Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1175: Legend of the Sword! (on)

The World E-Sports Competition has aroused huge discussions in the gaming circle.

This is especially true for players who can log on to the Internet.

But for players of stand-alone games, another game is obviously more attractive to them.

Legend of the fairy sword.

Especially in the gaming circle of a certain eastern country, this game has caused a wave of frenzy and discussion.

Almost all gamers in this country know the game "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

When Daewoo was acquired by a company, there were still many players in China who were heartbroken.

Many people even scold devils on the Internet.

Zhao Erwen is one such keyboard man.

Of course, he is not just an ordinary keyboard man, but also a skilled keyboard man.

In today's age, there is not so much patience. It is not easy to be a keyboard man. Apart from anything else, ordinary people can make them toss for a long time just by studying how to go online.

Zhao Erwen has an acquaintance who works in the Computer City. The other party helped him build a network, so he can become the keyboard man of the end of the century.

"The boss of company a is a traitor to two devils, who specializes in taking away our traditional culture!"

That's what he said when he was online.

However, after seeing the video of "The Legend of the Sword" at the e3 exhibition, he became a black fan.

"The boss of company a is our own person, blood is thicker than water! They have the skills to make a good game!"

Zhao Erwen now says so when he meets everyone.

No way, the game screen of Fairy Sword Legend is really good, and the screen is really too emotional.

After knowing that the game was about to go on sale, Zhao Erwen rushed to make money and asked his acquaintances to exchange for the latest Pentium 3 machine.

After the game was launched, Zhao Erwen rushed to the Computer City and bought a pirated game disk from "The Legend of the Sword"...

Three yuan for a plate, two plates for only five yuan, cheap and affordable.

Put the CD into the machine and install it.

After the game was installed, he quickly entered the game.

"Tsk, that's great!"

After entering the game, Zhao Erwen was deeply attracted by the game screen.

The graphics of the game are very good.

No, it's not just great.

Zhao Erwen glanced at his chest of drawers. In all the games he played, Zhao Erwen had never seen such an exquisite game.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, it's amazing."

After entering the game, the first is an opening screen.

The protagonist followed the brother into the mountain to meet Master.

The cutscene at this time was on Senior Brother's Flying Sword, and the magnificent scenery outside immediately shocked Zhao Erwen.

At this time, pirates will completely castrate the animation part of the game when they are pirating, but the part of the fairy sword rumor is real-time calculation, so Zhao Erwen was fortunate to be able to see this scene.

After being shocked, Zhao Erwen found that he had become a fan of the game.

He just felt that what he had blown before was not enough.

"God's work! The last work of the 20th century!"

He praised this work in this way.

At this time, the protagonist had followed the brother into the mountain gate and came to the master, and at this time, the master began to confirm the information with the protagonist.

This is "pinching people".

The steps to pinch people have choices from the character's life experience to the appearance.

"This girl is so beautiful..."

Zhao Erwen wanted to create a male character, but out of curiosity, he clicked on the interface of the female character. At this time, Zhao Erwen discovered that the default appearance of the female character in this game is actually very suitable for him. appetite.

He thought for a while, a wicked smile appeared on his face, and then adjusted the character's height and weight to the minimum according to his own preferences, and then adjusted his chest to be flat.

"Well, that's it." Zhao Erwen felt good, and then entered the game.

"Hey, I remember this game seems to have a mod. Someone has done a fruit patch for "Guilty Crown" before. In this case, could it be..."

After Zhao Erwen established the character, he didn't care about advancing the plot. Instead, he entered a pirated website he often went to, and then looked for anti-harmony patches.

Don't say it, there really is!

Zhao Erwen's eyes lit up, and then downloaded a so-called anti-harmony patch with a size of several kb, which is an exe executable file.

However, when he clicked on the game, nothing happened.

What the **** is this?

He looked dazed.

"Go to qicq and ask." He thought for a while, then opened his qicq, but don't know why, he found that his qicq was a bit slow, and after entering the password, he couldn't log in?

After logging in again, the system unexpectedly showed a prompt of wrong password? !

"Huh? It was stolen?!"

Zhao Erwen immediately realized that it was wrong. Could the file he just downloaded was a Trojan horse? !

He quickly opened his pirated antivirus software, and then checked and killed the software, but found nothing wrong.

He changed a few anti-virus software, and finally found that the file he just downloaded was a Trojan horse!

After killing the hacking Trojan, he quickly retrieved his account, but the friends on it were deleted.


Zhao Erwen scolded his mother.

He has worked so hard to join many game groups!

In these game groups, there are many very powerful gamers. With this channel, Zhao Erwen can get the latest game information every time.

The most important thing is that the masters inside sometimes release some very powerful patches and modifiers. Zhao Erwen publishes these tools and patches in the pirated forums he goes to the first time every time, and then earns points.

Now that I have been withdrawn from the group, how can I continue to accumulate points in the future!

He hurried to log on to the previous pirated forum, and was going to have a spray with the guy who posted the Trojan.

But then he discovered that the previous post was gone.


At this moment, another newcomer on the forum was asking: "Is the game fun?"

Zhao Erwen entered the post, and then replied at the back: "Junk game! And you can steal account numbers, don't play!"

After venting his anger, Zhao Erwen clicked on his own game again.

After re-entering the game, Zhao Erwen could only continue the game angrily.

Not to mention, this game is really good.

However, it didn't take long to play, Zhao Erwen's game popped up an error, saying that the dll file was missing.

Zhao Erwen was a little dazed, he entered the game again, but he did this several times in a row.

"Fuck, this game is really rubbish, I can't play it!"

He exploded.

After entering the forum he had visited before, he posted a post: "Don't play junk games, you will hack your account, and you can't play it!"

