Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 589: 596, do you know how I have spent these days?

 In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since the Japan Film Academy Awards ceremony.

The headline that Naoki Nagayama's "Love Letter" won the best film has been removed from the newspapers, but the ratings that day even reached 50%!

Even in the entertainment world where hot topics are constantly happening, other heat surrounding Naoki Nagayama is still spreading.

 He has now felt this personally.

"Naoki-san, please be sure to accept this interview for the "Newspeak Buzzword Awards"!" Fuji TV reporter Naotaro Nakanishi chased him directly to the studio of Shuyu Group and begged Naoki Nagayama.

Nagayama Naoki's face darkened: "I don't want it after you told me, what does it have to do with me and buzzwords?"

“Naoki-san, you almost created half of this February’s Newspeak buzzwords!”

Nakanishi Naotaro grabbed Naoki Nagayama’s sleeve and wanted to leave the office and refused to let go.

“‘It’s commercial time next’ has become popular in variety shows on major TV stations!

 All hosts and guests will say this when entering commercials! Even news programs say this during commercial breaks! "

Nagayama Naoki shook his arm vigorously, but he didn't shake it away. He said angrily: "Then you should interview those hosts! Besides, this sentence obviously appeared very early!"

Nakanishi Naotaro's eyes motioned to the two people at the door, Sakata Koaki and Obara Miguel, to help stop Nagayama Naoki, but how could these two guys dare that the guy in front of them was their real boss!

So he could only pinch his sleeves with two fingers, showing his final stubbornness: "Naoki-san, there's more! There's more!"

“The phrase ‘No one can beat me in my BGM’ has also become popular in Tokyo!

During the outdoor interviews these two days, I could hear the children playing eagle and catching chickens, singing songs, and saying to the children playing eagle, "Don't try to catch me in my BGM"! "

ˆ “.”

Nagayama Naoki thought that it was probably because he recalled too many things before. His mind was definitely not clear on the night of the award ceremony. Otherwise, how could he have said such a stupid thing in public!

Now that this Naotaro Nakanishi has said it, I'm almost going to get embarrassed!

“Then you go interview children! What are you doing to me?” He continued to wave his arm, but Naotaro Nakanishi clenched it so tightly that he still couldn’t shake it off.

"Because the source is Naoki-san!" Nakanishi Naotaro took advantage of the reporter's thick-skinned characteristic, but said sincerely, "Naoki-san, the first issue of the "Newspeak Buzzword Award" is very important, and even directly decided The future of this show. If Naoki-san joins, it will definitely cause a sensation!"

“Even if I don’t participate, this show will have good ratings! How can I not know this? I am the planner of the show! Let go!”

“Please, Naoki-san, come and participate no matter what!” Naotaro Nakanishi even grabbed the desk with his other hand to steady himself, “If Naoki-san doesn’t agree, I won’t let go!”

ˆ “.”

Shūichi Itou and Otomo Yoshimura in the office were sitting on chairs and watching the show leisurely. If there were melon seeds, they would have started cracking them on the spot!

Itou Shuichi is still making sarcastic remarks: "Naoki-san, for the sake of the effect of the show, just sacrifice yourself~"

 “Shuichi-san!” Naoki Nagayama said with tears in his eyes, “Since that day, do you know how I have lived these days?!

 If the heat is stirred up again, then I will never be able to rest in peace! "

In fact, Naoki Nagayama regretted being crazy that day. Ever since he blurted out those words at the award ceremony, he stayed in Yamazakura Garden for the past two days. Even so, he received a lot of phone calls.

For example, the resentful sister Tsuruko called and laughed at her. She even read that sentence to herself on the phone and her hair stood up in embarrassment!

There are other friends who, when calling to congratulate me on winning the best film, all made fun of their wonderful speeches.

Even Akina asked slyly on the phone last night: "Naoki-san, what song do you think I should use as BGM? How about "Forbidden Zone"? No one can beat me in my forbidden zone." Me! Hahaha~"

Nagayama Naoki has decided that when we meet tonight, he must beat this little girl in bed while playing "Forbidden Zone" on the player! !

