Thinking of this, Hoshino Gen shook his head slightly disappointed, but then he smiled again. No matter what, the official is the official after all, and face should be given. It is understandable if he didn't know, but now that he already knows the identity of the official, it is a bit unreasonable to continue"torture and force a confession". Anyway, his things have been taken back, and Hoshino Gen has no intention of going against the official, and he can't do it.

He doesn't want to experience the way he died in his previous life again.

Hoshino Gen put away the talisman paper in his hand and showed a sunny and hearty smile:"So Zhiming classmate is an official, why didn't you say it earlier, I thought he was a robber from somewhere."

While speaking, he drew his knife and cut the hemp rope that tied Zhiming Shiranai in the somewhat puzzled eyes of Zhiming Shiranai and Shimizu Yu.

The rope fell to the ground, and Zhiming Shiranai instantly regained her freedom.

She blinked, sat in the chair blankly and looked at Hoshino Gen, as if she didn't understand what was going on.

Hoshino Gen took the phone that was tangled with red lines and shook it in front of her:"Although it was a misunderstanding, it was you, Chiming classmate, who stole my things first, which led to the current situation. So it's not my fault anyway, right?"

The situation changed too quickly, and Chiming Shiranai's mind was a little slow. She subconsciously wanted to nod as Hoshino Gen led the rhythm, but she immediately thought of something and shook her head:"No, this is very dangerous!"

Hoshino Gen said patiently:"It may be dangerous for others, but it's different for me.

Otherwise, why would I run after it? And you see, Since you can come and catch this thing, it means you are not afraid.

Since you are not afraid, then why should I, who is obviously more powerful than you, be afraid? The bottom line is that you didn't understand the situation clearly, and you came to grab other people's things without knowing the right or wrong, which caused this unpleasant misunderstanding between us.


When Hoshino Gen said this, his tone changed, and he smiled:"But I have always been generous, so I don't care about these things, and I forgive your offense. But next time before you take action, remember to clarify the situation first, and don't do good things with bad intentions."

Zhiming Baina was confused by what he said. She opened her mouth to refute, but didn't know what to say.

Xingye Gen didn't give her a chance to react, and continued to smile gently:"Okay, now that things are clear and the misunderstanding is resolved, please do as you please, Zhiming classmate."

Zhiming Baina cast her eyes on the mobile phone and red rope that belonged to her in Xingye Gen's hand. She couldn't help but said:"That……"

Xingye Yuan smiled and put the phone back into his pocket, interrupting,"It's getting late, so I won't keep Zhiming for dinner."

"But……"Shiraha's eyes followed her phone. Hoshino

Gen took out a talisman and held it in his hand, looking at her with a smile.

"……"Shiraha Shiraha stopped talking, stood up silently, put on the hood of her yellow raincoat, covered the wound on her shoulder, and limped out of the antique shop, feeling indescribably sad. Shimizu Yu watched her disappear in the rain with a look of reluctance, and then stared at Hoshino Gen with a look of scum.

Hoshino Gen ignored her, rolled his eyes, and pointed at the water stains on the ground brought in by the three people:"Clean it up." Shimizu

Yu quietly curled his lips, and secretly cursed Hoshino Gen in his heart for being so incompetent. He just acted so cruelly on a cute girl, and now he is squeezing a beautiful girl like him. He is indeed a stuffy man with a strange habit!

Regardless of how bad his image was in the minds of his employees, Hoshino Gen sat back on his carpet, took out Shiraha Shiraha's mobile phone and began to explore.

Through the gap of the red line, you can see Chi-chan on the screen, who is sometimes flustered, sometimes ferocious, and sometimes expressionless. It's a bit weird, but Hoshino Gen is used to it.

Compared to the trapped Qianjiang, Hoshino Gen was more interested in these red lines.

He could feel the mysterious aura in these lines, which was similar to his own talisman paper, but different in essence, and even had a faint feeling of a ghost.

If he had to summarize it, Hoshino Gen felt that this should be a kind of alchemy product. Hoshino Gen didn't find it strange that there were people in Japan who knew alchemy. Alchemy originated in ancient Egypt. After Hermes engraved the"Emerald Record" on the emerald stone tablet, this skill became something that everyone could learn. Although the talent required was extremely high, there were so many people in the world, and there were always some people who could learn it.

Hoshino Gen was curious about the way this red rope was made. He suspected that the alchemist who made this red rope was using the ghost carrier for alchemy, and even he didn't know this skill.

Hoshino Gen sighed softly, but soon cheered up again. He was not in a hurry. Today, he let go of the girl named Shirona Shirai, which meant that his name would soon appear on the official organization's desk. He believed that someone would soon come to contact him on behalf of the official.

He was just thinking about something when a cell phone rang again. Hoshino Gen looked in the direction of the sound and saw Shimizu Yuu, who was wiping the floor, hurriedly dropped the rag, ran to where she put her schoolbag and took out the cell phone from it.

Shimizu Yuu glanced at Hoshino Gen, squinted vigilantly, took the phone and ran to the bathroom, probably because she didn't want some unscrupulous boss to hear her answering the phone.

Hoshino Gen smiled and didn't mind.

After a while, Shimizu Yuu came back after answering the phone. She stood in front of Hoshino Gen and said expressionlessly:"My mother called and asked me why I haven't returned home yet. I just wiped the floor clean. Can I go home now?"

"Of course." Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"But the rain outside may not stop for a while, do you need me to call a taxi for you?" Although this Qingshui classmate had some misunderstandings about him, he was actually not stingy with his employees. After all, in the future,���We haven't been together for long. For hard labor, efficiency is completely different when you are willing and when you are unwilling.

However, Shimizu Yu is not a person who likes to take advantage. She knows that taxi fares are expensive. Although she knows that Hoshino Gen is a big spender, she still shook her head simply:"No, just lend me an umbrella."

Hoshino Gen shrugged and stood up to get the umbrella without any objection.......

Not long after Shimizu Yu left, Hoshino Gen also stretched and planned to go home, but at this moment he suddenly remembered the phone call from Kawasaki 4S store, and wanted to see what the motorcycle his cheap sister gave him looked like.

After all, it was a super motorcycle that no man could refuse, and he had dreamed of it before! But thinking that he didn't have a motorcycle license yet, he could only touch it a few times at most, and couldn't drive it at all, so it was useless to go there - Hoshino Gen immediately gave up the plan to go to Shibuya instead. Anyway, it was almost the Golden Week in May, so he might as well take the opportunity to get his motorcycle license during the holiday.

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