Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1168: Real Hitomi sauce, a big victory! (Heavy fog)

"Do you like your seniors?"

Said this netizen who was marked as a "mentor" by True Hitomi.

"Ah la la, is it really seen through?"

Zhentong looked at the other party's text, and she was a little bit sighed.

The same is a girl, the master likes to give true pupil Amway some subtle things, but as a male mentor, he always sees subtle things.

Just a few words, I judged my longing for the predecessors for convenience.

Oh, why is it a boy?

True Hitomi sometimes sighs like this.

After all, he is a boy, so there are some things that I can’t tell the other party.

Although everyone can't see each other on the Internet, anyway, some things are not convenient to talk to boys.

On the contrary, what you say to a girl is acceptable.

Of course, you can't discuss more private topics, but you can still discuss general topics.

The keen mentor, he could see through True Hitomi's love for Yukino at once.

True Hitomi: Sir, what should I do?

Instructor: Go directly.

True Hitomi:? ? ?

Mentor: At this time, you should give up your reservedness. Since you want the other person to understand your intentions, then you need to act.

True Hitomi: Take action?

Instructor: Yes, no matter what you do, in short, you need to express your own feelings.

True Hitomi: But, what should I do? I'm also using my method to get her attention, but it doesn't always work.

The movements before Zhen Hitomi were actually taught by the master.

It seems that the views of the instructor and the master should be the same.

Instructor: General actions are not enough. You need to let the other party know your "special".

True Hitomi: My special?

Mentor: You need to let her know that you are different from others, you are special, and you are unique.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhentong felt a sudden realization in his heart.

Yeah, let her know that I am different!

Let her know that I am different!

True pupil suddenly realized.

"But what about that scumbag?"

There is another question that Zhen Hitomi is very concerned about.

"Responding to changes, but you need to investigate your opponent to understand what advantages he has. Of course, the most important thing is to confirm your senior's sexuality."


The last one was too fruity.

True Hitomi looked around, afraid that his chat history would be seen.

Fortunately, there is no one in the room.

Zhentong was relieved with a guilty conscience.

But what exactly is Yukino-sama's mind?

True Hitomi was also thinking.

Then she blushed.

Zhentong still has an endless aftertaste of the stocking milk tea that day.

"She might like girls too."

True Hitomi said so.

"Well, if this is the case, the matter is simple. What you have to do now is to understand the strengths of the enemy and then understand your own shortcomings."

Hearing what the instructor said, Zhen Hitomi seemed to understand.

That's it.

But what does Yukino-sama like that ghost monster brother?

In True Hitomi's heart, Morinya has changed from "Sir Morinia" to "Menxia" and then "Ghost Brother" again.

When I saw Master Xue Na and the other party that day, Zhen Tong found that something in his heart seemed to have awakened.

The feeling of something peeling off deep inside made Zhentong realize the impulse in her heart.

Awakened, and then acted.

This is the meaning behind True Hitomi's current actions.

After receiving the instruction from the mentor, Zhentong began to think about what kind of feelings Yukino had for Morinka, and what she liked about him.

After the chat, Zhentong deleted the chat history, then turned off the computer and went back to the bedroom to clean up the room.

The master’s email was sent the next morning.

"You actually like the senior you are looking forward to?"

Hmm... Sure enough, the master also saw through!

The first sentence of the other party is the same as the mentor.

"The simplest and rude solution is that you force your senior."

Oops, it really is a master, as soon as he opened his mouth, it was such a simple and rude solution.

"You like your predecessors, but your predecessors don’t necessarily like you. But everyone is a girl, which means you still have a chance. Girls and boys are different, boys and boys There can be a deep friendship between them, but this kind of friendship is difficult to transform. However, it is different for a girl. You can become her best friend, and then force her!"

The master's tactics are as unrestrained as ever.

If it is said that Zhentong feels at ease when he is with the mentor, then when he is with the master, Zhentong is admired.

Because the master can always come up with some very subtle tactics, but these tactics can make the real pupil burn.

It's like now.

The master believes that there are two ways to solve the problem.

One is to overthrow the predecessors. Most of the girls are bisexual. Although there is an insurmountable limit, it can be solved by pushing. Then, as long as that scumbag knows all this, the other party will have aversion to seniors.

Although it is a shameful conspiracy method, it is not impossible to increase the gap between the two by making the scumbag hate seniors.

The other plan is to follow the previous plan, which is to expose the scumbag.

In fact, these two programs can be carried out simultaneously.

It is the safest plan to push the opponent down on one side and defeat the scumbag on the other side.

"What you have to do now is to create opportunities for you to be alone with your predecessors, and then remember to prepare props and equipment. Didn’t you say that last time? Your predecessors also like Teacher Erdaime’s work very much. You can use The opportunity to'discuss' the work took the opportunity to push the opponent. And if you do it properly, at this moment, the opponent should not resist that much."

Seeing this, Zhentong was also amazed for a while.

Yeah, isn't this the best way?

True Hitomi also realized at this time: "If you look at it this way, I invite Master Xue Na to stay together. Is it really the best plan?"

The stay time is confirmed to be one week.

Because a week later, it was time for the qualifiers to start, and the White Lily team was in the special training before that.

"You are Xiao Tou, so cute!"

"That, please don't!"

"It's a lie, so cute is a boy?!"

We met at the airport with the two of Shinshiken (Sakano Gakuen).