When Naoki Nagayama was lost in memories, Otomo Yoshimura spoke:

“Zhi Shusang, if you think about it this way, it’s inseparable anyway. It’s better to maximize the impact of these two sentences. On the one hand, it can maintain your popularity, and on the other hand, it is also good for the company’s business.”

In fact, after language memes spread, they can indeed maintain their popularity for a long time. On the Internet in later generations, language memes can indeed make traffic stars appear in people's conversations and even replace the main body.

 But Naoki Nagayama doesn’t want this. He wants to be a powerful person who can speak for himself through his works!

Seeing that his sleeves were about to tear, Naotaro Nakanishi still had no intention of letting go, and there were two employees at the door vaguely blocking the door. Naoki Nagayama rolled his eyes:

"These buzzwords were spoken by Shuichi-san and I when we were participating together, and they are also attributed to Shuichi-san! If you can persuade Shuichi-san to participate, then I will participate!"

"Keep your word?" Naotaro Nakanishi's eyes lit up.

 “Of course!” Nagayama Naoki said firmly, “Youhavemyword!”

 Xiu Yisang, if I fall into the water, I will definitely drag you down!

So at this time, the pressure was placed on Itou Shuichi, who was originally watching the movie, while Nagayama Naoki easily escaped and came to the editing room.

Masataka Komori, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared in the editing room. He was chatting with Kyū Kijima about the latest MV production. After seeing Naoki Nagayama, he quickly said hello:

 “Naoki-san! You are here~”

"Masaka-kun, are you back? Did it go well this time to discuss the issuance?"

 Masataka Komori has been traveling around the country with Tokihiko Sugiyama from the distribution department during this period, contacting movie theaters and expanding distribution channels.

“Hey, I have basically gone through the cinemas in large cities, and I will slowly expand the rest in the future.” Masataka Komori said, “When I came back, I found that Kijima-kun was making MVs here, so I came here to learn.”

“Ha, it’s actually no different from the advertisements you made before.” Naoki Nagayama smiled, “It’s just that the quantity is relatively large, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.”

Turning to Kijima Xu, he asked, "Are the others going to instruct those part-time students?"

"Yes, they all went to Tokyo University of the Arts." Kijima Kyor pointed to a stack of video tapes on the table, "These are the master tapes they made in the past two days. Masataka-kun and I are reviewing them. There are also the first batch of copies. of"

 “Oh? Then let me come and take a look too~”

 Because the current requirements for MVs are not high, as long as they are roughly similar to the style of the song, and the main thing is subtitles, part-timers do a pretty good job. After watching a few games, no major problems were found, and Naoki Nagayama felt relieved.

“Then I’ll contact the film technology factory and copy all the master tapes.” Nagayama Naoki counted the time, “In about April, the first KTV should be decorated.”

 Looking at the copied MVs on the table, Nagayama Naoki's heart moved and he picked up a few

 “I’ll test these first.”

When he returned to the office, only Yoshimura Otomo was left. Nagayama Naoki was a little surprised: "Where is Shuichi-san? How many others are there?"

"Haha, Naoki-san is so cunning!" Yoshimura Otomo laughed: "Shuichi-san couldn't resist Naotaro Nakanishi's plea and didn't want to agree, so he ran out. He said he wanted to watch the coffee of "Love Will Stop" Has the snack bar space been tidied up?"

 “What about Naotaro Nakanishi?”

 “Of course I followed him out~”

“.”So, the pressure is really on Xiu Yisang! The corners of Nagayama Naoki's mouth raised, "Otomo-san, I'll go out first~"

 “Naoki-san, what are you going to do?” Fangcun Dayou was curious, “I often can’t see you recently.”

“Didn’t I set up an investment company with my friends? I want to see the situation of stock investment.”

 Nagayama Naoki can't be seen in crowded places at the moment, so he hasn't gone to tourist attractions or anything recently. Instead, he has been going back and forth between the Yamazakura Academy, the studio, and the investment company.

At the investment company, Wonta Nakai has found out through contacts that Fujitsu is negotiating with General Air Conditioning, so he is very convinced about betting on Fujitsu General's stock.

