Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1016: Profit from online games

Xiao Ma felt his hands tremble.

At this moment, Brother Xiao Ma was not in the mud, but returned to a certain eastern country.

Because at this time, a game is about to open beta.

It is not the previous bubble hall, but the "Stone Age" that has been bounced for four months.

There are four games being developed by Brother Xiao Ma, Stone Age, Bubble Hall, Kart and Magic Baby.

Among them, the goal of the first two games is to give a trial version before July this year, but because of these and other problems, they finally bounced tickets for four months in a row. This is still Xiao Ma made up his mind. , After all the development members of Magic Baby were transferred to the Stone Age.

And now, the product has finally started testing.

However, in a large eastern country, within a few days of testing, they have welcomed tens of thousands of players, and the number of new players added every day is also increasing.

"This, how much revenue this week, can you say it again?" Xiao Ma reconfirmed to his friends.

"three million……"

Three million, a week's income, this is because they are in the open beta, and there are not many people who know the game.

"This is rushing to hundreds of millions, one million a week, 12 million a month, more than one billion a year..."

A little friend was muttering incredibly.

"More than that, the number is still increasing, and there will be more..."

Another person was also amazed.

Brother Xiao Ma took a deep breath. Even he didn't expect that the game on his side could trigger such a big response...

Although the server Alexander, the people on the Penguin company's side are tense, but to be honest, if they can be so tense every day, it is actually a very happy thing.

"Online games are really interesting." Xiao Ma was also muttering.

The two games "Stone Age" and "Bubble Hall" are not only on PC, but also on the DC platform. However, the overseas situation does not seem to be very good, whether it is on the PC platform or the DC platform. There was no response from the mud boom.

So before the Stone Age went online on a certain eastern country, Xiao Ma didn't even have any expectations.

But what Xiao Ma never expected was that the market expressiveness of this game would be so powerful.

"Stone Age" is definitely a good game, Xiao Ma dare not say that everyone has used it, but at least he made it with all his heart.

But now, their struggle has finally paid off.

"The market performance of stand-alone games is so bad, I didn't expect that online games would be so good..."

Xiao Zhang, one of the handles of the Penguin Empire on the other world line, also sighed.

"Well, the Internet is really awesome... But it should be said that it is because of the "Hero Trail" paved the way."

The Stone Age is a paid time game, so point-of-sale cards are required.

But the point of sale card is not so easy to do.

However, Senxia has a foresight. When "Hero Trails" was launched, he began to lay out relevant channels. Up to now, "Stone Age" cards can also be purchased in various Internet cafes.

In fact, Xiao Ma also discussed connecting the points of the hero trajectory with the points of the Stone Age at the beginning. In this way, the two are common. This method is somewhat similar to Blizzard’s points.

However, after deliberation for a while, Morinia and Xiao Ma decided not to do this for the time being, and then consider this issue when they are on the right track.

But at this time, Xiao Ma found that his previous ideas were really too conservative.

Although the popularity was good during the previous promotion, after it was launched, such a popular popularity was really unexpected.

If you increase the promotion strategy before and then increase the number of users, the current data can look better.

"Don't panic, we are not a listed company, and a little bit of data in the initial stage doesn't really matter." Xiao Ma was quite calm.

Make the data and financial reports look better. For listed companies, this is a good way to increase stock prices and boost shareholder confidence. However, those capital games are not that important for an unlisted company.

Eh... I suddenly felt that it would be great if I could also be listed here!

Xiao Ma suddenly felt that if he could go public in an IPO, his company would definitely be able to pull the stock price to make a fortune.

But unfortunately, going public is not so easy, and Morinka doesn't care much about going public, he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to go public immediately.

But listing can make a lot of money, this kind of thing is for sure.

"Now, let's run the game quickly."

The game itself is the most important thing. How much money you can make depends on the quality of the game itself.

Needless to say, it is necessary to strictly crack down on plug-ins and scripts. As for other aspects, let alone.

"By the way, call Senxia quickly!"

Such good news must be told to Senxia.

"Online games are really a good thing. It's more profitable than a stand-alone game, and there is no way to play pirated versions of this game. It's really good..."

Brother Xiao Ma remembers that Senxia once said about transforming other games into online games?

