Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1023: Sister-in-law and sister-in-law



   After hearing the outside voice, the discussion between Morinka and Chiba Masao also stopped.


   "Eat first, I need to digest these contents first."


   Dad Qianjia put down the files in his hand.


   I have to say that these proposals Morinia put forward are really strange.


   But from another perspective, he found that these plans were...very feasible?


   Both the Tianhai family and the Qianyu family have access to a certain oriental power, so it is really possible to take the route there, and if Moriha's plan is integrated, maybe it will have some effect?


   But these requirements Mori Xia put forward are really a bit subtle, and Chiba Masao is not sure what effect Mori Xia's strategy will have in the end, so he still wants to think again.




  Senxia didn't even think about being able to persuade Qianjia's father, he was not impatient.


   Morinatsu also knows that the demands that she has made now are indeed a bit too advanced.


   So let the other party adapt first.


   After finishing speaking, Morinka went out with Chiba Masao, and Yugan also followed Morinka.


   "Ah, Morinatsu, you are here!"


   Just after Morinka went out, she saw Qianjia walking towards her, and at this time, Morinka noticed the situation behind Qianjia...


   A girl.


   A girl with a double pony tail.


   A flat-chested girl with a double pony tail.


   Standing behind Qian Jia is a girl with a double ponytail. She is about half a head shorter than Qian Jia, but her appearance is somewhat similar to Qian Jia.


The other party is wearing a blue-black sweater for autumn and winter, underneath is a black pleated skirt and stockings. The length of the skirt is not very long, but there is some distance from the mini skirt, just to see the subtlety. The absolute realm.


   After seeing the girl, Morinatsu subconsciously looked at it.


   Because of the double ponytails in the real world...Sinxia really rarely sees it.


Although there are so many double ponytails in the animation, but in the real world, there are very few people who can control the double ponytails. Some people will look very naive when they are tied into a double ponytail, and some people will be funny with this hairstyle. .


   But this girl? It's different.


   The twin pony tails on the other's head just show the subtle green feeling of a girl.


   is like a green apple that has not yet been red. It smells a little bit of the unique fragrance of green apples, but you can already look forward to it when it matures in the future.




   The girl also noticed Senxia's eyes. She looked towards Senxia, ​​and the two eyes collided.




   The girl snorted, and then turned her head, the ponytail braids shook violently.


   "Shiyin?" Qianjia waved her hand, wanting the girl to come over.


   But the girl didn't pay attention to her sister, but looked at the other side as if she was awkward.


Qianjia raised her eyebrows, and then directly drew her sister in front of Senxia: "Menxia-kun, this is my sister Shiyin, Shiyin, this is Tianhai Senxia, ​​the one you have been talking about these days. Xia Jun."


   "I just want to know what kind of radish is deceiving my sister!" The girl named Shion pursed her mouth.


   Her voice is very similar to Qian Jia, but she is a little more tender and has a higher tone.


   "My sister has been in his house recently..."


   The girl ignored Mori and asked Qianjia directly.


   Here, Morinka looked inexplicable.


   "Sorry, Shion seems to be afraid that her sister will be taken away, so that's why she has such an attitude." Chiba Masao said to Morika next to him.


   "It's nothing, the poetic sound is very cute, and the name is also very nice, it has an elegant and quiet feeling."


The Japanese pronunciation of   诗音 is "", which is also pronounced like "紫苑". Of course, you just have to write poetry, pronounced jojo or something, in fact, there is no problem, writing "Eagle No" can also be pronounced "Little Bird Tour".


   "Ahem, I gave Shion this name back then, just hoping that she could become a lady... But this is not the case at all."


   Chiba Masao's face has a subtle expression.


   It can be seen that this second daughter seems to give him some headaches?


   Well, even though they just met, Morinka can indeed see that the other party feels a bit rebellious.


   Speaking of it, the name Shion really makes people think of the feeling of an elegant and quiet girl, but the girl with two ponytails does not seem to have that feeling at all.


   "That's it." Senxia nodded.


   "Master, your phone." At this moment, a maid walked up to Chiba Masao.


   "Let's stay away for a while." Chiba Masao apologized to Morika, and then left here.


   Suddenly, in the whole room, only Morinka, Xiyan, Qianjia, and Shion were left.


   "I'm sorry, Morinka-kun." Chika said to Morinka, "Because Shion had been living in Kansai before, and now she is coming back to Tokyo, so I have been busy with Shion."


  Because she has been busy with her sister's affairs, Qianjia has recently put aside her work.


   But it’s okay, Mei Shao. A woman is justice oo, Mori Xiajun said.


   "Ah, it's okay." Morinka said, "What happened to your side?"


   "Well, it's almost done." Qianjia laughed, "Shion will also go to Sakino Academy next year, maybe she can still be friends with Lili and the others."


   Next year, Morinka and the others have already graduated, Morinka is still relatively familiar junior, and only Lily and Xiaotou are left.


   "So, I heard Shion-chan's voice just now, and there is also a Kansai accent in it."


   Morinka looked at Shion with a smile. Since Shion is Qianjia's younger sister, she is naturally Morinka's younger sister.


   Of course, this sister and Xue Na are completely different definitions.


   "Who allowed you to call my name 1"


   When the girl with two pony tails heard Morinya say her name, she suddenly exploded like a kitten.


   But how do I put it...Well, such a girl with a double ponytail with fried hair looks really subtle and cute!


   Qianjia glanced at her sister, and then smiled on her face: "Shiyin has been asking me about you these days, maybe she has been captured by your charm, Mori Xia-kun."


   "I just want to know who the **** is who abducted my sister!" Shiyin exploded again, "and my sister is also true, why did you move in to live with such a scumbag!"


   people, scum? !


