Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1128: Nintendo's analysis

Yamauchi Pu and Iwata Satoshi were sitting in Yamauchi's office at this time, and at this time, two game consoles were placed in front of them.

One is an xbox game console, and the other is a prototype of gba.

"Our gba is much better than this Xbox handheld in performance. There is no doubt." Satoshi Iwata was talking about their conclusions, "We tested the Xbox, and this machine is specialized in game performance. The two-dimensional display effect-mainly the color aspect, in addition, the sound aspect is also enhanced, but the performance of the game itself is not as good as ours, and this machine is larger and heavier than our gba, which is not suitable for carrying around. "

The graphics interpretation logic in xbox follows the logic of the Ark engine. When used for two-dimensional text games, the effect is very good, but it is only that.

"But their cost is low! Very low!" Yamauchi Pu frowned.

Hearing what Mr. Yamauchi said, Satoshi Iwata was also a little speechless.

This is indeed the case.

The other side's production is all done in a large eastern country, and the cost is very low. And they still have a lot of devices that are almost stuck in the embargoed line. Although the performance may not be as good as the accessories in the gba, the performance of the xbox itself is not very high, so it has no effect. .

"This machine will not affect our sales. According to our investigation, the vast majority of people who play this machine are used to play text adventure games."

There are hundreds of games after a handheld device is released. This kind of thing is actually very explosive.

When Satoshi Iwata heard the news at first, he was almost surprised.

Did I go to the wrong world line? Did Nintendo pills?

its not right!

Investigating again, Iwata let out a sigh of relief.

It turns out that these games are word games.

There are many manufacturers that develop handheld games for Xbox, and they are all well-known. They have a name in the industry, that is, "Mythril Force".

But the Mithril forces and Nintendo are in fact an irreconcilable relationship.

Because he started as a little butter, and the target users of Lao Ren are healthy children.

Moreover, many of these hundreds of games are tricky.

For example, many games are sold in digital or burned versions, or they are in collections.

What does it mean

It turned out that there are two types of xbox sales, one is the direct sale of game cassettes, and the other is the sale of CDs with game content.

The latter is combined with a burner-as long as the money for a cassette-can burn the content of the game into a dedicated recording cassette.

This burned version is also called the cheap version. It uses a small 8cm disc with a storage capacity of 200 megabytes, but it is more than enough.

And what if someone doesn’t even want to buy this cheap version?

Don't worry, the Order of the Phoenix provides you with a digital version, as long as you use the Mithril point card, you can buy and buy, and there are discount promotions!

-30% Did you see it?

Not hurry up to buy, buy, buy

"The strategy they used is that we used Nintendo, but they succeeded, but we failed." Yamauchi Pu's face was not very good. "FC has also provided cheap flashing cassettes, but it has not succeeded at all. "

More than ten years ago, when Nintendo was developing the red and white phones, it did provide special functions for the red and white phones-that is, cheap cassettes.

After the player has finished playing the game, he can take his cassette to the store and burn another game, and this-only costs 500 yen.

However, they failed, and this service was only a short-lived, and then passed with history.

"——Because they have a carrier." Satoshi Iwata said, "The game burning strategy we provide on the red and white machines is to let players bring the cassette to our store, and then burn the game for the players. This feeling is the same as renting a game for 500 yen."

This kind of rental game feel, I am afraid that not many people like it.

Because the Order of the Phoenix and Nintendo do not have a strong conflict, Iwata Satoshi and Yamauchi Pu can still calmly analyze at this time: "But the Order of the Phoenix is ​​different. The Order of the Phoenix provides a cheap version, which allows players to own the game. The concept is different from our red and white machine."

The old man in Yamauchi was silent. After a while, he highlighted a word: "The problem of piracy."

Yes, everyone can circulate the game at any time, so the piracy rate will not be low, right?

"Hey, we also investigated this issue, but based on the situation, the other party does not seem to care about this. On the contrary, they seem to value the penetration rate of the machine more. And according to our questionnaire, players are not willing to buy expensive Game, but they are willing to buy a cheap version." Speaking of this question, the expression on Satoshi Iwata's face is a bit subtle.

Speaking of which, this matter is also very painful.

In other words, the cause of the whole thing is because Neon Gold is so painful.

One feature of Neon Gold is that they rarely play foreign games, most of the time they only play games from their own country.

And at this time, the game manufacturers in the mud bomb have also noticed this.

No matter how cheap the games of foreign game manufacturers are, Neon Gold is reluctant to play. On the contrary, although the prices of domestic games are high, they are willing to play.

Then... then there is no more.

As we all know, the prices of games from mud bombing game manufacturers are ridiculously expensive, not only for foreign countries, but also for domestic.

One of the advantages of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​that they are a domestic game manufacturer.

The cassette version of the game also sells for the same price, but for the cheap version, the price is cheaper.

Of course, it's not much cheaper, it's only one-third to one-half cheaper.

But the mud bomb people just eat this set!

They see that the game is so cheap and has a good reputation, so why not buy it!

What's more, the archives of these games can also be uploaded to the network via dc-p to save, claiming that they will never be lost, which is really wonderful!

"And they put a lot of effort on the Internet system," Satoshi Iwata was puzzled by this. "They expanded the game to the extent that everyone can communicate with each other and play games wherever they are..."

What Satoshi Iwata is talking about here is not just about xbox, but about dc-p in the Order of the Phoenix.

