Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1119: The visiting group and Yuzao Bodhisattva (heavy fog)

Although Mori Xia made up his mind to write a novel well.

But it turns out that the more the flag is raised, the more difficult it is to achieve the goal.

On the second day, that is, on Sunday, Morinka paddled again...

To be precise, using the word "strike" is somewhat inaccurate.

Senxia went to receive Wang Qiwen.

Wang Qiwen brought a delegation of young entrepreneurs from a big eastern country to come here. Well, it was Wang Qiwen who paid for it and invited it in the name of Japan.

Now is the last day of the honeymoon period between the two countries, so everyone is pretty friendly at this time, but what the future holds is hard to say.

Senxia and Wang Qiwen weren't here to receive the delegation. They had official contacts. Wang Qiwen mainly brought the family members of those entrepreneurs over to eat, drink and have fun.

The young Zhu Wenbo followed his uncle and stepped into this country.

For the first impression of Hong, Zhu Wenbo felt that it was "clean." This place feels very clean, which is completely different from a big eastern country that is dirty everywhere.

"When will my country become so clean?"

Zhu Wenbo, full of family and country feelings, after seeing the clean mud bomb, Zhu Wenbo thought of his country.

He is a top student who graduated from a prestigious school. In this year, the gold content of college students is still very high. Of course, Zhu Wenbo also has real talents.

But I have to say that he was the first time the big girl went to the sedan chair.

Although he did not understand what these people were talking about, Zhu Wenbo still felt a very comfortable feeling. The air here is fresh, the ground is clean, there are buildings everywhere, and modern cities are everywhere.

Some people may not believe it, but before the 2011 earthquake pierced the mud bombing tiger skin, in the eyes of the vast majority of the people in a large eastern country, mud bombing was powerful and invincible. Various modern warfare novels also included mud bombs. Boom became the ultimate BOSS.

But after this...hehe.

Not to mention the ultimate BOSS. In the hearts of the people of a certain oriental country, the status of the mud bomb has plummeted. Even the middle-level BOSS is not even considered as the middle-level BOSS.

What, you said that the author who often typoes "ultimate" as "intermediate"?

No, no, because at that time, in the novels of a certain eastern country, the ultimate bosses were all aliens...

But that is some time in the future.

And judging from the situation at this moment, everyone actually still thinks that the mud bomb is "invincible".

In fact, until 2010, most of the novels of a certain eastern country required golden thigh-level gold fingers to defeat the mud bomb. In this way, many readers think that the author's kingly heart is too great.

This is the difference of the times.

The mud bomb of this era is still the world's second largest economy, and it is an existence that people in a certain eastern country admire very much.

Although Zhu Wenbo was brought here by his uncle, he did not go to see those new things like others.

He cared more about the bustling cars on the neon street, and more about the computers placed in the shop.

This year, even the most developed imperial and magical capitals of a certain eastern country, perhaps they are not as prosperous as Tokyo combined?

The bustling crowd wore all kinds of clothes. Although some people in the group thought this was offensive, in Zhu Wenbo's view, this just illustrates the youth and vitality of this city.

Not only the urban area, but even the suburbs, Zhu Wenbo has already arrived at the "Musashino area" that is said to be the suburbs, but even here it is still very powerful, and there are single-family houses everywhere. It looks like a villa, it's really outstanding.

"Little Zhu, what are you still looking at? Come and worship in the temple. It is said that the **** here is the thief spirit!"

Before Zhu Wenbo finished his appreciation, an aunt greeted Zhu Wenbo.

"Auntie, this is not a temple, it is a shrine." Zhu Wenbo couldn't laugh or cry. "This place is called Tamamo Shrine, and it is a shrine dedicated to Tamamo."

"Yes, come and worship now, the statue of Yuzao Bodhisattva is in front."

The **** he meows Yuzao Bodhisattva!

They are nine-tailed foxes!

Although Zhu Wenbo does not speak Japanese, he does not have a complete understanding of the culture of mud bombing.

