Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 239: Leaning family

Above the blood pool, Gu Yuan abruptly took a blow from the Soul Heaven Emperor, but he also photographed the Soul Heaven Emperor to Gu Sujin's side, and hurried to the inside of the transmission channel to enter the transfer station.

So far, only Gu Sujin was left on the battlefield of the soul world.

Soul Tiandi clenched his fists with both hands, and his sleeves trembled slightly. This wave of the ancient clan's sneak attack made him nowhere to vent his anger!

What is the purpose of the sneak attack? For the blood of the spirit race? For heavenly justice? Who leaked the secret? !

The light in his eyes flickered, and the steady energy in his body was also restless.

"You seem to have been abandoned by the ancients... unknown Dou Sheng."

Gu Sujin, who was in the severely wounded period, was surrounded by the four holy groups of the soul race. There were burn marks everywhere in the silver robe, and a trace of blood donation hung on the corner of his mouth.

It is red.

The Soul Heaven Emperor stood in front of Gu Sujin, the soul world behind him was colorful, and there were few dead bodies in the blood pool. The air was full of death, and those cute new Dou Zun farther away could not be too sorrowful.

"Are you a human?"

Gu Sujin didn't speak, she was accumulating energy.

"It's been a long time since I saw a self-taught Nine Star Fighting Saint. It is not easy to reach this step without the bloodline of the gods."

Gu Sujin rolled her eyes, "Done?"

The Soul Heaven Emperor looked down on the woman in the silver robe, and was silent for a moment, "How about you belong to my Soul Race? It's just like nothingness..."

"Hey~ don't you know that the villain died of talking too much?"

Gu Sujin was quite calm, and even swaggered out of the encirclement of the Four Saints.

"I look forward to seeing you next time. Goodbye~"

Without any energy reaction, the silver light was compressed into one point, and the bright light composed of silver shavings connected the two ends of the soul world.

Silence, silence, without a trace of sound.

The Dou Zuns who swallowed the pill in the distance and healed their wounds cross-knee also felt the meaning of dying between heaven and earth.


The small dots that the silver light shrank into, rapidly expanded trillions of times!


The space transmission channel that has not been completely closed is broken every inch, the power of space continues to spread, and the temporary space of the transfer station is easily penetrated.

Kuang San scanned back and forth with his naked eyes, Gu Yuan grabbed his daughter's wrist and forcibly cut through the shattered space so that it would not interfere with the ancient world. The two jumped out from the other side...

Outside, the wind is sunny, and the sunshine almost makes people unable to open their eyes, sweeping away the haze of war in the soul world.

Kuangsan looked at it for a while before he noticed that the state of the cheap old man didn't seem to be very good.

"Daddy, Su Jin ancestor she..."

Gu Yuan rarely smiled on his face, "Now I know I am called the ancestor? Aren't they all older sisters before?"

"She's okay, don't worry about her." Gu Yuan stretched out his big hand from under his sleeve robe, and a small picture of the seal of fire appeared in the center of his palm.

"This is a gift from her."

Kuang San took it, and the black flames in the fire-sealing array were faintly lit, as if they would be extinguished at any time.

But that kind of swallowing breath, Kuang San would never feel wrong.

If it weren't for Gu Sujin and Void Tuanyan singled out, Kuangsan would even believe that this thing is actually the sub-fire of Void Tuanyan.

The Fenghuo Array is wiping away the last trace of consciousness of emptiness swallowing inflammation, and it seems that it will not be long before it will become a pure and different fire for the burning to swallow.


"What's the matter? Let's take a break. We are preparing for the Hui people. It is still not safe to stay outside. This place always gives me a bad feeling of Xiao Xuan's fall."

"I want to be the Nine Star Fighting Saint."

Gu Yuan was weird, "I know."

The big hand covered the top of Kuangsan's head, and gently rubbed it a bit, so that a bunch of dull hair was successfully lifted up.

Gu Yuan felt that he was very ornamental, and he did not remind his daughters.

"Everyone wants to be the Nine Star Fighting Saint, San'er has this kind of consciousness, Dad is already very happy."

"No!" Kuangsan said affirmatively: "Three immortals are hit hard, even if Su Jin's ancestor can return, he will immediately retreat and devour his blood. Uncle Gu Lie is not comfortable there. Also, daddy, you are also injured?"

Gu Yuan looked directly into Kuang San's eyes.

Beautiful, pure and intoxicating, but with a natural rebellion, unlike her mother.

"The Void Swallowing Flame is in our hands, and the ancient world is our home ground. You don't have to take risks."


Gu Yuan was silent, "Gu Sujin's ancestor blew himself up, those of the Soul Race will not feel good, and..."

Kuang San stared at him.

Gu Yuan compromised.

"Well, what do you need?"

"Different fire, devote all the power of the whole family to search for different fire. Mo'er is sure to enter the level of the nine-star fighting saint in a short time."

"it is good!"

Gu Yuan agreed, "Then we shouldn't waste time now."


In the soul world, the aftermath of Gu Sujin's explosion calmed everything. The earth cracked and the clouds were squeezed to the edge of the soul world. Individual bodies fell into the cracks in the ground, evading the powerful destructive power brought by the raging silver light.

Yin Guang became gray and gray, and the Emperor Soul Tian had a constipated expression.

The ghost emperor phantom with a height of ten thousand feet protects the high-level combat power of the soul clan.

After the impact, the phantom collapsed directly, and the energy did not return to the position of the altar, but instead made up for the free energy here.

Soul Tiandi's hands trembled. If he hadn't stabilized the space just now, the situation would have been ten times worse!

What exactly the ancients want to do! Actually let the unknown Jiuxing Dousheng come to give them his life!

The Soul Heaven Emperor could see clearly that there was no Dou Emperor bloodline in that Jiuxing Dou Saint, and he was willing to explode ~ even the soul was turned into nothingness.

Is it because he stayed for too long and the world has changed?

Soul Tiandi was plunged into deep self-doubt.

What is the use of the ancient race to **** the blood of the spirit race? They can't directly inject themselves into their bodies, and they don't have the help of Void Swallowing...

"Where is nothingness?!" The Emperor Soul Tian said coldly.

"Return to the patriarch, Master Void, he was severely injured by the woman, and then disappeared..."

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

The Four Sages lowered their heads, not daring to look at each other with the Soul Heaven Emperor.

The face of this mainland's top powerhouse was somber that ink was dripping from it.

He imagined all the possibilities...

He also didn't want to put pressure on the ancients through other ancient races. If he reversed right and wrong and pointed the deer to the horse, he might end up in a commotion in the end.

The image of the soul clan was not even worse than that of the ancient clan.

"My patriarch, should we immediately launch a counterattack against the ancients?"

"No." Soul Tiandi calmly said: "While the ancient clan didn't let the news go out, you are going to take a trip to the medicine clan. When the sky tomb is opened, didn't the ancient clan elders beat and drive away the medicine clan envoys? Do something to make the medicine family relax their vigilance."

"Master Patriarch... Is this going to form an alliance with the Medicine Clan?"

"Stupid! Is your brain into the silver light?" The Four Saints and the other Saint hurriedly explained: "The patriarch asked us to collect the blood of the medicine clan."

"But Master Void..."

"Just let go and do it."

The Four Saints glanced at each other and lowered their heads: "Yes!"

The Eastern Region of Zhongzhou, the ancient world, the trial place of the Black Shaman Army.

"Go to the direction of Emperor Altar to pick up the ancestor first, I will arrange it for you."

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