Beyond the screen, the world of Kamen Rider W.

In Narumi’s office, Shotaro Zuo is talking to Fili in Mandarin.

“Philip, have you found any information about these Kamen Riders?”

Philip on the side, he also found some small materials from his “Earth Library”.

I saw him say: “There is no news of the mechanical mutant and Kamen Rider MadRogue, and even the armor that first appeared, there is no record. ”

“However, I did find some records about Kamen Rider Sora Me and Emperor Rider, but the content is too small to see anything!”

In this regard, Shotaro Zuo also dispelled the idea of knowing more about other Kamen Riders.


Outside the screen, the world of Kamen Rider Rider Ride.

Ruzuki looks at Evolto in the picture, the Kamen Rider Evol he transformed.

“That white knight and my swastika are a bit like eh~”

Hearing his words, the singer Kengo also nodded and said, “There are some similarities, but the white knight, his eyes, seem to represent a black hole.” ”

Windy City Miwa grinned, “Black hole? Could it be that he is also a star disciple? ”

In this regard, singer Kengo was unsure: “This… I’m not sure, but he’s definitely better than the Star Apprentice. ”


The gaze returns to the video.

Even if he turns into lava form, Kroez is no match for Kamen Rider Evol at all.

No matter how much Krouse threw his punches with all his strength, Evol understated it, turning his offensive into invisible.


Evol punched Croze in the abdomen, sparks splattered.

“Even if you change your form, the result will not change in any way.”

The puncher that Croze threw was caught by Evol, and Evol’s voice fell.

In Evol’s right hand, a black energy appeared, which was like a black hole, with a huge attraction.

Before Kroez could resist, under that attraction, the whole person approached Evol uncontrollably.


Throughout the battlefield, Evol’s attack hit Croze, and the sparks and explosions generated by this attack directly made everyone present unable to open their eyes.

That ear is even more buzzing.


Kamen Rider Croze, he just flew out.

At the same time, under the huge impact of this attack, the armor’s ability to withstand has also reached the limit.

In mid-air, Manzhang Dragon I was forced to disarm the Kamen Rider form.

“Wanzhang, let’s end here!”

Evol looked at the dragon who was struggling on the ground, but his heart was full of disappointment.

The human being in front of him has his cells, which can be said to be his own child, but his strength and what he has done has disappointed him.

Evol’s voice fell, his hand on the belt, and he quickly turned the lever.

I saw Evol jump with both feet, the whole person jumped into the air, and a huge black hole phantom appeared behind him.

At the same time, countless dust and stones were attracted by the black hole behind him.

“READY. GO! (Preparation, top)”


“GLAO! (Goodbye)”

Evol wrapped his hands around his legs, and the whole person became the center of a black hole, and countless objects were attracted by the gravitational force generated by his attack.

Ten thousand dragons on the ground, he no longer has the strength to dodge this attack.

Seeing that he was about to die, but, at this moment.

The hell warrior Vulture Tail Wind pushed him away at this critical moment.


Under the huge impact, the hell warrior flew out directly, and together with the black hole attack, it directly attracted him firmly to the center and could not break free.


I saw the black hole shrink rapidly, swallowing the hell warriors into it.


A huge explosion sounded, and countless smoke and flames appeared.


Beyond the screen, the world of Kamen Rider Build.


When I saw this again, he was excited to grab Eagle Tail’s hand, but he went straight through the screen.

“Dragon I…”

When Kiryu War Rabbit saw his appearance, the sense of powerlessness in his heart surged again, the complete Evol was too strong, even as a demon scientist, he couldn’t think of a way to deal with it for the time being.

“Damn it!”

The same shame also appeared on the body of the ice chamber illusion, Dongdu was destroyed in this way, but he had no way, which also made him very angry.

“Akabane, Blue Feather, Yellow Feather…”

In the hands of Ape Du Yihai, he tightly held the relics of his three friends.

And the country where he is located, the northern capital, has long been destroyed by Evol.

Now he only wants to defeat Evol and avenge his country and people.


Shi Dongmeikong had never experienced that battle, but now he relived that tragic battle from the screen screen.

[Today’s second change, thank you to the audience for the flowers, thank you for your support! ] 】

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