Tokyo Gentleman Story

: Night 1001 5 years college entrance examination 3 years simulation

"Is it a ban?" The news from a certain eastern country also reached Senxia.

In fact, Sister Iki used to deal with this matter before, but the situation last month did not seem to be that serious.

Sitting in the department of Xianshiyan, Morinatsu was thinking about what to do.

Morinka naturally knew about the game console ban, although it was a little earlier than Morinka expected, but it's about this time depending on the time.

"Although it may take some time for the official release, it will be delayed until the first half of next year at most." Wang Qiwen said over there, "That...cough cough, that's probably it."

After all, it is a phone call, so Wang Qiwen is not easy to elaborate.

"Well, I see, the development on your side is just fine. I still have some contacts on my side. I see if I can pass away on the other side. I will help you negotiate and get some technicians to help with the development."

Sega’s home console department is almost at a standstill. There is no development of new peripherals, and no new game console project. At present, the home console department of Sega is very idle. There is something to do with Morinka. It is not impossible to borrow Sega's resources.

"That's great, if Sega's help, it would definitely be a good thing for us..." Wang Qiwen was obviously relieved after hearing Senxia's words.

With the help of Sega, it is no longer so difficult to assemble a machine.

After all, Sega used to make handhelds before. Although the current "reader" is a reader, it is actually similar to a handheld. If you insist on saying the difference, it is probably the reader from Morinia. Be even better in performance.

"This is the case for the time being. When there is new news, let's discuss it in detail. How about Nasu and Takeuchi on your side?"

Senxia thought of another thing.

"Senior, this is a lunch box."

Wang Qiwen heard a soft and cute voice across from the microphone.

I want to know with my feet that Senxia must be with a cute girl at this time. From Wang Qiwen's view, Senxia seems to never lack a female relationship. Is Xiao Bailian so popular?

"They are contacting Volkswagen Software. Volkswagen Software has the foundation for doing this, so it's good to let the agent there."

Xiao Ma also has a game platform, but after hitting the street several times in a row, Xiao Ma has temporarily abandoned the stand-alone market, so distribution must be self-reliant, and popular software is undoubtedly a good choice.

"The PC version has the agent of Volkswagen Software, which is considered good."

Senxia plans to make one million sets of FATE series.

Although the original FATE series sold only close to 200,000 sets, this is not the full sales of FATE, but only the sales of the first generation on the PC. As for the later PS2 version, PSV version, and overseas version, it does not count. Within.

Although I have said it before, I still have to mention one more thing here. FATE games are actually introduced in a certain oriental country on another world line...

If the profit is not calculated, but just for the shipment volume, in fact, 1 million sets are not impossible.

"But what about the price here?" Wang Qiwen also asked about the new price when Senxia had just thought about it.

"How to do the price?" Senxia asked.

"If the price is set according to the mud bomb, the price here is definitely not good, but Takeuchi has contacted Volkswagen Software before, and they said that if it is a supplement, the price must not be high."

In fact, Takeuchi did not intend to make high prices. He was thinking about "cheap sales" at the beginning, but after seeing the price of games in a certain oriental country, Takeuchi found that the "cheap" he wanted was in a certain place. The big eastern countries can actually be considered high prices.

Although Takeuchi has lowered the price of a certain eastern country by another wave, the results of the negotiations with Volkswagen Software do not seem to be very good.

This is embarrassing.

"It's okay. Apart from translation and pressing, the rest is pure profit. If you can get subsidies for the cassette version, you can make a lot of money."

Ahem, yes, there are subsidies.

Although the "18X" games of the previous life may now be able to get subsidies in a large eastern country, it seems a bit strange, but this is not to rely on the operation of contacts...

The benefits of the people above were not felt by Senxia on the mud bomb side, but after placing it on the side of a certain eastern country, Senxia found that this matter was simply too convenient.

Keke, because there is some discordant relationship, just skip this kind of thing for now.

"Um... this sandwich tastes good..."

"Really? Thank you senior!"

I'm showing affection with my sister again, your sister knows!

Senxia is showing affection while Wang Qiwen is full of resentment.

"Ahem..." Senxia's conversation turned to the phone again, "In short, tell Takeuchi that this is a net profit, as long as the sales are sold... Forget it, I will talk to them in person later.

Morika decided to talk to Takeuchi to make it clear.

"Okay, you decide." Wang Qiwen didn't have any comments on this.

"The cassette should also work as far as possible. If possible, we can also launch some math adventures or Chinese adventures, and even works such as Polytechnic Adventures and Wensong Adventures..."

Is this a full simulation of the college entrance examination?

Just after speaking, Senxia spit on herself.

But it's not bad, and maybe I can really integrate five high and three modes in the cassette...

Well, think about it, the children received a game console with enthusiasm, and then opened it. The contents are three years of college entrance examination, five years of simulation... This is really good!

"Yes, we can cooperate with those who publish tutorial books! Built-in five high and three models!"

Senxia said it! He really said that on the phone!


Wang Qiwen was shocked, his brain had been short-circuited.

"Five years of college entrance examination, three years of simulation...Forget it, I don't know if there is any. Anyway, you can take the Huanggang secret paper, Haidian test questions, etc., all into cassettes."

Since we are going to pretend, let's be more upright.

The only doubtful thing is that Senxia is not sure if there are five high and three models in this era. He has always been a student in his previous life...

Later, Senxia heard Wang Qiwen's puzzled voice: "Five years of college entrance examination? Three years of simulation? What is that?"

Not really? !

Regardless, if there is no five-high and three-mode in this era, let's get the five-high and three-mode by ourselves and put it on the cassette!