Well, if you think about it this way, it's really interesting, making it into an OL for the Fairy Sword, an OL for the Xuanyuan Sword, an OL for the Flame Dragon Knights... Is it possible to make more?

Brother Xiao Ma has the feeling that Online games are crazy. What he is thinking of now is to transform those stand-alone games into OL games. In this case, it seems to be much better than a simple stand-alone game!

The more Ma Ge thinks about it, the more it feels like a play.

Yes, games like Fairy Sword are absolutely well-known games in China. If such games can enter the Internet, then it seems good?

More importantly, the game of Fairy Sword belongs to Daewoo, and Daewoo, like Penguin, belongs to Anmic. The coordination between copyrights is more important than the cooperation between two companies.

But I just don’t know if Daewoo is willing to cooperate. If they want to develop it by themselves, it’s hard to say.

Want to make your own online game?

Xiao Ma suddenly had this idea.

At this moment, the call was connected.

"Mosimosi, this is Tianhai's house." A nice female voice came over there.

"Hello, Miss Xiyan, I am Xiao Ma, I am looking for Senxia." Xiao Ma also knows that Senxia has had a maid around him recently, and she looks pretty good, but Ma Xiaoma and each other just have On the one hand, he has been busy with online games in a certain eastern country recently, and he hasn't been in the mud for a while.

"Hi." Xi Yan quickly handed the phone to Senxia.

"Huh... Brother Xiaoma." Senxia over there seemed to have just finished exercising, as if still panting.

"Senxia, ​​let's be a fairy sword OL!"

Xiao Ma was happy, and then he said something wrong in his mouth.

"...Huh?" Senxia over there looked dumbfounded.

"--Oh, no, I mean, things from the Stone Age..."

Because I have been thinking about being a fairy sword OL, I made a mistake by accident. 6

After listening to Xiao Ma's report over there, Senxia hung up the phone.

"...The estimated revenue is one hundred million..." Senxia thought of another world line of the Stone Age. The profit in the first year of the Stone Age was 200 million, far exceeding Senxia's side.

However, Morinka's game is earlier than the other world line, and it is understandable to encounter this situation.

So Senxia is actually quite satisfied.

"If you can earn so much, then there will be funds here..."

In fact, Morinya has been paying attention to this aspect, but Morinya is paying attention to his colleagues here. He is still busy with the Dark Soul, so there is no way to invest in it completely.

But Xiao Ma is also reliable here, and Senxia left the matter to him.

"But Fairy Sword OL..."

How could Brother Xiao Ma think of this?

But how should I put it, Morinya is not very opposed to this idea.

Xianjian OL or something, in fact, there can be.

Xianjian OL also exists on another world line, but unfortunately, the quality of the game itself is not very good.

Senxia was a krypton gold player of Fairy Sword OL back then, and was pitted to death by this game...

And the game itself was half dead in the end and became the tears of the times.

"By the way, this is a scumbag rescue plan..."

Senxia suddenly thought, could she also save Fairy Sword OL or something?

Well, the plot must first be greatly changed, and the subsequent parts must be revised...

Forget it, it's too early to say this, so let's save this matter for later.

As for now...

"There is no problem here in the Stone Age, and it is quite popular in a certain eastern country..."

The game of Stone Age did not become popular on the mud bomb side. Although there are players playing, the number is very small.

Dad Qianjia also investigated the operation problems of the Stone Age. When he discovered that the two countries were so different, his jaw almost fell off.

"So now, it's DC business..."

Dad Qianjia seems to be really advancing this matter, and Senxia is ready to press and start the contact. If there is no problem, the whole matter should be able to come out before the PS2 goes on sale.

Senxia feels that Sega in this world still has some potential. Otherwise, PS2 will not be forced to carry out research and development in advance and then launch nearly a year in advance. DC is not as unbearable as Senxia himself said.

"After boosting the confidence of players and manufacturers, the following is the game-so the next step should be the E3 exhibition..."

Yes, although it’s only the beginning of November, Morika thinks of next year’s E3, because Anmic will go to E3 next year, and next year, Morika will encounter the strongest enemy-Hideo Kojima and him Metal Gear Solid 2.


When I wrote this, I suddenly thought that it was a pity that I would never see Hideo Kojima and his alloy slug again...

3K is sufficient.

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