Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 336: 325. A frail and sickly girl also suffers from a cold.

  Chapter 336 325, it is normal for a frail girl to catch a cold~

  The days in spring are getting longer and longer,

  When Naoki Naoyama returned home, the light of the sky in the distance had not completely disappeared. In the hazy mountain cherry yard, the cherry blossom trees in the courtyard showed colorful colors under the light of the spotlights.

  Yes, Naoki Yongshan replaced his landscape spotlights with ones that change color with time, which is similar to the colored lights in the dance hall. As a result, at night, it seems that there is a light show in this home every day.

   Fortunately, it is a remote courtyard, and there are no other residents nearby, otherwise the neighbors will definitely complain.

   "Taro, I'm back!" Naoki Naoyama called to his dog as soon as he got out of the car, "I packed the bones for you!"

I saw a big white dog weighing more than 50 kilograms running towards Naoki Nagayama wagging his tail, jumping around excitedly beside him, smelling and smelling the takeaway he brought back, his saliva was about to flow down .

I brought a big bone soup takeaway from a little farther away. Two thick beef bones are shaking in the soup. When you pour the rich soup on the white rice and serve it with clear side dishes, it’s A nice dinner.

   After dinner, Naoki Naoyama sat on the sofa contentedly, watching the program on TV, because today he mentioned TV TOKYO, and watched the program of TV TOKYO, and sure enough, it was still showing cartoons~

But even though he is already such a big person, Naoki Naoyama is still very happy watching "Doraemon". Speaking of which, it seems that the theatrical version of "Doraemon: Nobita's Undersea Ghost Rock Castle" has been released this month. ?

  Thinking of this, Naoki Naoyama felt a little moved, but if he went to see Doraemon by himself as an adult, wouldn’t it be a bit embarrassing?

   "Taro, they are all pets. Why can't you grow a four-dimensional pocket from your stomach like Doraemon?"

   Touched Taro who was lying next to him, but only felt the round belly because of the dog food at night~

  Four-dimensional pocket. Like a key word, the young man who was walking the dog suddenly remembered something, and immediately fumbled in his pocket,

   "I remember it was in this pocket. Ah, I found it!"

  Naoki Naoyama took out two tickets from his pocket. They were movie tickets for the Musashinokan Cinema in Shinjuku. The movie to be shown was "Thin Snow" and it was a trial screening!

I knew not long ago that "Thin Snow" will be released in May, and there will be many small trial screenings before that, and Naoki Naoki, who is an upstart in the film industry, naturally got it from acquaintances by virtue of his so-called personal connections. Bought two movie tickets for the preview.

  This "Thin Snow" can be said to be Sayuri Yoshinaga's most popular movie. If there is a chance, I naturally want to see it early.

   After finding two movie tickets, Naoki Yongshan took the phone next to the sofa and dialed a familiar number.


   "Private Marseille, the person you're looking for doesn't want to answer your call for now~ If you have anything to say, please leave a message after the beep!"

  When did the voice reply of the message change to this?

   Naoki Naoyama feels funny, I don’t want to answer your phone or something

   "Moshi Moshi, Mingcai sauce, this is Naoki Nagayama~"

  The person holding two movie tickets is looking at the movie tickets over and over while on the phone,

   "Does Akina-chan like Sayuri Yoshinaga? Her latest movie "Snow" is about to be released. I have tickets for the preview screening at Shinjuku Musashinokan.

  Three days later, this weekend night, I wonder if Akina should watch it together? It's okay if you don't have time~


  After the speech was over, Akina still didn't answer the phone. It seems that she really didn't return to the apartment today.

  But during this period of time, Akina seems to be very busy, busy with the national tour concert,

  On weekend nights, I don’t know if I’m free~

  If there is no space, what about this movie ticket?

  Ming Cai didn’t actually go to another place for a concert today, but was in a studio, taking photos for the monthly magazine “Star”.

  To be honest, the shooting of this magazine is very complicated. In addition to the photos in the studio, you also need to go to the location, interview, find friends to interview, and even have photos from childhood

  In fact, it has been going on for half a month, and today I still pose in the studio for a whole day, and I don’t know how many of the photos I took will be useful.

   After thanking her manager Akyuki Fusori downstairs for sending her back, Akina Nakamori finally returned to her small apartment in Nakano. It was already 11:30 at night.

