Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1129: Middle-aged and elderly friends

Matsuda Kiyohira is a professor at East University.

And those who appeared in front of Kiyoshi Matsuda were freshmen who just entered school this year.

But Matsuda Kiyohira knew another identity of the other party.

"We in the Order of the Phoenix can sponsor your research. Do you want to make progress in the field of brain science?" Morinya looked at each other with a smile.

Matsuda Kiyohira also looked at Morinka, but his eyes that always looked at the pile of Fukuzawa Yukichi over here had already betrayed his heart.

No way. As a middle-aged man in his fifties, he always needs to earn some money to subsidize his family, isn't it?

At this time, Morinka really wanted to complain about why you didn't call Matsuda Jinping or something, but after all, he didn't complain.

"But I don't have much research on games..."

Even so, Matsuda Kiyohira had already conceived it in his head at this time.

Games can make people happy, games can resist depression, games can make people positive...

Anyway, as long as you can break, you can choose to give up the morals!

"It doesn't matter, Professor Matsudaira, what you are studying is brain science for middle-aged and elderly people."

"Hi." Matsuda Jinpei...No, Matsuda Kiyohira was a little stunned.

How can you talk about this?

Do you want to sell games to middle-aged and elderly people?

But Senxia smiled and said: "I remember you wrote an article about Mahjong's health care and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, right?"

Hearing Morinatsu's words, Matsuda Kiyohira understood: This man really wants to sell the game to middle-aged and elderly people!

"Hi, yes."

Is it to promote online Mahjong?

"I think this research is very good." Morinka said with a smile, "Why did Professor Matsuda think of doing such a research?"

Matsuda's eyes lit up, and he immediately knew what Senxia wanted the answer.

So he said at this moment: “That’s right. The reason why I did this research is because my mother likes playing mahjong. Then I found out that between my mother and her poker friends, people with symptoms of Alzheimer’s It will be less than that of the general population. Afterwards, after my investigation, I found that the probability of all middle-aged and elderly people playing cards with dementia is generally delayed or less than other middle-aged and elderly people.

It is true that Matsuda Kiyohira wrote such a paper, but what he is talking about now is "data investigation"... Well, it's silly.

Isn't that all neon gold?

Anyway, as long as no one finds out, this is the correct data for me!

Besides, it doesn't matter even if someone finds it out. I can say that it is a sample error. Even if it is thoroughly exposed, then you only need to apologize sincerely. You will definitely forgive me!

"Well, take a look at this investigation." Senxia did not respond, but threw an investigation report to Matsuda Kiyhei.

Matsuda took the report and then glanced at it.

Then he was stunned.

Damn it, this is... actually the real data!

Matsuda Kiyohira is knowledgeable.

Although his data investigation is falsified, he is not completely without professional knowledge or something.

So after reading this data survey report, he found that it was really close to the paper he wrote before.

"What do you think of the professor?" Senxia asked with a smile.


Kiyohira Matsuda swallowed his saliva, and then quickly nodded: "Of course! Yes! This data is perfect!"

With this data, you have the arguments for your paper, at least you don’t need to falsify.

"I don’t know if Professor Matsuda is interested in working for the Order of the Phoenix. Of course, we don’t ask Professor Matsuda to give up your job. We just need you to provide us with some help. We will have this number for you. What do you think? kind."

Mori Xia handed a contract to Professor Matsuda.

The salary of Professor Matsuda was written on the contract.

Then Professor Matsuda was stunned.

50 million yen!

Fifty million yen!

You know, the average annual salary of Dongda professors is only about 12 million yuan, and the high-ranking ones are only 20 million yuan, but Senxia gave herself five times the salary in one breath, and only provided corresponding " Consultation business is enough, this job is really good!

"I know Professor Matsuda that you often appear as a consultant in some programs, so I think this amount of salary is also very good for you?"

Yes, Professor Matsuda often advertises some health products in order to subsidize the family.

The reason why Senxia values ​​the other side is because the other side often goes to the "running field", so the exposure rate among the public is relatively high.

Not only that, but there is another advantage of this product, which is its good image.

Although he is a middle-aged person, Professor Matsuda's image is very special. On the one hand, his hair has long been gray, but on the other hand, he is relatively young.

This kind of image gives people a feeling of "crazy hair and childlike look", and it is quite easy to put it into the middle-aged and elderly people.

"As long as you sign your name here, we still have 50 million in signing money. What are you waiting for? Think about your daughter, think about your wife-as long as you sign your name here, you can Get 50 million immediately!" Morinia said, "Furthermore, we promise to package your image and provide you with a very good personal image consultant, so that you can meet people in the most glamorous posture at all times. ."


Matsuda Kiyohira dumbly signed his name on it.

Morika smiled, then withdrew the contract, then clapped her hands: "Sister Iki, you can come in."


After Matsuda Kiyohira signed the contract, Sister Iki walked in with a group of maids.

"Mr. Tianhai, is this?"

Matsuda Kiyohira is somewhat inexplicable.

"This is my maid team. This is the maid chief Iki Amami. She will be in charge of your image design." Mori summer smiled, "You are now the president of the'Middle-aged Health Association' sponsored by our Phoenix Order Well, of course you must pay attention to your personal image."

"Me, chairman?" Matsuda Qinghei was stunned.

"Well, don't worry, you just need to be a professor of Dongda University," Morinia chuckled, "this is your job, isn't it?"

Just use your own fame?

"Hi! Hi!"

Matsuda Qinghei nodded quickly.

He also knows the severity.

Don't look at Morinka who offered herself five times the annual salary, but Kiyohira Matsuda knew that the name of the "University of Tokyo" was actually important to him.

