Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 540: 538, Never Understand Girls' Friendship

  In the morning, when Naoki Naoyama was going out for a walk with Taro, he took a look at the mailbox. There was nothing in it except newspapers.

   What kind of gift will you give?

   Naoki Naoyama, who was walking on the familiar streets, was very curious. He was absent-minded when walking. Even Taro couldn't help but stop and wait for his master several times.

   When he came back from the walk, his pace obviously quickened, and he wanted to see it earlier.

   "Naoki-san, Merry Christmas!"

  Kenta Yokota, the owner of the newsstand, greeted happily, and the small newsstand was also hung with colorful lights, and there were also decorations such as elk, snowflakes, red hats, etc., which was very festive.

   "Ah, Yokota-san, Merry Christmas!" Naoki Naoyama responded subconsciously, and then asked casually, "Is Tokyo safe on Christmas Eve? Has anything major happened?"

   "Haha, except for the news about bosozoku bombing the streets, everything else is just ordinary entertainment news." Kenta Yokota also chatted casually.

   "By the way, "Midnight Ring" is Naoki-san's movie, right? There seem to be several reports on the entertainment section discussing it."

   "The Ring?"

  Naoki Naoki is curious. This movie has been released for almost a week, and those who should comment have already commented. I don’t think I have arranged a promotional draft during this time?

   "Hi, it's on the entertainment page of the "Yomiuri Shimbun". It is said that there are many moviegoers who were frightened and passed out."

   "Huh?" Naoki Naoyama was a little surprised. It stands to reason that there was such a big news during the premiere, so everyone should be mentally prepared.

  Yokota Kenta asked in a low voice: "Naoki-san, is Sadako really that scary? Can you scare the director into the urine?"

  Naoki Naoyama suddenly realized that "Midnight Ring" is a niche movie after all. Although its reputation has begun to spread among some young people, for the public, it is more famous because of the scandal of Kinji Fukasaku.

   But it’s already Christmas now. Wait until the 26th of tomorrow, when most people in Japan will have their annual holidays. Then students and migrant workers will have time to go to the cinema. That’s when this horror movie will come out of the circle!

   "Ah, I think it's okay, Yokota-san can try it!" said to the store manager.

   "Haha, let my son see it first~"

   Kenta Yokota handed over the newspaper, and Naoki Naoyama subconsciously paid.

   "Arigado, Yokota-san. Then I'll go back first~" Naoki Naoyama took the newspaper and thought about going back to read it, and hurriedly bid farewell to the shop owner.

   When he hurried to the entrance of Yamazakura-in, Naoki Nagayama once again realized that his family had clearly ordered "Yomiuri Shimbun"!

   Actually bought an extra copy. "Yokota-san really knows how to do business!"

  Sighing, Naoki Naoyama bent down to check the inside of the mailbox, and took out all the letters and newspapers, but there were still no traces of gifts. Could it be that Akina forgot?

   "Wow, woof!" Yingtaro suddenly yelled twice, and then stopped immediately.

  Yongshan Naoki thought he was about to enter the door, looked at the dog's tail wagging vigorously, and stroked his head: "So anxious, are you hungry?"

   At this moment, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and a pair of cold hands covered his eyes, almost causing Naoki Yongshan to subconsciously throw back his hands and cough, coughing, and a tyrant elbowing his heart!

"Guess who I am?"

   A voice with a changed voice came from behind, and Naoki Naoyama's muscles finally relaxed.

   "Mingcai! Why are you here!"

   Turning his head, he saw that it was Akina who was wearing a windbreaker, a beret, and a dark blue knitted scarf, but her face was flushed by the cold wind.

  Yongshan Naoki happily held Akina's hand, feeling the coolness, and quickly asked, "Why is your hand so cold? Have you been waiting outside for a long time? Why don't you go in?"

   "Because I know that Naoki-san has taken Eutaro out~ So I hid here to give Naoki-san a surprise!"

  Akina had a childish look on her face, sure enough people who fall in love will become stupid. Naoki Naoyama wanted to pull Mingna into the house.

   "Ah, that's right. Naoki-san bent down."

   "?" Naoki Naoyama didn't know why, but he lowered his head slightly.

   Then I found that Akina took off the scarf around his neck, and then surrounded Naoki Nagayama,

   "This is a gift for Naoki-san, a scarf woven by Akina-sama herself!"

  The scarf just taken off his neck, with his girlfriend's body temperature, and the faint scent of shower gel, moved Naoki Naoyama very much, and gently hugged the girl who was waiting for praise in front of him:

   "Arigado, Mingcai~"

  Although it is normal for couples to hug each other, but early in the morning, when they are still at the door of their house, they can still see pedestrians on the road not far from time to time, which is a bit like a public execution.

