Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1041: Nintendo's response



   Yamauchi Hakushu turned off the TV recording. X23US. COM update fastest


   This sharp-eyed old man is watching the content of the previous press conference of the Order of the Phoenix.


   "Iwata, what do you think?"


   This is Yamauchi's office, and sitting next to him is Satoshi Iwata.


   "Other aspects are not a problem, but the so-called ‘handle’ is a problem for us."




   This is the handheld that Nintendo will release.


   But how do I put it...


   "This it called an xbox?"


   Yes, that's right, Morinka uses the name xbox.


   Yes, the former xbox, in the hands of Morinya, is regarded as a handheld, Xbox handheld...


   Morinatsu wanted to see what the future Microsoft machines would be called after he took up the name.


   will definitely be fun.


   And it's not completely unreasonable for Morinka to do this. Morinka's handle is called x-, and it is also a box of the "x" series. Why not?


   Morinatsu has almost decided on this side, and basically uses "x" as their label on their side.


   But I am afraid that Morinya would not have thought of what kind of nickname this machine will be adopted by the masses in the future...


  Of course, Yamauchi didn't care about this.


"According to the news we got, the performance of this handheld called xbox is not as good as gba, but they have made specializations for the display effect, so the screen alone may even be better than gba." Iwata said. It is the data collected by myself.


   Yamauchi nodded, but the majestic old man did not speak, but looked at the photos taken from the scene, seeming to be thinking.


   Iwata Satoshi looked at Yamauchi cautiously.


  Originally, this incident was completely tore by Sony and the Order of the Phoenix, while Nintendo was completely playing soy sauce.


   But Nintendo, who is playing soy sauce, did not expect that it would spread to its own side.


  The handheld that suddenly appeared, and the Digimon that cooperated with Bandai, these two products are not aimed at Sony, but Nintendo with soy sauce.


  Nintendo, lying down and shot, naturally wouldn't choose to swallow it easily. Yamauchi was not that kind of person.


   But before that, of course, they have to see what happened. Why did the war suddenly come to Nintendo?


   "If it's just showing the effect, there is no problem." Yamauchi Hakuza spoke.


"Hi," said Iwata Satoshi, "The strategy of the Phoenix Club should be to use chess as a visual handle. The game function does not pay much attention to the contrary. They even sacrificed the game performance for the sake of graphics and battery life. A machine can only support some simple text adventure games at most."


   Pure performance cannot allow a machine to dominate the world. This truth is understood by both Nintendo and Sony.


   But if there is no performance at all, that kind of thing is also undesirable.


   "Remote game, indeed, it is really interesting to let the handheld output the host screen in this way." Yamauchi squinted his eyes and looked at the screen, "have you noticed their handles?"


"Handle? Well, that product is already on sale, it can completely replace the current dc controller, and the effect is really good." Iwata had to admit, "I let employees use this controller to play games, and he reported that even if it takes a whole day , You won’t feel tired at all, and the more you use it, the smoother it gets.”


  Yes, this handle is such a powerful thing. After all, another world line, Microsoft spent hundreds of millions of dollars to develop it.


Satoshi Iwata didn’t know why they used this handle as the first product of the conference, but after using it, Satoshi Iwata realized that after using this handle, there is really a kind of "can’t go back." "It feels like.


It’s like a player who uses a mechanical keyboard and a static capacitor keyboard, it is difficult to return to the era of using membrane keyboards, and it seems that after using a computer that is accustomed to using solid-state hard drives, it will be completely impossible to return to the era of mechanical hard drives. Same as patience.


   After using this x handle, Satoshi Iwata also had a feeling that he "cannot go back".


   The hand feels really good.


"They pay much attention to the user experience." Yamauchi Pu saw through the actions of the Phoenix Club at a glance. "Whether it is the handle or the handheld, the purpose is to improve the player's user experience. This is not for the handheld market, but really Is the'handle'."


   Satoshi Iwata nodded.


  Of course I have done these investigations.


   But I can't say it right now, and I have to pretend to be a good old man.


   Mr. Yamauchi continued: "But the cable really affects the experience. If possible, wireless projection may be their pursuit."


   "Hey, if the handheld and host can be combined into one, this must be the optimal solution."


Iwata thinks that the remote output method of the other party seems to be very good, but this is actually just a compromise solution. If possible, a machine can be held at any time and used at home. This must be the most interesting, right?


   "But that's impossible," Yamauchi said, "but their plan has something to learn from."


   "Then...this machine will not pose a threat to us?" Iwata Satoshi tried to ask.


   "No, a counterattack is still needed, that Digimon, it was our Pokemon from the beginning!" Yamauchi said, "It's a shame that the Order of the Phoenix can convince Bandai and Nangong Meng..."


   Whether or not Digimon is following Pokemon is a matter of different opinions, but Nintendo definitely feels that the other party is following itself, because this will not only create a sense of superiority, but also put itself in a moral advantage.


   "That Tianhai Senxia, ​​seems to belong to Tianhai's family, maybe because of this reason."


   Iwata Satoshi is a Hokkaido native, born in Sapporo, his father is also a mayor of Hokkaido, he certainly knows the "Emperor of the Earth" in Hokkaido.


   "Do you think the Order of the Phoenix is ​​related to them?"


   Iwata Satoshi shook his head: "The influence should be there, but the relationship seems impossible. This is not the style of the Tiankai family..."


   Yamauchi continued, "We must prepare countermeasures."


   "For Bandai?"


   "No, it's the Order of the Phoenix." Yamauchi said, "Maybe they don't intend to confront us head-on, but at this special time, we must not sit and wait. Since they threaten us, we must fight back."


