"Welcome back, senior~"

Kiryu Ruoha smiled and waved to Hoshino Gen. Qingshui

You just glanced at him and looked away.

Hoshino Gen was not too surprised to see Kiryu Ruoha appear in his antique shop. After all, judging from what the little girl said last time, observing his ability seemed to be her main task at present. Unfortunately, the scene of his fight with the evil spirit last night was underwater, and Kiryu Ruoha didn't even see a hair, so the task naturally had to continue.

In other words, this little girl would have to follow him on his next treasure hunt... exorcism.

Putting the motorcycle key he just got into his pocket, Hoshino Gen came to Qingshui You with a smile and flipped through the homework in front of her:"How much have you written?" Qingshui

You glanced at him sideways and didn't give him a good look:"Can't you read it yourself?"

Hoshino Gen didn't care either, and said casually:"When you finish all of it, you can get off work."

After that, he collapsed on the single sofa next to him, and dragged over the book he hadn't finished reading before and continued to read.

Qing Shuiyou pouted and said nothing. He silently put his math homework aside, then found his Chinese homework from some jerk's schoolbag and started to do it.

Kiryu Ruoye looked back and forth between the two of them, blinked her big, smart eyes, and finally chose not to comment. But she still approached Xingye Yuan and whispered,"Senior, this senior sister seems to be just an ordinary person. Is it okay to work here? I heard from Sister Bai Na that you seem to have a lot of carriers of evil spirits here.……"

Hoshino Gen didn't even look away, still staring at the book:"Is this also under the jurisdiction of the special affairs team?"

""Um...no." Kiryu Ruoha stuck out her tongue and stopped talking about things that had nothing to do with her. She was very good at observing people's words and expressions and was very good at getting along with others.

Because she knew that Hoshino Gen didn't like to get close to others, every time she got close to him, she would only keep a polite distance. Because she knew that Hoshino Gen hated others interfering in his affairs, even if she would show the true, kind and beautiful side of her human nature, she knew when to stop.

So at this time she decisively changed the subject:"By the way, senior, when are you going to solve the next incident? I didn't see any of your handsome fighting scenes last night.!"

"Maybe tomorrow after school." Hoshino Gen answered casually.

"Well, tomorrow, although there are still things to do in the student union, it is better to postpone it. After all, compared with that place, you, senior, are more important!"Kiryu Ruoha looked serious, as if she didn't realize the ambiguity in her words at all. Hoshino Gen glanced at her lightly, and suddenly smiled playfully.

Shimizu You glanced at the two people who were"whispering" over there, pouted her lips, lowered her head and continued to do her homework, but fortunately, Kiryu Ruoha sat next to her after a while, and said with a smile:"Senior sister, are you helping senior Hoshino with his homework? Let me help you~"

"……"Qing Shuiyou glanced at her in surprise, then looked at Xing Yeyuan, and seeing that the guy didn't even raise his eyes, he retracted his gaze and whispered to Kiryu Ruoye:"Thank you."

"It’s okay. After all, Senior has taken such good care of me. I also want to do something for Senior Hoshino~" Kiryu Ruoha smiled sweetly.......

At noon, in order to show his sympathy and hospitality to his employees and to comfort his hungry stomach, Gen Hoshino took Yu Shimizu and Ruoha Kiryu out of the antique shop and planned to go to a nearby restaurant he often went to for lunch. As for Liz at home, he didn't have to worry about her. After all, he had already booked lunch for the little Lolita before he went out, and it was a custom meal at a five-star hotel.

And the position of the three people walking together at this moment was also very interesting.

Gen Hoshino was naturally the first to walk with his hands in his pockets. If it was before, Ruoha Kiryu should have followed him lively and chattered with him all the way. However, strangely, Gen Hoshino was alone at this moment. Yu Shimizu lagged behind him by a few steps and followed silently, while Ruoha Kiryu walked at the back with his hands behind his back, and his eyes were sometimes on Gen Hoshino, but more often, he stared at Yu Shimizu.

To be honest, Shimizu Yu's appearance is really good, with black hair, a slim waist, long and straight legs, fair and moist skin that is enough to make most women envious, and delicate facial features, which makes her look like a girl who is transforming from a lolita... a perfect interweaving of cuteness and beauty.

In addition, she was originally going out shopping with her friends today. Although she was called over by Hoshino Gen, she did not change her clothes. Today, Shimizu Yu wore a printed T-shirt with black and white edges, a pleated skirt of the same color, a pair of beautiful long legs that were dazzlingly white, and white socks and the same color sneakers added a touch of youth and beauty to her. Even when walking with Kiryu Ruoha, she is not inferior in any way.

But if she is beautiful alone, it is not enough for Kiryu Ruoha to pay so much attention to her. What really makes her care is Hoshino Gen's attitude towards Shimizu Yu.

Casual, natural, and a little bit bad.

On the surface, that attitude is not even as polite and courteous as Senior Hoshino when facing her.

But if a person's favorability can really be quantified, Kiryu Ruoha feels that if Hoshino Gen's favorability towards her is"2", then his favorability towards Shimizu Yu is at least"20".

Logically speaking, according to the personality profile of Hoshino Gen by the psychological counseling team in the group, it is absolutely extremely difficult to improve his"favorability" in his heart.

After spending a few days together, Kiryu Ruoha also has personal experience, but this Shimizu Yu... According to the description in the information, this girl and Hoshino Gen have not had an intersection for a long time, but she can easily do things that she can't do.

However, what really makes Kiryu Ruoha unable to let go and accept is actually the reason why Shimizu Yu can reach this step-she only spent a few hours with her and completely understood it.

Because this girl has a kind of"stupidity", but that stupidity not only does not make people disgusted, but also makes people think that she is a little silly, because her"stupidity" does not come from a defect in IQ, but from the clarity and purity that emanates from the heart.

Kiryu Ruoye asked herself, such clarity and purity are not what she has, and she can't pretend.

And Shimizu Yu, who has these, is probably like a diamond shining and dazzling in the mud for a person who is extremely sensitive and suspicious?

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