Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1019: 10 fingers interlocking

Sakano Gakuin during the school festival was a very lively place.


   The smell of food and the fragrance of late autumn are in the air.


   The cool autumn wind conveys a little sadness and beauty.


   The streets in late autumn seem to have become deserted like the weather, but inside Sakino Academy, there is a lively scenery. When you step into the campus, you seem to have arrived in another world.


   The lively scene is in sharp contrast with the cold and fresh city outside.


   Standing at the gate of the school, the world seemed to be divided into two sides, and the gate was the entrance to the barrier.


   Standing leisurely at the door of the school, Morinka suddenly noticed that her school really seemed to have an indescribable subtle feeling.


   is probably because I joined as a participant before, but today it is almost pure visitor mentality.


The program that Moriha’s class was preparing for this year was originally intended to be a maid cafe, but then considering that the white bear cafe is so famous, it’s not interesting to go to the cafe like last year, and the "college entrance examination" is added. Yes, so everyone chose a simple photography exhibition to show the scenery from all over the world on the class—well, yes, the students in Senxia’s class have been there everywhere, and everyone took out all the photos they collected. , It became a photography exhibition.


   is also because it is a photography exhibition, so there is basically nothing in the class. Morinka also thanks this blessing to be able to stroll with Yukino at the school festival.


   Although it was Morinka who Yukino first invited, Morinka also knew that he had ignored his sister for too long.


   It's a rare time for two people, so I have to experience life.


   "Speaking of which, I haven't been shopping with my brother for a long time."


   Holding Morinka's hand, Yukino sighed softly.


   "Well, yes, it's been a long time since I came out with Yukino." Morinka sighed too.


He looked at Yukino here. Yukino was wearing a crimson dress with suspenders on her upper body. Underneath the dress was a black long shirt with a bottom. Underneath she was wearing a pair of black stockings and a pair of long leather boots. , The whole person looks broken and has a fresh feeling.


   "I have to do a game and manage the shrine. I don't have much time to spend with my brother."


   The school is very lively. There are many foreigners who come here, and there are also many parents. There are also many foreign students who come to visit and want to enter Sakino Academy.


   From the moment I entered the school gate, it was time for the festival.


   The two wandered in this late autumn festival, opening their own little world, and talking about their own topics.


   is not a poetic topic, it is just some daily life.


   "But I didn't expect that Grandpa God Lord would be with Granny Asahi, and then go back home together..."


  After entrusting Toba Shrine to Yukino, the former priest grandfather retired.


   But even Yukino didn't expect that the other party and the Asahi grandmother in the shopping street came together and performed a sunset red.


   "Yeah, I didn't expect that grandpa's hometown is also Hokkaido." Morinatsu here also sighed.


   While they were talking, the two had already arrived in front of a shop. This was a shop opened by first-year freshmen and they were selling snacks.


   "A box of octopus balls, two croquettes."


   Such a lively holiday atmosphere, naturally, I took it with me and ate while walking.


   The hot octopus **** are delicious. Poke them with a toothpick, then blow them and gently put them in your mouth.


   "Although everyone is a student, the taste of takoyaki is not bad at all." Yukino chuckled lightly.


   "Because they are all standardized, the takoyaki in Okinawa and the takoyaki in Hokkaido have the same taste!" Mori summer waved her hand, "They are all takoyaki, and the taste is the same."


   "That said, but when visiting the festival, bring takoyaki **** and fried noodles. This is standard equipment." Yukino poked an octopus ball, shook it in front of Morinka, and then gently bit it.


   Morinatsu shrugged: "Well, but indeed, it seems that no matter what the festival, you can see fried noodles and octopus balls..."


   If there are snacks at the festival, then these two things must be there. If it is a shrine, there must be a picture horse.


   "But this croquette...well, the taste is similar to that of Granny Asahi."


   Morinatsu was a little surprised.


   Every time I went to the shopping street, Mother-in-law Asahi would give Morinka and Yukino two croquettes. The taste of Granny Asahi’s croquette is slightly different from that of the croquette outside, so when she ate the croquette, Morinka immediately realized that the croquette was closer to the taste of the shopping street.


   "The shopping street..."


   Hearing Morinatsu's words, Yukino also thought of the past.


   She picked up the croquette and took a bite too.


   "It's really similar."


"But Granny Asahi is in Hokkaido now. It is really not a simple thing to eat Granny Asahi's croquette." Morinka shook her head, "Speaking of which, I remember that there are many good shops on the street. Yes, yes, that delicious fried chicken nuggets!"


   "I don't know how everyone is doing in the shopping street..." Yukino tilted his head, "It feels like I haven't been to the shopping street in a long time."


   "Yes," Morinka felt the same way. "When I went to the shopping street, my mother-in-law always confused the two of us."


   Thinking of this incident, Yukino's face also showed a smile. Obviously, Yukino also felt very nostalgic and interesting on that day.


   But then she sighed again: "Although I miss it very much, I don't have much time to go there in the future. Even if I go there, I'm afraid it's a matter of fact."


   There are many elderly people in the shopping street. Every year, people leave the shopping street for various reasons.


   It has been a long time since the relationship has passed, and I don’t know how many acquaintances there are now.


   "Yes," Morinka also sighed, but then Morinka thought of another thing, "Speaking of which, the shrine maidens at the shrine seem to change batches every few days."


   It was not deliberately changing, but because of age, unless they were full-time maidens, otherwise the working maidens at the shrine would stop working at university.


   "Well, but now, the maids are all helping over there, so it's okay."


   Although there are only two maids on Morinka's side, Yugan and Iki, there is a whole maid team on Morinka's side, but they don't live in Morinka's side. And Moriha herself was avoiding her maid team.


   "That's fine, but there is nothing wrong with the shrine now, right?"


