Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1052: Jay Chou and the Fairy Sword

Zhou Jiegun was called to Angkor's office today. . Fastest update


The young Jay Chou shouted.

"You are here."

Angkor nodded, then handed the thing in his hand to Jay Chou here, and then said, "Look at this."

After signing with the firm of Nihong, Jay Chou officially changed his job to become a singer.

Well, that office, which is where Nana is now, belongs to animi.

However, Senxia had discussed with Angkor at the beginning. Jay’s training was entrusted to Angkor, and the business center will be focused on the mainland.

The mainland is a relative concept. For a port, the name over there should be the mainland, for Duiwan, it is the mainland, and for the mud bomb, it is a certain eastern country.

This statement is obvious in the official sense, although everyone is using it indiscriminately in private.

After Angkor confirmed with that side, he understood Senxia's plan and they seemed to really want to run Jay Chou to develop in the mainland.

Not a certain port, but the entire continent on the other side.

Although Angkor was puzzled, he still agreed for the sake of money and connections, and he was very serious about getting Jay Chou to start singing training and learning.

After all, there are mud bombing channels over there.

The size of Dayan Bay is very small, so the very prosperous celebrities here will go to Mudbang or a certain port next door, or the mainland for development.

For example, Miss Teresa Teng, she used to have a strong reputation in the mud bomb, but unfortunately she has passed away...

Angkor didn't understand why the other party did this at first.

Because not long before this, the song written by Jay Chou for a certain Hong Kong star was ignored by others.

At that time, it was probably the most lost time for Jay Chou.

At this time I found Jay Chou, then signed Jay Chou, and then asked him to develop...

Angkor feels very subtle.

The young Jay Chou took the information from the other party and began to read it, and Angkor was thinking about it.

Because the neon gold, which is said to have the blood of a compatriot, is also very strange.

Don't spread gossips, keep your body clean, don't gossip, and be serious.

It can publicize how powerful Jay Chou's voice is, but he can't let Jay Chou have those mixed gossip news.

After their debut, the stars here usually have trouble.

Uh, it's not making big news, but their firm, company, or broker is making trouble.

For example, there are some unnecessary scandals with other stars, such as going to an entertainment show and being teased, or torn and forced.

And Senxia’s requirement is "Go to the show to broaden your horizons and entertain, but you are never allowed to fool around, let alone those third-rate shows that talk about pornography."

Very delicate request.

Then, Angkor asked Dong Chou to release a few songs.

If you ask over there, just ask, let’s look at Jay Chou’s own situation first, let’s make a record!


Then Angkor discovered what is called "wisdom eye".

"Xing Qing", "Lovely Woman", "Perfectionism"...

Each song is composed by Jay Chou himself.

Then, each song is a classic.

His album is scheduled to be released at the beginning of the year.

"To fire" This is Angkor's judgment of Jay Chou.

Then he felt a little sorry.

If you take advantage of the release of the album and wait for Jay Chou to gain some popularity, and then ask him to engage in some scandals and other shows, then Jay Chou will definitely be popular!

It won't be hot without hype.

Even celebrities must be hyped.

But... but this is obviously not possible now!

With the cooperation with Angkor over there, Angkor can also get the money, but Angkor regrets it now. If he does not have the money, it does not take three years, and he can make Jay Chou fire up.

But after thinking about it, Angkor seemed to understand something.

That boy named Xia Sen... No, it should be the boss of Sen Xia, he intends to let Jay Chou go to the mainland to develop.

On the mainland, if you want to take a more formal route, then naturally there should be no need for scandals.

Even for such an artist, the scandal is absolutely a side effect.

Yes, side effects.

Not only that, but also can't let Jay Chou make any strange remarks, otherwise it will be dug out, and it is also very subtle. This is very clear.

After all, Jay Chou, another world line, can be hacked into a traitor.

As for Senxia's office... well, it was also connected to a certain eastern country, and there is actually no major flaw here.

The key is Zhou Dong himself.

Strict self-discipline is necessary, at least on the surface.

After figuring this out, Angkor's training of Jay Chou changed some directions, so that he should not get close to certain artists with a certain tendency. Although Jay Chou is still unknown, the warning is still needed.

"Boss Xia's heart is so big..."

This is the sigh of Angkor.

"I'm finished."

By this time, Jay Chou had already read what he had.

The young Jay Chou put the file back on the desk, and then stood there.

Still a little young!

Jay Chou, who had a broken pattern, caused Angkor's emotion.

"How do you feel?" Angkor asked.

"...A terrific story."

Yes, what is placed in front of Jay Chou is a story outline.

Yes, that's the outline of the story from Fairy Sword.

"and then?"

"Then...the character is also very powerful."


The corners of Angkor's mouth twitched.

What is this feeling!

He shook his head, and then said: "Seeing such a story, can you write a theme song?"


Jay Chou froze for a moment, then...

Then he shook his head.

"Can't write it?" Angkor couldn't laugh or cry.

" takes time, it's hard to do all of a sudden." Jay Chou said after thinking about it.

Well, just do it.

At this time, Angkor explained to Zhou Dong: "This is a task assigned to you by Mr. Xia. He wants you to write a Chinese, national and wind song."

Although Jay Chou wrote 10 songs, what do you want to say about the style of a certain oriental country...

This is really difficult.

Because of this style, it feels very subtle and requires precipitation and heritage.

But... Jay Chou is a young man.

At first, Angkor felt that the conditions given over there were foolishness.

But after thinking about it, he felt that since Jay Chou has such potential, it doesn't hurt to do it first. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter much later, it's life experience.

Angkor didn't know that Jay Chou would write a song like Dongfengpo in the future.

"East Wind Broken" is not the pinnacle of Jay Chou, but this song is definitely Jay Chou's song...No, it should be a very meaningful work in the entire Chinese music scene.

