The moment he touched the "Star Core Device".

The air suddenly became hot.

The surrounding water seemed to have evaporated.

A pale stripe appeared on the left and right cheeks of Hoshino Sakura. The inside was deep and dark, but the corners were like burning paper, with black dots of fire continuing to rise.

During this period.

The "White King's Blood" contained in the boy's body broke through the restriction, and burst into the "Star Core Device" from this seemingly small body through his right hand that touched the black crystal shell.

Everything fell into place, as if the right key to unlocking this legacy of the Black King was inserted.


There was a clear and crisp sound of breaking from the black crystal.

Black aura spread out.

"Is it possible that...even with the blood of the Bronze Yoo King, this thing can't be opened? And the pressure in front of him that makes the Dragon Blood willing to be a slave from the bottom of his heart...comes from...the White King!!!"

Shimada's inverted triangular dark green eyes flashed with a faint light, and he suddenly opened up, with terrifying bloodshot eyes all around his pupils.

After a short brainstorming session.

Shimada seemed to have anticipated something bad, and quickly interrupted the formation to maintain it, and shouted in panic: "Jump out of the plane!!!"

The other five mixed-race species suddenly looked at each other.

They are a little confused.

If I had known earlier, there would be no real difference between jumping out of a plane directly from a deep space over 6,400 kilometers high without any technological props, and seeking death.

But just as Shimada transformed into a dragon, he ran towards the rear door of the fighter plane.


The black crystal was completely shattered.

Inside the precise and thick black crystal, spread out like the roots of the world tree. It is pure black, delicate and smooth, with countless branches and majestic liquid energy.

It smells of the refurbished soil of the earth, the colorless but rough smell of the sky, and the sweet and salty smell of life contained in the ocean.

Standing in front of this energy is like standing in front of countless huge stars, small and fragile.


The energy bursting out from the black crystal completely enveloped Hoshino Sakura.

Fighter Hall.

Hoshino Sakura closed her eyes, and after being enveloped in pure blackness, the surrounding sky turned into stars, spinning constantly, and everything seemed to be frozen in this picture.

In this whirlpool of power.

Shimada and the other six people completely lost control of their bodies in an instant, and their consciousness and bodies were forcibly stripped away. They still existed here, but they did not exist here.

This power is like a god! ! !

It's a pity that he is not on the side of Shimada and these lowly dragon slaves.

After Sakura Hoshino was wrapped in the viscous liquid energy, she did not experience any sticky or uncomfortable skin reaction.

On the contrary, if you ask him to describe his feelings at this time.

That is, the whole person seems to be reborn, degenerating step by step from a mature life form, and returning to the warmth of the mother's womb again.

Wrapped in this feeling, Hoshino Sakura's thoughts reached their peak state, just as the CPU turned on overclocking.

Only then did he understand.

Sombra, also known as the "Star Core Device", should be the lair where the Black King was born.

It contains countless "stellar core sources" with the most powerful energy after the Big Bang.

After the birth of that consciousness, I don’t know how many innocent star cores were devoured.

Under the collision and explosion of such terrifying energy.

Only then was born the "Black King" who conquered Blue Star for tens of thousands of years! ! !

The history of dragon clan is extinct.

It does not mean that the black dragon has died. This black crystal, as well as the mythical World Tree and the legend of Ragnarok, indicate that it will once again appear as an emperor in front of the "human" creature.

The only way to open the "Black King's Lair" is the Black King's inheritance, the purest bloodline energy.

Perhaps, it is just as Shimada speculated.

The blood of the King of Bronze and Fire alone is not enough to awaken it. Only the blood of the four dragon kings is fused, or it is the blood of the White King that is closest to the blood of the Black King!




At this time, a strong explosion shock wave bloomed under the fighter plane, and the air flow instantly reversed the atmosphere of this space.

The bursting energy blooms like a devil's flower.

The "Purification Tower Pillars" on the shore of Fuyuan Lake completed their final mission, a nuclear explosion! ! !

Under the lake.


The King of Baltan, sitting on the icy throne, watched with his own eyes as the water droplet aircraft of his tribe was dissolved by super-temperature radiation and turned into liquid metal.

After it roared.

Directly transforming into a full-body armored warrior with a streamlined body, it stirs up energy throughout the body to resist the power of the nuclear explosion with all its strength, and finally, with the help of airflow, it surges upward crazily.

The King of Baltan is capable of resisting human nuclear weapons.

But its more than two billion cosmic clansmen, located by the lake, died in an instant.

"Masaki Keigo! I will cut you into pieces!!!"

The King of Baltan roared crazily. It had been driven insane by the sudden and devastating attack, and its metal armor was blown to pieces.

It quickly escaped from the center of the nuclear explosion, turned around and found the aura of the evil Tiga, and flew high into the sky.

