Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 69: 069, sure enough, the glasses girl has a wild heart

   Chapter 69 069, sure enough, the glasses girl has a wild heart!

   "Hi, just wait for my news."

   Fangcun Dayou put down the phone, and the whole person is still a little confused.

  Itang Xiuyi asked aside, "What's wrong? You look like you're in a hurry~"

   "Xuichi-san, what happened these days? Did I miss something?"

   "Nani? Isn't that just filming "Wonderful Story of the World"?" Itou Shuichi was curious, "What happened to Naoki-san?"

  Yoshimura Otomi patted his head a little funny: "I almost thought I was in the world of "The Wonderful Story of the World"~"

   "Quickly tell me what happened, Ke Nuoya~" Ido Shuichi was attracted by the words of Fangcun Dayou.

   "Naoshu-san, he"

   Fangmura Otomi paused, "He said he wrote a novel and wanted to find someone to publish it."


   Ito Shuichi was really surprised now,

   "Although Naokushi-san has always been unexpected, it is too exaggerated to write a novel so quietly!"

  Fangmura Otama is also wondering: "We should all be with us during this time, and "Wonderful Story of the World" was also planned in the middle, where did you get the time?"

   "Won't it be the same as the short story in Wonderful Story?" Itou Osa thought to himself, "If it's this kind of thriller and fantasy short story, it's still possible for Naoki-san."

  "I don't know, but it seems to be a children's reality novel.

   But if you have the intention of publishing, then the quality of the novel should still be OK~”

   "Ah, then you can only read the manuscript."

   Ido Shuichi and Fangmura Ohmura's attempts to read the manuscript first were definitely unsuccessful.

  The original manuscript is of course kept by myself as a souvenir.

  Nagayama Naoki first readjusted some content in the novel that did not conform to the background of the times,

   And then use special manuscript paper to transcribe the story,

   In RB, there are certain standards for submissions for publication. If the format is not followed, the editor will not accept the manuscript.

  These steps took Naoki Yongshan two days, and it hurts to write.

  Yoshimura Otomo helped to make an appointment with a senior editor of Shogakukan Co., Ltd. named Morikawa Kuniji.

   The agreed day is still the scorching sun,

  Nagayama Naoki pulled up the hood of the sports car, barely able to get some shade,

  Publishing House is located in Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda District, and is a member of the famous Hitotsubashi Publishing Group.

   The company is actually not big, but it seems that people can feel the smell of ink in the greenery, and the fragrance of books comes from the inconspicuous building, making the whole building feel a layer of sacredness

   shook his head and shook off these fantasies, and Naoki Naoki walked into the publishing house.

  The lady at the front desk is an intellectual woman with glasses. She just lowered her head and was reading a book, but her eyes lit up when she saw Naoki Yongshan, and she immediately put down the book:

   "Good morning, welcome to Shogakukan, I'm Reiki Nozawa from the front desk, may I help you?"

   "Good morning, I'm Naoki Naoyama who made an appointment with Kuniji Morikawa before."

   "Hey, you've already made an appointment, please come with me." As he spoke, he was about to lead Naoki Naoyama to the conference room.

   Naoki Naoki Naoyama glanced at the title of the book on the front desk - "Confessions of a Mask"!

   Sure enough, the glasses girl has a wild heart!

   After serving a cup of tea, Miss Reiki Nozawa went to inform Kuniji Morikawa,

  Nagayama Naoki looked in the conference room, surrounded by books and magazines published by Shogakukan,

   There are also some weekly manga magazines and more.

   Judging from the title cover, it is indeed a book aimed at primary and secondary school groups, and Fangcun Dayou is really reliable.

While    was thinking, there was a knock on the door of the conference room, and a gentle middle-aged man with glasses walked in.

   "First meeting, I am the senior editor of Shogakukan, Kuniji Morikawa."

   is also very kind when speaking. Could it be that writers have such a style~

   "Hi, first meeting, I'm Naoki Naoyama." Standing up and bowing, those who are already familiar can no longer be familiar.

  After seeing the ceremony, both of them did it,

   "After receiving the call from Otomo-san, I thought it would be an older friend, but I didn't expect Yongshan-san to be so young."

   "Haha, I got acquainted with Otomo-san by chance, and this time, thanks to his help, I made an appointment with Morikawa-san."

   "That's right, coincidence, is it all fate?"

   greeted a few words,

   "I heard that you have already written a novel, right? What kind of novel?"

   "Hi, it's a reality novel, short to medium"

  Nagayama Naoki handed over the document bag together with the manuscript, "It is about the interaction between the old man and the three elementary school students."

   "Then please allow me to take a look first, Yongshan-san, please wait a moment."

   After Kuniji Morikawa took over the manuscript, he read it directly.

   These writers are really straightforward, they really left Naoki Naoki aside.

  Nagayama Naoki couldn't help laughing, reached out and picked up a magazine next to him and read it,

  The cicadas outside the window are still chirping, the breeze is blowing, and the tea cups in the middle occasionally float,

   The two of them were quietly reading, as if they were enjoying tea in a tea room.

   A short novel should not take a lot of time,

   But Morikawa Kuniji looked very carefully, and sometimes turned back pages,

   said to look at it for a while, but in the end I watched it for more than an hour.

   It wasn't until Reiki Nozawa knocked on the door and came in to add water that Kuniji Morikawa looked up from the manuscript,

   After looking at the clock on the wall, he immediately said:

   "Private Marseille, Yong Shan Sang, one of them accidentally plunged into the novel."

   "It's okay Morikawa-san, I'm also reading your company's publications~"

   After an apology, Kuniji Morikawa said to Naoki Naoyama,

   "Yongshan-sang, your novel, you can say it bluntly, is the best I have seen in recent years."

   "Too much compliment, Morikawa-san."

   "It's by no means a compliment. Yongshan-san can choose our publishing house and choose me as an editor. It's really Arigado!" Kuniji Morikawa stood up and bowed.

  Although I knew that this novel would be very popular in the future, I didn’t expect the editor of the publishing house to admire it so much.

  Nagayama Naoki also stood up:

   "Morikawa-san, I don't know what to do like this. Since the editor thinks it's okay, let's discuss publishing."

   Speaking of business, Kuniji Morikawa calmed down,

   "We definitely want to publish this novel, so I'll tell the truth.

  The general copyright distribution in the industry is 5%-10%, but good books of high quality are generally negotiable.

  The quality of Nagayama-san's novels is of course absolutely no problem, but as a newcomer, he may not be able to get a higher score. "

  Nagayama Naoki nodded: "I also understand this point, but I also believe that your company's vision will not bury this novel."

The implication of    is that if the score is too low, then of course the vision is not enough.

  Kuniji Morikawa thought silently for a moment: "Nagayama-san, I need to fight with my superiors for this novel of yours, and I will definitely give a satisfactory answer."

   "Hey, then I will trouble Morikawa-san."

   After we finished talking about business, of course we had to talk about creative ideas, future development and so on, until Naoki Naoki was sent out, Kuniji Morikawa was very enthusiastic.

  The manuscript is of course left in the Shogakukan. As for the fear that the novel will be plagiarized by internal people and published in advance?

   As long as this kind of thing happens together,

  Shogakukan's reputation accumulated over half a century is over, there is nothing to be afraid of.

   (end of this chapter)

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