If I think about it carefully, it should have started seven years ago when my father died in a car accident and my mother remarried to my father with me.

Unlike my father who was just an ordinary office worker, my father was a successful person who opened his own company and became the president. Like my father, he was my mother's college classmate.

At that time, they both fell in love with my very beautiful mother at the same time. In the end, my mother chose my father. After graduating from college, my parents got married and formed a family, and then gave birth to her.

My father was a very gentle person. He loved my mother very much and loved her very much. Although they were not very rich, she got the best things that her parents could give her. Like most children from healthy families, she also had a very beautiful and carefree childhood.

But unfortunately, the life that she thought would last forever came to an abrupt end when she was seven years old. On an ordinary evening, the bad news came. After work, my father drank a little too much during social events and ran a red light on the way home and was hit and killed by a car.

Kiryu Ruoye couldn't remember how she felt when she heard the news. She only remembered that her mother, who was wearing an apron, fainted from the shock, and she knelt beside her mother and cried...

Later, an uncle often appeared at her home, accompanied her sick mother to the hospital, bought her small gifts, and helped her family who had lost their source of income...

Later, her mother remarried him, and the uncle became her father.

Her father was also very good to her and her mother, at least materially, even better than her father. In the past, when she wanted a Barbie doll, her father would only give her one on her birthday, but her father would buy her a whole set. Her mother would have to discuss with her father for a long time before making up her mind to buy high-end clothes, but her father would buy her more and more high-end clothes casually.

Although she wanted her original father to come back, sometimes she also felt that this was not bad. She even secretly held her father's portrait in the dead of night and whispered to him that he didn't need to worry about her and her mother because someone was willing to continue to protect them after he left...

But gradually, as time passed, this little happiness changed... More and more people around her said that she was someone else's child, a thief who spent other people's money, and that her mother was a shameless bitch who married another man right after her husband died and was a bitch who coveted other people's property...

She was very sad to hear these words. She went to talk to her mother, but her mother would only cry and not say anything. She would no longer mention these things to her mother in the future.

But more and more people said this, so many that her classmates at school and the servants at home said this in private, and even her father's grandparents felt the same way. Every time she followed her father to her grandparents, she and her mother would only be met with cold eyes and ignored, but her mother would still only greet people with a smile.

Gradually, my father changed. Although he still spent money on me and my mother, he often treated me and my mother differently from his family members. Especially once my father came back from drinking a lot of wine, my mother persuaded him to drink less in the future, and my father slapped her in anger.

Although my father apologized and bought my mother an expensive necklace, my mother never said the same thing to my father again. Instead, she would agree with him no matter what he did. Over time

, even the young Kiryu Ruoye felt that her mother seemed to have disappeared.

The woman who still looked like her mother was like her father's shadow and vassal, as if she had no thoughts of her own.

By chance, my father took me and my mother to a dinner party.

There was a little boy at the dinner party who liked her very much.

No matter where she went, he followed her closely, saying that she was so cute and smelled so good.

He asked her if he could give him a kiss.

As long as she agreed, he would do anything.

She was very impatient because she remembered that her father and mother had talked about the recent business negotiations not going well in the car. This dinner was the last chance. She casually told the little boy that if he could cooperate with her father's business, she would agree.

Who knew that after hearing what the little boy said, he really ran to persuade his father and said something.

Kiryu Ruoye didn't know, but she didn't expect that the other party's father and her father's business really came true.

The two adults laughed and clinked glasses of wine, and the little boy ran towards her with a silly smile.

She was scared and turned to run to the toilet, but the little boy followed closely, with snot bubbles, smiling and approaching her step by step.

She was so scared that she shrank in the corner and cried, regretting it so much that she was even scared to the point of fantasizing that if the little boy could fall asleep immediately, do what he wanted to do in his dream, and treat the dream as reality after waking up.

But she thought it was just her unfounded fantasy, but the fantasy really came true. Almost at the moment when she had this idea, she felt her brain was cold, as if something was radiating from her eyes, and then the little boy really fell asleep on the ground. When he woke up a few minutes later, he just smiled at her twice and turned away embarrassedly.

It was from that time that Tongsheng Ruoye realized that she was... special.

After returning home that day, her father praised her very happily and bought her a lot of beautiful little skirts. Her mother was also very happy. After that, the three of them went to the amusement park together. At that time, Tongsheng Ruoye even felt that her father and mother had become the same as before.

But afterwards, it was still the same as it should be, and there was no change, but it was true that her father became richer and richer.

It was also from then on that her father often took her to dinner parties, and every time he asked someone to dress her up very cute and beautiful, and then showed her at the dinner party like showing some expensive treasure, asking her to please all kinds of people at the dinner party and try to make those people like her.

Sometimes things went smoothly, and sometimes they didn't go so smoothly. She used her special ability to make things go smoothly...

Her father became richer and richer, her mother became happier, and she smiled more and more...

It has been like this until now.

In fact, Kiryu Ruoye had long understood that such a family was deformed. No, it might not be a family at all. She had always had a wish since she didn't know when, that is, to have a real home and a real family, just like her parents when she was a child.

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