Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 111: Since ancient times

The elder guarding the medicinal material storage room received news from Su Qian and went to see the venerable goodbye.

They were more or less guided by the Venerable, and they did not say gratitude in their hearts, but there was still respect from the heart.

They also knew that Lin Bai was not what they had guessed before, the wandering dean of Canaan College has not yet returned.

Elder Medicinal Materials is very happy today, so happy that he can't help himself!

Because the little devil Zi Yan is going to follow too!

Although the little girl Zi Yan did not visit the medicinal material storage room for more than a month, what if she stole a high-level elixir again someday?

After more than a month of fear, I learned that the little devil was leaving today. It was the most wonderful news he heard after he took over the medicinal material storage room. No one!

When Elder Medicinal Materials arrived, many elders had already come to see him off, and Su Qian was talking impressively with the Venerable Lin.

The powerful veteran Dou Wang elder inserted a sentence from time to time, and the atmosphere seemed comfortable and joyful. He even saw Hu Qian, the vice president of the outer courtyard, in the crowd!

After turning his eyes slightly, he discovered that the little purple-haired devil was eating...the pill!

The beautiful Tsing Yi **** one side helps the little devil comb her hair! If he was a hundred and ten years younger, he would probably be fascinated by it.

Pretending to talk to Zi Yan for a few words, after seeing the little purple-haired demon leaving, the elder medicinal materials suddenly felt a little bitter.

Sometimes the high-level elixir he needs for alchemy is taken directly from the medicinal material storage room. When reporting it, it is naturally counted on Zi Yan's head. Now that the little purple-haired devil is gone, then he can't steal it anymore. High-level elixir alchemy?

For a time, the old face was filled with mixed feelings, and from time to time, Xun'er, who was still in his life, thought that the old man had a deep affection for Zi Yan, just like his grandfather and granddaughter...

If Kuangsan knew about this, he would inevitably complain, "Grandfather and granddaughter?" Isn't it a mistake? Shouldn't it be "Grandma and Grandson?"

Xun'er nudged Zi Yan with her hand, and Zi Yan said goodbye to the elders of medicinal materials with a full face, which deeply moved the elders of medicinal materials.

When I thought that I could no longer steal high-level elixir, two tears flowed from the corner of the medicinal elder's eyes, and by the way, he began to remind Zi Yan, like a nagging mother.

Lin Bai, who originally belonged to the central circle, also looked over here and said with emotion: "The relationship between that elder and the little girl Ziyan is really good. I don't know when I will see you again after this difference."

"Yeah!" Su Qian sighed, "Zi Yan had been close to Elder Han, and she would visit him from time to time, but she didn't expect that there would be a time for parting."

"All good things come to an end."


The people around him agreed, but they were wondering, when will Elder Han's iron rooster have such a side? Doesn't Zi Yan usually go to the medicinal material storage room under his care when he is hungry?

But seeing that iron rooster reveals its true feelings, it doesn't look like a fake, and this also makes everyone suppress their doubts. Regardless of him, since Venerable Lin likes to watch, just follow along!

After a few more conversations, Lin Bai saw that it was not early, so he bid farewell to everyone.

The huge boat was taken out of the ring. This was something that was only used when teleporting through space, but the young master and the young lady were on it, and a little girl of the Douwang level was added, which made Lin's thoughts in vain. , I want to make the return journey more comfortable.

Fortunately, with the support of the two brothers of the Lin Family Douzong-level fighting spirit, the speed of the giant boat is not slow.

Elder Han, who was guarding the medicinal materials, silently watched Zi Yan leave, and when he thought of the high-level elixir that flew away with him at the same time, the old face couldn't help but feel bitter.

Waving goodbye, the giant boat turned into a black sharp arrow under the urging of two fighting sects and disappeared in the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy.

Elder Han couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and the elders around were comforting, and even Su Qian talked with him a few words to let him not worry about Zi Yan.

After the former left, the lonely back figure was drawn into the picture, and the elders sighed one by one, saying that he had misunderstood the iron **** before. It turned out that he was so sentimental.

If you want to come to see the little girl, Ziyan, I am afraid that heaven and humans will be separated forever.

How far is Zhongzhou from here? The Dou Wang elders never imagined that if they break through the Dou Huang Douzong, they may go out for a walk, but Elder Han, those who use drugs to break through and exhaust their potential, don't even think about it.

Besides, Elder Han missed Zi Yan more and more, it was all a high-level elixir of white flowers!

Although she was upset when she was there, when she was away... it seemed even more upset.

While shaking his head and sighing, he was not as excited as he was when he came. After thinking about it, he realized that he was the one who had lost it.

With his hands on his back, the whole person seems to be a few years old again.

Slowly walked towards the medicinal material storage room. It stands to reason that Ziyan left, and he didn't have the need to guard the medicinal material storage room, so he could check it out from time to time.

But... he suddenly wanted to get a dozen high-level elixir from it! Even if Elder Su Qianda asked, he simply said that it was taken by Zi Yan! Isn't it wonderful?

The muddy eyes slowly lit up, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The students who were going to and from him could only see a gust of wind blowing by, and they were no longer in sight.


Opened the door to the medicinal material storage Elder Han rubbed his hands wretchedly, thinking about what high-level elixir to take. Yesterday the inner courtyard dispatched the elder team, and the batch of high-level elixir brought back was very good!


One foot stepped into the medicinal material storage room, Elder Han opened his eyes wide, his mouth slightly opened, and even the drooping gray beard was trembling slightly.

The whole medicinal material storage room is in chaos, and there are not a single high-end elixir sealed on the shelf! Even many shelves fell on the ground, extremely desolate.

Looking at the fallen shelf, Elder Han opened his mouth wide, and he saw those low-level elixir that would not even be patronized by Warcraft, and they disappeared!


The footsteps are messy, the whole person is even messier, walking back and forth in the medicinal material storage room, because the door of the room is wide open, the only remaining medicinal fragrance in the medicinal material storage room is quickly drifting away!

When Su Qian arranged the college affairs, he was ready to comfort Elder Han, the lonely old man.

How fast is Douzong? After not finding the residence, Su Qian sighed, "Sure enough, the medicinal material storage room is the place where Elder Han and Zi Yan are worth remembering. Elder Han...oh!"

After a slight shift, Su Qian disappeared in the elder's apartment and walked towards the depths of the medicine refining system.

A scent of medicine could be smelled far away, Su Qian nodded, and sure enough, it was the right choice to exchange 70% medicinal material reserves for a stable Meteorite Heart.

He doesn't need to run back and forth now, really comfortable! It was only one month, and the medicinal material reserves returned to normal reserves.

The farther you go, the stronger the fragrance of the medicine becomes. Su Qianqing frowns, feeling that something is not quite right.

"Elder Han?!"

When Su Qian stepped into the medicinal material storage room, he was shocked by the vision!

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