   I'm not a scumbag!


   Morika expressed strong opposition to this labeling behavior.


"Obviously I am dating my sister, but I live with so many girls. What is a person like you, who is not a scum?" The girl spoke again before Morinya spoke, "I am a man. I have investigated the situation of your home. It is really damning. He is obviously a boy, but he lives with several girls..."


   "It's really rude." But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Morika, it was Xi Yan.


   As a member of the Tianhai family maid team, they need to maintain the dignity of the master.


   So at this time, Xi Yan stood up without hesitation!


   "Although the owner does live with many girls, although the owner is indeed a person who does not know the thickness of the skin, the owner is responsible for every girl. How can this be considered a scumbag?"


   Wait, wait...


   Xiyan, are you complimenting me or hurting me?


   Morinatsu was very moved when she saw Yuyan stand up at first.


   You need to know that Xiyan's attitude is neither lukewarm nor hot, and Senxia thought the other party was dissatisfied with him, but now that Xiyan has stepped forward, Senxia is actually quite happy.


   However, I heard Xi Yan's excuse...Why do you always feel something is wrong?


   "Wh, what?!" The girl with double pony tails took a step back in horror, and then she grabbed Qianjia's shoulders with both hands, "Sister, have you been pushed down?!"


   "Huh?" Qianjia was also bewildered when the topic suddenly shifted to herself.


   But then, she reacted immediately, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.


   Chika smiled and glanced at Morinka here, and then at his sister.


   "Yes, have you ever been pushed down..."


   Qianjia's words made Shiyin's face extremely dark.


   "Hello, senpai, don't talk nonsense!" Senxia was not calm.


   Knowing what kind of urinary Morinatsu Chika is, she immediately understood that Chika was trying to make trouble again.


   "Roar? Do you want to tell Shion how you overthrew me?" Qianjia smiled.


   "It's not like that!"


   "Oh? Mori-kun, do you want to say that I serve you in a bath?"


   That is because you and Yukino teased me on purpose! You are not afraid of wiping the gun and getting off the hook!


   "How can you say such a thing!"


   Morinatsu's soul of Tucao has awakened after a long absence.


   "Sister... you never said before, something like this happened before..."


   Shiyin looked at Qianjia in disbelief, and then she turned her head and glared at Morinia here.


   It can be seen that the anger of the little girl has broken through the sky.


But at this moment, Xi Yan stood in front of the other party: "It is not normal for a good person to be loved by others. My master is loved by your sister, and you should be happy about it. "


   "Huh? Happy?!"


   Miss Dynamite Bucket was lit.


   "Naturally, even if my master is a scum, it is also a scum among scum. Such an excellent scum is naturally different from ordinary scum."


   But scum is still scum!


  What kind of metaphor is this kind of metaphor!


   Morinatsu glanced at Xi Yan. He really wanted to vomit at this time, but he was helpless to find out that in this atmosphere, it seemed that he couldn't get in the mouth?


   And Qianjia next to him, at this moment, is holding her chest and looking at these two people. For her, it seems like a...very interesting thing to see them bickering here?


   "So I can't let my sister continue to stay with this scum!" Shiyin's eyes almost sprayed hot sparks.


"What everyone should do is everyone's freedom. What Miss Qian Jia wants to do is also Miss Qian Jia's freedom. Miss Shiyin, your behavior... Excuse me, this is what you are sending a child. It's just a temper, please respect yourself."


   Xiyan said such words with a blank expression on her face, which was super mocking.


   "It's not a kid's temper!"


"Oh? Isn't it a child's temper? So, does Miss Shiyin have any feelings for your sister that surpasses sisters? With all due respect, if this is the case, whether your sister is by your side, It doesn't make any difference whether you are still with the scum master."


   Why do I become a scumbag by default?


   Morinatsu looked confused.




   Shiyin was hit by Xiyan knowingly.


   "I am thinking about my sister's future life, such a scum, I must not let my sister jump into the fire pit!"


   Although Morinka wanted to refute, he actually agreed with Shiyin's part of the statement, because Shiyin's idea that boys are exclusively with girls is normal.


   But how should I put it, if Morinka wants to inherit the Tianhai family... I really can’t compare it to the situation of ordinary people.


   No way, who told me that my family has been a family with secondary disease from before?


   "Huh?" Qianjia jumped out again at this time to fan the flames, "But when I showed you Shiyin's picture of Senxia-kun, Shiyin, you seemed to be exclaiming'so cute'!"


"Hmm!" Hearing her sister's words, Shiyin was once again critically struck, and the girl with a double ponytail flat-breasted face turned red with a brush, "Sister, the cos photo you took out, is obviously a girl! I I don't know that it is a boy!"


   Well, Morinatsu did cos with the girl paper in a semi-forced situation...


   "Oh? But who is the one who saw Yingmanji's cos and then shouted "His Royal Highness is so handsome"?"


   Well, Morinka also cos with boys, such as Morinka version of the male protagonist Sakura Manji...


   "Uh!!!" Shiyin was hit by a weak point this time, "That's not the case, I didn't know at that time, that little white face with a good skin is the scum in front of me!"


   "So, do you have any dissatisfaction with my master as a scum? Why do you deny my master as a scum?"


   Hey hey, why have you confirmed that I am a scum? !


   Mori summer wind in chaos...


   Xiyan looked at the double ponytails in front of her: "Sure enough, you actually want to monopolize the owner? But..."


   Xiyan looked at the chest of the girl with ponytails.


   Then, she smiled.


   "Sorry, according to the owner's preference, you have no chance."




  The stalk of nuclear weapons is a tactical nuclear graphics card after some people have played it, and other people used it to go fishing. The first refers to gtx590, I am also a mixed card.




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