Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1021: Handle, PS 2 and game mode

After the end of the night festival, for the senior high school students, only exams are left. :乐:文:Novel 3w.しWxs520.CoM

For Morinia, the most important thing now is the release of PS2.

Sony, who was born prematurely, has not shrunk in comparison to another world.

Parts and products are mature products that have been prepared for a long time. They are one year or six months in advance, except for a slight increase in cost, the rest are the same.

And Sony also made some subtle changes to DreamCast, which is to support the network system-in the form of external plug-ins.

In fact, the Sony PS2 in another world line also has this kind of plug-in, but it did not cause much response.

But this is not the case in this world.

"Because DreamCast is equipped with excellent network interfaces, has the industry realized the benefits of the network system in advance..." Sitting in Animic's office, Morinya was watching the comments on the Internet.

Compared with another world line, the DC of this world line is more revolutionary. The voice and network system is the most fascinating system for players on DC. In fact, DC can still be operated now because the network system brings Another benefit is the increase in user viscosity, which means that DC can also be rescued.

——Mr. Okawa Ko and Uncle Chiba Masao, probably because of this mentality, they decided to fight their backs, right?

"Boom boom boom." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Senxia looked at the door, and Qianjia over there opened the door and walked in, with a small box in her hand.

After approaching Senxia, ​​Qianjia brought the box to the desk.

"Senxia, ​​this is the handle that I said before, made by Master Fu."

Master Fu is the master who helped Senxia and the others to carve the reader model before. Because of his exquisite technique, this master is valued by the artists on the mud bombing side. Now people are regarded as the wood carving artist on the mud bombing side. Sought after.

Senxia discovered that this master Fu could also handle this kind of post-modern technological products, so he entrusted the other party to do something.


Senxia nodded, then looked at the supplies in this box.

——Yes, that's it.

The handle of the XBOX series.

To be precise, it is the handle style of the XBOXONE series.

It is one of the newest members of the handle series developed by the giant (micro) hard (soft) at a cost of more than 100 million US dollars.

Senxia was also surprised when he heard that the giant hard drive had spent so much money to develop the controller for the first time. So I checked the history and data parameters of the XBOX series controller. Later, after coming to this world line, I recorded the relevant information in the notebook for memos, and now, this thing can finally come in handy.

Picking up the model of the handle, Mori Xia weighed it and felt very comfortable. The PS1 and the DC handle were instantly killed for dozens of streets.

"Well, that's how it feels."

Senxia nodded.

"It's really hard for those designers to develop so many versions of the handle, and finally one meets my requirements."

Yes, Senxia's handle was not a one-time success. So far, dozens of plans have been shot. After careful calculation, it can even be said that one is killed every day.

After all, even if there are parameters, it is still not so easy to reproduce the feeling of XBOX perfectly.

However, the grip of this handle is very good now, Morinatsu likes it.

Although there is no way to fully reproduce the feel of XBOXONE, this level is enough.

In addition, the wooden feel is also a bonus item. This wooden feel makes people feel very comfortable to hold. The subtle feeling when playing games is simply not too good.

"Well, what's the matter?" Senxia noticed Qianjia's somewhat puzzled eyes.

"It's nothing, just a little curious, why Senxia-kun cares so much about the handle, obviously this shouldn't be an important accessory, right?" She was surprised.

Senxia shook his head: "No, the handle is the most important experience part of a game. Although it can't be called a secret skill or a killer, this handle has a very good role in improving the reputation."

The handle of XBOXONE is definitely one of the best handles in the world-if there is no NS, it is the best, there is no one.

For heavy users, the handle of the PS series is actually not a product that can be experienced very well, but the handle of XBOXONE is definitely the "innate treasure" that properly crushes the world.

The reason why Moriha values ​​this handle so much is a very important reason.

If there is no old NS, Morinia can even think that the XBOXONE handle is the best in the world.

But then there was NS-well, which is the two-in-one Nintendo handheld and console machine.

The full name of NS is Nintendo-Switch. It is a machine developed by Nintendo. The handle of this machine does not have any ergonomic design. In terms of design, XBOXONE can suppress it properly-but the handle of NS can be taken apart. Wireless use!

The handle of NS can be split left and right, and the player can play the game in any posture. It doesn't matter if you lie under me, with one hand on the chest, one hand behind the back, or while playing the game while dancing.

In Morinka’s view, in fact, NS, a controller that can play games happily without you having to use any posture, is the controller most players think about. However, Morinka has also asked some places that those solutions with infinite controllers are now at all rooted. I am immature. If you want to make a handle similar to NS, it is not mature at all when taking into account battery life, weight and gaming experience.

In desperation, Senxia had to give up this idea, and then sacrificed the XBOXONE handle as a big killer.

"Compared with Sony's controller, this one we made is indeed very good." Qianjia glanced at the controller next to it. It was a PS2 controller.

After using the XBOXONE handle, Qianjia found that she was not too comfortable with the handles of other machines.

Of course, Qianjia didn't know that Senxia was shamelessly plagiarizing.

"However, this thing is the icing on the cake, but it does not provide charcoal in the snow. This is almost the case now, and our goal itself is also to popularize the function of communication.

In the design of the handle, this handle is designed with a noise reduction microphone, that is to say, after the player has this handle, they can communicate with other people anytime and anywhere, instead of needing a special microphone to support . The DC firmware also supports this method, so there is no problem at all.

"By the way, how is the situation with Sony PS2 now? You are investigating it."