Not to mention, after he finished posting, the following group of people still followed.

Seeing many people agreeing with him behind, Zhao Erwen also felt much more comfortable.

Since the game could not be played, he simply stopped playing. He entered his qicq, then continued to search for the game group, and began to add the game group.

However, at this moment, Zhao Erwen's computer suddenly got stuck, and the screen followed by a blue screen.


Zhao Erwen made another curse, and then restarted the system.

But this time, he couldn't enter the system, and the machine showed a disc or something.

"Trash computer!"

His computer was matched by an acquaintance in the Computer City, and it has become like this now!

But there is no way, the machine has a problem, it can only do so.

Fortunately, the computer warranty.

He called the acquaintance who helped him configure the computer.

The other party was also very enthusiastic, and took a look at it.

"Oh, Xiao Zhao, your machine's cpu is burned!"

The acquaintance glanced at the machine, then sighed.

"Huh? The cpu is burned, can you guarantee it?" Zhao Erwen asked quickly.

"This is not covered by the warranty, and we can't help it. And your hard drive is also broken. It should be caused by the high CPU frequency." The other party shook his head.

What can I do?

"If you want to repair it, ask for money?"

"Yes, this cpu is quite expensive," the other party said again, "your cpu should have been burned at too high a frequency, and the hard drive has also been burned."

After all, an acquaintance, Zhao Erwen knows that the other party will not lie to him, but what about this situation?

"That's all right," an acquaintance said to Zhao Erwen, "Your hard drive is burned, I can change it for you. But you must not tell others that the CPU frequency is too high and burned out. If it is, I can. You can change it to a lower frequency, just make up some money."

"How many?"

"The cpu is the core. I can help you fill it with a slightly lower frequency, so that the machine won't burn anymore. The price is...not cheap, it's more than 1,000."

"Thank you." Zhao Erwen breathed a sigh of relief.

My hard disk can be exchanged for free, and it takes more than a thousand to exchange for a better CPU, which is not bad!

"Oh, then this computer, I will move it back to see it for you," the acquaintance said again, "maybe there is a problem with the memory, I'll take a look at it for you by the way."

"Good job, trouble you."

After letting his acquaintance leave with the computer, Zhao Erwen shook his head.

Alas, in order to repair a computer, one thousand yuan is gone.

And without a computer, it's really uncomfortable.

Go to the Internet cafe?

Zhao Erwen thinks that it might be a good choice to go online at an Internet cafe at this time.

But in the case of Internet cafes, there is no "Sword Legend" now, right?


Zhao Erwen thought of his friend Sun Jiexin.

Sun Jiexin is keen on all kinds of games, the game "The Legend of Sword", he got the first limited edition at the first time, and he has been playing this game for a while.

He thought for a while, then called the other party.

"Old Sun, it's me, Erwen."

"Old Zhao, didn't you say you want to play the fairy sword all night, why call me?" Sun Jiexin's voice came over there.

"Oh, I took my computer to fix it." Zhao Erwen said, "It's so boring, haven't you been playing Fairy Sword every day recently? I want to join in the fun."

"Sorry, I'm not free now, I'm going out later."

"Oh, that's no way."

After Zhao Erwen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Tsk, you know how to play piracy party."

Sun Jiexin who was on the phone also breathed a sigh of relief, and then put the phone back in disgust, and then returned to the computer.

On the computer, it is the game screen of "The Legend of the Sword".

It's just that the game screen is made into a window mode, and there is a document outside the window mode.

Unlike Zhao Erwen's pirate party, Sun Jiexin is a genuine user and a loyal fan of Xianjian. As a genuine user and a fan of the "Fairy Sword" series, Sun Jiexin bought the game's original version as soon as "Fairy Sword" came out.

At this time, he was writing for this game. But even so, he feels that such a document and a manuscript can't seem to explain his love for this game, nor can it explain the beauty of the game.

He turned his head and glanced at his game box. What he bought was the first limited edition with souvenirs.

And I bought two copies, one to save and one to play. After buying the game, Sun Jiexin almost ran home and started playing the game.

At that time, Sun Jiexin wanted to clear the game overnight, then wrote his own manuscript and submitted it to Dasoft and Diansoft.

But after playing this game for a while, she found that she had been deeply attracted by this game.

The open game gives the whole "Sword of the Sword" a sense of weight that is different from other games. The feeling of being really integrated in the game makes Sun Jiexin feel refreshed.

"If it is said that the story of the fairy sword is about the story of'Li Xiaoyao', then the story told is our own story."

This is what Sun Jiexin wrote in his manuscript.

In the story of the fairy sword, Sun Jie is playing the story of Li Xiaoyao, but in the biography, Sun Jie feels that he has truly been brought into the game.

It took him two full days to clear the game.

Moreover, the clearance was not complete, and he felt that he was only exploring about 30% of the content in the entire game.

No, maybe not even 30%.

But it does not matter.

The world of "The Legend of the Sword" has deeply fascinated Sun Jiexin.

The world on Penglai Fairy Island is completely different from other games. When his character drives a flying sword to shuttle, Sun Jiexin even imagined in his head, is there really such a Penglai Fairy Island in this world?

If so, what exactly is this place in Penglai?

How interesting is that place?

A call from Zhao Erwen made Sun Jiexin a little upset, and he couldn't write the manuscript anymore.

"Otherwise, let's play it again."

At this time, Sun Jiexin thought of mod again.

Sun Jiexin is also an old player of "Guilty Crown".

In the game, the first time he played the original game, he also used male characters, but the second time, he would play according to interesting places.

"Hmm, let's play with a girl with a great heart for the second time..." he muttered...


Ahhh, all kinds of fairy fights are new in January, and now I am looking forward to it...

Today's two in one. Talking about 520 Free Novel Reading_

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