Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1136: Flash running group animation

Yonosuke surfed the Internet a little boringly.

He is a graduate of Waseda University. When he was in school, he was a fan of board games.

At that time, Yonosuke liked running groups very much.

Most of Yonosuke's runs are the Cthulhu group, and Dungeons and Dragons can also play, but he is not very keen on the kind of fighting and killing group.

When he was in college, he even formed a club with others to run group activities. Every day is a very fulfilling day.

But after graduation, he found that there were fewer people around him who had the opportunity to run with him.

Everyone starts to have their own business, even on weekends, not many people have time.

At that time, Yonosuke came into contact with the Internet, and then he suddenly heard that there was a running group software on the Internet that could let people run the group.

For this reason, Yonosuke, who had just graduated, tightened his belt, bought a computer and pulled the network cable, and became a glorious Internet rookie.

The net group allowed Yonosuke to see a new world.

It is really fun to be able to run groups with fans from all over the country.

Today is Saturday, originally there was a net group today.

However, there are two friends who run the group, and there is something to do at this time, so there is no way to proceed, no way, this time the group can only be postponed.

So how to spend the time tonight has become a question worthy of consideration.

So he decided to check the relevant news on the Internet.

But it's a pity that things like running a group are relatively niche. It is not a simple thing to want to spark discussion on the Internet like other works.


However, at this moment, Yonosuke noticed an entry.

"Running team...animation?"

Can running groups still appear as animations?

Yonosuke was a little surprised.

But he was relieved afterwards.

Running a troupe is a "role-playing". If the running troupe is made into an animation, it seems that it is not impossible.

But in that case, it seems to be just a pure story. It seems something is wrong with the reputation of a "run group animation".

Is this work telling the story of a group of people drinking tea while running a group?

Yonosuke thinks this may not be impossible.

But anyway, he decided to check it out first.

Then Yonosuke was even more surprised, because this so-called running group animation was actually an online animation.

Can animations be played online?

Is there such an operation?

Yonosuke was surprised.

He is not a computer novice, so he knows what it means to put animation on the Internet.

After downloading a control, it can be played directly on the network.

"This... is this right?"

However, as the dialog box appeared, Yonosuke realized something was wrong.

This animation seems completely different from what you imagined?

The characters used in the animation are the characters in the Oriental series, not the characters formed by the characters, but the virtual image of p (player).

In the story, the Eastern characters with only their heads are talking about running the group.

This doesn't seem to be an animation in the traditional sense, but a record of a running group made by fans, but they made it two-dimensional and put it on the Internet.

After understanding this, Yonosuke suddenly realized.

But he didn't lose interest. On the contrary, he found it really interesting.

In this video, it is about the host of "Hakuli Reimu" running a group with a group of newcomers.

It should be the kind of teaching video!

Yonosuke thinks so.

Then he found out that he was wrong.

As newcomers, these characters are really crazy in the story.

The first episode of the video is about the construction of the character card, but after the character card is established, the running team in the second episode begins, which is full of high energy.

The person who can make trouble the most is a character named "Kirno", and the character card created by this character is named "Tongya Ichiba".

Then this character has just investigated the enemy's altar, and even wants to complete the enemy's "unfinished business" to summon the group to destroy the boss Asathos.

Generally speaking, at this time, the player will be sanctioned by the host.

However, when this guy was inspired, he failed continuously, so he didn't need to perform s (san_hek, san value identification), and when the other party should listen to the mythical creature, he was completely ignored.

Fortunately, the character controlled by Marisa appeared in time and finally saved the crisis.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the story has just begun, and the whole group will be destroyed.

Not only this Cirno, but another newcomer in the plot, seems to be making big news, this product is actually making explosives!

Can you run like this? !

Yonosuke was also stunned.

But the reason given by the other party is also valid.

His role is a military house with a doomsday complex. Such a house uses knowledge to find materials to make explosives in common places such as supermarkets. This is something that can be done.

What the other party said was reasonable and convincing. Although it seems a bit exaggerated, this kind of thing can really be done.

The host doesn't seem to want the other party to cheat, so he prepares to let the other party throw a dice when making it. If it fails, it will explode. If it succeeds, it will be completed. However, the explosives that are made successfully cannot explode sometimes.

Then...then this product was a big success.

As a result, these explosives have all become extremely powerful explosives.

This is a sad story.

Yonosuke was gradually attracted by this story.

Although the newcomers are frantically messing up, the plot is getting deeper and deeper, and Yonosuke also understands what the whole story is about.

It turns out that in this story, there is a villain behind the scenes who wants to create (repay) the blessing (restoration) of society, preparing to retaliate against the world.

"This kind of rookie dice luck is really amazing, this kind of person must make the host very headache..."

Although he muttered so much, Yonosuke didn't hate these newcomers.

Dramatic drama, this is drama.

The newcomers did not follow the host’s layout at all to carry out the story. Instead, they had their own ideas and detonated one after another. This is really interesting.

Especially when a player arrives at the TV station and broadcasts a video tape recording the mythical creature "Chary Zerg" to the whole country, the kind of joy in his heart reaches even more.