  The current shrine is managed by Yukino. Although the joints are cleared and the above is clear, it is really not a simple thing to manage an entire shrine.


   "Well, everything in the shrine is fine," Yukino smiled.


   "That's good, I haven't seen Yukino you wearing a witch costume recently. It's obviously not far from home, but if you look like this, it feels like you are far away from me."


   "It's just that I've been busy recently. After all, I have to write scripts and conceive novels..."


   After eating the snacks, Yukino took out the handkerchief, then helped Morinka gently wipe the corners of her mouth, and then wiped her mouth and fingers clean.


   Morika noticed that Yukino's eyebrows seemed to be a little distressed, and he asked, "Are you still writing a novel?"


   "Ah----" Yukino panicked, but she quickly said again, "Well, because of the constant practice and improvement, there is no way to do it!"


   "Don't force yourself too much."


   Yukino didn’t tell the truth, Morinka still knows it as an older brother, but who doesn’t have any of her own secrets? When Morinka is alone, she will have some hobbies that increase her interest but are unknown.


   Yukino was a little flustered, but after noticing Morinka's kind and empathetic feeling, Yukino's expression became more subtle.


   "Although you don't know what you have misunderstood, I really didn't do anything strange."


   Morika hurriedly waved his hand: "Of course I know Yukino, you didn't do strange things, don't care, don't care!"


   "Well," Yukino originally wanted to explain something, but after seeing Morinka's attitude, she gently curled her lips, "Take it so."


   While talking, the two had already passed through the outside and came to the door of the teaching building.


   "LoveLove Couple Adventure~! The two over there, don't you come to try it?"


   At this moment, Morinka and Yukino suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.


   "What?" Yukino turned his head almost immediately after stopping to speak.


   "Ah-classmate Tianhai!"


   is Ms. Sakino after all, and Yukino is quite famous in school.


   "Hey, eh, classmate Tianhai has a boyfriend?!"


   This is a voice coming from the side.


   "Ah-Yukinosang has a boyfriend?"


   Is this the voice of sister paper?


   "Eh eh, Lord Tianhai actually has a boyfriend?!"


   This is the cry of a surprised lower grade boy.


   "My sister has a boyfriend?!"


   This is the astonishment of the lower grade girls.


   "How can Yukino-chan have a boyfriend?!"


   Fuck, whose voice is so disgusting, stand up, I promise not to kill you!


   Morika turned her head, and then shielded Yukino behind her.


   "Ah-it turned out to be older brother."


   "Scared, scared me to death..."


   "Sigh of relief..."


   Morinatsu felt her mouth twitching.


   I’m not Yukino’s boyfriend, you guys are so happy!


   If there is a table in front of Morika at this moment, he will definitely go over and throw it off now.




   At the beginning, the student who called Morinka and Yukino was stunned, and Yukino and Morinka are so similar, they know that they are related by blood, no matter how you think about it, they can’t be a couple!


   But I don’t know why. Seeing the other person’s startled and relieved expression, Senxia feels a little upset!


   "Brother...Shall we... try it?"


   At this time, Yukino's voice came.


   After hearing this voice, Morinka immediately made up his mind.


   "Of course I am going!"


   Morinatsu said that almost immediately.


   "Huh?" The student opposite was dumbfounded.


   At this time, Morinka turned her head: "Hey, can we participate too?"


   I don't know why, at this moment, this student felt a silent pressure from Senxia. This pressure made him unable to refuse.


   Kind smile...


   "I...I...well, no problem! As long as it is a boy and a girl, there is no problem, whether it is a sibling, a father and a daughter, or a mother and child, there is no problem!"


   He just agreed.


   "Well, that's fine." Morinka also smiled and nodded.


   "Yo Xi, then tell me what this game activity is for!" Senxia asked with a smile.


   "Ah-that's it," the other party took out a map of the school, but looking at this style, it should be hand-painted at a 45-degree angle, which looks pretty good. Afterwards, he said: "Our activity is to follow the standard checkpoints on the school, and then stamp at the checkpoints. In addition to the checkpoints on the map, there are three hidden checkpoints. Once all the checkpoints are collected. When the seal comes back, we will be able to get the gift we prepared. If even the hidden checkpoint is found, there will be a more mysterious award, but the time is limited to 2 hours, and this must be worn—"


   took out a bracelet.


The    bracelet is an "8" shape with a disposable plastic buckle on it.


   "If you act, you must wear this. If the strap breaks after returning, the mission will fail."


   "In other words, two people must act together?" Senxia understood.


   The other side nodded: "Yes. In addition, our mission only includes the campus and the two teaching buildings of the Higher and Middle School. There are no other places."


   There is plenty of time, and if you look at the map, you can see all the interesting places of Sakuno The round trip from high school to middle school is also very interesting.


   Sakino College is quite big, the high school and the middle school are in two places, but this activity is obviously co-organized with the middle school, which is quite interesting.


   "Let's sign up." Morinka replied immediately.


   "Hi, thanks for your patronage, 500 yen."


   After paying 500 yen, he took out a buckle for the convenience and helped Morinatsu to tie it.


   Xue Nai specially ran to the left of Morika, and then used his right hand to hold Morika's left hand together.


   Ten fingers interlocked.


   Xue Nai's soft palm is tightly clasped with Morinka's left hand.




   Until this time, Morinka had some reaction to what he did just now.


   But it was too late. The two people clasped their fingers together, and a gentle sensation came from the left hand, and then stirred up and down Morinka's body. The subtle feeling made Morinka a trance.


   For a moment, Morinka even had some urges to escape, but at this moment, his and Yukino’s hands were already locked together...




   Stomach pain in the middle of the night, unable to fall asleep and unable to code words, what kind of experience is this...




   two in one...

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