Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 998: What if Shenmue is on fire?

Time passed quietly.

Lelouch’s game is currently on hot sales. With the animation of "Lelouch of Rebellion", sales of Lelouch’s games are also rising.

On the other side, DC seems to have increased its sales with Lelouch's boom. Unfortunately, Lelouch is not a game that can save the world.

Maybe Lelouch saved a world, but it was in the game.

In the real world, Lelouch may be a big-selling work, but Lelouch is pinned on the platform, and Senxia is not an exclusive game. If Lelouch is exclusive to DC, maybe the sales can still be achieved. Drive the DC to be higher, but "Lelouch of Rebellion" is mainly sold on the Mithril platform, and DC can only be said to be an addition.

Anyway, as long as the analysis here is profitable and there is no loss, Morinka will do the transplantation, and if it is a necessary work, Morinka will do it even if it loses money.

After all, the spread of gentleman culture can be achieved with some money or something, which is really too cheap.

For example, the game "The Legend of the Sword", although it is still in preparation, Morinia is still preparing to release the game on all platforms, including DC, PS2 and PC, waiting for the **** to be out of NGC... uh... forget it?

No, NGC is so-so, but at any rate it can be considered a platform... Well, I can only pinch my nose to recognize it.

No way, that's all about cooking power.

For the FATE series, Morinka also had this idea, and afterwards, Niha, depending on the production of the game, Morinka will also find ways to popularize it.

"I heard that Shenmue will be out next month. I heard it is a very interesting game."

"What's so fun about Sega's game console? PS2 will be out soon, and Sony's products are the best!"

"Yes, the performance of PS2 is ten times that of DC!"

In the physical education class, the students in Senxia's class are discussing about the new game console.

"Hey, Morinka, your club seems to be developing games for game consoles, right?"

Inoue asked next to Morika.

After Tong Gu Xiao was hospitalized, three good friends, now only two are left.

However, for the two of you now, you won’t be able to see Takatani Takashi for the time being... probably a good thing...

"Well, almost, I will prepare to make games for PS2 later." Mori summer did not publicize his Animi club in the class, but Mori summer did not hide it, so everyone knows a little about Mori summer's things. .

But everyone didn't make a big fuss when they arrived. In Sakurano Academy, there are definitely a lot of "second generations" if nothing else.

The barrister’s child, the wealthy daughter, the politician’s noble son...

Huh? Speaking of, I have been in school for more than two years, and it seems that I have never encountered such a "second-generation incident".

Although there are many kinds of second generations, Morinia feels that the classmates around her are very ordinary, and she did not say that there is any precious temperament.

"Have you encountered any problems?" Inoue asked after seeing Morinya lost in thought.

"It's okay, but I suddenly felt a little emotional. Our class seems a bit too ordinary, and we are about to graduate in the last two semesters, but we don't seem to have encountered any interesting things... Hey, the real world and The fantasy world is really different."

Although I have lamented many times, every time I think of the gap between the real world and the fantasy world, Morinka feels a little bit emotional.

"I think everyone gets along very well." Inoueno asked strangely.

"Well, too, at least there is no bullying incident here..."

There are various bullying incidents in many schools in Nihong, but at Sakino Academy, such incidents are relatively rare.

In Senxia's class, he had never seen such a thing happen.

"Well, because the management of our school is very strict..." The expression on Inoueno's face was bad when it was "strict".

"Ah, that's the case."

Morinatsu also agreed with Inoueno's view.

He was doing warm-up exercises while looking at the swimming pool in front of him.

In Sakino Academy, the relationship between everyone will never get froze. Morika thinks that this may be the strategy of the superiors.

You know, Sakura College is not only the second generation, but also high-achieving students from all over the world.

If these talents can be identified in advance and have a good relationship with them, these second-generations can also have their own teams in the future. In a sense, this is also a kind of training for the second-generations?

Of course, the above is for Senxia's own brain supplement, Senxia himself does not know the reason for the school to do so.

But in this place, it is true that there is no visible bullying, and the school is also equipped with a dedicated mental health teacher, who cares about the physical and mental health of the students and no one wants the second generation to be crooked in the future.

"Our school's words are actually not strict."

Harada was here at Morinatsu at this time. Well, it was Harada's brother.

Compared with when he was just entering the first year of high school, Harada's complexion is much better now than before, and the whole person seems to be cheerful.

It seems that after introducing his sister to Takatani Takashi, Harada started to feel more refreshed.

"Do you know Matsushita Academy? That school is called horror. You have to get up at five o'clock in the morning, and then run three kilometers along the coast of Shonan, and then clean the campus together. The training is no less strict than the military. Actually, I think It is more stringent than the group of civil servants in the Self-Defense Forces. Moreover, it is said that there are still 24-hour marching training, and they have to run more than 100 kilometers in a day..."

"Ah, I also know that, Matsushita Academy is really terrifying." Inoue agreed, "My father also said that he wants me to go there in the future... Well, I am now after college Of the days, have been desperate."

Matsushita School was founded by Konosuke Matsushita, the **** of mud bombing management twenty years ago.

This school recruits people from 22 to 35 years old, and is aimed at "young people with growth potential." The full name of Matsushita School is "Matsushita Political and Economic School."

From the name side, one can imagine what kind of place Matsushita School is.

