Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1158: Just let me help you take your brother back from those bitches...

Baibai Women's University is not so much a university, as it is an isolated island almost isolated from the outside world.

It's not that you can't get in touch with the outside world, but the atmosphere and environment in Shirayuri Women's University are completely different from the outside world.

In this girl-only university, the atmosphere of the whole school is completely different from the outside world.

True Hitomi followed Yukino in the dormitory.

The dormitory is very clean and tidy.

True Hitomi cautiously followed Yukino and looked at the dormitory in Shiroyuri University. She still had a feeling in her heart.

The school buildings in Baibai Women’s University are clean and tidy, and every room reveals a very special elegance and cuteness.

True Hitomi's high school also lives on campus, but she was in the female dormitory of her high school era... uh... that kind of mess, it's almost reached an indescribable state.

Many girls don't look at her glamorous appearance, but as long as they come to her room, they can find that the other party's room is simply messy to a certain extent.

There are clothes all over the floor, which is good.

The floor is full of snack trash bags, and then the kitchen is full of unwashed dishes, and the whole room is the same as the garbage recycling station. This is the norm.

However, in the school buildings of Shiroyuri Women's University, there will never be such a scene. Every school building is as clean and tidy as the world of girlish comics.

Of course, because one of the daily tasks of their student union is to inspect the school building.

The two walked all the way to the school building and soon came to the door of a dormitory.

The door of the dormitory was opened, and then the inside was revealed.

This is a dormitory of about 20 or 30 square meters. After entering the room, there is a separate toilet and separate bathroom on the left. If you go in a little bit further, you can see the inner room for a hundred years.

There are two desks on one side of the room, and two beds on the other side.

In addition, there is a small balcony near the window, and in the corner on the side, there is a small round table and two chairs.

This is Hitomi's room, and it is also Yukino's room. Yes, the two of them are roommates.

"So why are you investigating?" After entering, Yukino sat in a chair and looked at the real Hitomi over there.


Real Hitomi suddenly became nervous.


Sure enough, I started to ask!

After making everyone retreat, Yukino returned to the bedroom with True Hitomi.

But for True Hitomi, it doesn't seem very interesting now.

Yukino stared at this side, Zhentong opened his mouth, most not sure what to say.

True Hitomi still remembers what happened when he met Yukino when he entered school.

It was late for Zhen Hitomi to report. When she arrived, Yukino had already come here and arranged the dormitory.

At the beginning, True Hitomi recognized Yukino, but at that time, True Hitomi was only amazed by Yukino's beauty and elegance.

But in the future getting along, the situation has undergone subtle changes.

At that time, Yukino was not a member of the student union. The election of the student union was at the end of May and early June.

True Hitomi truly realized the difference in this roommate of his own during the Golden Week.

At Tamamo Shrine.

Yes, Zhen Hitomi is also a fan of Tamazou.

But unlike those pure fans, Jin Hitomi likes Tamamo Mae because she is the heir to the shrine in her own family.

True Hitomi's father originally wanted to inherit the shrine.

But her father chose to run away from home after his mother passed away, and grandpa paid attention to Zhen Tong's body.

Recruiting a son-in-law to be married, and then inheriting the shrine. This is what the grandfather asked for True Hitomi.

The reason why True Hitomi met Yukino at Jixiangyuan's house was also because his grandfather wanted to recruit a fiance for himself at Jixiangyuan's house.

Ding Xingsheng, a member of the Jixiangyuan family, has many excellent talents. Among them, there are also outstanding talents who cannot inherit the family, and that is the goal of his grandfather.

It is said that Grandpa has reached a preliminary consensus with Jixiangyuan's family.

But that kind of life is not what I want.

When he was a child, Jin Hitomi actually loved the shrine. Jin Hitomi's mother was a local shrine maiden and was loved by everyone. The peculiar pronunciation of Zhen Hitomi is also caused by the local customs and culture.

At that time, although my father had some criticisms about the shrine, he didn't say anything.

However, everything has changed.

Not only was the family's great changes, but Zhentong's fate itself was also changed at that time.

The fate that gasped to make her intolerable.

Why must I be a witch?

Why do I have to be a tool for recruiting heirs?

The feeling of suffocation made the real pupil dizzy.

Therefore, she chose a boarding high school because it can keep her away from her home.

Therefore, she chose to come to Tokyo, because in this way, she would not have to face the heavy fate of her hometown.

However, when he saw Tamamomo, Jin Hitomi was stunned.

Is such a lovely and beautiful girl a **** enshrined in a shrine?

The appearance of Yuzao in front of him was three-thirds similar to True Hitomi's mother, especially the spirit contained in it that made True Hitomi think of his mother.

And it was at that time that Zhen Hitomi saw Yukino on the stage.

She dressed up, and then slowly walked out from the back of the stage.

The unhurried dance steps, the ethereal and sacred gaze, the temperament that can charm all beings.

All of that is deeply attracted to Zhentong.

She thought of when she was a child, when her father held herself to see her mother's gorgeous dance.

From that time on, True Hitomi's heart had a subtle longing for Yukino.

This is the beginning of everything.

Yukino is different from herself.

True Hitomi came to Shirayuri Women's University to escape the fate of the family, but when Yukino came here, she was bursting toward her goal.

After the Golden Week, Yukino began to run for the Student Union.

At that time, Zhen Hitomi was surprised and didn't understand.

Obviously Ming Xue is just a freshman in the first grade, and in this school, she is just an ordinary person.

But... why is she able to act so firmly?

"Because I have a goal that I must achieve, so there are some things I must do." Yukino responded to himself at that time.

