Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1164: Everyone's team

"Well, it seems there really is no way..."

This is Xinxiang...Oh, sorry, this is New York.

Alice is watching Tianyin Youqi's case.

While You Qi was sitting on the hospital bed wearing a hospital gown.

She blinked at Alice.

"Sorry, although I vowed that there is no problem before, but..."

Alice shook her head.

Yusu is from Alice Ribbon.

She brought You Qi here to help her see a doctor.

Yusu is not of the type that is dumb due to deafness, but simply cannot speak. Alice originally thought that the lighthouse country's technology could help the other party to recover, but it seemed impossible.

Hey, originally I wanted to show favor to her, and then snatched Senxia Jun, now it seems there is no way...

Although the technology of the lighthouse country is very advanced, it is a pity that there are many things in this world that can not be solved simply with technology.

Living diseases belong to this.

The technology of the lighthouse country is very advanced.

"It doesn't matter, I'm fine." You Qi wrote on the paper.

"It doesn't matter, you can tell me in sign language, I can understand." Alice said, "This way of seeing Liu is not very convenient."

"Do you understand?" This sentence was not written on paper, but a sign language used to make gestures.

Alice nodded: "Well, there is no problem."

Yusu looked at Alice in surprise.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm very good." Although I had a PK with Yusu before, Alice seemed to care nothing about it, but rather happy.

Yusu was also surprised by Alice's words.

"I have prepared a lot of special effects to capture Morinata~" Alice blinked at Yusu.

"Do you like Senxia-kun?"

Yusu picked up the notebook again.

This sentence was not written by You Qi, but it was already written on paper. She just turned the text to this page.

"Ah, of course." Alice smiled, "I value Senxia-kun, so I chase him, is this normal?"

"Is it important?" Yusu looked at Alice.

"Of course, I fell in love with Morinatsu at first sight." Alice smiled.


"Is there a reason for liking someone? You like Mori Natsu-kun too, I can see that among everyone, your ability to act is completely different, why?"

"Because I like Senxia-kun, to like is to like." Yusu also showed no weakness.

"Ah la la, but there are many obstacles in front of you." Alice smiled.

"It doesn't matter, there is nothing wrong with pursuing happiness, but like you, you are just pursuing pleasure."

Sometimes the expression of sign language is not very clear, so this sentence is still written in words.

Yusu saw it from the beginning.

Alice does have an interest in Morinka, but her interest is subtle.

It is not the feeling of pursuing happiness, but the mentality of pursuing "pleasure".

Very subtle feeling, very subtle mentality.

Since seeing Alice, Yusu has an indescribable feeling towards this girl with the "same name" as him.

But now Tianyin Youqi understands that this feeling is caused by different values.

This woman is more dangerous than other women!

Maybe everyone can become friends or something, but in this respect, it is hard to say that it can make me compromise.

"The factors that determine love are not just feelings, but sometimes also our mutual interests. I and Mori-kun have the same interests. I think it would be great if we are together."


Yusu looked at Alice like this, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

As for Alice, she also took her laptop at this time, and was browsing the content on it.

"What are you looking at?" Yuji wrote on the paper, then handed it to Alice.

"Of course it is the team information of our lighthouse nation," Alice said, "I am one of the organizers. Everything here needs to be deployed. With this kind of thing, the only thing that can help Senxia is Me."

"..." Yusu blinked at Alice.

"Furthermore, I have also formed a team here. If I can appear in front of Senxia-kun as a champion, it must be a very big surprise, right?"

At this point, Alice narrowed her eyes: "And I think that person and I must have the same opinion."

"...That person? You mean Yukino"

"Ah, it seems that you really know the brothers and sisters of the Tianhai family well, yes, it is Yukino, she must be forming her own team at this time. But Neon Gold has no talent for games, but I am here It’s different, I can form a professional team~"

Let's talk about other things, but Alice is still very stable about this matter.

Alice chose the hero trajectory as her event. For insurance, she also joined a counter-strike team.

The first World E-Sports Competition is relatively relaxed, and it is okay for one person to participate in several competitions.

Alice caught this loophole and prepared to play.

Counter-Strike also said that on the hero trajectory side, Alice chose the top few on the ladder list, and then used money to knock down these heroes, thus forming a hero-like team. And Alice thinks that her game level is not bad, four drags one is fine.

As for Xue Nao, with the neon Jin Xiaojiazi’s approach, she would definitely only form a club near her school. There is no way to beat herself in the same way that girls play house wine. .

This wave must be stable.

As for the other girls?

They were completely underneath by Xue Nao, and the few who were able to be competitive had no way to get good impressions in this wave.

As for the words in front of her, she had some vision, but she could not speak. Although my plan to heal the other party failed, it does not mean that my strategy failed.

Inability to speak means poor communication, and there is no way to communicate, which is a natural disadvantage.

The same is not his opponent.

It's stable, and it's stable here.

——Oh, by the way, Qianjia originally wanted to encourage Lihua to participate in the competition, but was banned by the strict order.

Regardless of Lihua's usual appearance of the majestic student council president, it has nothing to do with the game master, but in fact, Lihua's talent in playing games is like a ghost.

You can master a game three times, and become a master ten times. Can you believe it?

However, Lihua can do it.

This kind of unscientific thing, even Senxia, ​​can only generalize chess to a different world line.