 “Stocks are all floating wealth.”

Since the Showa era, the older Yoshimura Otomo has always been resistant to the stock market and still values ​​real assets more.

 So he quietly bought several houses in the past two years, which made Naoki Nagayama very happy.

"Hahaha, Otomo-san, there are still people who make money in the stock market~" Without deliberately trying to change his old friend's thinking, Naoki Nagayama just reassured him, "Don't worry, we are scientific stock traders. We are here to make money, not speculation. .”

".All right."

Humour Yoshimura Otomo, in terms of earning power, Naoki Nagayama is many times higher than him.

“By the way, Zhi Shusang, are you in a hurry to get there?”

 “I’m not in a hurry. What’s wrong?”

Yoshimura Otomo began to pack up the documents: "Then come with me to the 'girls apartment'. Hinoki Maki Kaoru and Kikuchi Momo have already moved there, so we want to visit and chat by the way~"     actually Establish a good relationship with the new idol artists. After all, their "guardian" in the entertainment industry is still Otomo Yoshimura. Although Masami Inada is in charge of the affairs of the agency, he is not a legal person after all.

GG Office, a subsidiary of Shuyou Group, has a "girls dormitory" for all female idols to live in. This has been rumored in the industry for a long time. People with good intentions even call this dormitory "the harem of Naoki Naoki"~

The paparazzi also found the specific location, but they couldn't get in because the dormitory building that Yoshimura Otomo rented in a closed girls' school in Suginami Ward was very strictly managed.

The three Maoyan sisters have grown up and don't care about them. Now they have made a lot of money. It doesn't matter if they find their own place to live and bring their boyfriends with them occasionally. But minors still need to be watched!

After careful inspection by the guard, the cars of Otomo Yoshimura and Naoki Nagayama were able to enter the park and parked directly at the entrance of the dormitory.

In the lobby on the first floor, I saw the little Hidden Maki Kaoru and Kikuchi Momoko who were already waiting. At this time, they were the only two people who had not been informed to run away.

 “Otomo-san, Naoki-san!” The two girls bowed slightly nervously to say hello.

"Hmm, sit down quickly." Yoshimura Otomo agreed kindly, and then said, "You two are newcomers to the office. This time, I and Naoki-san came to see you two. I want to see if there are any What’s not suitable for you?”

"Not at all!" the two girls said immediately, "The room is big, the kitchen is very useful, and the other idol seniors are also very gentle."

Nagayama Naoki also smiled and said: "Can you two cook by yourself?"


The conversation was like a normal conversation, which relaxed the slightly tense atmosphere. When the conversation was almost over, Yoshimura Otomo said:

“If you need anything, you can talk to your agent or Mr. Yamin. You can also come to me.”

 “Hi! Arigado~” The two little girls seemed to be very well-behaved.

Afterwards, Yoshimura Otomo glanced at Naoki Nagayama: "Naoki-san, Kaoru-chan, should you record "Love Will End Like the Rain" first, or start filming first?"

"This" Seeing Xiaobi's eyes looking at him, Nagayama Naoki thought for a moment, "Xunjiang's vocal training will still take some time, and the song "Love Stops Like the Rain" is still a bit difficult. I will communicate with Tokunaga Yukiko and focus on training her low voice and breath."

“As for the specific time, we can take our time. Anyway, the filming of "Love Has Ended Like the Rain" has not started yet."

Yoshimura Otomo continued: "What about Kikuchi Momo? Her basic skills have been trained in school. Her debut song?"

Okay, Yoshimura Otomo, you are actually ambushing me here?

“Ahem, what about Peach Jam?” Nagayama Naoki looked at the slender and agile girl in front of him, “I haven’t composed my debut song yet.”


Momoko Kikuchi was a little surprised, and looked at Nagayama Naoki in front of her with wide eyes, but when she saw the handsome guy in front of her looking at her, she lowered her head shyly when their eyes met. Feeling ashamed.

Yoshimura Otomo explained: "The debut songs of newcomers are all composed by Naoki Sanlai, which is the exclusive benefit of Shuyou!"