   At this time, the n64 machine is tepid, and the previous VR device has failed. Now Nintendo is at a critical moment of internal and external troubles.


   If you don’t fight back at this time, in the eyes of others, this means that Nintendo is probably no longer good. Anyone can step on two feet. This is not good.


   "You will come back to the head office next year." Yamauchi Habu said again.




   Satoshi Iwata is not currently in Nintendo’s headquarters, but is developing games on the second party, such as the Pokemon Gold and Silver released this year.


   Yamauchi did not continue to speak, but looked at the data in his hand.


   This is the information that the Digimon Adventure game can now collect.


   This game is divided into two parts.


  On the console, this game is a cool adventure game, but on the handheld, this game is a developmental game.


   Players can cultivate their own Digimon and use it as a character in adventure mode.


   This kind of feeling is like the player really cultivated a Digimon and then put it into battle.


   He raised his head and looked at Iwata Satoshi, and then asked, "Our Pokemon, can we make this kind of system?"


   Satoshi Iwata thought for a while, and then said: "It should be possible to modify the agreement slightly."


  Gba can also be connected online, only need to use a special data cable to connect to the machine, and then the two machines can interact.


   Although gba has not been announced yet, in terms of design, they do support four players for leveling. The premise is that the game supports multiplayer mode, and every online player has a game cassette.


   But look at the design of the machine here, the handle is stuck here, and then it is connected through these metal contacts.


On the new game console, there is a place where the handheld can be placed. When the handheld is placed in this area, the metal contacts on the top can exchange data with the machine. This is very convenient, although it increases the cost of 0.8 US dollars. .


   Yamauchi also saw this advantage at a glance: "Just embed the machine directly, and then the screen can be directly switched to handheld mode..."


  X-box handheld, not only can be directly connected to the TV, but also can be connected through dc, and directly switch to handheld mode through dc.


After connecting through this mode, the dc local cpu will interpolate the picture output by the xbox, that is, the picture will be smoothly stretched through a special algorithm, and then operations such as intermediate frames will be added to optimize the picture, so the display The effect can be even greater.


   You must know that simply stretching the screen to display it and relying on interpolation to optimize the screen are two completely different concepts.


"But they don't seem to intend to simply stretch the screen. I have seen the specifications of the handheld and the published technical specifications. If it is expanded through dc, it seems that it has adopted another stretching mode..." Iwata Satoshi I accidentally talked about the technical link, but after seeing that Yamauchi had no objection, he continued, "The other party seems to adjust the picture through a dpi expansion technology."


   The method Satoshi Iwata said here is actually Morinatsu's reference to Apple's future picture stretching technology.


   Of course, it's not that simple.


   To put it simply, Morinka’s technology is not simply stretching the picture, but also dividing the picture into three parts: pictures, vector pictures and text.


The picture will interpolate and stretch the picture, and then directly expand the vector picture and text. In this way, even if it is extended to the TV screen, the text and vector picture can remain clear, instead of being directly stretched into inferior quality image.


   Well, this is how many students who watched anime dramas often complain that the so-called 1080p video is "only the subtitles are 1080p".


   Of course, even if only the subtitles are 1090p, for the player, compared with all blur, at least this look and feel is better.


   However, this mode is only available when connected to dc, and when simply connected to a TV, there will be no such effect because the Xbox handheld does not have such performance at all.


And the more important thing is the algorithm problem. The algorithm is the core and the algorithm is constantly optimized. Mori summer is placed on the dc, and there is still room for maneuver. However, if the handheld itself integrates such an expansion module, the algorithm cannot be changed. , And the most important thing is that Senxia cannot accept it in terms of cost.


   "What did you see?" Yamauchi looked at Satoshi Iwata.


   "...their control of third parties." Satoshi Iwata knew that this was what Yamauchi wanted to ask. After seeing Yamauchi nodding, Iwata let out a sigh of relief. He continued: "This kind of expansion method requires strict technical specifications. If a third party does not follow their method, it will never be possible."


   Yamauchi nodded: "Yes, if we look at the previous events, we can find that the Order of the Phoenix has already assembled a group of third parties before, and that is the so-called ‘Mythril Force’.


   Mythril forces.


   This force that exists because of the Mithril platform is definitely a very powerful geometry.


  Although they are all based on word games, these manufacturers add up, it is absolutely not to be underestimated. You know, elf, a club, has been briefly comparable to Nintendo!


   "Before the appearance of the Order of the Phoenix, these third parties had been honed on the Mithril platform for a long time. The capacity of this network platform is not large, but it has great potential."


   Yamauchi is not very familiar with the Internet, but through this platform, Morinka does gather a group of game manufacturers here, and this fact, Yamauchi has to pay attention.


   "Mythril is indeed a bit troublesome."


   Satoshi Iwata also nodded.


   Especially this time, the Order of the Phoenix also announced the so-called "Green Light Project."


   This green light project is to support independent game producers.


   This solution looks silly to other game manufacturers


  What kind of game can a person perceive?


   The game development cycle of the game is very long, and it is also very troublesome. There is no use for a two-person independent developer.


   But Yamauchi and Iwata don’t think so.


  According to the previous animic's actions, they found that the other party did things very purposefully.


   And the Green Light Project, seemingly useless,? Don’t you know, the Mithril platform was unknown before it appeared!


   And this time, their plans for development must have their purpose.


   But... what is this purpose?


   For Nintendo to fight back, they must figure out their purpose...


  ...A free reader!!

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