"The game is very hot, right?"

Now that the other people in SIG are still active, everyone seems to be preparing to form a team or something. At this time, they are watching the matches in various places on the lighthouse country.

As for Yusu, Alice had asked her to come and check her body before.

Unfortunately, the sound of the game does not seem to be so easy to recover.

"Well, it's very popular. We have to divide the East and West into two divisions." Alice was a little sad.

Even Alice, she didn't expect this competition to be so popular.

When the news just broke out, countless players came to join in the fun, and countless teams began to appear.

And some savvy businessmen also set up clubs at this time and started competitions.

Although this is the "World E-sports Competition", in fact, in team competitions, the game mode is similar to the NBA, not the Olympics.

Of course, this is the first practice.

According to the discussion over there, the World E-sports competition is likely to continue to maintain this situation in the future, but depending on the situation, separate events may also be separated, and then the e-sports competition will be moved closer to the Olympic event model. In other words It is the confrontation between nations.

But this kind of thing is still under discussion, and there is no fixed number on how to do it.

Therefore, on the team competition side, that is to say, a lot of places are reserved for each division. Clubs or teams join in the name of their own team, but only people from their own countries are allowed. As for other individual competitions, it can be more free.

If this is the case, then you will be able to pretend to come up with a medal table or something, and a competition or something.

"...Are you also interested in this?" Alice asked Yusu.

And Yusu shook his head: "Even if I want to participate, I will go by myself."

Even though he told Alice that, Yusu also knew that his level was really just average.

All she can do is help Senxia-kun do this thing well, right?

No, it's wrong.

At this moment, Yusu thought of what Morinatsu had said before.

He once told You Qi that he seemed to have to form a team to participate in the competition.

This is not to win a championship or something, but to make yourself happy.

The so-called focus is on participation, that's it.

Thinking of what Senxia-kun once said, You Qi felt a sudden realization in his heart.

Ah, yeah.

Playing games is just to be happy. As for whether you can win the championship, this is completely second!

If there is something in Youqi's heart.


"So, what is our team called?"

Senxia is indeed forming a team here.

Everyone is now on the plane to New York-chartered flight.

Morinka, Chika, and Erika prepared to join the competition under the name of the "Xianshiyan" club.

But first of all, you need the name of a tyrant, cool and dazzling sky.

At this time, Morinya and Qianjia were looking at each other and thinking.

"Actually, I don't think it doesn't matter what the name is. Anyway, we will be eliminated in the first round, and we are not professional." It was Takashi Tongya who spoke.

Then... Then he was suppressed by Senxia.

Fortunately, this is an airplane, otherwise Senxia would just habitually fly on the leg.

Oops, I’m probably used to kicking, but now that I see this idiot, I want to give him a flying kick. It’s not good...

"Well, can I ask a question?" Erika said, "Why can't I let Lihua participate?"

"President Lihua..."

Senxia looked at Lihua, his eyes were a little subtle.

"Huh? As for me, I am not very interested in e-sports. But if it is Senxia-kun who wants me to participate, it is not impossible." Lihua is reading a book and after hearing the discussion on Senxia's side, She put down the book.

"Well, personal will is first, and Lihua's talent is too strong, I am afraid that there will be problems if I participate in the competition."

"It doesn't matter, this kind of strength is what we need!" Qian Jia sneered at this. She had always hoped that Lihua could join the team. In this case, wouldn't her team be invincible?

But before that, Moriha had already criticized Qianjia's idea.

These young people know that when they see the wind is rain, they have to have their own judgment. Do you understand?

Lihua is indeed very powerful, even a "myth". But in an e-sports competition, a server like Lihua will have a destructive effect on the game.

"If it is not as good as the third or fourth edition after the formal, it would be no problem to let Lihua come over to participate in the competition, but for the first edition, our competition is still being shaped, and her participation is inappropriate-what we need It is a close battle, not a one-sided crush."

"The game was thrilling, and what I saw was the competition between intelligence and intelligence, strength and But if Lihua played, it would be completely crushed-and the audience If you want to see the fierce competition, then you won't see it."

The audience wanted to see the refreshment of the players holding the trophy and cheering after the arduous competition, instead of being crushed mechanically all the way, and then the game was over...

"But Lihua can be used as an alternative. If we can see players of the same level as Lihua in other competitions, we can consider letting Lihua join." It was probably Qianjia's eyes that made Morinya a little unbearable, so In the end, Morinka was still relieved.

"Wait a minute, is our guild leader something like the ultimate decisive weapon?" Erika couldn't help but vomit.

This treatment... is too subtle, right?

"Oh, the final decisive weapon Lihua sauce? Not bad, not bad~" Qianjia actually felt good.

"Don't call me that strange name!" Lihua rolled her eyes.

"It's okay, Lihua sauce, isn't this fun~" Qian Jia was very happy about it.

Senxia didn't speak here.

But how to say...

The final battle against the weapon Lihua sauce?

It sounds so sensual!

Otherwise, the name of our team is something similar?


The author is a little uncomfortable, some fever and cold...

It suddenly occurred to me that the Halloween event was not over yet, so I was so unwilling...


In fact, it was originally intended to make the competition into a complete Olympic mode PK, but it seems that the state is not suitable. Even if it is our world line, it will take a while to do so. I can only say that everything is a long way to go.

Two in one...nt

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