There is a nine-tailed fox in front of Tamamo. Yes, according to the history of neon.

But if Zhu Wenbo tells these grandpas and aunts that "Daji" is enshrined here, his subsequent journey is probably not so good.


Zhu Wenbo walked to the promenade of the shrine, here is an introduction to the history of Tamamo.

Not only Japanese, but also Chinese and English.


However, at this time, Zhu Wenbo discovered that the identity of Tamazou before this Tamamo Shrine seemed to be different from what he knew.

According to the textual research here, Yuzaoqian seems to be a profile of Amaterasu Daimatsu, and the body is a white-faced golden nine-tailed fox. And here is also an introduction to some of the history of a certain eastern country.

At this time, Zhu Wenbo discovered that the nine-tailed fox was actually auspicious in the early stage of the history of a certain eastern country!

"Neon people are really serious, even this kind of thing has been tested, it is really terrifying! Terrifying!"

This is an explanatory textual evidence that complements the literature and photos. This kind of thing that originated in a certain eastern country has been so concealed by the neon gold textual research, it is really shameful!

Zhu Wenbo sighed.

"Source 2? Any other words?"

Zhu Wenbo saw another statement behind the shrine, but this statement is a bit simpler, but it is also justified. According to this statement, Yuzao can test the nine-tailed fox before, and the nine-tailed fox can test the ground vein. , Finally traced back to the origin of Pangu...

"It's justified, convincing..."

Zhu Wenbo admired.

"Uh... this gentleman, do you have a good understanding of Tamamo's history?"

Zhu Wenbo raised his head and found a long-haired boy looking at him.

He remembered that the other party was one of the neon golds who were in charge of receiving them, but he said he had the blood of a certain oriental country, and his Chinese name was Xia Sen.

Oh, yes, it's the high school student who caused a big sensation on TV last year!

Zhu Wenbo nodded. He said: "It is clear that the nine-tailed fox originated in our certain oriental country, but no one in our place has studied this kind of thing, and the neon gold is actually able to prove such a history. Amazing!"

"..." The boy on the opposite side looked a little weird. Is it uncomfortable?

What Zhu Wenbo didn't know was that Senxia was already holding back as much as possible at this time.

No way, the history here is really just talking about it.

No matter what Amaterasu Great God, or what Pangu source, it is a painful thing that Senxia made before.

But these things are on fire.

As a result, this place is not only Neon Gold here for New Year’s holidays. There are also many foreigners who make a special trip to see the shrine and Tamamo. Musashino also makes Tamamo Shrine its own tourist business card. Don’t say, they are really There is reason and evidence, after all, a "killing stone" was really enshrined here.

Although Senxia thinks that this killing stone may be just an ordinary stone moved anywhere on the ground, other people obviously don't think so.

Senxia originally thought that the deal was done, and that this kind of thing would just be fine.

However, in such a place, he still feels... super embarrassing.

Especially when those aunts were earnestly paying respects to the big figure in front of Tamazou in the "Xingyue FGO", Morinka felt that her whole person seemed to be distorted.

"Mr. Xia Sen, are you okay?" Zhu Wenbo noticed Sen Xia's weird face.

"Sorry, I'm a little upset, I'm missing company first..." Senxia waved her hand and ran away quickly.

Watching Morinya leave, Zhu Wenbo here turned his head and walked towards Tamamo Shrine.

"Hey, this is the statue in front of Yuzao?!"

To be precise, it was not a statue, but it was indeed a "deity" in front of Tamamo.

When entering the shrine and seeing the true face of Yuzao, Zhu Wenbo felt like he was a little...liked this idol?

"It's really neon gold. The statues in our country look terrifying one by one, but this Yuzao Qian is so cute..."

Zhu Wenbo has also traveled everywhere in China, but in Zhu Wenbo's view, those statues simply can't keep up with the aesthetics of modern people.

Especially when he saw the statue inside at the Daxiong Hall, there was a thunderstorm outside, and he almost peeed at the time!

