Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1006: Game response

After playing Shenmue for a while, Lily now just wants to say poi-although there is no such word yet, it probably means that.

When I first entered the game, Lily still felt very interesting, because Shenmue did have unparalleled technical standards. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful game on the market today.

Not only the graphics, but the game's storyboard is also very good. Of course Lily doesn’t know what storytelling or the like, but when playing the game, Lily did feel the kind of shock that this game brings. Every picture is very powerful, and the transitions and cutscenes are also very impressive. Smooth, compared with other games, it's a heaven and an underground.

Then-uh, no more.

Although the first impression of the game is good, the situation is not so good when the game is played.

Shenmue’s game is very “realistic”. There is no small map and no task prompts. If you need to find an NPC, you have to go to other NPCs to find out where the person is, but sometimes you go there. Found that the other party is gone or moved.

What's more painful is that there is a place in the game where you need to work at the port for five days to get news.

In the game of Shenmue, the system time is four minutes in the real world, which is equivalent to one hour in the game. In other words, the player needs to work for at least two or three hours to be able to perform the next task. In these two or three hours, you can't do anything except work and drive.

You play me meow!

Although the vampire girl is a "longevity species", she does not seem to be someone who can stand her temper.

"The QTE is so long, the failure will have to be repeated, and it will take a long time to find an NPC, and it is so boring to do a task! This must be an angel's special weapon against vampires...well..."

After falling the handle, Miss Zhenzu the vampire sat down on the chair over there.

"Well... this game is suitable for watching, not suitable for playing." Senxia shrugged.

If there is a live broadcast in this era, Shenmue’s game will definitely be a very convenient game for others to watch, because this game is full of artistry and challenges.

Of course, this game is only suitable for watching, not for playing, because it is...too boring to play.

I have to say that when I saw Lily being in the game Gank in QTE, Morinatsu felt pretty cool...

Although a little unkind, Mori Natsumi feels this way.

When she saw Lily throw the handle, Morinka didn't fluctuate in her heart, and she even wanted to laugh.

But after this feeling of gloating over misfortune, Senxia felt a subtle emotion in her heart.

After all, this is Shenmue.

A generation of gods made Shenmue.

If it were in the era of webcasting, Morinia felt that Shenmue should be able to create greater brilliance.

He thought about it, and then logged on to the website.

There was not much discussion about Shenmue on the mud bomb side, but Senxia landed on the network of the Great Lighthouse Nation over there.

"Super Cool! Shenmue is really a super awesome work!"

Shenmue is the English name of Shenmue.

It can be seen that Shenmue's game is obviously not as popular as Europe and the United States in the mud boom.

Although it was sold at the same time, on the mud bomb side, the game didn't seem to have a lot of storms. This is in sharp contrast to the hot signs in Europe and the United States.

Even with another world line, Shenmue's performance here is almost the same as in the other world.

No matter in which world he is in, the situation facing Shenmousuo is that he is not tepid in the local area, but not popular in the West.

No, strictly speaking, it's not right to applaud or not.

Because Shenmue's historical sales volume is one million units, while DC sales volume is ten million units, the ratio is almost ten to one.

You know, ten to one is placed on a Sony machine, that is a great cause that even Final Fantasy can't achieve!

Put it in Dianniang, the subscription ratio is ten to one, and that is basically a boutique.

"So in the final analysis, is Shenmue itself not extensible?"

Morinia muttered.

People who like Shenmue will like it, and there are many people on DC.

But outside of DC, there are very few people who like it.

Therefore, Shenmue itself is an excellent game, but Shenmue is not a game that can save the platform. Shenmue needs a good platform to succeed, not the other way around.

Of course, if Shenmue’s cost can be reduced by ten times, Shenmue is actually a successful game. You should know that the games that Anmic has made before have just broken one million, and on the PC platform, The sales are lower, but the PC platform games are more expensive and cheaper, so the benefits are higher-if you don't count the piracy problem, the PC may be the best.

Of course, even if there is a pirated version, Morinia still likes the PC platform, because Morinia has the most extensive popularization channels on the PC.

"By the way, Shenmue seems to support expansion, right?"

To talk about the difference between Shenmue and Senxia in this world, the most important thing is that Shenmue in this world supports MOD expansion.

But as for the extent of this extended support, it is still unknown.

Since Lily has not continued the game, Morinka directly took over the handle.

Fortunately, even though I was dropped, the handle can still be used without any major problems.

"Yo West."

Senxia nodded, then returned to the main menu.

This interface is different from what Senxia remembers. In addition to the background, the most subtle part of this interface is that it has some network functions.

Both "network content" and "expansion modules" are here.

"Um... let me see." Senxia didn't go in immediately, but picked up the manual. The manual stated that the game has a development kit and can develop expansion modules for the game, allowing players to make interesting models to replace the ones in the game. article.

In addition, the network part provides a discussion board area, and also supports the achievement system.

——After the achievement system became popular on the Mithril platform, it began to become a malignant tumor spreading the world. Now as long as a game with network functions does not provide a trophy and achievement system, that's amazing!

"Fuck, five hours of driving the forklift? This is a mockery! This is definitely a mockery!"

After seeing the items in the achievement system, Senxia finally couldn't help but complain.

Driving a forklift to work in the game is originally a super boring thing, but in the game, players still need to do this kind of boring "work" frequently.

