Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 97: Black Belly Kaoru (Wed/Wed)

"Do you know where the other Taixu ancient dragons are?"

" should be in Zhongzhou, I am not very clear about the specific location."

Hearing Kuangsan's answer, the little girl lowered her head and muttered in a low voice: "Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou..."

The little head suddenly lifted, "Where is Zhongzhou?"

"Zhongzhou, of course it is in the center of the mainland. You have to travel far, far, and reach it after several spatial teleports."

"Really?" Zi Yan showed a distressed look on her small face for the first time, and finally lifted the fog of her own life experience. As a result, the people of the tribe were far away from her.

"No! I'm going to discuss with the old man! He should know how to get to Zhongzhou!"

After speaking, the small body disappeared into the air with a "shoo" sound, and there were spatial ripples that bloomed along with it.

Kuangsan and Xun'er looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Letting such a "small" child go to Zhongzhou, he knew it was impossible with his toes!


A small crack opened in the space, almost startled Xun'er, Zi Yan's little head got out of it, it looked like a scene in a third-rate horror movie!

"Thank you! When you have time, remember to come and play with me in the inner courtyard!" Zi Yan blinked big eyes at Kuangsan, "Remember to bring more spirit fruits, bye!"

With a "shoo", the little head slid back into the space crack, and Kaoru patted her chest, "This talent is really amazing, almost invincible at the same level."

"Otherwise, how could Taixu Ancient Dragon become a top-notch monster? But if Xun'er becomes stronger in the future, he can use the Golden Emperor Burning Sky to teach them how to behave."

Xun'er couldn't stop laughing when thinking of the characteristics of Jindi Burning Tianyan's burning space: "Sister San'er is really bad, Zi Yan is obviously so cute."

"I'm talking about other Taixu ancient dragons."


Because of the relationship between Su Qian and Hu Gan, everything about Kuang San and Xun'er was handled specially. After they wanted to have lunch in the back mountain, they were going to the inner courtyard.

Flying into the "meteor crater", Kuang San's sensitive mental power detected two soul perceptions and swept past her.

I didn't care, Kuangsan dragged Xun'er around in the inner courtyard of this city. Many of them saw that they were not listed on their bodies, thinking they were new students who had just arrived this year, and they came forward to talk, wanting to pull these two rare little beauties into the forces behind them.

After being repeatedly rejected by Xun'er, those people surrounded them more and more, until Kuangsan frowned and let out a breath to suppress them, and these talents left each in embarrassment.

"Fuck! I thought it was a freshman based on my age and appearance, but I didn't expect it to be a figure of the elder level!"

"Have you met that elder?"

"That's not the case, isn't it the elder who has just been named in the outer courtyard?"

"Who knows, quickly report this to the sect master!"

There are many voices similar to this kind of speculation, and neither of them cares about it. After a long time, the two of them didn't finish shopping in the inner courtyard.

Kuang San looked at the black spire-shaped building not far away, and said to Xun'er, "Shall we go to the Burning Heaven Refining Tower?"

"it is good!"

Most of the body of the Burning Heaven Refining Tower is deeply buried in the ground, the whole body is black, and there is a space barrier around it. Judging from the technique, the lowest is a figure of Dou Zun level.

‘Eighty percent was built by the old man Man Tianchi. ’

The black tower body is made of special material, and there is a cold air lingering on it, but even so, Kuang San and Xun'er standing on the periphery can feel heat rushing over their faces.

The Burning Heaven Refining Tower has been opened for a long time today, and many people even walked out of it. Seeing the twin sisters who had never seen it standing by and looking down, many boring old students were struggling with it.

Just when someone wanted to come forward to strike up a conversation, the girl in the black dress jumped down while holding the girl in Tsing Yi. It looks like that, I clearly want to experience the Burning Sky Refining Tower!

The crowd eating melons around did not disperse, most of them were boys, gloating one by one, and did not want to remind Kuang San and Kaoru at all.

In their opinion, it must be very interesting to see two little beauties sweating profusely.

The weather is slightly hot. Everyone wears thin shirts. Once they sweat a lot, their clothes will cling to their graceful postures...Isn't they the last one to feast their eyes on?

If someone reminds us now, the possibility of becoming a public enemy of the whole people is estimated to be very high!

"Two school girls!" A handsome man in white shirt called out to stop the crazy three or two, and a "hush" sound of dissatisfaction came from the crowd watching melon eaters, more of a look at the play.

Seeing Kuang San looked towards him, the white shirt man with a graceful body, leaped two steps lightly and came to the two of them.

"Two school girls, this Burning Heaven Qi Refining Tower is a little weird. If you don't make preparations before entering, you may suffer a little loss."

Seeing Kuangsan, the man nodded his head and swept his eyes across the opponent's chest. After confirming in his mind that he had never seen the opponent, he said: "I have been practicing inside for a long time. I didn't expect that this year's Outer Court trials would be completed so soon. It seems that the two school girls haven't found a suitable gang yet, have they?"

"Consider our..."

"Eh! Two school girls! You will suffer if you don't listen to the seniors!"

Seeing Kuang San pulling Xun'er directly towards the entrance of the Burning Qi Refining Tower, the face of the man in white shirt faintly couldn't hold back, and he stiffly arched his hands at the crowd eating melons above, and simply waited for the sisters to suffer!

The two of them stepped into the Burning Heaven Refining Tower at the same time, and the people eating melons opened their eyes. In their opinion, the good show was behind them. Just thinking about the two little beauties, they were sweating and panting. Looking forward to it even more.

In the inner courtyard, which is almost a three-point one-line cultivation life, many old Youzi will try their best to create some fun space for themselves, unless it is those who practice crazy demons, if they change to ordinary people, they will definitely go crazy!


Sister Hua walked in, one step, two steps... the back disappeared...

The man in the white shirt below looks like he has seen a Which freshman hasn't been rectified? Don't most freshmen quit in sweat and embarrassment?

Even for those talented evildoers, the first time they enter the Burning Heaven Refining Tower, they will feel deeply uncomfortable and even sweat a lot, but the sisters spend...

"Let's go, let's go, I heard from the help, don't look at the tender face of the black dress woman, in fact, she has the strength of Douwang, and looks like the new elder in the outer courtyard."

The people eating melons all looked in the direction of the sound, and suddenly there was a shout from the crowd: "You turtle grandson, know if it's too early to say? It made me waste time with my girlfriend! Brothers, hit him! "

There was a lot of noise outside, and it seemed that the elders were also involved, Kuangsan dragged Xun'er all the way down, and Xun'er turned her head to look at Kuangsan.

"Sister, that person was really annoying just now."


"So I put a fire mark on him."

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