Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 33: Become a goddess!

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"Are you worried about Li Jiayu?"

"No!" Xiao Wanqing was still in a state of mental strain, and Kuangsan asked in a low voice, causing her to be in a trance in an instant, and she subconsciously refuted it.

The retort in the state of panic was far from the sonorous rebuttal, and Xiao Wanqing, the priest of light, reacted later.

The pretty face was pale, she didn't even know why she was so panicked.

Forcibly suppressing the panic in his heart, Xiao Wanqing paused and said: "Li Jiayu is now the soul of Xijiang University. I am afraid that if something happens to him, he will cause some riots. What's more, the fallen angel is Li Jiayu's summoned beast. The combat power placed on the migrating troops is the top existence. Now Li Jiayu is in a coma. If the insect swarms attack again, the line of defense of Xijiang University..."

"And me."

Xiao Wanqing was taken aback for a moment, she did ignore the superb Kuang San, what is going on today? Xiao Wanqing rubbed her temples lightly with her fingers. She suspected that she had used elementary healing techniques too many times, and she was slightly mentally overdrawn, causing a trance, showing her poor state, causing several loopholes one after another.

"Kuang San..." Xiao Wanqing took the opportunity to put her jade hand on the back of Kuang San's hand, and said sincerely: "It's really great that you can come."

"That day, after all..."

Kuang San quietly drew his little hands, adjusted the topic, and said, "I still care about Li Jiayu."

Xiao Wanqing stopped talking. Although she wanted to know where Kuang San had gone these days and what had happened, she was not a relative of Kuang San after all, and she had no right to ask what Kuang San did.

Is it necessary to "order" the student Kakuzo Tokisaki to give an account as the president of Sogang University?

I am afraid that only a fool would make such a move.

The image of the Saint Armored Centipede King flashed in my mind, and it stepped on the void, and the extremely small person easily tortured and killed the huge Saint Armored Centipede King.

What great power is contained in a small body?

Xiao Wanqing could not give an accurate figure, but it was easy to protect the students of Xijiang University.

Following Kuangsan's intention, Xiao Wanqing returned his gaze to Li Jiayu, who was sleeping on the blanket.

After the chaos of the Saint Armor Centipede King a few days ago, many materials remained in the depths of the Great Rift Valley forever. Of course, there were more fresh lives that could not be reproduced.

But the survivors will continue to move forward. In these last days, who will pity a group of refugees?

Xiao Wanqing saw more things than Ran Hongxia.

There is a shortage of supplies, and some people have already started illegal transactions, but the army that maintains order has just turned a blind eye to these things.

She knows that today’s army is also full of contradictions. The inheritors who occupy the main force on the battlefield are not treated well. On the contrary, the officers who do nothing are enjoying a life that the inheritors have never enjoyed. .

Single room, more hearty dinner.

These two are enough to become the fuse of the two forces.

Once the army is in chaos, the troops moving below will be more chaotic, lack of supplies, and the darkest side of people's hearts will completely erupt.

What she has to do is to ensure that Xijiang University will not be involved in that chaos.

Deterrence by force and sufficient supplies are Xiao Wanqing's confidence.

Xiao Wanqing has not yet figured out how to defend against other survivors.

Xiao Wanqing stared at Li Jiayu Junxiu's face with a soft gaze like a lover.

Xiao Wanqing suddenly remembered that Kuang San was asking her to care about Li Jiayu.

What do you mean? Is it possible that Kuangsan also misunderstood her? impossible! Xiao Wanqing frowned. She has checked Li Jiayu’s injuries. Two drops of mysterious liquid have repaired all internal injuries and skin and flesh injuries. Her internal organs are covered with a brilliant glow, allowing her primary healing technique to be in front of her. Overshadowed.

Since your body is fine, you can't be kicked out of your mind, right? But how did Kuangsan know?

Xiao Wanqing couldn't help but walked to Li Jiayu again, squatted down, stretched out her hand to touch Li Jiayu's white forehead, closed her eyes, and dived in.

But how could Li Jiayu, who was the Great Summoner of Darkness in the previous life, not defend himself in the sea of ​​knowledge? Xiao Wanqing was unsuspectingly stimulated by the soul attack, and sat down on the ground, her pretty face pale.

And Li Jiayu was also under this kind of stimulus, perceiving the outside world in a dazed and unconscious state.

