Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1131: Tianhai Senxia is so unfathomable!


Satoshi Iwata was taken aback at first, but then he suddenly understood.

Yes, that's right!

If it is for the fact of "influence", then everything can make sense.

Not to make money, but to expand influence.

There are indeed no so-called "profits" for some things.

It's like making idols. These idols can indeed make a small amount of money, but really, a best-selling game may even be more profitable than the entire shrine business.

But in terms of influence-Satoshi Iwata has already seen it.

"...A representative of the mud bomb culture?"

Yes, just as Mr. Yamauchi said, the gods of this place, and this Yuzao Shrine, have become representatives of the mud bomb culture in the heart of "Crooked Nuts".

To be honest, this kind of culture is actually quite good to some extent at least for "prestige".

It's like Tamamo Shrine.

The outside of Tamamo Shrine is bright and beautiful. After the interior has been renovated and newly built, this place has become very majestic, but in this atmosphere, it has the delicate feeling peculiar to mud bombing.

And the idol of "Yuzaoqian", in a sense, can really explain to a certain extent that this kind of culture is mud bomb culture.

......Although it is a bit painful in every sense.

After all, in the eyes of the knowledgeable Neon Gold, this thing is really strange—somewhat similar to a figure.

Of course, it can't be said that it is a figure, because if it is a god, it does feel that way.

It's just that the statue of Tamamo Shrine looks a bit too delicate.

Yamauchi was wearing sunglasses, and his eyes were in the crowd.

Even for things worth tens of millions of yen, Yamauchi found that people were constantly asking.

Not only Asian faces, but those tourists with European faces are also curious.

Of course, the final purchase was a few tourists with Asian faces.

Satoshi Iwata is also quietly observing.

At this time, he walked to a young man who seemed to be from a foreign country. He noticed that the other person could speak Japanese, so he asked: "Do you all like these statues in front of Tamazou?"

The young man just explained to his mother that at this time his mother had already purchased something, and he was hanging out here.

Suddenly he heard that Neon Jin talked to him, and he was a little flattered: "Hey hey! My mother appreciates the mud bomb culture very much. She plans to invite the statue of the former **** Yuzao back, and worship it day and night.

Iwata was originally interested, but he must not feel so good when this person nodded and bowed.

Although this attitude of flattery makes ordinary people feel very happy, what Satoshi Iwata wants to hear at this time is the true attitude of the other party.

But this man seems to be a fine day.

After talking about how much his mother admired the culture of mud bombing, he began to criticize his country, and said that he would smash all the statues of his country and replace it with the statue in front of Yuzao.

...Actually, Satoshi Iwata wanted to tell the other party that although Tamamo Mae was enshrined in Tamamo Shrine, in fact, this character is not very glorious in the mud bomb myth.

Gods such as Inari, Amaterasu, etc. are the more orthodox ones in Nihong.

Eh, that's not right, according to the research here, it seems that the Yuzao front in front of you can really be traced back to the great **** Amaterasu!


Iwata was surprised at once.


This son is so terrifying!

If you didn't guess wrong, maybe the other party's ambition also includes the myth of mud bombing?

Iwata Satoshi has just seen the texts over there. The first text is that Tamazou is the side of the **** Amaterasu, and the second text is that the **** Pangu is on his body.

These two textual researches are actually justified and convincing.

In this case, the whole thing is very unusual.

Wen's ambition obviously wanted to use his own influence to guide the direction of the mud bomb myth.

He...want to reshape and interpret the mud bomb culture in his own way!

Once this point became clear, Iwata Satoshi felt that he had vaguely felt what Morinatsu wanted to do at this time.

In the beginning, Nintendo had not put the Order of the Phoenix in its eyes, nor had it paid special attention to Tianhai Senxia.

But until now, Satoshi Iwata discovered that the other party did not regard Nintendo as an opponent. Their powerful ambitions are even higher than Nintendo!

Then, Satoshi Iwata thought of the power of the Tiankai family.

In this world line, the situation in which I bombarded Hokkaido is completely different from that in Morinatsu's previous life. The Tianhai family's orders are very effective in that place.

What Senxia is pursuing now is not "money", nor is it simply "power." But if the things that Morinka is pursuing here are expanded, it must not be such a simple thing!

In some sense, it can even be said that the other party wants to use his own power to reshape the world!

Really terrifying!

And after seeing it for a while, Pu Yamauchi over there seemed to be lost in thought.

Morinka's strategy has had too much impact on Yamauchi.

"What they want to do is definitely not just video games!"

At least this point, Yamauchi Pu can be sure.

Satoshi Iwata chatted with others here for a while, and saw Pu Yamauchi beckoning him over there, Satoshi Iwata immediately came to Pupu Yamauchi's side.

Then Yamauchi asked: "What do these tourists think of Tamamo Shrine?"

"Hey, I just asked about mud bombing tourists and foreign tourists. Everyone feels different about this place." Satoshi Iwata sorted out his thoughts, and then said, "The few otakus, I just After inquiring in the past, they didn’t seem to regard this place as an otaku, but as a shrine for worshipping. They also said that the statues in front of Tamamo should not be included in the figure."


Yamauchi was a little strange.

Few of Nintendo’s target users focus on the otaku, so Yamauchi seems to be somewhat incomprehensible about the otaku’s brain circuits.

"The other side thinks that the furnishings of this shrine are really good, they also like the image of Tamamo-mae, and they think that if other shrines can be like this, it will be better."