Senxia has already negotiated with Qianjia's father, and Anmic's loan has also been completed. Senxia will also take control of DreamCast in the next step.

At this time, it is naturally necessary to understand the "enemy forces".

Uh-not right, because Morinka hasn't given up on developing games for PS2. Morinka has never thought about making an exclusive game since before. Even if it was appointed by the above to renew his life for DC, Morinka has not changed. Own approach.

——Furthermore, in fact, Qianjia’s father is in Sony...cough, he also has some shares.

Of course, equity does not mean voting rights.

"PS2's network accessories have not been released, Mori-kun, the storage system you are concerned about...There is no news. Specifically, the current situation of PS2 is similar to the situation of the development machine, and Sony has no special enchantment."

PS2 provides a network interface, but that is an external accessory, and it has not been released yet.

As for downloading content DLC or something, Sony also admitted that it will do it, but so far, Senxia has not seen a solution.

Keke, you can't say the same, Sony has proposed an approach before.

That is, when PS2 was produced, the DLC content was also included in the game disc, and then the special unlocking code was downloaded through the network system to the memory stick responsible for archiving, and the DLC content could be unlocked-theoretically If you want to use this method to "make" a large DLC, it is also possible.

At first, Morinya almost turned the table after stopping at Sony's solution: You are not a scam!

Originally, Morika thought it was because Sony was wearing small shoes because it did not intend to make exclusive games for PS2, but now it seems that things are really not like this-Sony seems to confirm that this kind of thing is "DLC".

...Is this a joke...

"It seems that there is really no way to do DLC... MOD can't support it..."

Morinia murmured.

Yes, there is no way.

PS2 does not provide large storage space. Although there is a memory stick, the content of the memory stick is limited and it is impossible to store large data. As for the DLC of player content, it is even more impossible.

Morinia has a game on DC that has sold hundreds of thousands of sets, that is, RPGMAKER. The feature of this game is that there is a game market in it. The game market allows players to freely buy interesting RPGMAKER games.

Among them, the most successful work is "The Story of the Wasted City".

But on PS2, there is no way to develop its own RPGMAKER.

This is not because I don't want to develop it, but the feature of PS2 does not support it.

The copyright of RPGMAKER was also bought by Morinia, but this series has no way to land on PS2, which is also a pity for Morinia.

"How about our "Plants vs. Zombies 2" and "Guilty Crown" now?"

Morinia also has a game that followed PS2’s first release. After all, Big Brother Sony had taken good care of himself before, so Plants vs. Zombies 2, Guilty Crown and Rebellious Lelouch have also landed on PS2-among them, Sinful Crown Because it does not support network content, it is the "annual edition" that integrates all patches and DLC.

"There are currently no statistics on sales, but on-site sales are still very hot."

Especially the former.

"For the time being, that's all right." Senxia nodded, "The first two games are probably equivalent to fried rice now. Now our goal is to focus on Lelouch."

Lelouch has now entered the second half of the stage, and the whole story has begun to exert strength. Lelouch’s games are also catching up, and the popularity of the games has even in turn fed the TV animation DVD sales.

Such a good brand, of course, needs to be operated well. Morinka also set up the Code Studio here to take charge of this series.

By the way, the studio where Miyazaki Hidetaka is located is called the Apocalypse Studio.

"It seems that the wave of players has risen." Senxia is also watching the content on the Internet.

For the launch of PS2, Morinka can check on these 2ch bulletin boards.

Unlike DC, when DC went public, the domestic situation was still tepid, and the main focus was in overseas regions.

The PS2 has just been launched, and many players cheered on the announcement board for grabbing the first version of PS2.

It can be said that PS2 has accumulated countless reputations from the beginning, and it has properly crushed sentient beings.

"But there seems to be some subtle incompatibility between our Anmic's game concept and the PS2's game system, and you will have to manage DC affairs afterwards. Is this really okay?" Qianjia put forward his own opinion.

"It's not a big problem," Morinya said, "Although the situation on our side is a bit subtle, there is no problem with a little modification of the game content, but it is a pity that the DLC and MOD systems..."

No way, PS2 is such a machine.

But as one of the best gaming platforms in the world, it is impossible for Mori to give up PS2 easily.

So Morinia can only give up the scalability of the game and focus on the game itself for the time being.

And for DC, this is also an available point.

"Although Sony is aggressive, it is not impossible for DC to cope. What's more, because DC has a hard drive, it has more game modes and the performance gap is not very large."

At least for the time being, DC’s machine performance is not inferior to PS2. The potential of these two machines has not been fully tapped—not even Shenmue—so before the potential is fully tapped, between the two machines, the picture Who is better, this is something no one can tell.


At this moment, Senxia's phone rang again.

"Mosimosi?" Senxia answered the Senxiajun, are you free tonight? Do you want to come to my house for dinner? "Senior sister is talking over there.

"Huh? Senior sister's house?" Although Qianjia has always lived in Senxia's house, she also has her own home...

"Well, my father wants to talk to you about something, and my sister wants to see you too..."

It is expected that Qianjia's father wants to discuss with him, but Qianjia's younger sister wants to see herself. What the **** is this?


XBOXONE's handle is number one in the world-until I saw the NS handle.

I have to say that the old Ren is still very good. Hey, obviously I am a Renhei...

By the way, many people say that Plants vs. Zombies are fired because of mobile phones. It can only be said that this classmate is too young. This game was originally for PC, and it was very popular on PC...

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