"If the game is not played face-to-face, it is meaningless!" Yamauchi interrupted Iwata Satoshi's explanation in one breath, "They are evil, we don't care about it!"

"Hi." Satoshi Iwata nodded.

"They are now allowing the game to spread freely, in fact, for the sake of their share, expand the share, and they will be able to win-because their games and consoles are cost-free!"

Well, many games on xbox, especially word games, are just fried rice. Take the games from other platforms and repack them, or reset them with the Ark engine, and things will be done, and this transplantation process, There is also extraterrestrial technology that provides technical support, and everything is of course pretty good.

However, games native to

Yes, none of them.

Games such as Snake, Zuma, and Bejeweled are available in dc-p versions.

"Their positioning is to treat xbox as an accessory to dc-p. We have to analyze the reasons for the popularity of xbox, but don't think about the connection between this machine and the home machine. For us, this is putting the cart before the horse!"


At this time, the old man in Yamauchi could still see clearly.

That's right, as he said, the goal of Moriha's tricks is to gain market share. This trick was learned when Moriha and Juhe were promoting the windows system.

When the giant hardware promoted his operating system, it was to indulge in the rampant piracy at first, and then use the market share to clear all the enemies in the market.

At this time, everyone grew up with a huge hard operating system, their environment has naturally adapted, and of course companies have begun to use huge hard systems.

The giants will end at this time, and then find those big heads, one by one, door-to-door collection of "protection fees."

And just as Mr. Yamauchi said, the xbox on Morinka's side with dc-p has a stronger flavor, and as a game console, I have never thought about special design and planning-at least, in Morinka It was like this before entering Dongda.

Nintendo plans to launch a handheld computer called "gba" to replace the now aging gb and gbc.

When Xbox came out, gba was almost finalized. At that time, Xbox hadn't been considered by Nintendo.

But now, the situation has changed a bit.

Because the sales volume of this machine has exceeded 500,000 shipments in just one month, and it is still rising.

As a "game machine" that does not fully belong to its own game characteristics, it is really rare that this machine can be bought to such an extent.

Therefore, at this time, Nintendo must study this "friend" who has developed a machine similar to that of them, but whose market positioning is ineffective.

At this time Satoshi Iwata also fell into thinking.

There are actually two reasons why xbox is so popular.

One is that the xbox can input the dc-p screen and use it as a visual handle.

The other is that xbox can display its content on the TV through dc projection.

And after optimization, the picture displayed on the TV is unexpectedly good. For now, many people have chosen to buy xbox games and then play them instead of high-priced games on dc-p.

Not only Nintendo will not do this kind of thing, Sony will not do it, and the original Sega will not be wrong.

Only Senxia will do it purely for "making the world more interesting".

And it turns out that Senxia did a pretty good job in this funny comparison.

But for Nintendo, these have no reference value.

The non-replicability is too great.

However, Nintendo must also pay attention to each other.

Although everyone is not the enemy now, but afterwards...that's hard to say.

Because Nintendo also has its own new console plan.

In the face of this plan, whether it is Sony or the Order of the Phoenix, they are all enemies of Nintendo.

"I remember they bought the copyright of the game called Snake"

Yamauchi asked again.

Iwata was shocked.

The old man actually noticed this kind of thing

He thought about it, and then said, "Yes, they did."

On the other world line, everyone remembers snakes, and I am afraid they will think of a subtle thing-Nokia mobile phones.

With the emergence of Nokia mobile phones, there is a game, a game that has taken the world by storm: Snake.

But in fact, Snake is not developed by Nokia.

As early as 1976, a game manufacturer from Beacon Country launched a classic arcade game blockade.

In this game, two players control a character to move on the screen, and then they can build a fence wherever they pass.

The rules are complicated to say, but in fact, two greedy snakes that grow up every step of the way will be finished. In the future Internet era, there will be people who have made similar games, but it is not two There are "snakes", but a dozen snakes.

But if I insist, the snake game "snake" developed by Nokia is the real snake, because this game is the game that defines the existence of "snake".

Morinia naturally wanted to assemble such a game, but before that, in order to prevent copyright problems, Morinia simply took away the copyright of similar games one step in advance.

"This game... can be controlled with one hand," Yamauchi said suddenly, "Their ambition... is a game console that can be controlled with one hand!"


Satoshi Iwata was also stunned.

One-handed game

But that is impossible!

Due to the configuration of the handheld, it is impossible to achieve one-handed ~ unless the game performance is completely unnecessary!

But what is the point of such a game?

"But this is indeed a direction. If human hands are not restricted due to posture, such a game machine must be the best game machine." Yamauchi Pu said.

"The Order of the Phoenix..."

"...Don't worry about it for the time being, just figure out what they want to do and what they enlighten us, our enemy... is Sony!"


It's just that these two people don't know yet, Morinia over there is at the door of a professor of East University at this time.

"Hello Professor Matsuda, I heard that your research is in the field of brain science. I don't know what you think of video games."

In front of the other party, there is an unknown professor, and in another world line, the other party has nothing to do.

But for Senxia, ​​the identity of the other party is the most important.

Yes, what Senxia needs is only the identity of the other party.

"Professor Matsuda, do you think there is a connection between brain science and video games?"

Morinka said, and handed an envelope to the other party with a pile of Natsume Soseki inside.


Guess what Senxia wants to do~


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