Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1045: It is inhumane for you to work overtime like this!

When Naoki came to the office the next day, he was shocked. . Fastest update

Yuto Naoki came to work half an hour earlier. What happened yesterday made him a little embarrassed, so today he wants to make use of the fine overtime tradition of Neon Gold.

However, when Naoki arrived at the office, he saw colleagues who were working silently.


Is it because I misunderstood the working hours?

Isn't this possible?

He looked at the time a little hesitantly. It's 8:30 in the morning, right?


Could it be that I forgot to adjust the time before?

No, right? I have obviously changed the time zone!


A colleague walked in from outside, with a towel and toothbrush in his hand.

When Naoki came here, he also raided Chinese, so knowing that the other party was saying hello, he also said, "Morning."

The pronunciation is not very standard.

After the other party finished speaking, he returned to his position.

Naoki looked around, then punched the clock on the punching machine.

Well, I'm not late.

Then why did everyone come so early?

He hesitated for a while, then sat in his seat, and began to organize the information over there.

After doing a little more work, he turned on his computer.

The computer was carefully modified into a Japanese version.

"Um... the software for programming and modeling is ready..."

Everything that should be prepared in the computer is almost ready.

Yuto Naoki nodded.

It looks pretty good.

He felt a little dry mouth, he came to the water dispenser and drank a glass of water.

Sitting back in position, Naoki was resting while drinking water. He wanted to take a nap.

Thinking about this, Naoki raised his head.

These people are still working.

There is no chat, nor is it boring, but really doing things.

In such a work rhythm, Naoki also subconsciously felt that he should work hard.

It is actually normal for Nihong Shehu to work overtime.


They work overtime, in fact, many times they are working hard.

For example, many mud bombers go to bed late and get up early, and their sleep time may be less than five hours or even shorter.

So, when do these people sleep?

Of course it is a "rest" at work!

Well, I’m at work, not sleeping, just taking a break!

Someone from a big eastern country, when it comes to an interesting plan, it's likely to just do it, but in the mud, one thing may take a long time.

It's like dealing with a nuclear power plant. It's probably a time spent reminiscing about the old, and then can't come up with a plan for a long time, and finally...Finally, the man of the pot comes out to apologize, and the matter is solved!

Well, that's right, the brain circuit of Neon Gold is sometimes so strange. It is because Qianjia sees this thoroughly that she becomes the so-called "non-national".

Although Yuto Naoki didn't have a complete understanding and concept, he almost understood it now.

Lunch is still a box lunch. Since no one goes out to eat, Naoki is naturally not. Neon Gold’s herd mentality is very serious. Even if Naoki wants to eat by himself, when he sees everyone eating boxed lunch together, He would not choose to do that.

And... the braised pork is quite fragrant.

After lunch, I continued to work.

After translating and taking the materials twice, Naoki was a bit unable to keep up with the rhythm. Is his action... so slow?

However, the translation speed is really fast. After the data is processed, it is sent down, and the other side moves faster. The three views of the Agumon have already begun to be drawn. The 3d construction of the Agumon Modulus, it is estimated to be fast too.

In the game of "Digimon Adventure", each Digimon has two images, 3d and 2d. The 3d character image is reflected by the host platform, while 2d will use 2dlive technology, and then use the -bo handheld Launched above.

Morinia is preparing to release some of his technical reserves.

Naoki did not know what was hidden behind him.

He is trying to keep up with the rhythm of this group of people from a certain eastern country.

But he found that how he seemed to chase... it didn't seem to look good.

Obviously, I’m just organizing, but the translator over there is faster than my own...

Continue to work overtime.

Dinner is still a box lunch.

Then continue to work overtime.

If you don't work overtime, you won't be able to keep up with the speed of the people here!

Then, unconsciously, it was 12 o'clock in the morning.

"Mr. Naoki, we are going to order some supper, would you like something to eat?" The translator came to Naoki.

"Ah my supper?"

Naoki was already a little confused.

Most of the time working overtime in the mud bombing is a foreign worker, but working overtime in a big eastern country is all real work!

"Hi, there are fried and boiled downstairs, what are you going to order?"

Yuto Naoki only came back to his senses at this time. He noticed that the office... is still full of people.

"Ah, just like everyone else," he said.

"Well, then I will help you watch the selection."

"Oh, yes, then please Zhang Jun."

The translator's surname is Zhang, at least the people here are called "Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang".

"Hi." The other party responded and went downstairs.

Not long after, I brought a box of deep-fried gluten, feet, eight treasures, yuba knots... all of which sounded strange, but asked for very fragrant food. Besides, there was a bottle of food. Coke.

"Um... it's super delicious, um, how much is it in total?"

"Money? It's only a few dollars, just as my treat. You just came here and you are working hard."

how much?

how much?

Hmm...about one or two hundred yen?

Can you eat so many delicious foods for so little money?

Naoki was shocked.

Deep frying...what is frying? It's so amazing!

After eating deep-fried and drinking iced Coke, everyone started working.

After doing this until two o'clock in the morning, Naoki Yongto was lifted up by the supper, and finally couldn't hold on.

But at this time, he noticed that many people were lying on the ground, covered with blankets, and the information book as pillows, just like that... fell asleep? !

"Zhang Jun, is this?"

"Ah, everyone has been working overtime these days, so I just live here, and the company has air conditioning, which is warmer than the dormitory. It doesn’t matter. My work here is temporarily over. Your information will continue tomorrow. Just tidy up, you just came here, the house hasn't been cleaned up yet?"

"Oh yes, I have to clean up the house."