   After gently hugging for a while, Naoki Naoyama quickly pulled Akina into the gate of Yamazakura-in,

   "Mingcai, have you had breakfast?" she asked as she walked into the house.

   "No." Akina smiled as she stroked Yutaro's head, "I came here as soon as I got up in the morning~"

   "No work today?" Naoki Naoyama opened the door.

   "Because the party lasted until midnight, you can rest in the morning, and there will be an announcement in the afternoon"

  Akina Nakamori was explaining, but suddenly stopped talking, because she saw a pair of women's shoes in the shoe cabinet in the entrance!

   All kinds of thoughts flooded Mingcai's mind for a while, scenes from urban dramas he had watched before appeared before him, such as one-night stands, the male protagonist cheating on his legs, and stepping on the third boat.

   "Naoki-san whose shoes are these?"

   "Huh?" Naoki Naoyama had already changed his shoes, and was helping Taro off the dog leash. When he turned his head and saw the shoes, he suddenly froze.

   "Yeah, I forgot."

   "?" Akina only felt that there was chaos in her head. Could it be that it was because she didn't accompany Naoki-san on Christmas Eve?

  At this time, both of them heard a female voice from the kitchen in front: "Are you back? Breakfast is ready."

   Then, the sound of rattling slippers came, getting closer.

   Then, a girl's face appeared, and the two people in the entrance stared at each other for a moment, and Yamazakura fell into a strange silence.

  Yantaro looked left and right, saw that his master would not continue to untie the dog leash, so he had to twist a few times to break off the rest of the leash, and then passed between several people, he was going to eat dog food.

   "Ah, breakfast is ready." Naoki Yongshan came to his senses, looked at the two girls, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Hezi, do you want to make more? Mingcai didn't have breakfast either."


  On the Christmas morning of Showa 58, Yongshan Hezi discovered a big secret of his brother!

  At the table in Yamazakurain, Naoki Naoyama, Tsuruko and Akina were eating breakfast in silence.

  Although it is a traditional Japanese breakfast of white rice, miso soup and side dishes, Naoki Naoyama has already adapted to it.

  The rice is definitely enough. The dish was originally made for two people, but if it is a little even and a little pickle is added, it will almost fill the meal.

  Yongshan Naoki originally wanted to read the newspaper, but he saw the crane on the dining table looking at Mingcai with his eyes, while his little girlfriend was timid and afraid at this time, and didn't even dare to look at the crane.

   Alas, I can't stand it!

   "I said Hezi. Eat as soon as you eat, always staring at what Mingcai is doing."

   Tsuruko finally changed his target and asked Naoki: "Ni-chan, are you dating Ming Cai-chan?"

  ". Isn't this already obvious." Naoki Naoyama didn't hide anything. The girls came home early in the morning, what else can they say. "What's wrong, can't I fall in love?"

   "That's not true." He Zi poked the rice bowl with his chopsticks, "It's just that the person I always saw on TV suddenly became Ni Jiang's girlfriend. It feels unreal."

   "Akina, haven't you met several times~" Naoki Naoyama said, "We even went out to play together!"

   "It's strange that someone I know suddenly becomes Ni-chan's girlfriend!"

   "." Yongshan Naoki shook his head, and he could only let Hezi digest it slowly.

   It was very difficult to eat a breakfast, but I finally finished it.

  The three of them sat in the living room to rest for a while, but Akina Nakamori was a little restless at this moment. It was nothing to see Tsuruko, after all, they were all acquaintances, but this time they added the identity of her boyfriend's sister.

  However, they were all young people they knew. After a stalemate with each other for a while, they still spoke:

   "Mingcai, your face seems to be a little red, is it an allergy?"

   "Ah, maybe the cold wind blows in the morning, I have sensitive skin"

   "That's not good, let's protect it with face cream"

   Saying that, Tsuruko dragged Akina to the second floor to have a private conversation, leaving Naoki Naoyama in the living room shrugging, and then began to read the newspaper by himself.

  There are a lot of reports on "Midnight Ring" in the newspapers, but apart from the praise, there are some very strange reports, comparing "Midnight Ring" with other movies released this year, both inside and outside the words are belittling the level of this movie, as if saying that this horror movie is just scary for the sake of horror.

   "Tsk, who is making trouble behind this?" Yongshan Naoki sneered, "Horror movies are not for horror, so I might as well make literary movies!"

   "Besides, I have already introduced Miss Sadako to you."

  Such a disgusting little trick is a bit disgusting. Naoki Naoyama thought about it for a while, and decided to ask Otomo-san to find his own people to fight back in the newspaper tomorrow, and give some Sadako shocks to the public!