  Take off your shoes and walk into this 20-square-meter room from the entrance, and you can feel that your heart has settled down.

   Throwing myself on the sofa, hugging the penguin doll, I don’t want to move anymore~

  Being an idol is really hard work, sometimes you can’t rest all day long.

  After lying on the sofa for a while, Mingcai still decided to get up and take a shower, then lie on the bed and watch TV for a while, and finally fell asleep comfortably~

   "Phone message?"

  After seeing the notification light on the phone, Mingcai reached for the play button, but because she was lying too far away, she had to squirm on the sofa for a certain distance like a caterpillar. Anyway, it was at home and no one was watching!

   "Moses, Mingcai Jiang, this is Naoki Nagayama."

  One sentence immediately cheered up the girl, she sat up and listened to the next words,

   "Sayuri Yoshinaga? "Thin Snow"?

   It seems that it was reported in the newspaper some time ago that "Xinxue" should be an adaptation of a novel, right?


  Akina became happy when she heard that Naoki Nagayama wanted to ask her to go to the screening together. Then she took out her notebook and began to plan her itinerary.

   "Next weekend night in three days."

  The small notebook reads, "Shooting for Qingse Town Magazine in the morning on weekends; program recording in the afternoon; body training class in the evening?"

  Looking at this itinerary, the wrinkled expression on Xiaopangcai's face suddenly became relaxed.

   As we all know, as long as you ask for sick leave for class, there will be no problem~

  As a frail girl, it is normal to catch a cold in spring~

   While having breakfast in the morning, Naoki Naoyama saw that on his cherry tree, several early cherry blossoms had already bloomed, and the pink and white petals looked even more beautiful among the buds.

   "The cherry blossoms are blooming again this year~"

   Naoki Yongshan sighed, and looked at the big dog in the corridor,

   "It's a lot of credit to Taro!"

  Naoki Naoki went for a morning jog as usual, and passed by the small shop of Qingshan as usual. He just wanted to call out Mr. Qingshan, but found that there was Zhikezi Qingshan in the shop.

   "Chikako-chan, why are you here?!"

   Normally, this little girl should already be in school.

   "Naoki-san, it's spring break! It's already a holiday!"

   Ah, after I stopped being a student, I became very slow about school holidays.

  Speaking of which, after becoming a boss, I’m not very sensitive about weekends. I went to the studio a few days ago during the weekend, but I only saw a closed door

  Naoki Naoyama does not have the key to the studio door, so he can only return.

   During the weekdays, I was thinking of asking Otomo-san for the key, but I suddenly remembered that the employees are all on vacation, so why do I still come to work in the studio?

   Isn’t this why you have nothing to do when you’re full?

  So decisively gave up the plan!

   "Haha, why did Chikako come to the store today? Don't you want to rest at home?"

  The little girl wrinkled her nose: "Grandpa and his friends went for an outing, so please ask me to come and see the store."

   What a grandfather who can squeeze his granddaughter's labor force!

   "Are you still so energetic at such an old age?" Naoki Yongshan curled his lips, "Could it be with the retired aunts?"

  Although it was just a complaint, Naoki Naoyama saw the hesitant expression on Chikako Aoyama's face.

   "Really?! I really went outing with my retired aunt!!"

  There must be three exclamation marks here to show Naoki Naoki’s surprise. He was really just making fun of it, but he hit the mark!

  The little girl still can't gossip about her grandpa behind her back: "It's just with the friends I met while arranging flowers together."

  Naoki Naoki's face showed an understanding smile. It's true that Mr. Aoyama likes to grow flowers, but flower arrangement?

   Is this really what men in their 60s and 70s like to do?

   "Naoki-san, don't show such a smile!" Zhi Kezi stomped her feet, her face also puffed up.

   "Hi Hi~"

   Naoki Naoyama also put down his smile, and stopped asking Mr. Aoyama,

   "By the way, Chikako-chan, did the previous scout come to look for you?"

   "I came again after that, but I didn't come again after I made it clear to him." Chikako Aoyama looked at Naoki Nagayama and said, "Thank you for your advice on this matter."

   "Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay. But, does Chikako have any intention of entering the entertainment world?"