In the world of Cthulhu, when humans see mythological creatures, they usually lose their san value, and this kind of thing that broadcasts mythological creatures all over the world is absolutely super deadly.

But these people succeeded.

They successfully bluffed the leader of the TV station, then successfully fiddled with the machine, and finally successfully broadcast the picture to the world.

In theory, this is simply impossible, but continuous success and great success have actually made this unrealistic thing really successful.

When Yonosuke saw this part, his stomach hurts with a smile.

But it is not over yet.

Later in the story, something more outrageous appeared.

This time, these players wanted to summon Asathos so desperately, there was no way, the host only had to ask the black hand behind the scenes to stop it.

The reason behind the scenes is that "the world must be destroyed by me" Okay, Yonosuke saw that the host really didn't expect this kind of thing, but he was able to think of a way to stop the violent players.

At this time, the players also held the attitude of "one more and not much", and they even wanted to summon other characters.


Then there is no more.

The players' luck was too strong, they successfully dragged the attack from the behind-the-scenes black hand and the Chara Zerg, and then summoned several evil gods.

Originally, if only Asathos appeared, this "supreme and stupid god" might not be interested in the earth, and then walked away directly, oh, otherwise, at best, the town would be destroyed.

But when the players summoned Asathos, they successfully summoned several other evil gods. As a result, they angered Asathos, and...then the world was destroyed.

Well, yes, the world is destroyed.

In this part of the story, the dice are rolled by the host.

As a result, a dice of the host directly caused the earth to explode.

This is a sad story.

Yonosuke laughed for a long time, and finally laughed until his stomach hurts.

"What's the matter, behind the scenes who failed to save the world, and then there are player groups focused on destroying the world..."

Yonosuke laughed for a long time before he was relieved.

"But it's really interesting."

At the beginning, Yonosuke thought it was really a rookie running group, but after seeing this, he realized that this is not an orthodox running group story. If you say that most of the Cthulhu world is "investigation" With the "group" model of acting, the situation in front of you is obviously a "troupe". These newcomers are really focused on doing things for a hundred years.

But what I have to admit is that this kind of mess can really exist in Cthulhu's running team.

At least it is okay to develop the situation in the story.

It can be seen that in the whole story, the host desperately wants to take the rhythm and lead the story back to the right track. There are also two veteran players around to help, but the newcomer’s ability to do things is very powerful. In the end, those two The veteran players also completely freed themselves to mess around with them.

It's just that these characters are based on their settings, and it's quite reasonable to do these messy things, so even if the host wants to stab them, there is no way.

This is a sad story.

However, it can be seen that this host is also reasonable.

These players died several times, and the host wanted to teach them how to behave, but the result was that the players cleverly avoided all the traps, and the host had no choice.


After watching the entire running group video, Yonosuke still has a feeling of unfinished intention.

This whole story is really cleverly designed and memorable.

Then, he even had a little curiosity.

In this story, the players ruined the world, so what happened in the original script?

The players snatched the job of the man behind the scenes, and then the villain behind the scene started to stop the players. This kind of cold humor is indeed very interesting, but in the original world, what kind of mood does the man behind the scenes have to summon Asato For Sri Lanka, Yonosuke is very interested.

"Speaking of which, this place should be Fukushima, right?"

Although there is no explicit statement in the story, the nuclear power plant is still known in the mud blasting place. According to the description of the town in the plot, Yonosuke suddenly guessed that the place where the story happened was probably in Fukushima.

According to the postscript of the video (the host’s narrative), the other party originally wanted to set the nuclear power plant as the location of the decisive battle, and then said that there would be something interesting.

"Oh, it's a pity that this is a module made by others, otherwise I can buy this game to play, it seems to be very good..."

Yonosuke thought for a while, he quickly landed on his qiq, and then entered the running group.

This group is the "official group", the group owner is the staff of the running group software "Cthulhu's Call", and the group members are the players.

This is a group for everyone to contact each other and then run the group.

You can recruit players or secretaries here ( people from the net-run group have joined this group because it is very convenient to contact others.

However, Yonosuke did not come on a whim and wanted to release information about recruiting and running groups.

After he entered the group, he immediately began to type: "There is a great running video on the Internet..."

Yonosuke stopped halfway through the fight.

Because he found that at this time, it seemed that he had no need to promote it.

Because in the group, everyone is discussing this video at this time.

"This rookie group is really amazing! In the end it ran so creatively."

"Can our team running software be made into the same UI and style as this video?"

"The things made by the animation are really interesting. This animation is not big, but the content is very interesting."

In the group, everyone was discussing happily.

Seeing this, Yonosuke was somewhat relieved.

At this time, he is going to other groups to give other people "Amway".

You know, there are really not many people running the group this year, especially the Cthulhu group is even rarer. If you can run the group together, this must be a very happy thing!

The number of people is the basis of a game. If there are no people to play, no matter how exciting and attractive the story is, it will be empty.

But after he entered another online game group, he found that this place was also discussing something.

"Eh eh, d-p wants to open an animation channel? What is animation, does anyone know??"


Double eleven update, chop hand chop hand chop hand...


Two in one...

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