Dongfengpo is a song of Chinese style.

A piece of Dongfengpo is like "Who is playing a piece of Dongfengpo with a pipa" as the lyrics said, and it strikes the soul of a certain oriental man.

The so-called "national style" and "ancient style" have also gradually emerged from this time, and there have been combinations such as twelve bands later.

After that, songs of a thousand miles away and so on at the peak level showed Jay Chou's ability to control and control music to the fullest.

"This work is called Xianjian, and the work you see is a biography of Xianjian."

"Oh, that very popular game."

Jay Chou is not someone who doesn't understand computers, so he understood immediately.

"Have you played?"

"No clearance."

"Clear the customs, and then combine this story to write a theme song." Angkor said, "When can it be done?"

"At least one week."

Angkor was shocked.

He originally thought that the other party was going to talk for a month or something, but now he talks for a week?

"Um... well, that's right, show me this before New Year's Day."

Angkor simply ordered Jay Chou.

"it is good."

Jay Chou nodded.

Then he stood there again.

"... Let's have a meal together." Angkor looked at the time and found that it was noon, so he simply took Jay Chou to eat first.

The two went to the frequently visited restaurant together, and then sat in the box.

"How about, communicate with those little muddy girls."

The little girl Angkor was talking about was Nana and Ayana.

Qianjia was still trying to persuade Rena to join the group, but Rena said that he would wait for the exam, so Qianka asked Nana and Ayana to cooperate first.

And Jay Chou was in contact with them recently, and Moriha had the brains for Jay Chou to write songs for Nana.

Well, I can't stop thinking of Nana singing a song written by Jay Chou, and the feeling of "Engblow Siting" in Morika's heart.

Morinia just likes to make trouble.

In any case, it is fun to be able to do things.

"Fortunately." Zhou Dong was a little embarrassed.

What is it?

Angkor shook his head: "You can communicate with others!"

"Well, I teach them Mandarin." Zhou Dong is very straightforward.

"..." Angkor felt a little pain in his head. He felt that as a senior, it was necessary to teach Jay Chou some life experience, "Communication and connections are very important, and things here must be done well. Your boss is backed. It's very big. People want to cultivate you sincerely. If you have a good relationship with you, the road will be smoother in the future. I have also heard the song that the little girl named Nana sang. Although it is a song for cartoons, It’s really nice to listen to, and the singing skills are there, it’s worth talking about. And maybe there is a romance..."

"Everyone has someone they like." Jay Chou said inexplicably, "And didn't Angkor say that there can be no scandal?"

"I'll give you an example! It's not impossible to really fall in love!" Angkor knew that during this period of time, Jay Chou was under a lot of pressure, and there was really no time to care about other things around him, so he was patient. Said, "People are very important. Normal communication is always possible."

Morinka has only one requirement for love here, that is, "Dating for the purpose of not getting married is all hooligans." Isn't it allowed to "play casually" here, but if you really want to talk about love, or Allowed.

Angkor is very concerned about Jay Chou's affairs. The better Jay Chou develops, the wider his development path will be.

He continued: "You are all singers. It is necessary to better understand each other. By the way, after the New Year's Day, I will see if there is time to take you to the mainland. You need more information over there. Understand, you will need to develop there in the future."

"Oh." Jay Chou nodded.

After ordering the food, the two began to wait for it.

Angkor asked again at this time: "By the way, are you interested in making movies?"

It was also an idea of ​​Angkor to let Jay Chou make a movie.

Angkor used to chat with Mori on the phone before, and the two talked about the movie.

At that time, Angkor felt that Jay Chou might also be able to develop here.

Now that I have met with Jay Chou, Angkor naturally asked about this matter.

It's just that, after experiencing what happened just now, Angkor felt that Jay Chou was going to make a movie here... it seemed that there were some unreliable things.

In this regard, Jay Chou, who has always been a little dull, raised his head: "I'm interested."

Angkor nodded, then figured it out in his mind.

On another world line, Jay Chou actually made more than one movie.

Including unspeakable secrets, full of chrysanthemum armors all over the city... Oh, it's the golden armor.

But how to put it, these films are a little bit subtle.

Later, Jay Chou developed a little bit, although because of his fame, the popularity of those films is not bad, but as far as the film itself is concerned...that's it.

Later, Zhou Dong simply gave up the idea of ​​filming.

When Moriha discussed with Angkor, he mentioned the issue of movies.

But it was not Senxia who talked about this first, but Angkor here.

Mori Xia originally wanted to deny that Jay Chou was allowed to shoot movies, but later, Mori Xia felt that there was no need to discourage people's enthusiasm and deny a person's talents, which would be very harmful to people.

Therefore, Morinia simply does not comment on this.

And... maybe Jay Chou of this world line knows how to make movies, maybe?

For example, Miyazaki Hidetaka on this world line is completely the "power-enhanced version" of another world line. Maybe Jay Chou here is also the so-called "deluxe version" and "gold version"?

Angkor nodded after hearing Jay Chou's meaning.

"But filming is not a simple matter. It takes a lot of time to learn."

Angkor said.

"Huh?" Dong Chou stunned and then said, "Then I still don't want to make movies."

"Why?" Angkor was a little strange.

Wasn't he very interested before?

Why is it suddenly like this now?

"I don't have time, I'm studying music."

The album is about to go on sale, but Jay Chou feels his own shortcomings, especially now that he has come into contact with this thing in front of him, he is still not sure about this style, so he thinks that he may not have the spare energy to do other things. Something...


For characters that are more well-known, respectable, and unspeakable, I use pseudonyms and pronouns, anyway, everyone knows...

Today's morals.

Meow meow meow.

Rush to the street...

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