Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1030: Pre-preparation and chance encounter

"So what exactly is this horn?"


   Faced with the design of the revised DC-P home game console, Qianjia is a bit strange.


  At the beginning of December, things on Qianjia's side have come to an end. Although Qianjia is still living in her own home, her current job has finally recovered.


   "Red has horns three times the speed, this is common sense!"


   Morinatsu and Chika are looking at the newly completed DC-P model at the club.


   It’s not a big deal to replace it with a higher-level CPU and equipped with a DVD. After the machine is fine-tuned and modified, there is no problem.


   Of course, these are not the final version, but just fine-tuned samples, mainly for the press conference.


  Although the whole thing was completely settled last month, this machine has been brewing for a long time, so it is not a problem to take out a few samples to show the effect.


   "Then why is there no orange over there?"


   "Because orange has no corners and triple IQ, this is also common sense!"


   "Char's Zaku is red with horns and triple speed. Everyone knows that, but what does it mean that orange has no horns and triple IQ!"


   "Um...Senior sister from now on, you will know!"


   Well, AZ hasn’t come out yet after all...


After all,    is the origin of the legendary "Nuclear Explosion Divine Comedy".


   But it's a pity that Lao Xu's original plan was broken by Takayama Keyan. In the entire ALDNOAH.ZERO film, only the first three episodes were written by Lao Xu. This part is considered the best part of the show.


And the so-called "orange demon", driving a training machine to sling black technology mechas and so on, also started from here. In the words of Gundam, someone drove a training Zaku, and then crushed a crowd. Freedom strikes justice.


   In fact, this kind of IQ crushing is quite interesting, but after the whole story directly feed Xiang, this TM is embarrassing.


   Inexplicable endings and inexplicable routines, Lao Xu himself even came out because of this incident, it is really bad reputation!


   Well, speaking of it, Lao Xu is now under his own hands. After the production of the EVA in April is completed, should I ask Lao Xu to come over and make a full version of ALDNOAH.ZERO?


   Morinatsu thinks it can be considered.


   "But the first version is pretty good, and the corner is just right."


   Qianjia looked at the machine for another hundred years.


   This is the EVA version of the machine.


   "Of course, this is the finishing touch, but I can say Mr. Hideaki Touno, I really didn't expect it."


   Yes, before that, Morinka also publicized Anno Hideaki, persuading him to authorize Animi to make EVA games, and by the way, also provided a variety of new EVA linked versions of the machine.


   The first machine version, the second machine version, the zero machine version, and the driver version, these are the routines that Senxia thought of.


   Now it seems that this routine is smoother than I thought, because Anno Hideaki didn't refuse at all. On the contrary, he even asked about the cooperation in more detail.


   In order to pull this ruffian into the thief ship, Morinia also suffered heavy bleeding. As long as it is the EVA linkage version, this will be divided into the ruffian's side. This is also considered a cub selling Ye Tian not distressed.


   "But Morinka, will this game really be released on time by then?" Qianjia looked at Morinka, "I'm afraid it's a crude game."


"Well, the plan itself has been reviewed by Mr. Hideaki Anno. Although two games will be launched, most of these games are text adventures. As long as the text is excellent... Well, and our 2DLIVE can also be used. ."


After    Morika finished speaking, he turned on his computer and clicked on a file.


   Then, Ling Boli's 2D animation appeared on the screen.


   This is Ling Boli wearing a school uniform.


Originally, this kind of vertical painting was just a very ordinary static texture, but under the action of 2DLIVE, Ling Boli's whole person was shaking slightly, her hair seemed to be blown by the breeze, and her eyes were He seemed to be staring at the road in front of him.


   "This is a document used to demonstrate 2DLIVE. This is Ling Boli who has been transformed into 2DLIVE. The dubbing has also been done by Ms. Lin Yuanhui, but there is not yet."


   Morinia clicked on Ling Boli's head with the mouse, Ling Boli shook her head slightly, as if she wanted to remove the things on her head.


   "And Asuka..."