The poor Baltan clan still failed to discern Masaki Keigo's conspiracy at the last moment, and the entire clan was destroyed! ! !

Thousands of miles high in the sky.

Black clouds rolled in.

Evil Tiga was still chasing Dark Tiga, and just when he was about to catch up with the latter, he was attracted by the nuclear explosion behind him.

Looking at the super explosion that shook not far away.

Masaki Keigo, who had merged into the consciousness of Evil Tiga, raised his mouth and couldn't help but reveal an evil smile.

His plan was finally completed.


Masaki Keigo no longer chased Dark Tiga, hovering in the sky, clenched his fists, and made a "Zapelio Ray" light gesture.

Evil Tiga aimed at the back of Dark Tiga, who was still delaying time and flying away, and violently fired an "evil ray" emitting evil purple air! ! !


The sound of the electromagnetic explosion sounded, and the light that broke through the layers of air sound barriers was about to hit Dark Tiga.

In the black cloud.

Dark Tiga suddenly seemed to have lost the signal, paused, and hovered in the distance.

Suddenly the space shook, and Dark Tiga finally escaped into the void.

Everything happened very suddenly.

The evil ray missed.

Evil Tiga was confused and mistakenly thought that the opponent had a stealth skill. He immediately looked around, but after turning around, he found that at this time, thousands of metal blades were shooting at him from the periphery of the nuclear explosion.


The shrill sound of the blades cut through the sky, and the sharp metal blades flashed cold light, like a metal blade lotus.

After a while.

The metal blades wrapped Evil Tiga around.

No matter how the latter struggled.

The metal blades seemed to be like magnets, and they had a strong reaction to Evil Tiga's body, and he couldn't get rid of it.

This is the ultimate move of King Baltan:

"Ten Thousand Swords!!!"

Evil Tiga, who was trapped in the middle, sensed King Baltan entering the range, and couldn't help but say angrily in his heart: "Tsk! The vitality is really tenacious!"


After going crazy, King Baltan had no reason at all, and his huge sharp claws suddenly merged.

The Ten Thousand Swords Slash like a metal blade lotus merged instantly, and the sharp blades were like a rolling knife hell! ! !

Bang, bang, bang——

Evil Tiga's blue pupils flashed with light, and in a panic, he could only release a purple "evil barrier" covering his entire body.

After the metal blade hit the purple energy barrier, both of them shattered.


Before Evil Tiga could release a new barrier in time, he was cut by countless sharp blades alternately, and evil energy overflowed from his body.

"You destroyed my tribe!!! Today, I will definitely make you shattered to pieces!!!"

The pupils of King Baltan were scarlet, and after the metal blade attack, he teleported in front of Evil Tiga with his miserable body.

It pinched the latter's neck with a single clamp, and directly pushed the other clamp towards Evil Tiga's fragile abdomen.


Seeing that his life was hanging by a thread, Masaki Keigo immediately burst out all the evil energy in his body, and the purple energy covered his whole body, corroding King Baltan so that he had to loosen his jaws.

King Baltan had rich combat experience. After his ultimate move was resolved, he aimed his left pincer at the body of Evil Tiga without hesitation, and blasted out a strong blue arc-like "Baltan Ray!!!"


Evil Tiga was blasted towards the nuclear explosion area, and Masaki Keigo was terrified. When he looked up, he felt what despair was!

At this moment.

The endless energy generated by the nuclear explosion did not spread to the surroundings, but burst towards Masaki Keigo's fighter plane with the condensed life force of the Baltan people.

"How is it possible!!! I'm not on it, who can start the star core device!!!"

Evil Tiga, under the high-temperature nuclear explosion radiation, forcibly controlled the "blood power of the king of bronze and fire" in his body that was about to be uncontrollable, and roared hysterically.

And King Baltan, not far away, observed the fighter plane above the dome, which had turned into an energy absorber at this time.

It screamed madly: "Use my people as sacrifices!!! Masaki Keigo, I will imprison your soul forever in my Baltan hell!!!"

The words fell.

The blood-thirsty King Baltan turned into a stream of light and teleported to the front of the evil Tiga again.

It used its powerful pincers to hold the latter tightly and pushed him to the center of the nuclear explosion with all its strength.

"Are you crazy??? If this goes on, you and I will become energy nutrients!!!"

Masaki Keigo, who turned into the consciousness of the evil Tiga, hammered the King of Baltan madly and roared crazily.

"Hehehe! Hahaha!" The irrational King Baltan had no other answer except for the trembling laughter.

The entire nuclear explosion area was now covered by a strong black light column that was aimed at the fighter.

In the super fighter.

Bang bang bang——

Six consecutive explosions sounded.