To say that part-time work is fun, that's fine, but the part-time job here... is super boring.

This kind of thing really makes people want to complain.

Senxia thought for a while, and then immediately opened the bulletin board.

"Is the achievement system specifically designed to mock our players?"

it is as expected.

Sega thoughtfully made the display panel into a mode that can be controlled by a handle, but it was still not good.

Senxia turned on the computer decisively, and then entered the official website forum.

In these years, it is very special for a game to have an official website, but Sega really broke his heart for Shenmue.

But Senxia felt that the positioning here was wrong.

On third-party forums, many people sing praises to Shenmue.

However, after entering the official forum, things became a bit subtle.

"Official strategy? Is there a way to skip quickly?" Lily also got here at this time.

"The task is so difficult, who knows how to find the task hint?"

"QTE is random, the backplane is useless, you have to start over after a failure, so annoying!"

Raiders didn't see much, but complained a lot.

However, the difficulty of the game is the generality of this era, in fact, it is nothing.

Senxia thought for a while, and he felt that the behavior of these players could be more understood as "non-directional".

The game was originally used to "play", but in the game, the player has lost the direction of the game. This kind of confusion is the most uncomfortable place for the players.

You must be able to see a specific NPC at a specific time, and it's not like one or two characters, but many NPCs are like this. The trouble encountered when tracing people is not only a little bit, but the most complained. The part... well, I'm still driving here.

On the other world line, Sega DC used to flow into the market of a large eastern country at a price of eight or nine hundred, and accompanied by ultra-cheap genuine CDs, the other world line Mori summer was lucky enough to play Shenmue.

When he first played Shenmue, Morika was also shocked by the technology of the game. He didn't even play the game, but instead controlled the characters to wander around the port of Yokosuka, and then blow the sea breeze.

In this era, Shenmue represents the highest artistic level in the game industry. This is unquestionable. Even if the world line is changed, Moriha admits this.

These shortcomings of Shenmue are actually not too big shortcomings. Although it will waste players' time, they can let players truly experience the true meaning of "game life".

However, it is precisely because of this that Shenmue cannot expand to ordinary people. Shenmue's attributes are determined. This game is a niche game.

Therefore, Shenmue can have a reputation and be sung by others, but it cannot save DC. This kind of difficult and somewhat boring game is actually more suitable for live watching, allowing players to watch the game anchors live broadcast and experience the screen Beautiful scenery, but I really want to play... It really doesn’t work.

"Style, gameplay, and subject matter..."

Senxia stopped complaining about the villain dressed up as a Qing dynasty at the beginning, and he was summarizing where Shenmue failed.

In the depths of every game, there are disputes. If you analyze a game in depth, there will be countless disputes.

But the attitude of the players will not lie.

Players in Europe and the United States like Shenmue's graphics and the authenticity of the explosive watch, while for the players on the mud bombing side, Shenmue's design seems a bit subtle. And these players who posted official posts should not be the core players, but the mass players-core players are all playing games at this time, at best, send a message to praise, no one has time to spit out and tear up—— These people can't find directionality when playing games. Although the whole game is big, it is too "empty".

After thinking about it at the player's level, Morinka summed up the Shenmue game a bit.

It's not an in-depth analysis, but a comment based on the perception of the audience, which is probably the feeling.

If you want to think more deeply, it is the so-called tear-off state, so Morinya is only analyzing the reactions of existing players at this time.

"My servant, is there any reference to the opinions at this time?" Lily asked, "When the mediocre is disturbing, the vampire is looking at the other side of the night sky."

"The core players are indeed in the game at this time, but Shenmue's burden is only to satisfy the core players." Morixia said, "If it is only to satisfy the core players, Shenmue is undoubtedly qualified, even more than Yes, but what Shenmue’s game shoulders is the responsibility of the DC platform against PS2. You don’t know how luxurious the PS2 lineup is."

Senxia and they are now brand new development on the PS2 platform, UU reading www.uukanshu. If it weren't for Morinia's insistence on selling on the PC platform, the development resources available to their Anmic Club would definitely be even better.

But Mori summer did not want to monopolize from the beginning. Even for Mori summer, if Nintendo’s platform is suitable, he can also pinch his nose and move closer to Nintendo-as long as the gentleman culture can spread because of this. In Senxia's view, it is all worthwhile.

"Although Shenmue is a good game, it can't support the entire platform."

If Shenmue is launched on PS2, sales can at least double.

But Shenmue is a game that requires platform support, not the other way around.

"..." Lily glanced at Senxia without speaking.

Lily also knew about Morinka’s unrestrained behavior. In addition to Sega, Morinka also had eyebrows with Sony, and Nintendo’s side was also in touch... Well, the old Ren also seemed to have plans for new machines .

"But this website is really tragic. The official idea is probably to let players discuss it here, but I didn't expect this method to cause public outrage..."

Shaking his head, Morinka closed the website.

"But Shenmue is not necessarily hopeless..."

However, Morixia feels that Shenmue may still have a chance to save. The wisdom of the public is endless. And Shenmue’s game now supports the network system and provides module expansion. Although it is very limited on DC, it may be successful. Up?

So Senxia did not immediately rush to deny Shenmue, but went to see the official development kit information.

Or if there is such a system, Shenmue can still rescue it?


Today’s update.

Suddenly realized that Senxia gave Shenmuri too much Flag, which is basically shooting with a machine gun...

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