"Tsk tsk, Brother Kumamoto, this little white girl is really pretty. When we get the money, shall we really let her go?"

In the lobby on the third floor of the abandoned building, a skinny young man with dyed yellow hair was playing with a butterfly knife in his hand, staring at Liz who was tied to the concrete beam with a lewd look, and said with a smile:"Isn't this too wasteful?"

"" Stop it, you pervert." The woman in the couple who kidnapped Liz glanced coldly at the thin yellow-haired young man:"If you want to die, we don't want to accompany you." The yellow-haired man sneered and looked at the woman:"At this point, you don't think you can get away with it, right? Yes, you have your reasons. You do this to treat your dead father. So guess, will the police listen to your explanation? Don't be wishful thinking, Yoshida, we can't stop."

"You!" The woman surnamed Yoshida glared

"Forget it Haruko……"Perhaps because he had seen the yellow-haired man's strength, the boyfriend standing next to Yoshida Haruko was obviously a little afraid of him. He pulled his girlfriend's arm, frowned, and advised:"Don't bother with him.""

"Okay, shut up." Sitting on a chair, playing with his phone in his hand, the sturdy man who was previously called"Big Brother Kumamoto" by the yellow-haired man spoke, his voice was a little low. If Hoshino Gen was here, he would definitely recognize that this was the voice that had talked to him on the phone before.

He looked at Liz, who was tied to his side and still stubbornly pursed her lips and didn't even cry, and said with a smile:"This little guy doesn't seem to be raised by an ordinary family, Monkey, the target you are looking for this time is a big fish."

Being stared at by the vicious Kumamoto, Liz's eyes became more stubborn. She knew she was kidnapped and that she might die. Was she scared? Very scared.

The fear was about to overwhelm her, but she knew she couldn't cry.

Crying wouldn't solve the problem.

On the contrary, it might make her situation more dangerous because of being too noisy.

So even though she had just been slapped hard not long ago and her left face was still burning with pain, she still didn't cry.

She was not a naive little girl who knew nothing.

After all, being born in a family like that, innocence was not a compliment...

but Even so, she knew that holding back the urge to cry would only prevent her from experiencing more pain at the moment, and the final outcome was not in her hands.

At this point, all she could do was pray in her heart that her aunt and uncle had enough influence in Tokyo, and that the Tokyo police were more powerful. She really hadn't lived enough, and didn't want to live to a single digit age.

On the other hand, after hearing what Brother Kumamoto said, the yellow-haired young man called"Monkey" laughed and said,"That's just right, we can get more before going abroad. Brother Kumamoto, after we get the two million dollars, how much should we ask for in the next round?""

"Don't worry, wait until the first payment arrives." Kumamoto stood up and stretched his arms, making a crackling sound all over his body. At this moment, he suddenly realized something and frowned,"Big Dog hasn't reported for a few minutes, Monkey, ask what's going on." The thin young man called Monkey shrugged, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call. The phone rang for a moment and was connected.

""Big Dog, are you fucking dead? Big Brother Kumamoto asked you to go to the rooftop to observe the surroundings, and you observed like this? What's the situation? Report it!" Monkey yelled into the phone, and his status second only to Big Brother Kumamoto in the gang was clearly revealed.

However, there was no immediate response from"Big Dog" on the other end of the phone. Instead, there was a sound of a piece of cloth being dragged against the ground.

Monkey frowned:"Big Dog?"

No one spoke on the other end.

"Big Dog, are you dead?!"

No one on the other side said anything.

"What's going on?"Kumamoto also realized that something was wrong. His face darkened and he looked at Monkey.

Monkey looked back with an unsightly expression:"Brother Kumamoto, the big dog didn't respond."

At this moment, the sound of fabric friction that was previously heard in the mobile phone appeared in the hall.

Everyone in the hall turned their eyes to the source of the sound.

A few seconds later, a young man whose appearance was totally out of tune with the surrounding environment appeared in everyone's sight. He was holding a wooden stick and a mobile phone in his right hand, and dragging a tall and thin man who didn't know whether to live or die with his left hand. The man had a pair of military binoculars around his neck. Obviously, this was the"big dog" that Monkey and Kumamoto mentioned, who was responsible for detecting the surrounding situation.

Hoshino Gen threw the"big dog" out, and the adult man's The dull sound caused by the collision of the body with the ground brought back to reality all the people in the hall who were stunned by the appearance of Hoshino Gen. Kumamoto, who came back to his senses instantly, looked behind Hoshino Gen for the first time, then ran to the window in two steps. After making sure that this place had not been discovered and surrounded by the police, his tense heartstrings instantly relaxed.

A grim smile appeared on his fierce face:"Young people nowadays are really conceited. It's quite capable to find this place, but their brains are not very good... I said long ago that Japanese anime is harmful to people. People who want to be heroes in reality usually don't have a good ending."

"Monkey, don't you want to make more money? Go, don't kill anyone."


Haha." The monkey laughed a little crazily, waving the butterfly knife in his hand and approaching Xingye Yuan step by step, like a hunter who wanted to play with his prey.——

"ah——!!!!"A shrill and terrifying scream came from the monkey's throat. He looked at his bloody arm in horror. There, his arm had completely disappeared, and rolled to the ground with blood splattering.

And Hoshino Gen, who was three meters away from the monkey a second ago, had appeared in front of him without knowing when.

What directly knocked the monkey's entire arm away was the ordinary wooden stick picked up by Hoshino Gen on the roadside.

However, if someone looked closely, they would find that the stick was emitting wisps of cold mist.

The monkey fell to the ground in pain, wailing and rolling on the ground, until Hoshino Gen passed by him and stepped on his neck with one foot.

There was a"click" sound, as if something broke, and the monkey's screams stopped at this moment.

Not only the monkey's wailing stopped abruptly, but also all the movements in the entire hall.

In the dead silence, Kumamoto's expression was completely frozen, Yoshida Haruko and her boyfriend were also filled with fear. As for Liz, who was tied to the concrete beam, she had not even recovered from the shock she felt when she saw Hoshino Gen appear in front of her.

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