Yeah." Qing Lin nodded, but an impulse rose in her heart, raised her head and looked at Kuangsan, "Big...sir, can I stay by your side?"

Kuangsan shook his head, "I don't need a maid for now."

Qinglin's eyes shrank slightly, his eyes dimmed, and his head lowered again, "I see..."

"But before I go, I still need Qinglin to help me a little bit."

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