Shimada and his five mixed-race subordinates, their bodies and souls, exploded like ceramics, turning into golden energy and being absorbed by the pure black liquid energy wrapped around Sakura Hoshino.


At this moment.

The black light column wrapped in the nuclear explosion energy, gathered by the super fighter intake device arranged by Shimada and other researchers, seamlessly connected to the energy supply device at the bottom of the fighter.

The black light column rushed straight into the sky.

The fighter shook violently.

The body was annihilated into powder.

Sakura Hoshino's consciousness had already escaped into the sea of ​​stars.

The boy's body was wrapped in the black liquid star core energy into a giant black crystal core.

All the energy that exploded on the ground.

All burst towards the crystal core.

Aisen Apartment.

All the awakened people in the entire apartment gathered on the rooftop.

Theresa's beautiful eyes trembled, and she said in shock: "This breath is too terrifying!!!"

Tendo Souji frowned: "If there was no black light, I'm afraid our area would have ceased to exist long ago."

"I smell the irresistible chemical odor!" Kadoya stood near the iron net, one hand on the seam of the net, his face heavy.

"That should be a nuclear explosion!"

Yamo, who was standing on the side, sighed.



Above Area 86.

The black light column shrouded the explosion energy, and countless defense fighters were circling at this time.

After detection, they found the evil Tiga and King Baltan at the center of the nuclear explosion.

The defense teams were helpless.

They could not rescue Masaki Keigo, nor could they attack King Baltan.

With the current technology of Blue Star, they can watch from a distance outside of explosion scenes like this. If it weren't for the black column energy protecting the radiation, no one would dare to approach this area.



"Come on! Go to hell with me!!!"

King Baltan still hugged the evil Tiga tightly. As the energy became weaker and weaker, they could no longer resist the explosion energy.

In the end, the two were completely annihilated by the black light column, turning into a pure blue and black energy body, surging upward.

Masaki Keigo never thought of this.

He had prepared a plan for so long, but in the end, it was a wedding dress for Hoshino Sakura, who had only a shallow intersection with him.

If Masaki Keigo had not attacked the Victory Team at the beginning, perhaps he would not have suffered this disaster.

High in the sky.

The Black King's Nest, which gathered powerful energy and condensed into a new one, was still suspended, and began to clean up all the complex energy in this area, accepting all who came and taking it in.

In the energy package of the crystal core.

A young boy with his eyes closed, a calm face, and an excellent figure and appearance was sleeping.

He was madly absorbing the majestic energy from the outside, including the stellar energy left in the Black King's Nest.

In Hoshino Sakura's body, earth-shaking changes were taking place.

His bones, blood, cells, genes, and every part of his body tissue structure, all had an instinctive desire for energy. Under the guidance of the star core energy, they all burst out, unscrupulously, and madly absorbed external energy.

In fact, after accepting Asuka's gift, the blood of the White King transformed his body madly.

So much so that now, he does not resist the energy provided by the Black King's Nest.

For Hoshino Sakura.

It is a thorough rebirth.

On this night, after the "Black King's Nest" absorbed the energy of the nuclear explosion, the energy of more than 2 billion creatures of Baltan, and the energy of Masaki Keigo B-level awakener.

It wrapped Hoshino Sakura.

Like a drifting bottle, it fell on the turbid Fuyuan Lake.

Accompanied by the tide.

The "Black King's Nest" drifted into Tokyo Bay where rivers converged, and then drifted into the truly vast and boundless Forbidden Sea.

Until the Blue Star Defense Force lost its position and went out to sea, no one dared to track it anymore.

In fact, when this black crystal was still in the river basin, no one dared to study it.

No one wanted to detonate this terrifying "crystal core" again.

So, in this inexplicable state, Sakura Hoshino completed an unconscious drift on the sea.

Of course, he himself has been sleeping in the "black crystal".

Day after day.

Digesting the energy accumulated in the nest.

I don't know how much time has passed.

A certain sea area.

On a lonely island.

On the edge of the soft golden beach.

Sakura Hoshino, whose skin is tanned bronze but whose face is still handsome, lies on his side on the beach at low tide, with ragged clothes on his body, looking like a savage, motionless, unconscious, letting the hermit crab crawl past him.

The tide rises and falls.

A day and a night passed.

The next morning.

A young girl with black braids, big black eyes, delicate features, and freckles on her beautiful cheeks due to long-term exposure to the sun, exquisite collarbones on the upper body, wearing rough leather, plump figure, and light yellow beast skin on the lower body, a pair of bronze long legs, round and straight, holding a stone spear in her hand, walked towards the beach.

After she found Hoshino Sakura unconscious on the beach, she looked alert, bent over, tightly holding the stone spear, and walked forward quietly with bare feet.

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