Borrow the donkey from the slope.

Naoki also put aside his work.

He left the company stiffly, and then went downstairs.

"Fried, water drops...? Is this the Chinese character?"

A small shop.

He walked over.

"Hello there."

He chatted with the other party for a while in bad Chinese, and finally the boss over there seemed to understand that Naoki was not from a certain oriental country, so he took the initiative to speak English.

Then...then they decided to communicate in words.

At least most of the Chinese characters are common, but Chinese English and Japanese English are together... it becomes an indescribable thing.

So at this time, everyone decisively chose text communication.

After spending about fifteen yuan for the soft sister coin, Naoki took two boxes full of deep-fried, and then went back contentedly.

The deep-fried taste is very good, especially the taste of chili. It is just a sacrifice. In fact, it is just ordinary chili sauce, but the taste of neon gold is relatively light.

After the hearty pepper passed, there was another bottle of iced Coke. This feeling was refreshing.

Comfortable! readily!

It's heaven!

The midnight snack of the second meal made Naoki finally regain some energy. After taking a shower, he just fell asleep.

It doesn't matter, I will adapt to the life here soon. These people can't work overtime every day. They are probably angry with themselves, or want to give themselves a slap in the face...

However, what he never expected was that his life continued for a week.

"It is inhumane for you to work overtime like this!"

Naoki finally couldn't bear it.

The people on the opposite side seemed to be incarnations of workaholics, and Naoki felt a heartfelt... fear.

Well, yes, it was a kind of fear, and this fear lingered in Naoki's heart, making him feel trembling all over.

After leaving such a sentence, Naoki Yutofei also fled the office.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, what happened to this neon gold?"

Xiao Xu was originally working on the scene, but after hearing this sentence, he turned his head.

"This neon gold seems to be scared by our overtime momentum," Lao Zhang said.

"Eh, the time is so tight, and the requirements are so high, you can't finish it without overtime." Xiao Xu sighed, "and we must do it well."

"Yeah, it's been like that before, this time we have this opportunity, we don't think we can give up." Another person next to him also walked over.

"Yeah." Lao Zhang nodded, "Shang Yang is already like this, this time we are going to make a stand-over work!"

Shang Yang Electronics is the company that Senxia saw the "Agile Civilization" before, that is, the company that did "Blood Lion" before.

After the appearance of "Blood Lion", they did not get discouraged, but did this "Fire Civilization".

And this game called Agni Civilization was released this year.

This was originally a turnaround.

Profound worldview and exquisite pictures are all very good things.

As far as picture quality is concerned, the Agni Civilization is simply a leader in a major eastern country today. If it can be said that it can be crushed, although it is not good, it is absolutely excellent.

However, the avalanche at the back end of the plot, the long reading time, and the super scumbag touch made this game a tragedy.

How to put it, the heart is too big, but the game is ignored.

Then Shang Yang finally chose to give up.

They gave up the two studios, Moment and Nihuo.

And at this moment, Senxia became a picker.

It’s not just them. In 1999, it happened to be the era of avalanche of many domestic manufacturers. Many excellent game makers were confused about the prospects. In the past few months, Morinya has used the resources here to really supplement. A large wave of fresh blood is also the confidence that Morinya dares to develop the conference.

Of course, behind Senxia’s food is the blood and tears of game developers, piracy and cost, capital and prospects, as well as the social environment, etc., which together created the tragedy of many game developers this year, although domestic games later It will prosper for a while, but it is only a return to the light.

"Eh, it's a pity that Lao Wu doesn't plan to play games anymore." Lao Zhang sighed.

"So we must do it well this time." Xiao Xu said seriously.

"But there is a lot of rework, and our boss is too demanding."

"Animi is the world's largest manufacturer, it is of course to be strict, it is impossible to lose its reputation because of us."

Before Naoki came over, they had already seen some things for Morinka. The information about Digimon Adventure game, some simple information, had already been emailed a batch before, so they followed Those materials did a little bit.

But there is almost only one answer: call back and redo.

Action redo, scene redo, model redo.

All the pictures have to keep improving, all the actions should be smooth and smooth, and all the scenes should be beautiful and interesting.

This is Senxia's request.

The performance of d surpasses the ordinary p of this year. Using the platform of d, but making garbage games, this kind of thing cannot be tolerated.

Moreover, the script for this work was written by Morinya himself, so it is even more difficult to fool around casually.

The previous attempt came back down. This time, they had more detailed information from the mud bomb, and everyone really started to do it seriously.

For this production, they also specially got the Japanese version of the Digimon Adventure animation, watching and studying.

Not only that, they also organized a group of employees to optimize the game specifically to make the screen more excellent and smooth with limited performance.

The optimized code of the optimized code, the optimized model of the optimized model, this game is developed for d-p, so optimization is simpler than p, but this is not an easy task.

"Then what about neon gold, he seems to be unable to keep up with our rhythm." Someone asked again.

"It depends on the am translating the information on his side. Let's make changes while doing it." Lao Zhang said again.

"And that motion capture... This thing is not too the same as the motion we did before." Someone murmured again.

"Look at the difference! If you don't know how to learn! The devil arrogantly said at the beginning that he was an overtime maniac. We are now working overtime to scare this devil away. How can we give up because of this matter? Did that devil make a joke?!"

There are also passionate young people in the team.

"Then let's continue, at least to make some decent results years ago!"



To tell the truth, some of the outdoor scenes of Agni Civilization are really good. It was the first time I watched other people play. The feeling of seeing the city was really shocking.

I'm busy with work, ahem...

Two in one, meow~

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