Therefore, Zhen Hitomi decided to help Xue Na to become the president of the student union.

Yukino is also very courageous. She did not hesitate to show her talents and beauty. With her personality charm, she conquered the students of those schools.

After becoming the president of the student union, the first thing Yukino did was to negotiate with the school to make the rights of the student union greater in the whole school.

Regardless of those animations and comics, the student union is almost omnipotent, but the reality is not the case at all.

However, after the negotiations, Yukino easily let Shirayuri Women's University student union have part of the functions that originally belonged to the school.

Not only that, Yukino is also very good in daily management.

Originally, it was a troublesome thing to check the dormitory. The student union and other ordinary students had conflicts with each other many times.

But since Xue Na came to power, this kind of thing has never happened.

On the contrary, almost every student is happy to communicate with Xue Na.

Moreover, Yukino does not take care of all the affairs on her own. The work that should be assigned will also be assigned by Yukino, but if you don’t?, Yukino will not blame you. On the contrary, she will patiently guide her. , Until you can get things done.

Within one month of becoming a member of the Student Union, Zhen Hitomi truly felt the improvement of his abilities.

"So what do you really want to do?" Xueno's question pulled True Hitomi back to reality.

"We...I...I want to support you!"

True Hitomi made up his mind.

Ever since Yukino appeared in his own life, Zhentong found that his life seemed to have become even brighter. The original black and white pictures had now become a colorful world.

And at that time, Zhentong learned that Yukino had a twin brother.

Tianhai Senxia.

In the beginning, Zhen Hitomi just wanted to get to know that person with curiosity.

I don't know if I don't check it, I am surprised when I check it.

At this time, Zhen Hitomi knew that Tianhaixuno's brother, Tianhai Senxia, ​​was also an incredible person.

The "genius high school student" who had been circulating before turned out to be Xue Nao's brother!

This news made True Hitomi have to investigate the matter.

The things Tianhai Senxia could find out by her gradually appeared in front of True Hitomi.

In the beginning, he was making fan games.

"The Witch's House."

Well, Hitomi has played that game.

True Hitomi, who was in distress in his hometown, and games, manga and animation, have become True Hitomi's pastime.

It was at that time that Zhen Hitomi came into contact with Morika's work.

After that, the girl fell in love with her sister.

After seeing the girl fall in love with her sister, Zhen Hitomi came into contact with "Earth Defense Boy" and "Crown of Sin".

As for the story of "Young Girl Wars", Zhen Hitomi had also read it, but she didn't understand it very well. Although it was also fun, it was far from the level that fascinated her. ,

Then, the news about each other came out one by one, and then she saw the empty space.

The void of fate is one book.

This is the content of serious literature.

True Hitomi has never looked down upon it. This is the first time she has read such serious content.

But looking at it, Zhen Hitomi was fascinated.

The emotions of Qiong and You in the void of fate make people worry and fascinate.

The edge of the world line is different from the original world line of Morinatsu, and it has become a very special work.

This is a serious one that can be worried about.

Then Zhentong found the shadow of Xue Na on Qiong's body.

Of course, their personalities are different.

Qiong used to squat at home for the sake of his elder brother, but Yukino is an excellent student council president. Her personality charm attracts Zhen Hitomi and other female students of Shiroyuri Women's University.

In this, the same is the feeling.

When chatting, Yukino sometimes discusses things about her brother, and when she talks about her brother, the feeling in Yukino's language... is the same as Kasuga Yeqiang.

Although not intentional, True Hitomi did hear the call between Yukino and his brother.

The sweetness in that tone has surpassed brothers and sisters and even lovers.


Even if True Hitomi had never been in a relationship, but the sweetness overflowed. True pupil can also be seen.

It's not just True Hitomi, but other people in the student union can also see that there is a caring person in their hearts.

There are very few love affairs in Baibai Women’s University. On the one hand, they are a fully closed boarding university with strict management. On the other hand, they will attract each other. Many of the students who graduated from Baibai Women's University were directly recruited by Tianhai's family, and their future did not need to worry much.

But this does not mean that they do not understand love.

On the contrary, just because everyone is a girl, everyone can understand the feeling that transcends boundaries.

Finally, another reason for the action of True Hitomi is actually a news that the movie version of "Fate of the Sky" will be released in July.

The movie version of Yuan Zhikong is a work that has already begun to be promoted. Many people who have seen it or have not seen it have had expectations for such a work.

And every time Xue Nao talked about this work, she would show a subtle look.

However, on the other hand, True Hitomi discovered that Yukino seemed to be a little bit distressed, and True Hitomi could see the feeling that her sweetheart seemed to change.

It was for this reason that Zhen Hitomi understood it thoroughly.

After all, according to Zhen Hitomi's investigation, she found that there are indeed many outstanding girls beside Morinka.

Her sigh is because of this!

So Hitomi Zhen told the other members of the student union about his discovery.

Everyone in the Student Union was a fan of Master Xue Nao. At that time, everyone decided to support Master Xue Nao and do something for her.

However, what can I do to truly support Master Yukino?

Of course it is the support and help in love!

Although Yukino-sama was with others, which gave Zhentong a very subtle feeling, but on the other hand, Yukino would also think of another aspect at this time. Although Yukino-sama was with others, which gave Zhentong a very subtle feeling, but on the other hand, Yukino would also think of another aspect at this time. Although Yukino-sama was with others, which gave Zhentong a very subtle feeling, but on the other hand, Yukino would also think of another aspect at this time.


Today's morals.

Two in one!

I want to return to my original creative mindset and write books seriously! Talking about 520 Free Novel Reading_

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