"It's five years of college entrance examination real questions, three years of expert simulation test papers. We publish the physical book version, and then bundle it with the cassette." Senxia said calmly.

"...Wait a minute, aren't we talking about games? Why do we talk about the college entrance examination?"

Wang Qiwen noticed the problem.

"Who said we are talking about games! FATE is not a game! FATE is an electronic graphic novel, to help everyone understand the good things about history and humanities. Look at the treasures in it. Those treasures are the heroes themselves. Historical evidence. To understand the origin of the treasure, readers must understand that period of history. What a good learning material this is!"

Senxia Jun righteous words!

Wang Qiwen had only used these remarks to talk nonsense with Takeuchi and the others, and this time he was shocked by the actions of the Patriarch.

I just said that as interest materials, your old people directly become learning materials...?

And it seems to make sense!

"So, there is no problem at all for you to do fifth-high and third-level models. You are not in the imperial capital. There are many great teachers and experts. You should ask those teachers to give the questions... By the way, we pay in the cassette. You can provide a search database, the same question type, change the data and randomly generate a new question, so you can also make a gimmick. After all, there is no way to change the content on the paper!"


Wang Qiwen was completely stunned at this time.

What Senxia said really exceeded Wang Qiwen's imagination.

This thing can still be done like this?

"Then I will go to the teacher later?" Wang Qiwen asked.

"No, we should find a publishing house first. Our cards will also be published when they arrive, so they can be bundled together." Morinia continued.

"I understand, but why are we doing this?" Wang Qiwen didn't quite understand.

Morinya said that there seems to be no problem, but why are they doing this?

"This is something unclear. In this case, you can increase the number of readers!"

Senxia teacher praised her in her brain!

Try to think about it, if college entrance examination candidates have such a "reader", and then it is filled with five high and three models, what a beautiful scene?

Moreover, after these people graduate, other games can of course be installed in the machine... ahem, other electronic novels!

"This is also OK?"

This kind of operation is okay? !

"Why not?" Senxia said, "We find an authoritative department to produce a more authoritative tutorial book and supporting equipment. For parents, this is the "official authority" college entrance examination guidance materials, why not Yes? Not only the college entrance examination, but also the high school entrance examination, as well as English CET-4 and CET-6, Japanese, French, etc., can do this!"

At first, Senxia was just thinking about it, but now, Senxia found that there is really no problem with this operation!

Although Wang Qiwen over there was in a daze, what Senxia said did make Wang Qiwen feel... okay?

Although he didn't want to admit it, the method Morinya said seemed to be good.

And the most important thing is that if you do this, it is very convenient for their readers to "whitewash".

It is undeniable that in this world, there are people with ulterior motives everywhere. Maybe this reader will also be considered a game console or advertised as a game console. That is also a trouble for Wang Qiwen.

But Senxia's method is an excellent opportunity to clean up the whitewashing. With this method, it is easy to whitewash the "reader" here.

"If we do it like this, maybe... can it really happen?" Wang Qiwen felt like a game.

"It's not us, it's you. Only Wang Qiwen can do this on your side." Senxia said.

"Yes, you are Neon Gold..."

Because Senxia's Chinese is too slippery, Wang Qiwen has forgotten this.

But this is not Senxia's reason, after all, he also came through the college entrance examination, Senxia said, one of the very important reasons is that he does not want to be complained by the masses of the people.

What does that sentence say? Hate him, give him a set of five high and three models...

Well, let Wang Qiwen do the target alone.

"In that case, is there really a market for educational software?"

Suddenly, Wang Qiwen felt that this aspect seemed a bit worth seeing.

"Of course, and this kind of high school entrance exam is actually not the most important part. After studying at university, or even re-education after adulthood, I think the market is... By the way, Rosetta Stone!"

Senxia almost immediately thought of the Rosetta Stone, a world-renowned language teaching software. The Chinese language is "Ru Shi Tong".

Rosetta_, this is a set of software used to train diplomats approved by the State Council of the Great Lighthouse Country.

In many places in the Great Beacon country, this software is used to train employees.

This is a set of software that simulates native language training to communicate.

After getting involved with Wang Qiwen, Senxia thought of this software almost instantly.

"Well, if you look at it this way, it seems that you can not only be placed in a certain eastern country, but can even go to the world..."

Morinya murmured.

This reader is going to be done anyway, why don’t you think about extending it?

It's not just a big eastern country, it can even be sold in my big lighthouse country and mud bomb!

Moreover, even if it fails, it is not bad. When the time comes to sell in a big eastern country, the official propaganda can also say that "they are sold in the great lighthouse country and the mud bomb, and they have a world-renowned reputation."

Don't blame Senxia for being fake Guangao, because such software is indeed very powerful in another world.


Originally, this project was led by Wang, but after hearing about the five-high and three-model model, Wang Qiwen's head is not very good.

No one has done this kind of game before!

But it seems really super awesome!

After Wang Qiwen heard Senxia’s previous introduction, he somewhat wanted to get a set of five-high and three-level models, and then give it to his nephew who was going to take the college entrance examination in two years...

"This problem is coming slowly, but our machine itself still has this potential. Text doesn't take up much capacity. The cassette capacity is small, so it can further squeeze the cost." Mori Xia said, "Let's do it. An opportunity to talk in detail."

"Okay, about the five-high and three-mode thing, I'll go to an expert for consultation later..."


Ahem, tomorrow is the college entrance examination, I got my brain pumped yesterday...

Ah, all in all, I wish everyone a smooth college entrance examination 2333

Two in one~

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