"Why are you talking about welfare?" After muttering, Naoki Nagayama continued, "As for Momoko, the next step is to shoot a movie called "April Story". We will shoot when the cherry blossoms start to bloom."

“Is it the one Naoki-san talked about at the award ceremony?”

Momo Kikuchi has indeed watched the live broadcast. Naoki Nagayama could only reply: "Hi!"

"Then do I need to adapt to the role first?" The girl was a little nervous. "Although I have acting experience, I have never tried it in a movie."

“No need, I just want the temperament of a blank sheet of paper!”

ˆ “.”

The conversation in the girls' dormitory didn't last long, it was just about getting to know the two newcomers a little better. On the way out the door, Yoshimura Otomo asked:

“Naoki-san, what is the future direction of the two of them?”

“Kaoru-chan is very talented in singing. As for Momo-chan, she will be just like Saito Yuki. In the future, she will focus on film and television programs.” Naoki Nagayama recalled the experiences of the two of them and set a direction for them based on their past memories.

 “Hey, I understand~”

The two separated at the door, and Naoki Nagayama headed towards the Tree Friends Capital in Ginza.

When we arrived at the Shuyou Capital floor of this office building, there were still people coming and going, and there were still many people coming for interviews, but this time the front desk girl Kanai Suuka recognized Naoki Nagayama at a glance.

 “President Yongshan, you are here!”

Bowing respectfully, Kanai Shuxiang was still very nervous. She really didn't want to go home directly!

"Well, Kanei-san, Wonta-san, are you here?" Naoki Nagayama asked with a smile, not wanting to tease this young lady.

“Hi, Minister Nakai is having a meeting in the conference room.”

 “Meeting? Will it take a long time?”

 “It’s been more than an hour~”

Nagayama Naoki felt that it was almost done, so he said: "When their meeting is over, tell Yuta-san that I am coming~"


Nagayama Naoki went to his office. Since the last time he came, there has been a lot more information in the office, mainly industry analysis and data analysis from paid consulting companies, so that Nagayama Naoki can obtain it. use.

Sitting on the boss's chair, Naoki Nagayama read some reports with peace of mind. He often read these reports in his previous life, and he is very familiar with them now.

About half an hour later, Wonta Nakai knocked on the door and came in:

 “Naoki-san! You’re here~”

 “Yuan Taisang” Nagayama Naoki asked, “Why is this meeting taking so long?”

"February summary and March expectations." Wonta Nakai said, "Our actions need to be kept confidential, and normal business must still be carried out."

 “About Mitsubishi Bank’s loan?”

"I have already mentioned the loan to Ito Masayuki." Wonta Nakai said about his predecessor, "Although our company has strong capital, the loan amount is too high!"

“It’s not even possible to borrow 5 billion yuan?” Naoki Nagayama was curious, and it was only doubled.

“The main reason is that our company is still a start-up company, and the flow chart and financial statements are not good.” Wonta Nakai is also helpless. Although the policy is very loose, the conditions are too bad.

ˆ “.”

After thinking for a while, Nagayama Naoki knocked on the table: "If it doesn't work, let's use some of my properties as guarantee first."

As he spoke, he started to calculate: "The courtyard in Kyoto is estimated to be 1.5 billion; the Samadhi House is estimated to be 500 million; the shops in Shibuya and Akihara are estimated to be 200 million; the small building in Harajuku is estimated to be 150 million."

Mrs. Nakai Yuan was stunned. Is there so much real estate so casually? !

"Ahem, Naoki-san, enough is enough!" Feeling that Nagayama Naoki hadn't stopped yet, Wonta Nakai choked, "That's enough. With physical assets and our own funds, there will definitely be no problem." of!"

“Then as soon as possible,” Naoki Nagayama said to Wonta Nakai, “I always feel that the negotiations between these two companies will be successful soon.”

Even if the loan is in place, you must pay attention to the way to buy Fujitsu General. Overseas accounts and segregated operations cannot be used to buy a large amount of money at one time. Otherwise, the Tokyo Prosecutor's Office will definitely give you a pair of silver bracelets if it believes that the stock market is being manipulated!


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