
Screams echoed, and the faceless swordsman disappeared along with the flames, turning into nothingness and being completely wiped out from this world. Only the black scabbard hanging at his waist fell to the wooden floor with a crisp sound.

As if all his energy was exhausted, Hoshino Gen's whole body softened, and he knelt on one knee on the ground. He raised his left hand to grasp the hilt of the demon sword that pierced his right hand, and pulled it out with force.

Another large pool of blood fell to the ground, and Hoshino Gen's face turned pale, and fine beads of sweat covered his forehead.

It was not just because of the pain. At this moment, the penetrating wound on his hand was surrounded by wisps of black air. Obviously, being pierced by that sword and being injured by an ordinary sword are two completely different concepts.

Now Hoshino Gen wanted to close his eyes and faint, as if a hand was dragging his consciousness, trying to forcibly pull him into the abyss.

"Hey... Hey!"Having witnessed everything that happened just now, Qing Shuiyou was shocked and was only awakened by the pool of blood. She hurriedly got up, but she had no strength and could only stumble and run towards Xingye Gen.

"How are you! I'm calling an ambulance now……"

As he was talking, Shimizu You had already taken out his cell phone, but was stopped by Hoshino Gen who held his wrist.

He touched his waist and pulled out another talisman paper to cover the wound on his palm. The talisman paper turned into a clear stream of water to wash the wound, removing the black air along with it.

Like a drowning man finally reaching the shore, Hoshino Gen gasped for breath. He took out a roll of gauze from his shirt pocket and bandaged himself skillfully.

Although he was extremely weak, Hoshino Gen's eyes were still full of enthusiasm. He picked up the demon sword on the ground with his left hand and examined it carefully.

The originally scarlet blade became as black as obsidian. When it was placed in front of his eyes, it could even reflect Hoshino Gen's own heterochromatic eyes. The blood that had just been stained on the sword was absorbed by the blade in an instant, highlighting the ominous nature of this demon sword. He waved it gently twice. The slightly heavy weight and the sound of cutting through the air made Hoshino Gen extremely satisfied.

"That, your hand……"Shimizu Yu couldn't help but remind him.

Hoshino Gen also picked up the scabbard and put the knife into the scabbard. He smiled and looked at Shimizu Yu:"It's just a minor injury. Thank you for this time, Shimizu-san."

"Eh?" Qing Shuiyou was stunned, then scratched his cheek embarrassedly:"Isn't it me who is holding you back? We agreed on 30 seconds.……"

"Don't worry about it. No matter what the process is like, as long as the result is good, luck is also a part of strength."Hoshino Gen stood up with the help of his knife. His body swayed twice, but his face was normal, not showing the fact that he was weak at the moment.

He pulled out all the remaining talisman papers from his waist, glanced at them, and there were still eight.

After thinking about it, Hoshino Gen handed all eight talisman papers to Qingshui You:"Here, these are your rewards. The triggering condition is your own blood at the moment of leaving the body."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the gym with the help of his knife, waving his hand:"Then our employment relationship ends here. The reason you didn't die this time is really because you are too lucky. Don't pursue any supernatural things in the future. It's very dangerous." Qingshui You did n't dare to stay in this gym alone. She held the talisman paper tightly in her hand, and hurriedly got up and trotted to catch up with Hoshino Gen:"Wait a minute, where are you going?"

Hoshino Gen gave her a strange look:"It's almost dark, of course I'm going home"

"Don't you want to go to the hospital? Your hand……"

"There are no broken bones or tendons. Going to the hospital will just require stitches, application of medicine, and re-bandaging. The Baishui Talisman just now can remove impurities and speed up healing. I have the necessary medicines at home, and I am also familiar with the bandaging technique, so why should I go to the hospital and waste my time?"

Qingshui You had nothing to say, or maybe her brain was still in a state of confusion and she hadn't sorted out her thoughts yet.

She followed Xingye Yuan in silence. Everything she had experienced today was too strange, and her mood was quite complicated at the moment.