   Morika clicked on another demo file.


   This file also has the same 2DLIVE character, and this character is Ling Boli in EVA.


   Morinatsu moved the mouse to the top of Asuka's skirt this time, and the blue and white strips inside were revealed by flipping it.


   At this moment, Asuka blushed, and then she pressed her skirt.


   Seeing this scene, Qianjia also shines.


   "Compared with the technology in Lelouch, it is much more mature..."


   "Because in Lelouch, we don't provide an interactive mode at all. With that kind of effect, the general gi can also achieve different system resources."


Lelouch also uses 2DLIVE in it, but it’s a pity that this technology did not cause much repercussions on it. Everyone is not very interested in the application of this technology, although everyone is also very interested in moving people. Interested, but this is only the icing on the cake innovation, and will not touch the most eager part of everyone's heart.


   But this one is different right now, this 2D LIVE now provides an interactive system.


   This also means that the player can lift up a girl's skirt just like Morinka did.


   Qianjia was surprised when he saw the scene just now.


   For the otaku, it is simply a dream to be able to lift the skirt of the goddess!


  More importantly, this game is a national work of EVA. Using this brand to open the way is the key.


   "With that said, the biggest problem now is Sony?" Qianjia thought of another question, "We have a very good relationship with there, it is good, but now this way, doesn't it feel like a betrayal?"


   "It's true, but Animi's policy will not change. Full platform dominance is our goal."


   In any case, for Morinia, the all-platform hegemony is the most critical point.


   "Well, I won't be blocked because I don't want to be blocked, so why don't you mess around..."


   Qianjia looked at Morinka here with a subtle expression.


   "Ahem, this is an accident. I don't know that Tianhai's family also has an influence on Sony..."


   This incident was purely accidental.


  The Tianhai family are local tyrants in Hokkaido, but they don’t seem to be pure local tyrants. They have influence on companies like Mitsubishi and Sony.


   This matter Morinka still didn't know before, but not long ago, the father called specifically to ask about Morinia's side, and Morinka just knew that was the case.


   Sega’s big move, of course, Sony had long discovered, and the Animi behind it was naturally known.


   And the man at the helm of Animi is Morinka.


   Because of this incident, Morinatsu learned about the situation at home.


   "And it doesn't matter. On the face of it, Animi and the Order of the Phoenix have nothing to do, and we are not the controlling shareholder."


The whole matter of Morika was entrusted to Sister Iki and her uncle Ichiro Sato. Even if Morika’s funds are retroactive, it has nothing to do with Animi. The two are still independent and the only thing connected. There is only Senxia.


   Therefore, even if there is the Order of the Phoenix, it is just that the friendship between Animi and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​naturally very high, and it does not affect the relationship between Animi and Sony.


   "But you are now the CEO or something, it feels very subtle..."


   Qianjia shook his head.


   "Well, so we have to ask you on our own, President Qianjia."


   "Come on, Mori Natsu-kun." Qianjia is not good to continue to say something, "But from your side...Is there really no problem with age?"


  Age is a very important issue.


   "It doesn't matter, my identity can also be regarded as a hype stunt. Anyway, Sega has nothing to lose. If the hype succeeds on my side, it will also be a stunt."


   Although Morinka doesn't like to show her face, sometimes it is necessary to do so.


  Actually, Morinka didn't want to go up by herself at first, but after Morinka discussed this matter with Chiba Masao, Qianjia's father felt that Morinka could be on stage at all.


   "Speaking of..." Morinka suddenly thought of something, "The next conference, should I wear a black sweater or something?"






   At the same moment, on the other side of the ocean.


   "Then please go slowly, Mr. Baker."


   After finishing the conversation with Alan Baker, Hidetaka Miyazaki returned to his office tiredly.


   Baker is a member of the Foster City Division of Sony Computer Entertainment SCE and the leader of Sony’s upcoming Santa Monica Studio.


   Well, yes, Hidetaka Miyazaki came to dig a corner in the lighthouse country.


   After receiving the blessing of the power of money, the Apocalypse studio is now at full power.