   While complaining, the two people who went upstairs actually walked down the stairs arm in arm. Suddenly going from awkward atmosphere to best friend doesn't seem awkward at all.

   "What's wrong?" Akina asked after seeing Naoki Nagayama's surprised expression.

   "You guys. Why is this reconciliation?"

  Hezi said beside him: "Bagani sauce, we didn't quarrel! It's just like this!"

   ".I will never understand the friendship between you girls!" Naoki Naoyama raised his hands in surrender.

   "How about we go shopping now?"

   Naoki Naoyama felt that he couldn’t understand girls’ jumping thinking

  This Christmas is actually very difficult for Kinji Fukasaku.

   On the one hand, he is really treating, on the other hand, due to the scandal, he had to choose to temporarily isolate himself from the entertainment industry and recuperate at home.

  So, without the complimenting juniors in the company, without the nice-talking "friends" in the entertainment industry, without the pride and fun under the spotlight.

   Even Keiko Matsuzaka, the year-end lover, cannot come to see him because of his wife Nakahara Sonae

  He has nothing left.

   "Husband, we have a visitor. It's Fumio Ishikawa from the Film Academy Award selection committee." Sonae Nakahara knocked on the door of the study, and walked in with a shrewd middle-aged man.

   "Director Fukasaku, Merry Christmas~" Fumio Ishikawa bowed to the old man on the seat and said hello.

   "Ah, Ishikawa-san." Fukasaku Kinji was not too happy, he waved his wife out who was pouring tea, "How is Ishikawa-san going?"

  He and Fumio Ishikawa only met a few times.

   "On behalf of President Yuyuki Tanaka, I'm here to visit the pillars of the Japanese film industry." Fumio Ishikawa complimented.

   "Hahaha, Dongliang. Shouldn't you be a laughing stock now?" Hearing the compliment, Fukasaku Kinji felt a little better, but still laughed at himself.

   "Where is it? It's just a small scandal." Fumio Ishikawa persuaded, "People in the entertainment industry will not deny the talent and achievements of director Fukasaku because of this, and neither will President Yuyuki Tanaka."

  Actually, Kinji Fukasaku is often exposed to **** scandals, which is not a big deal in the entertainment industry. If it weren't for the fact that this "scared incontinence" hurt his dignity as a director and a man, he wouldn't have stayed at home for so many days.

   "Yes" Fukasaku Kinji nodded. He had read today's newspaper and knew that during this time, Tanaka Yuyuki had already taken action to suppress the spread of "Midnight Ring" in the media.

  This time is for the exchange that Yoji Yamada talked about last time: "Then I would like to thank Chairman Yuyuki Tanaka for me. His works are also examples for our younger directors to learn from. I have already contacted some friends and I am going to re-examine "Snow".

   "Chairman Yuyuki Tanaka will be very happy to hear that." Fumio Ishikawa nodded. Today's goal has been achieved. He decided to continue to exchange a few words, and then left.

  Kinji Fukasaku sat up straight at this time, with a serious expression on his face: "Ishikawa-san, what tricks have Shuyou Yinghua made recently? Are they hyping me up?"

   "Director Shuyou Yinghua. Director Shuichi Ido seems to be in contact with the group of people from the film school recently, and seems to use "Hot Blood High School" to hit various awards." Fumio Ishikawa continued to think about it, "As far as I know, Shuyou Yinghua did not take the initiative to use the scandal of director Fukasaku to hype it."

   "Is that so?" Fukasaku Kinji's face changed. If he changed his position, he would definitely use the opponent's scandal to achieve the greatest benefit.

  Contact friends in the small circle and hit the film awards. All directors will do this, and Shuichi Itou's approach is completely fine.

  It’s just "High Blooded High School". This movie was also manipulated by Kinji Fukasaku. Now, all the resources are used to suppress "Midnight Ring", and there is no way for that movie.

  Kinji Fukasaku came back to his senses and saw that Fumio Ishikawa had finished his cup of tea, so he said:

   "Please Ishikawa-san to come over today, and thank President Tanaka for me."

   Fumio Ishikawa also understood:

   "Hi, it's great to see Director Fukasaku is fine, I'm sure I'll see you at the film selection meeting soon.

  Then, I will take my leave today! "

  Kinji Fukasaku bowed slightly, and after watching his wife send him away, he called out:


   "Bring me the phone book in my room, I'm going to make a call to President Kido of Shochiku."

  He still wanted to make "Hot-Blooded High School" not get an award!

  Kinji Fukasaku is different from Shuyou Yinghua. If he still decides to deal with the enemy, he must do his best and use whatever means!

  (end of this chapter)

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