‘There seems to be three people, or four? Li Jiayu thought in a daze, the tingling pain coming from his brain indicated that someone wanted to invade his sea of ​​consciousness while he was sleeping.

What's the secret in his knowledge of the sea? This is simply unforgivable! Fortunately, he is clever and put on several soul chains. Once someone triggers the mechanism, he will be hit by the soul!

‘But what’s going on now? I... I seem to have seen Kuangsan again! Li Jiayu is still confused, and the tingling from the soul makes him unable to concentrate on analysis.

'damn it! Don't let me catch that **** soul thief! I, Li Jiayu, swear in the name of the Great Dark Summoner! No matter who you are, you have to pay the price for your stupid mistakes! ’

Li Jiayu's hostility is very heavy, even if it can't be compared with the previous life, but it can still have a big impact on the sacred camp.


Outside, Kuang San helped Xiao Wanqing onto a temporary folding seat. Xiao Wanqing recalled what she had seen, and there was another numbness of her scalp. There were various abyssal demons, and the evil atmosphere swept the world and polluted everything in the world.

But what exactly has Jiayu experienced before imagining this kind of picture in the sea of ​​knowledge?

He... doesn't have the slightest aura of evil camp!

"Have you touched her inheritance?" Kuang Sanyi pointed.

Xiao Wanqing was startled and felt that what Kuangsan said was very reasonable. Since the end of the world, Li Jiayu has hardly left the Xijiang University camp. Apart from the inheritance, Xiao Wanqing could not think of a better explanation.

Therefore, Xiao Wanqing nodded, described the evil scene she had seen to Kuangsan, and asked Kuangsan to keep it secret. Kuangsan had nothing to do with it.

Li Jiayu, who was half asleep and half awake, was guessing the identity of the woman when words such as "Kuang San" flooded into his ears.

Li Jiayu endured the tingling pain from the sea of ​​knowledge, and was extremely pleasantly surprised. Sure enough, he summoned Kuangsan from another world!

Recalling the scene when he was summoned, first there were other creatures connected to his soul power, and then a very familiar soul appeared. He did not hesitate to directly entangle the soul power...

After that, the spiritual power was like a dam leaking water, out of control.

Then... Kuang San appeared, he seemed to want to embrace Kuang San.

Kuang San seemed to be smiling at him... After that, there seemed to be a bear kid dressed in the same fashion as Kuang San ran over and kicked when he was not paying attention...

The sting of Shihai made Li Jiayu unable to concentrate. She was obviously a doll-sized red queen, but he was forced to fantasize that she was a bear child.

Li Jiayu tried hard to endure the pain, trying to see what the bear child was like.

The memory images in the sea of ​​consciousness flooded in succession, and the little face that resembled Kuang Sansixuan appeared in Li Jiayu's sea of ​​consciousness after becoming popular...

Instantly explode!

‘Kuangsan...she, she, she actually has a child! ’

Except for her daughter-in-law who can be so self-willed, Li Jiayu couldn't think of who the bear kid could be.

How many days did Kuangsan leave?

Li Jiayu's sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be frozen by endless ice, and he couldn't accept this kind of thing at all.

This is simply billions of times more terrifying than the demons that appear in cultivation!

He was born again, isn't it just to prevent those tragedies from happening?

How can it be?

Li Jiayu is like falling into an ice cave.

However, Xiao Wanqing is now holding Kuang San's little hand, where he tells in detail the horror scenes he has seen in Li Jiayu's Sea of ​​Knowledge. Where can I still see him?

Only the red queen hovered in the air, her small face showed a sneer, and the magic pattern network attached to the black dress, shaking slightly, affecting Li Jiayu, playing an unexpected role.

Two days have passed since the Saint Armor Centipede King fell? Or three days? Li Jiayu's mind was in chaos, and she wished to jump up and talk about life ideals with Kuang San.

After a while, Li Jiayu still didn't hear the whispers of Xiao Wanqing and Kuangsan, but her mood calmed down and she was rarely calm.

In his previous life, as an old legendary dark summoner, he drove as many as five legendary monsters, not to mention the legendary monsters killed by him, but in the end...

The veteran legendary Dark Summoner's mind went online, and Li Jiayu understood the truth after a little thought.

Although only two or three days have passed on Earth, the different world that Kuang San traveled to is likely to be inconsistent due to the flow of time.

Maybe Kuang San met her true son there, got married, had children, and lived a happy life.