In addition to Lily who is a pseudo-loli in the second grade, Xiao Tou also came here, he is also a member of the team.

But both Kanzaki Haruka and Nanami Love were amazed by Xiaotou's cute appearance.

"Is this really a boy?" Zhentong looked at Xiao Tou's appearance and fell into doubt.

"Kukukuku, my family, at this moment, you should maintain the reservedness and pride of being my blood!" Lily, as always, is in Secondary Two.

"Okay, let's board the plane." Yukino clapped his hands and let everyone board the plane together.

Tianhai’s private jet.

"It's amazing, this is Master Xue Nao's plane!"

Compared to the super cute Luotai, Zhentong cared more about Yukino's situation.

"I can't say that it is mine," Xue Nao smiled. "This belongs to our Tianhai family, and it has little to do with myself."

Speaking of this, Yukino's face also showed some subtle expressions: "When I lived with my brother, I used to plan carefully for a little money, but now there are such planes to take..."

"Huh? Master Xuena, what's going on?!" Although Zhentong has investigated the affairs of Xuena and Morika, she couldn't fully investigate the affairs of Tianhai's family alone.

Seeing what Yukino looked like now, Zhentong felt curiosity in her heart.

What happened in the past...

Yukino was done on the chair, and Zhentong sat in the space on the private jet opposite Yukino, closer to a bedroom, rather than a traditional plane.

"My mother once refused to obey the family's arrangements, so she ran away from home with her father and came to Tokyo."

"So there is such a thing?"

Real Hitomi also knows something about Yukino's mother.

Yukino's mother used to be a famous costume designer, but she disappeared a few years ago.

But Zhentong didn't know much about it.

Suddenly hearing that they had eloped, Zhentong felt a sense of eagerness in his heart.

Ahhhhh, by the way, if I can elope with Master Yukino now, it will be fine~

Yes, it would be great if you could elope.

True Hitomi also didn't want to obey the arrangement at home.

Why do I have to inherit the shrine?

Why do I have to recruit a married husband?

Why do you have to arrange everything for me?

Do not! I want to live my life! I want to live my life!

Xue Nai's words caused waves in Zhen Tong's heart.

"After my parents left this world, my brother and I began to depend on each other. At that time, my brother refused to contact the family in order to protect me."

Here is the point!

Um, is my brother protecting my sister...

The words of the mentor, at this moment, appeared in Zhentong's mind.

Yes, I now want to find a way to be better than Senxia. For this reason, we must now find a way to know the advantages of Senxia.

No, to be precise, it is Morinatsu's advantage in the eyes of Master Yukino.

However, the brother who protects my sister and does not compromise with the family is indeed a little handsome. If I had a brother like this to protect me, I would not run to Tokyo now...

I really envy Master Xue Na who can have a good brother...

No, what am I thinking! not like this!

True Hitomi quickly gathered her heart back.

"But now, what is it..."

It was before, but now, why did they return to Tianhai's house?

"Well, because Grandpa is actually doing it for us." Xue Nao tilted her head, "My brother did not hesitate to contradict Grandpa for me, but Grandpa gave up many principles for us."

"All in all, things are almost resolved like this. But if you want to talk about it, it really is the happiest time when you depend on your brother for life." Yukino sighed, "Although it is not bad now, but occasionally I think of the time when I was with my brother. I feel warm in my heart."

Remember the key here, be alone!

But... if you can live with the person you like, it would be very happy if you are not disturbed.

But he seems to be like this now, being able to be with Master Xue Na.

It's a pity that although Master Xue Na likes to tease people, he doesn't seem to understand what he wants. It's a pity.

"Does Xue Nai like Senxia-sama?" Zhentong asked.

"Brother thing, of course I like it!"

Xue Nao's words made Zhentong feel a little lost in her heart.

"But it's not love!"

Real Hitomi sauce, come back!

"Well, I actually don't know how to describe this kind of feeling. But I am sure that the bond between me and my brother, even the so-called'lover', is definitely not comparable. My brother is half of my body. I am the half of my brother, and we all have each other in our bodies..." Yukino's face is a happy smile.

Ah, that's the smile.

Pure and perfect, elegant as a tulip, pure as a white lily.

This is the Yukino-sama that he dreams of.

With Yukino's smile, Zhentong felt as if she was about to melt with her.

The whole person seems to be turned into honey...

But Yukino's words made Zhen Hitomi more concerned.

Although it is not love, the relationship between her and that ghost animal brother is obviously above that.

This is a very delicate place.

It seems that I can't solve all this with ordinary means.

And at this moment, Qi Hai Lian walked to Xue Nai's side: "Sir Xue Nai, how will we arrange the personnel at that time, there is a boy here..."

"Oh, don't worry about the room, we can sleep in the whole bunk, or we can have a room for one person, don't worry about the room or something." Yukino smiled, "and there are hot springs over there!"


Zhentong's eyes lit up.

She remembered the teacher's previous teaching.

Hot spring, this is a super convenient place to knock down!

More than that.

Real Hitomi remembers that teacher Erdaime once wrote an article about a trip to a hot spring.

If you say that, don't you have a chance?

And there are no other people here. If there are six people, it will always be easy to find the time.

Zhentong's eyes lit up.

Real Hitomi sauce, a big victory!

Then, the plane took off and came to Hokkaido.

"Xuno, you are here!"


But just after getting off the plane, Zhen Hitomi saw it


Today's two-in-one meow ~ talk about 520 free novel reading_

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