Unknowingly, they had left the woods where the gym was located and returned to the road they usually walked to and from school.

Xingye Yuan stopped a taxi, waved to Qingshui You as a farewell, and soon disappeared from her sight.

Standing alone under the dark blue sky where the sun had already set, the inky blue clouds on the horizon hung across like ink marks painted by a brush.

Qingshui You looked at the mysterious talismans in her hands again. This fantasy was brought into reality, and then the feeling of being touched by her own hands... It was really amazing.

Recalling the activation method that Xingye Yuan told her, she had an impulse to break her finger and draw some blood to try it out, but fortunately she was still rational. She looked around and saw several cars passing by.

Swallowing her saliva, she hugged the talisman tightly and ran towards home......

"I'm back."

Hoshino Gen habitually greeted after entering the house. Naturally, there was no response. After all, it was normal for his parents not to be at home, and his sister was also a busy person. However, what surprised him was that when he changed his shoes, he saw the small leather boots that Hoshino Rin wore today in the shoe cabinet.

Already back? Or did he return home halfway?

Hoshino Gen didn't care much, and went straight back to his room, leaned the demon sword in his hand against the wall, found a clean set of clothes suitable for the season, and went into the independent bathroom in the bedroom.

The shower sprayed on his body, and the water droplets mixed with the blood on his palm fell on the smooth bathroom floor.

Hoshino Gen lowered his eyes and looked at his right palm. The wound was hideous and still bleeding.

"It hurts……"......

Wearing a plain white shirt, shorts that don't reach the knees, and wet long hair draped over her shoulders, Hoshino Rin walked out of the bedroom with her white and delicate feet stepping on soft cartoon shark slippers. Her beautiful, watery eyes glanced at the living room and she tentatively called out,"Nissan?


Hoshino Rin blinked, wondering if she had misheard the sound of the door opening she had just heard.

But thinking about the issues of sasaeng fans and stalkers her agent had mentioned to her a few days ago, out of caution, she hesitated for a while and knocked on the door of Hoshino Gen's room.

"Nissan? Are you back?"

No response from the inside

"Excuse me." Muttering softly, Hoshino Rin grasped the doorknob and pushed open the door.

There was a pleasant fragrance in the room. The room was large, similar to hers, with gray walls and ceiling, and the floor was covered with silver-gray carpets. The layout and decoration had a Nordic style, but for some reason the temperature in the room was lower than outside.

This was the first time that Hoshino Rin entered Hoshino Gen's room, and she was a little surprised, but soon, her sight was firmly grasped by something.

It was a long sword with a black scabbard, handle and guard.

Although Hoshino Rin was an internet-addicted girl who was addicted to all kinds of games, she was actually very interested in real life. She had no interest in toys and crafts such as knives and guns.

But for some reason, the long sword quietly leaning against the wall seemed to have magic and deeply attracted her. Her beautiful heterochromatic eyes gradually became dull, and the whole person unconsciously broke into Hoshino Gen's room. She came to the knife and picked it up unconsciously.

Her right hand naturally rested on the handle of the knife, and there seemed to be a voice in her mind urging her to draw the knife out of the scabbard.


The crisp and pleasant sound of the sword echoed in the bedroom. Looking at the pure black blade that could even reflect her own heterochromatic eyes, Hoshino Rin murmured in admiration from the bottom of her heart:"It's so beautiful!"……"

She put down the scabbard in her left hand, raised her hand and touched the blade as if curious.

A slight tingling sensation was transmitted from the tactile nerves in her fingertips to her brain, and Hoshino Rin suddenly woke up. She was stunned as to why she went deep into her brother's bedroom as if possessed by a ghost, and why she pulled out the knife almost against her will.

But the next moment, she suddenly felt her body become so heavy.

Hoshino Rin's whole body went limp and she fell to the ground, and her consciousness instantly fell into deep darkness.

On the blade that fell to the side, the part of the blade that touched Hoshino Rin's fingers was slightly red, but it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

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