  Yongshan Naoki laughed, it was just a little effort, but I still want to ask the little girl what she thinks, after all, she has stepped into this circle because of her memory in her previous life.

   "Arnold. Actually, I can't figure it out now." The little girl's eyes were full of confusion, "I was a little curious at the beginning, and then I was a little scared."

   "The unknown is always afraid~ It's okay." Naoki Naoyama understands this idea quite well. Indeed, many artists entered this circle out of temporary curiosity.


   "If Zhikezijiang is really curious, I will take you to my company after a while. If there is a chance, maybe you can try to be an extra in a new TV series."

   "Boom?" The little girl's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on her face, "Arigado, Naoki-san!"

   "Haha, it's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands~ If you are really interested in developing in this industry, then consider signing with our company~"


   When Naoki Yongshan came to the studio again, he was reminded by an employee that Otomo Fangcun was having a meeting in the conference room. If Naoki Yongshan came, please come along with him.

  In the conference room, besides Yoshimura Otomo, there were Masato Inada, Akira Sudou, Tetsuya Komuro, and Yutaka Ozaki.

   "Mina-san, good morning~"

  "Good morning, Naoki-san!""Naoki-san!""Naoki-san, here you come"

  Seeing so many people, Naoki Yongshan was also at a loss: "What is this meeting talking about today, and why did you ask me to come here?"

   Akira Sudou answered first: "I was here to present the soundtrack of "Boys Over Flowers" today. By the way, I would like to discuss with Otomo Sangya Min-san about the plan for Yutaka Ozaki's debut."

"Haven't there been such a thing as a debut plan many times?" Seeing Yutaka Ozaki who was silent and weak in the conference room, Naoki Naoyama remembered that the debut of a male singer may be really different from that of a female idol. .

   "Aha, I almost regarded Ozaki-kun as a female idol"

  Naoki Naoki laughed at himself, and then continued to ask, "Then is there anything special about the debut plan?"

   Fangcun Otomo clicked on the information on the table: "It is similar to female idols in other respects, but male singers have a lot more offline activities. Naoki, do you remember the time when the wild cat group just debuted?"

   "You mean, first gather fans from livehouses, nightclubs and other places where underground bands often hang out?" Naoki Naoyama still remembers the moment when the Wildcats began to gather fans from the unknown.

   "Hey, if you are a male singer, you still have to start with singing." Yoshimura Otomo nodded, "Besides, we have a lot more resources now, so we can arrange more opportunities for Brother Ozaki."

   "Well, not bad. If you are a male singer, you still need to attract fans with songs!"

   This is also the reason why the vitality of male singers will last longer. Fans follow his songs and singing skills.

   "But speaking of this, besides my three songs, does Ozaki-san have any other songs?" Naoki Naoyama remembered, "Isn't it a bit late to ask a composer for a song?"

   "Arnold Naoki-san." Hearing this question, Komuro Tetsuya raised his hand and spoke, "Before, there are some stored songs on my side and Sudo-san's side, which can be used."

   "Hey, Sony Records, I can also arrange some songs." Sudou Akira said, "After all, it is a joint new label of the two."

   "Haha, then there is no problem. By the way, Junko Ito's song "Kointo と Ukura" is actually very suitable for male voices. You can also try Ozaki-san."

Naoki Yongshan felt relieved, and then thought again, "By the way, if you want to go to a nightclub, go to DISCO in Takadanobaba. You can consider performing more times. The popularity there is still very good, and they are all the trendiest young people. people."

   "Huh?" Sudou Akira was a little bit embarrassed, "Although it is very popular, it is said that that nightclub does not accept performances by other singers at all, and their own band Blast is performing."

  Masami Inata couldn't help but uttered: "That. Sudou-san, in fact, the DISCO at Gaotianbachang was opened by Naoki-san."

   "Huh?!" Several young people who didn't know were shocked!

   "Sa, this is the situation, so there is no problem if you go." Naoki Yongshan said, and then asked Fangcun Otomo, "Otomo-san, is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

   "There should be none, if there is, I will find you~"

  Naoki Yongshan looked at the other people with a relaxed face: "That's good, then you can figure out the next specific operation, I'll go to the editing room first~"

   "By the way, I wish Ozaki-san a great debut!"

   The two changes are over, good night~



  (end of this chapter)

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