"... That's the case." Yamauchi nodded. "Otaku is discriminated against in society, but if the aesthetics of the whole society starts to approach the aesthetics of otaku, he will be very happy, right? ?"

This situation is like the situation in a certain eastern country in the future.

In the 21st century, those celebrities have to fight two sets of dead pesticides or eat chickens to get closer to other people.

Everyone is more tolerant of such stars.

If you see celebrities like playing games, everyone will be very excited, right?

Suppose someone knows that round seats are actually playing Ship B or Ship R, then the audience will love round seats even more, right?

The audience is replaced by an otaku. At this time, the mood of the otaku is almost like this.

Yamauchi Pu just wanted to understand this.

After these otakus saw such a shrine with enough "two dimensions", the first thought in their hearts must be ecstatic.

And then, these people came up with the interesting idea if all the shrines in the country were the same as here.

In the future, they may even feel that if this aesthetic atmosphere can linger around them, it will be more interesting.

So when these people face inquiries, they will resolutely deny it.

At this time, Satoshi Iwata continued to say: “As for other people, the Asian side seems to be more inclined to offer these gods as offerings. They are the most willing to spend money, and the audience on Omi seems to think that these It’s a good thing to bring **** statues back home as a'local product' representing the mud bomb culture. In the latter case, they are more like handicrafts."

The former has a strong religious atmosphere, while in the latter, the kind of curiosity and curiosity about foreign cultures is the most special.

"So that's it." Yamauchi Pu nodded.

"...Isn't this Mr. Yamauchi and Mr. Iwata?"

At this moment, two people suddenly heard a voice.

Turning their heads again, they saw a middle-aged man who was accompanying a girl into the shrine.

"Mr. Qianyu." Pu Yamauchi immediately recognized the person in front of him.

The opponent is Chiba Masao.

"Shiyin, you go play first, dad has something to discuss."

After letting the girl next to him leave, Chiba Masao came to the two of them.

"It's really a rare thing to be able to see two people here. Could it be that the two are also curious about the shrine?"

"Forget it, this place does have a special atmosphere." Yamauchi Pu said simply.

The three people then changed places. They came to a quiet Japanese room behind the shrine.

The shrine is not completely open to the public. In this place, many places belong to the shrine itself.

Just like here.

At this time, the three people borrowed this place to chat.

"This'Yuzaoqian' is really amazing." Qianyu Masao looked at a pure gold idol in front of Yuzao with emotion.

The idol in front of Chiba Masao was made of pure gold.

"Do you know? In fact, Tamamo Shrine didn't have pure gold statues at first, but last month, there were customers who wanted pure gold statues, so I specially invited a master to make a few. Put them here. This one is one of them. It’s incredible. I didn’t expect the idols to be sold like this, and they are so good."

As peripheral figures, it is impossible to receive such acclaim.

But now that the situation is changed here, everything is subtle.

From the figure to the shrine, in an instant, the audience has expanded thousands of times, and the profits have also expanded over the traditional figure.

"Yes, and that boy from Tianhai's family, his thoughts may also have a deep meaning?" Yamauchi Pu said, "These things expand, all of which is the influence that the boy wants. I am curious, what exactly does he want? Is what you want to do."

"Well... I probably want to do the same thing as my eldest daughter."

Spread gentleman culture all over the world?

Uh, maybe we should be able to go deeper?

But how exactly should Qian Yu Masao explain to the old man Pu Yamauchi in front of him, he himself can't say.

"It seems that you already know it." Yamauchi smiled, "This shrine is not just about building a "Tamazo-mae" shrine. The kid is still doing business to the outside world. If other shrines, Please also ask Tamamo Shrine to redesign and plan for yourself, which should be good for Tamamo Shrine."

If I said, I just want to spread the aesthetic of the second dimension, do you believe it?

——Tianhai Senxia Jun who is not present by By.

"Ah, yes, I really didn't expect this place to become what it is today."

Chiba Masao also knew the former "Toba" but what he never expected was that these little guys would do such a heavenly thing, turning Toba Shrine into Tamazomae Shrine , And then made Tamamo's hand-made in this place... No, it is a statue of a god, and then turned it into a tourist attraction like this, which is really amazing.

Even Chiba Masao had to admit this.

Today, Masao Chiba came here to play with his little daughter.

But after entering the shrine, Chiba Masao realized that this place is so lively and incredible.

Of course, he had never considered such things as unintentionally inserting Liu Chengyin.

Morinatsu, who was discussed here by Masao Chiba and Pu Yamauchi, saw all this, in fact...well, in fact, he felt that everything actually made him sick-a disease called embarrassing late cancer.

"The young people nowadays are really incredible!" Yamauchi Pu sighed with emotion, thinking that when Morinya did all this, he was only a high school student, so he couldn't admire it. "The young people nowadays are really incredible!" Yamauchi Pu sighed with emotion, thinking that when Morinya did all this, he was only a high school student, so he couldn't admire it. "The young people nowadays are really incredible!" Yamauchi Pu sighed with emotion, thinking that when Morinya did all this, he was only a high school student, so he couldn't admire it.


Today's morals.

The heart of the mud bomb otaku is really super strange, and I can't understand many ideas, so I will analyze it to a level that the public can understand, and what is different from everyone's perception is that the world line is different.

Meow meow meow two in one~

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