But now it seems that Neon Gold should be the real "deity"!

"No wonder King Zhou will fall in love with Nvwa's statue. If Nvwa's statue is such a beautiful statue, then I would like it too..."

Really terrifying! Horrible!

Zhu Wenbo admired.

It's a pity that Zhu Wenbo didn't know that there was a word called "Meng", otherwise, he would definitely use this word to describe his feelings now.

"Amitabha, bless the goddess..." Beside Zhu Wenbo, a few aunts were pulling the ignorant bear children before paying homage to Yuzao, while on the other side, a few local tourists were also paying homage.

Originally, Zhu Wenbo was a non-superstitious person, but after seeing the statue of Yuzao Daming God, Zhu Wenbo bowed his head piously.

Learn the neon gold posture to worship, and finally pray for blessings. Although it can't be said to be perfect, at least I learned the way.


On the other side, Morika finally adjusted her mentality and walked into the shrine.

But as soon as I came in, I saw Zhu Wenbo and a lot of uncles and aunts before meeting Yuzao, and when they shouted "Amitabha Buddha" in their mouths, Morika's expression became distorted again... Your feelings are here to cross this Nine Tails Miss Fox?


Senxia came outside again to breathe.


As soon as he came out, Wang Qiwen walked over, and he also looked surprised.

"This shrine is really amazing. Your neon gold research is really fucking!" Wang Qiwen gave a thumbs up, "Which is like our country, specializing in historical inventors, holding things that don't know where they come from? Talk about how despicable our ancestors were..."

Sorry, actually I am also a young historical inventor...

Senxia felt that her expression was not enough today.

At this moment, Senxia suddenly felt that if she stayed at home and wrote a novel today, it would probably be better than coming out to receive this "tourism group" today?

No more, I really can't do it!

But no matter what Morinata thinks, everyone seems to think this place is very powerful, especially for the waiting skill... Oh, it is to express their admiration for the **** in front of Tamamo.

In a large oriental country, how can there be temples that make such elaborate statues?

If the eyes are not too big, this statue will look like a real person!

Of course, these uncles and aunts who are discussing do not know that if they are really made into completely human beings, then this idol in front of Yuzao will probably enter the bottom of the "Terror Valley". The closer to the existence of human beings, the more it will be. Let people like it, but when it exceeds a certain limit, the closer it is to humans, the more fearful it will make people feel. This is the uncanny valley.

The "cartoon" shape of Yuzaoqian makes people love Yuzaoqian. This is the most important thing, but once Yuzaoqian is completely personified, it will be really scary...

Senxia's unintentional insertion of willows happened to be stuck on a very perfect line. Although Morinka feels all kinds of pain and distortion, it is undeniable that he really created a very powerful shrine.

If Morinka takes the responsibility of changing the world line as its own responsibility, then this kind of "historical invention" that has changed history and mythology must be ranked in the top three among all things Morinka does.

The only price for doing this is that Morinha's embarrassing cancer almost broke out.

After dumping Wang Qiwen Senxia came to the room to rest. He decided not to leave until everyone had visited the place, otherwise he would really be embarrassed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

She covered her face and made a distorted sound, Morinya felt her whole body hurt and uncomfortable.

It’s no wonder that Mori Xia is so painful, because he looked at the revenue and visitor volume of Tamamo Shrine before. After the change from Toba Shrine to Tamamo Shrine, the daily passenger flow of this place has tripled, and the tourist reception The number has doubled tenfold. From the past, there were almost no foreign and foreign tourists, and it has become a tourist attraction... This mood is really subtle...


The author came into contact with the Internet in 2004, and started writing in 2006. In 2009, he really contributed to Dianniang. At that time, the mud bomb was really the ultimate BOSS-level existence. A few million words would say how the protagonist had a golden thigh. Boom, but now, you can only say "hehe". In this era, whoever regards Mud Boom as the ultimate BOSS will really be laughed off...

Two in one, meow meow~

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