  At this time, the current situation of the studio's shortage of staff becomes more obvious.


   Not enough people.


   This is a very troublesome thing.


   Not only programmers, but all kinds of talents, studios are not enough.


   Therefore, Hidetaka Miyazaki simply applied with Morika and moved the Revelation studio to the North American side of Animi.


   But he died before he was appointed as a teacher, and Hidetaka Miyazaki's first digging operation failed today.


  Also, I am a step late, and I will soon become the leader of the studio. In terms of status, like Miyazaki Hidetaka, it is impossible for him to succumb to others.


   Going back, Miyazaki Hidetaka took out the list he had prepared. It was all the big guys he wanted to contact step by step, but the young Miyazaki Hidetaka was a little worried about this.


   Although the same name is called "Miyazaki Hidetaka", in addition to the common "old thief" attribute, this Miyazaki Hidetaka and Morinka World Line are very different.


   But even so, he didn't ascend and evolve into an expert, able to dig all these big guys.


It is impossible to dig people in the mud. The employees over there regard themselves as members of the club, but in the lighthouse country, it is too common to change jobs and so on, so if you want to dig people here, It's not that difficult things should be like this.


   Miyazaki Hidetaka, who was frustrated when he went out, felt a little hesitant about his digging plan.






   Because he was looking at the document, Miyazaki Hidetaka accidentally installed it with the staff.




   A voice came across.


   "It's okay."


   Miyazaki Hidetaka was a little embarrassed. The file in his hand was accidentally torn in half by himself in the collision just now, but fortunately, he did not fall.


   He took a closer look and found that the person standing opposite him turned out to have an Asian face, but his face was slightly immature, as if he was only eighteen or nineteen years old.


   "Sorry, I didn't look at the road." Miyazaki Hidetaka subconsciously spoke Japanese.


   "Oh, well, sir." The other nodded, and he planned to leave.


   "Wait a minute, are you also Neon Gold?" Yes, the last sentence the other party said was in Japanese.


   "I am a mixed-race person, I can speak a little Japanese, and I am from the lighthouse country." The other party said.


   That's how it is.


   After coming to North America, Hidetaka Miyazaki's studio began to be established, but at the beginning of the establishment, they still used a lot of temporary workers, and this is the one in front of them.


   This strange and immature hybrid in front of him made Miyazaki Hidetaka interested.


   "Oh, half-blood?"


   "Well, it has the ancestry of mud bomb, a certain oriental country, and Southeast Asia. It is a mixed blood of four countries." The other party said.


   "Oh, that's really amazing. Look at your appearance. Are you still a high school student? Come here to work?"


   Christmas is almost here, but after all, it seems a bit early for the holiday now?


   When the other party heard what Miyazaki Hidetaka said, he was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "Now I am no longer a student, I am dropping out of school to work."


"Oh, sorry."


   There must be something hidden behind the other party. Doing this on your own will cause him trouble?


   Miyazaki Hidetaka thought with some annoyance.


"what do you do?"


   He changed the subject casually.


   "Handyman but I am very interested in action." The other party said, and gestured to himself.


   Well, UU reading www.uukā is very kung-fu.


   "Do you know computers?" Christmas is almost here, but after all, it seems a bit early for the holiday now?


   When the other party heard what Miyazaki Hidetaka said, he was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "Now I am no longer a student, I am dropping out of school to work."


"Oh, sorry."


   There must be something hidden behind the other party. Doing this on your own will cause him trouble?


   Miyazaki Hidetaka thought a little annoyed.


"what do you do?"


   He changed the subject casually.


   "Handyman but I am very interested in action." The other party said, and gestured to himself.


   Well, it's a kung fu style.


   "Do you know computers?"






   Bahamut told me what is a local tyrant...


   faintly remembered the dancing scenes in the first season with a burst of frames, showing off his skills to an explosion, but unfortunately I can't see Amila in the second season.


   is still a two-in-one that has not been shipped, the soul is stripped or something, it does not exist at all...


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