You change to Pacific Pheasant University, and see if you can get half a million consulting fees?

"So image design is very important. Sister Iki, please try it first."

Morinatsu waved her hand and asked Iki to do an image design for Matsuda Kiyohira first.


Iki nodded, and then came to Matsuda Kiyhei.

The awe-inspiring head maid made Matsuda Qinghei a daze.

This is a maid!

The real maid!

Although Matsuda Kiyohira is married, he is

Although outside, he is a professor of Dongda University, but at home, he does not enjoy the treatment that a mud bomb man should have.

So Matsuda Kiyohira often goes to the maid cafe and enjoys the phrase "Oh Xiu Jinsa".

"Mr. Matsuda, please stand up." Iki said to Matsuda.

"Hi!" Matsuda Qingping quickly stood up.

Afterwards, these maids began to take care of the image of Matsuda Qinghei. Within five minutes, the unconscious Matsuda Qinghei realized that he hadn't enjoyed anything yet, and the maids had retreated.

"Well... Sister Iki is of good taste as expected."

Sister Yi Ji used to take care of the image of her old man at Tianhai's house. Morinia felt that it was just right, so she temporarily asked Yi Ji to come over to try it out. Unexpectedly, the effect was really good.

I changed my gray suit, put on a white coat again, changed my hairstyle, adjusted his beard a little, and drew a light make-up, one by one knows that he is a long-lived elder. , Appeared in front of Senxia.

The effect is very good.

This image is simply perfect!

"Professor Matsuda, do you look at your own image first?" There was a floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, and Morinya asked him to look at herself first.

"This...Is this me?"

After seeing himself in the mirror, Matsuda Kiyohira was also shocked.

The elder in front of him seems to be older than "Matsuta Kiyohira", but if the two are put together, no matter who it is, I think Matsuda Kiyohira is not as young as this "elder", right?

"Yes, starting from today, you are about to become a friend of middle-aged and elderly people. Of course the necessary image is necessary!"

Morinatsu's words made Kiyohira Matsuda feel very comfortable.

I actually have a professional image design, which is simply awesome!

"By the way, Professor Kiyhei Matsuda, regarding your paper, I think it needs to be improved too." Morinka took out another document at this time.

Seeing this document, Matsuda's heart almost jumped out.

"Although your paper seems very good, there are some omissions in some data. This kind of thing is very bad, do you know it yourself?"

"Hi! Hi! Hi!"

After becoming a professor at Dongda University, Kiyohira Matsuda has done many papers. It is true, but those papers are purely perfunctory and completed work, and many data cannot withstand scrutiny.

So after Morinka took out this document, Kiyohira Matsuda knew that his underwear had been stripped off.

"You will be regarded as our ambassador in the minds of middle-aged and elderly people in the future. How can such unqualified papers appear in your resume? I think you should revise these papers. In addition, your future papers , Please be sure to write seriously." Morinya told Matsuda Kiyohira.

"Huh? Hi..." Matsuda Kiyohira was a little dazed, but what others said made sense.

"In addition, the tasks you will receive in the future will also need to be reviewed by our side. These advertisements are...disrespectful. These programs may be able to increase your popularity, but if you encounter a work that has no effect at all or false publicity, Isn't that a big problem?"

"But this--"

"—No, but, Mr. Matsuda, you have signed a contract. Starting today, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​also obliged to maintain your image. Of course, it is best to push the job that does not match your image."


Is there such content on the contract? !

Just now, Kiyohira Matsuda was completely caught up in Senxia's routine. He only saw the 50 million above, but didn't pay attention to anything else...

"Image management is very important. Starting today, your image in society, your personal image, and even the image of your family members are all very important."

50 million yen is so easy to get?


The only reason the capitalists give you 50 million yen is because you can make at least 500 million yen!

Morinka wants to use Matsuda Kiyohira, of course it is impossible for her to leave a flaw.

After all, Morinia does not just use the other party as a tool, but as a useful prop that can be used all the time.

Video games are just about human thinking. Of course, it is the best to have a professor from East University chanting.

Well, if you can, it's better to have another laboratory, in that case, it will be more authoritative.

Of course, that kind of laboratory work does not happen overnight. It would be good to temporarily train people like Matsuda Kiyohira.

When you have a chance in the future, it will be better to demonstrate slowly.

Although the middle-aged and elderly market is relatively distant from the gentleman and hometown culture in Senxia's, it doesn't matter, because such actions can increase market share.

It’s a problem for the elders to oppose the younger generation to play games, but if the elders have their own game consoles, their own position will be...cough cough, sorry, not because of such a black belly.

If the elders can also enjoy the game, they must be able to understand the younger generations!

Well, it must be so!

Everyone just needs to understand each other's mouth!

Senxia signed the opponent, and now the goal is for her own XBOX handheld.

But after this, the situation is definitely not just that.

Don’t you see, there will be studies in the future that show that first-person action shooting games can also help players improve their eyesight!

In the future, someone will tell you that playing games can also relieve depression.

The game was missing, and some people were surprised to find that the cat was too refreshed to suck... Sorry, this is not.

"Our cooperation will be comprehensive in the future, Mr. Matsuda, you must remember this." Said Morinka stood up.


Matsuda Kiyohira walked to Senxia's side and sent her a favor, just like a dog leg.

"Image, image." Senxia exhorted.

Matsuda Qingping understood, he coughed, and then immediately changed his image and temperament. A sixty-year-old elder with a childish hair and a childlike face appeared...Although he was only fifty years old...

"Yoshi, that's it." Senxia nodded.


Creative crash... I want to hit my head...

But here is the plot planned before, and it will not affect (forcibly)...

All in all, this is the moral of today.

This is a sad story


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