The Matsushita Academy has trained thirty or forty senior officials in the mud, and it is a veritable training place for "politicians" and "capitalists."

Some second generations, after coming out of the university, will be directly packed here to study.

Inoueno's father seemed to think so.

"I knew that when I was writing the entry questionnaire, I shouldn't have been writing about politics..." Inoueno sighed again.

"What does this matter have to do with the entry questionnaire?" Harada asked strangely.

"Oh, because the teacher went to see my parents after seeing my approach survey, and then recommended me to go there after college..."

Although some schools treat entry surveys as purely a kind of work, Sakino College is taking this matter very seriously.

So, Inoue's side is bad.

"Well, try to play as much as you can while you can." Harada patted Inoue on the shoulder and mourned for him for a second.

"Wait a minute, your current task should be to study hard and make progress every day..." Senxia murmured beside her.

"But because we are so tired from studying every day, we need to relax!" Inoue argued.

"Well, let's look at your results next year." Most college admissions are at the beginning of next year, so Morinka said so, it depends on the results of Inoue next year.

"Mori, what do you think of Shenmue's game? It's coming out soon, right?" Inoueno likes the DC machine very much. Although PS2 will be out soon, he probably didn't have it before entering university. The way to touch the PS2 machine, so he can only look forward to the current game.

"It is said that Sega's latest technology is used, and it seems to be highly anticipated in the US."

Senxia did not answer directly.

"Yeah, that's amazing, open world!" Inoueno was obviously also fooled by the concept of open world.

"Ah... probably."

Morinia originally wanted to say "just as good as you are.

But Senxia thought for a while. He felt that he looked down on Sega and seemed to be too prejudiced.

The game "Shenmue", in another world line, is indeed a very popular work, and it has directly become the most important weight to crush DreamCast.

But that is something in another world line.

As for this world...

Since even Tsuzuki Maki and Yoshizong Gangki were able to develop games that looked "green", Morinatsu felt that anything was possible in this world.

In any case, Suzuki Yu is a great god-level character. Maybe he suddenly opened up at this moment and created an interesting game?

This is not impossible.

Shenmue is a very promising game.

Moreover, she has slapped Shenmue so many times, but Qianjia and her father still seem to support Yu Suzuki very much.

After all, Masao Chiba can see the production situation at any time, even if he is very optimistic, that means this game can attract him.


In this case, at least it can prove that Shenmue is a very promising work.

At least as far as the current situation is concerned, this potential does not seem to be boasted, but it is truly potential.

So, I was too prejudiced before.

"DreamCast now lacks a masterpiece. "Shenmue" was developed by Sega with a huge amount of money. At least in terms of technology and effects, I think it should be impeccable."

Well, anyway, Shenmue's reputation is good enough, so there won't be any problems if you play Shenmue yourself.

"Hey, Morinatsu, do you know about PS2?" Harada also came up at this time. "I am also very interested in PS2. You are a game production company. You must have known about PS2 in advance, right? ?"

"I know, no more than you, but we do have development kits on hand, which can facilitate development."

PS2 is also a change. The PS2, which was born in advance, seems to have better performance than the other world line.

"I heard that PS2 also supports the network system. Can you play and chat like DC?" Inoue also asked curiously.

"Sony provides a network interface, but I am not very clear about the specific parameters. Basically, you regard PS2 as an all-round upgrade version of DC. The only difference is that DC has a hard drive system, so there is none."

Moriha basically said so.

"Eh, it's a pity. It would be great if the PS2 was released in the first half of the year. If this is the case, I can play now." Inoue is also a bit pity, "Now, I will not be able to play PS2 until at least March next year... "

"After you go to college, there will be more opportunities to play games!" Mori Xia said, "Maybe the U.S. will also develop a game console by then?"

Moriha is talking about XBOX.

Strictly speaking, the "XBOX" game console is an all-round upgraded version of DreamCast.

The main reason why Microsoft developed XBOX is that Sega’s DC suffered a failure, so Microsoft was prepared to roll up its sleeves and step down to fight. Among the XBOX developers, a large number of votes were originally developed by Sega DC. Many people were recruited by Microsoft after being sadly reminded by the home computer department.

It can be said that as long as Shenmue comes out next month, Moriha will be able to judge when XBOX in this world will be developed.

If Shenmue dies violently, Moriha can almost expect to play XBOX in his sophomore year, but if Sega can still survive, Microsoft might still help, and the emergence of XBOX may be delayed. , And even die without disease.

"Huh..." After preparing for exercise, Inoue came to the edge of the swimming pool. "Even if it is from the US, I still prefer the games we make here. Nintendo's new machine, I am looking forward to it."

"Really? I prefer the games over there," Harada said. "Many games made by producers in the U.S. are more free than our games."

After all, it is my great lighthouse country! Car gun ball must have! The high-degree-of-freedom tradition of western style must also be preserved!

That's what Senxia almost heard about Senxia, ​​what do you think? "Harada looked at Morinatsu here again.

Senxia also finished the preparation exercise at this time, and he also came to the pool.

"I don't think the machine itself is important, the game is fun,"

This is Senxia's view.

He made a pose, ready to go into the water.


However, at this moment, a voice suddenly rang from behind Senxia...


The moonlight is so beautiful it’s so’s too sweet...

Today's two in one.

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