As the culprit, he can only use the dirtiest means to bring Kuang San and her lovely daughter back to the earth, and continue to survive in this desperate apocalypse!

‘Gosh! What the **** did I do! No, it's not me! It must be Kuang San who wants to come back, it must be...’

The red queen floating above Li Jiayu showed a devilish smile, her skirt shuddered slightly, the atmosphere of the magic pattern network disappeared, and the hideous expression on Li Jiayu's pretty face slowly disappeared.

The Red Empress whispered "Uh-huh", like a big hen who had won a battle, flying back to Kuangsan with her head high.

Sitting quietly on the shoulders of Kuangsan, he looked innocent and lovely.

The weight of the soul is very small, and Kuang Sanzi doesn't mind, but Xiao Wanqing, successfully attracted the attention of the Red Queen.

Thinking of the little girl's childish style, Xiao Wanqing couldn't help showing a healing smile. Even if she kicked Li Jiayu, it must be unintentional. It is definitely not a bad person to be with Kuang San.

The red queen blinked her eyes and succeeded in making Xiao Wanqing fall in love with this little guy.

Women always have no resistance to cute things.

Especially in Suehoku, a universe that has “charm” rule bonuses.

Li Jiayu knows the sea.

After the red queen did not interfere, Li Jiayu quickly returned to his normal thinking mode. At this time, Zhihai's stinging pain was also improved, allowing Li Jiayu to recall more things.

Although he could not smell the breath of the passing years in Kuang San, he still got the answer from Kuang San's steady temperament.

The Kuangsan a few days ago can be called a little witch, as long as she offends her, no one will end well!

Even if she didn't offend her, as long as she became interested, she would "mood" some people into speechlessness.

Only in important battles, this eldest lady will be more serious.

But the Kuangsan that he saw just now was obviously mature and stable. Not only did he have a better charm, but also a unique leadership temperament.

It's more like the temperament that has been cultivated for a long time in a high position.

Sure enough, is Kuang San also a great character in another world?

Continuing to think about it, he couldn't feel the breath of Kuangsan. This is understandable. After all, Kuangsan can easily kill the Holy Armor Centipede King, and he is the least powerful and legendary!

He is even sure that Kuangsan is definitely the first legendary powerhouse on earth! With Kuangsan's talent, even that epic **** deserves her place.

Li Jiayu was wantonly spreading his thoughts in his mind, if he wanted to know that before Kuangsan came, he had crushed an epic-level "ant," I don't know how he would feel.

Presumably, that expression must be very exciting.

The sting of the mind gradually disappeared, and Li Jiayu could already hear the conversation in the tent.

Kuang San: "In Li Jiayu's state, you shouldn't worry about what other girls will do to him, but...the boys who admire Li Jiayu..."

"Think about it, if you don't have a preconceived impression, you would think that Li Jiayu is a or a female?"

Xiao Wanqing lowered her head in thought, then glanced at Li Jiayu who was in "sleeping", and even a little surprise flashed in her eyes.

It is hard to imagine that a boy... looks even more enchanting than a beautiful girl.

It's... incredible!

She has also heard other people’s descriptions of how unremarkable Li Jiayu was before, at most just a little delicate appearance, but now...

It's no longer possible to describe Li Jiayu as "delicate".

After two drops of yin and cold attribute spirit liquid, the female hormones in Li Jiayu's body have forced the male hormones to the side of the cliff, and further, Li Jiayu's body is very likely to undergo supernatural changes.

Xiao Wanqing probed Li Jiayu's lower body, knowing that it was not shrinking the sun into the abdomen, but... really shrinking!

Immediately it was almost as good as a newborn baby, white and tender, and Xiao Wanqing had a sense of absurdity for no reason.

So small, if you have urgency in the future, you won’t blow up your bladder, right?

There is also the problem mentioned by Kuang San, Xiao Wanqing has long known about it.

The staff at Xijiang University is okay, because Li Jiayu is more powerful and the soul of Xijiang University, even if some boys have ideas about him, they dare not show it.

But men from other forces...

Some anxious people want to take off Li Jiayu's clothes on the spot, and have an action show with that pretty person.

Xiao Wanqing glanced at Kuangsan deeply, "I will pay attention and try not to let Jiayu appear in public."

Kuangsan smiled slightly and said, "You can also talk to him. In most cases, the role of the'goddess' is comparable to the'male god' and inspiring."

"oh, I understand now."

Li Jiayu was dumbfounded. What happened during the time he was in a coma...

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